18th Floor Balcony (Frerard)

By asotmGee

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Shortly before losing his father to cancer, Frank develops a change of heart and becomes a caregiver. Getting... More

Chapter One: The Past Isn't Through With You
Chapter Two: It Was A Lie When They Said You Won't Feel A Thing
Chapter Three: So Close I Can Taste It
Chapter Four: More Than You Bargained For
Chapter Five: Clean Me Off. I'm So Dirty, Babe
Chapter Six: Betrayed For So Long
Chapter 7: Something's On My Mind
Chapter Eight: A Seizure Dims The Lights
Chapter Ten: Seasons Change, But People Don't
Chapter 11: Stuck On A Little Hot Mess
Chapter Twelve: Well I Find It Hard To Stay With The Words You Say
Chapter Thirteen: Turn Away, Cause I'm Awful Just To See
Chapter Fourteen: Take My Hand And Never Be Afraid Again
Chapter Fifteen: I Will Not Kiss You
Chapter Sixteen: The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You
Epilogue: So Long And Goodnight

Chapter Nine: Life Long Hospital Stay

429 18 21
By asotmGee

"Frank, you gonna come back to see Gerard?" Mikey asked, talking to Frank on the phone. "You're no longer barred from seeing him, and...I'm sure he misses you,"

"Yeah, I will. I just want to finish getting the apartment ready for his return,"

"Alrighty then. Dr. Urie said that Gerard should be awake by now...but he still isn't. He's really starting to get concerned,"

"He will be soon. Don't worry,"

Frank disconnected the call. He had to thank Dr. Urie when he saw him again. If he had not thrown him out, Frank would not have realized that he was in a downward spiral.

"Everything for a reason. Right, dad?" Frank smiled and went back to his task of playing on his acoustic guitar.

_ _ _

"Hey, Mikey. How are you doing?" Georgia walked into Gerard's room.

"I'm fine...just waiting," Mikey said as he sighed deeply, sitting by his brother's bedside. He couldn't help but notice how thin Gerard's gotten, as well as the tube up his nose feeding him, as well as the other one down his throat helping him breathe.

"I heard. Frank suggested you might want to talk,"

"I...I kinda do. I guess I really gotta talk,"

"It can only help you go forward in life, and it will be helpful with your brother in understanding how he feels,"

"I know. I really, really wanna help him in any way I can. I want him to live a good life before he...passes on. I'm just scared how he'll be when he wakes up, and he realizes he's gotten worse. It'll really break his heart...and I wanna try to make the best of the situation,"

"That is most admirable of you, Mikey. It is that kind of positive thinking your brother needs,"

"Thank you, Georgia," Mikey smiled sadly, wrapping his hand around his brother's and holding it tight.

"No problem. I'm going to get some coffee, you want some?"

"Yes, please. Watching after my brother can get tiresome, I must admit,"

"Come with me to cafe. It's right downstairs near the lobby. We'll be back in a few minutes," Georgia offered her hand to Mikey, who reluctantly took it as he kissed Gerard's forehead before he left.

"I'll be right back, Gee,"

Georgia helped Mikey up and they left the room. He walked with her, taking the elevator down to the floor where the cafe is. Dr. Urie walked into Gerard's room, just to see him asleep.

"Hello, Mr. Way. It's nice to see your brother taking care care of himself too, huh?" he examined the machines by Gerard's bedside, looking at his vitals.

Suddenly, it happened. Gerard sleepily opened up his eyes, those green and brown orbs of his foggy and disoriented. He looked around the room, searching for anyone he knows for security and reassurance. Where is he? How did he get here? How long was he asleep? What even happened?

"Ah, welcome back, Gerard. Give me a moment," Dr. Urie pressed his communicator. "Please let Mr. Michael Way know his brother is awake. He is in the cafe. Also, please inform his caregiver Mr. Frank Iero. His number should be in the emergency contacts,"

Gerard moaned, unable to utter a single word from his mouth. It wasn't long before his breathing grew frantic, his body hyperventilating and uneasy as his eyes watered. Frank and Mikey aren't here. It's time for Gerard to go into panic mode.

