kidnapped love

By The_Reader1001

79.2K 1.8K 128

When bloom, flora, musa and Aisha are captured by the wizard of the black circle. The wizards intend to make... More

Power exchange
Evil fariys
Sleepy heads
Beach days
Stella's tears
the meeting
Bloom and organ training
Mission pt.2
Training win
Flora and Gantlos?
New look
Last day together
Last day part 2
Together again
Beast attack
love triangles
love triangles pt.2
New Information
Mysterious Stranger
The Aftermath
Lose Control
Back to Alfea
All Over?
Book 2?

New Mission

1.1K 32 0
By The_Reader1001

What I wasn't expecting once organ and I got back was all of the little looks from the group. I swear I even saw Gantlos smirk at organ. "Okay, why are you all giving us these weird looks?" I finally ask. 

"Because, where did you two just go today?" Musa says like a detective.

"You normally train in the training room, but when we got back you weren't there, and according to my watch you are very late coming back if you where training." She looks down at her invisible watch. Catching organ eye I am reminded of my promise not to tell anyone about where I went today.

"We just did some extra training." I roll my shoulder like its hurt for effect. 

"For four extra hours?" She does not look convinced. 

"Yes, well flora here has finally managed to complete her first part of training!" He puts and arm over my shoulders for effect and realize that in doing so i'm missing something very important. I reach up and whisper something in