"Easy, Gerard. Calm down. You have a tube in your throat. We need to pull it out," Dr. Urie said firmly. Gerard resisted, despite being unable to move. He struggled within the bed, but to no avail. He had lost movement in his neck, leaving him entirely vulnerable and shiftless, except for his face that is full of fear. A few other nurses and doctors came in to assist. Dr. Urie looked down at his patient. "Gerard, we are going to extract the tube now,"

Gerard continued and cry and sniffle, completely defenseless against the people surrounding him. He can't even tell them all no. He was entirely powerless over his own deteriorating body. Once the tube was extracted, Gerard's vitals were assessed. The medical workers talked to each other in jargon Gerard didn't understand. He mumbled, unable to ask where Frank and Mikey are at. He also wanted to ask what the hell happened to him, but the only thing that can escape from his lips are incomprehensible utters and gags. Soon, the staff left, leaving just Gerard and Dr. Urie.

"Your brother and caregiver should be here soon. It was, pardon my French, hell to get them to leave this room at all,"

"Where are they?" is what Gerard wanted to ask, but for the life of him, he just couldn't get it out. Frustrated, he screamed, begging the doctor to hear him and acknowledge his agitation.

"Gerard, calm down. They will be here soon," Dr. Urie said. Gerard ignored his doctor's orders, unable to calm himself from his state of distress as he growled and groaned for both his brother and caregiver.

"Gerard, if you do not stop, we will have to sedate you, and then you will be asleep again for a bit," Dr. Urie said firmly. Gerard did just that, hushing up. That didn't stop the tears that ran down his eyes, though.

"I'm sorry to scare you, Gerard...but I need you to chill out a bit. Just stay calm and everything will be explained,"

Unable to protest any further, Gerard stayed silent, his sniffles and quiet sobs being the only thing uttered from his lips.

_ _ _

Frank probably should have gotten that ticket, but the cop believed he was on his way to the hospital for an emergency, and he was in scrubs, so whatever. He pulled into the parking lot and jumped out of the car. He ran in the door to the elevator and crashed into someone.


"Georgia, Mikey,"

"Oh, Frank...am I glad to see you," Mikey smiled, relieved.

"Come on, let's get up there," Frank said. Together, Frank, Mikey, and Georgia all hopped on to the elevator and made their way up to the fourth floor, where Gerard awaited their return. They made it to Gerard's room, where they were all greeted by Dr. Urie. He kept his glance distant and away from Frank, who clearly had not forgotten about what happened the other day in Gerard's room.

"Hello, everyone. As you all know, Gerard is finally awake," he said.

"Hey doc, I wanted to thank you for sending...no, forcing me to leave. It really was a good thing," Frank replied. Dr. Urie smiled at him.

"Yeah, well I only used security cause if I did it any other way, you would have not listened,"

"It's so true," Frank laughed. He turned to Gerard. "Hey, Gee. I know you can't talk, but...I'm glad to see you awake,"

Gerard smiled up at him, trying his damndest to tell him how much he misses him, but of course, all he could utter were a series of moans and mumbles.

"Alright, so you are all here," Dr. Urie said, grabbing the group's attention. "Let's discuss what is going to happen next,"

"We're ready, doc," Mikey replied reluctantly, taking his brother's limp hand and holding it tight, his own hand shaking.

"So a little over a week ago, Gerard had a seizure in the middle of the night. The brain activity that we discovered has rendered him without a voice and very little muscle movement,"

"What about eating? Will he be stuck being tube-fed?" Mikey asked shakily.
"Unfortunately...that answer is yes," Dr. Urie sighed.

"That means he'll have to have a G-tube inserted in his stomach...which requires surgery...," Mikey replied. Beside him, Gerard twitched and whined, clinging onto his baby brother for his dear life.

"Yes, that is true, Michael. We want to schedule this right away," Dr. Urie confirmed.

"Doc, Gerard has a machine that allows for communication still through his eyes and typing," Frank added.

"Well, whoever got that for him was doing some thinking ahead. It will aid him now for sure,"

"We need to get that sent here as soon as possible. I don't want Gerard to be without communication. It's scary for all of us, including him," Mikey reached over to Gerard, reassuring him. "It's gonna be okay, Gee. We're all here,"

"I will get it and bring it when I got home for clothing for him," Frank smiled.

"Thanks, Frank," Mikey turned back Dr. Urie, concern clear on his face. "What about Gerard's breathing? Has that been affected too?"

"As of now, no. However, he'll still need the C-PAP at night when he's sleeping. Precautions will be taken of course, such as oxygen tanks and an emergency plan, should the need arise. When Gerard does eventually get to the point where he can't breathe right, we'll have to insert a tracheostomy into him,"

"Alright," Mikey nodded, turning to Frank, looking like he's trying to hold back all the devastation in his eyes.

"Frank, I will need to give you more paperwork and instructions after the surgery is over," Dr. Urie turned to Frank. "As his caregiver, there is a heavier burden on you, and--"

"It has never been a burden, and it never will be. Gerard is an old friend and a new one, and like family to me," Frank chided. Beside him, Gerard smiled warmly up at him, wanting to just take him into a hug and hold him tight.

"Thank you, Frank. Thank you...for everything," Mikey grinned, feeling the sting of tears in his eyes.

"No, thank you for letting me be a part of your family again," Frank smiled back. Mikey nodded in approval, his brother beside him smiling. He turned back to Dr. Urie, back to concern mode.

"Anything else we need to know, regarding Gerard's condition?"

Dr. Urie suddenly looked at a loss for words, looking down at his notes about the patient in discontent.

"Doc?" Frank looked at him.

"Gerard's condition is deteriorating...rapidly,"

"We know...and that's what really scares me," Mikey sighed, Gerard beside him frowning and forlorn.

"The biggest danger to Gerard right now is himself. This thought can weigh heavily on him and cause deep depression. If that occurs, he could consider terminating his own life. This is the situation that we need to pay the most attention to,"

"I think I can help with that," Georgia added.

"And you are?" Dr. Urie turned to her.

"Dr. Georgia Ross. I am treating Mr. Way and Mr. Iero for PTSD of an incident that occurred with a past caregiver and the elder Mr. Way. I was hoping to treat him as well, but he ended up here before I could talk to him about it,"

Gerard snarled at Dr. Ross, wishing he had the capable coordination and speech to cuss her out. He trembled under the sheets, wanting to leap outta his bed and strangle the ever-loving life outta her. But he couldn't. He knew in the back of his mind that he had to accept the fact that he's not just sick physically, but psychologically as well. He's sick of the nightmares of Marco, his face haunting him. He sighed deeply, knowing that he'll have to swallow his pride and accept the fact that he needs help...badly.

"That is good to hear, Dr. Ross. I will have a meeting with you then, as well about our findings," Dr. Urie nodded to Ross. She smiled, and Frank inwardly rolled his eyes. He would have to make fun of her later about it.

"Alright. Well, Mr. Way," Dr. Urie turned to Mikey. "Let's go schedule the surgery for your brother. Mr. Iero, you can go get the machine, and...Dr. Ross, I should get your information so that I can be in contact with you,"

"Thank you so much, doc," Mikey smiled, returning to his brother's side to reassure him to not get worked up over a surgery, something that would indeed terrify Gerard.

"Good. So while Mr. Iero is gone, I will talk to Dr. Ross and you may stay with your brother for a bit," Dr. Urie moved to the door and opened it, leaving it for Georgia. "After you, please,"

"I can't believe her," Frank laughed when Ross an Urie left together.

"I can't, either," Mikey laughed with him in an attempt to brighten the bleak mood within the room, coming from Gerard's fear of the surgery. Mikey turned to him, patting him on the shoulder. "It's gonna be okay, Gee. We'll all be right here,"

"Well, I will get going now and be back soon," Frank got up and left with a quick smile and nod. Gerard moaned and cried, his eyes begging him to come back. Mikey came to his aid, soothing him.

"It's okay, Gee. I'm here. He's gotta go get your machine,"

Reassured for now...for only a little bit, Gerard took a deep breath, knowing that he'll have to suck it up and wait for Frank to come back with the machine. He can't wait to get his hands on it and tell him how much he adores and loves Frankie, since he can no longer utter it from his lips.

_ _ _

"Sorry it took so long, traffic was a bitch," Frank said, bringing the box in with the communication device. "I read the instructions, and it doesn't look that hard to do,"

"Better late than never I suppose," Mikey laughed, Gerard beside him smiling widely, knowing that he's soon to be able to communicate again, even if it's not the same as it used to be.

"Fuck off, Mikes," Frank laughed back. "Okay, so let's set this bad boy up, shall we?"

Mikey stood up to help Frank take the materials of the machine out of the box and assemble it together, going off the instructions of a manual. The whole time, Gerard shook with excitement, itching to express himself, no matter if it was by mouth or by a computer. Just as long as people can listen to him, especially Frankie. It wasn't long before the device was all set up and ready to go.

"Well, how are we doing here?" Dr. Urie returned with Georgia. Frank looked at her, and she turned away and blushed. Oh yes, he was talking to her later. "I see you have the machine all set up, Gerard. How is it working?"

Using the muscles in his forehead and eyes, Gerard utilized the machine to type up what he wants to say, then vocalize it on command. It was a rather tedious and complicated process at first when learning how to use it for when he succumbed to a worse state from the illness, but now, the machine works with ease, just like being good at typing on a computer keyboard.

"Very well, works great," the computerized male voice spoke, mimicking Gerard's. He turned his eyes over to Frank and Mikey. "Thank you...the both of you, so much,"

"Oh, it works very well!"

"Welcome back, Gee," Frank smiled.

"I missed you too, Frank," Gerard smiled back.

"Well, now that we have communication back, why don't the two Ways and I talk about the surgery?"

"Alright, I'll go with Georgia to the cafe for a bit," Frank said. He took Georgia's arm and left with her, waving goodbye to the Ways.

"Okay now, Gerard," Dr. Urie turned back to his patient. "How much did you understand before what we were talking about?"

"I heard everything. Every fucking word," Gerard grimmaced, the monotone voice of the computer unfitting of the discomfort in his voice. "Especially the surgery,"

"Well, the alternative is trying to eat and possibly choking to death,"

"I know...doc,"

"So then, let's get this surgery done as soon as possible and get you home again. I think that's what everyone wants,"

Gerard began to shiver in his bed, cringing at the thought of going under the knife. He looked over to Mikey, seeking some sort of protection, whatever it may be.

"I think if we schedule the surgery within the next few days, we could have you home by the end of the month,"

"Sounds good," Mikey said, coming to Gerard's aid once again and holding him tight. "It's okay, Gee. I got you,"

"Great. I will go check my book and see when we can fit you in. Meanwhile, here are some pamphlets about the surgery and the after care," Dr. Urie gave Mikey some papers and then left the room. Mikey looked over the pamphlets, flipping through the pages. He couldn't believe his brother was so close to being fed through a tube in his stomach. Just the thought made his heart ache. Gerard right beside him looked just as distressed.

"Georgia decided to head home," Frank said, coming back with coffee for Mikey.

"Thanks, man," Mikey said, taking the cup. His brother looked up in envy, wanting and wishing he had the coordination to indulge in his favorite beverage. Frank and Mikey sipped their coffees as Frank looked over the information.

"Here's all we gotta do once the tube is in Gerard," Mikey said, looking over all the instructions with Frank. "We also need to keep him hydrated by flushing his tube with water it says, and make sure that the stoma doesn't get infected, so we'll have to be careful with bathing him and make sure it doesn't get wet,"

"It says here to clamp it tight to keep the water out, but the good news is that the clamp works so well that he can still swim if he wants to in the shallow water. That will be nice for the summertime,"

"Wait a minute. I can still swim?" Gerard's furrowed his brow, the computer asking his question for him. "I can still swim? How is that even possible? I can't even move,"

"Not swim as in the movement of it, but we can still go to the beach and you can enjoy the water without fear. I would be with you of course, Gee,"

"Good. I've always loved swimming. You know that," Gerard smiled.

"Yeah, and I think we may even be able to skinny dip too," Frank laughed.

"I'm up for that,"

"Ah, good. You guys are getting along," Dr. Urie returned. "So the surgeon can take you on the nineteenth, which means if you recover quickly, with no complications, you could be home before the twenty-fifth,"

"Great. What time is the surgery?" Mikey asked.

"Six in the morning,"

"Damn, pretty early,"

"Well, to be honest, the surgeon is coming in as a special favor for me. He was booked pretty solid this month, but I asked him to do an early surgery,"

"Must be a really good one, I assume?"

"Oh yes, Dr. Stump is the best in the business,"

"Perfect. Looks like the surgery will go nicely," Mikey smiled, turning to his now uneasy brother. This was really happening to him. He was gonna go under the knife. He was gonna be operated on, and knowing that fucking terrified him.

"And as you can see, it is a very simple process, and Gerard will be in the recovery room by seven,"

"Oh, really? Good!" Mikey smiled, turning to Gerard. "See? It won't be that bad, will it?"

"Yes. Yes, it will," Gerard replied with the machine, his whole body shaky and on edge.

"Gee, just look here. It is such a simple procedure, they do it on children too,"

"I know, but still. I've never had surgery before,"

"It will be fine, Gee. They'll put you under anesthesia so you won't even know it happens,"

"But they'll do that with injecting something into me. You know I hate needles, Mikey," Gerard looked up at Mikey with eyes full of desperation, shuddering at the thought of someone putting a needle in Gerard's vein.

"Actually, Gerard...since you have been here, you have had an IV in you and all injections have been administered through there, so no needles will be needed.

"Oh, really?" Gerard asked, dumbfounded.

"I love you, Gee...but sometimes you are the clueless boy you were in freshman year when you believed those seniors said all the freshmen had to wear that crazy uniform for gym," Frank giggled. He could not help it.

"Oh yeah, I remember that. God, I was dumb," Gerard laughed with Frank lightheartedly.

"Yeah, so stop worrying Gee. They're gonna take good care of you here, and then Mikey and I will take good care of you when you get home," Frank laid a hand on Gerard's shoulder and squeezed it, unsure what he could feel, but knowing he would understand the gesture.

"Thanks, Frank," Gerard blushed a bit. Dr. Urie left after a bit more small talk. Frank yawned and then covered it up.

"Tired, hmm?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, I've been cleaning so much and getting the house ready that I guess I didn't get any real rest...other than getting kicked out for being an ass,"

"You should get some rest, Frank. You deserve it,"

"Yeah, I know. You staying longer, or are you coming with, Mikes?"

"I'll stay with Gerard. I know he'll be a real basket case on the morning of the surgery--"

"Hey! I heard that!" Gerard's machine cut Mikey off. Frank and Mikey laughed.

"At least he can still be sarcastic," Frank said. He kissed Gerard's cheek, and then Mikey's. "See you boys later," he waved goodbye as he gathered his coat and left.

"Bye, Frankie...," Gerard frowned, watching him go.

"It's okay, Gerard. You've got me," Mikey patted Gerard on the shoulder. "Trust me. The surgery is supposed to be quick and simple. You'll be out and ready to go home before you know it,"

"I guess you're right," Gerard typed, sighing a bit. It hasn't even been a minute since Frank's been gone, but he missed him already.  

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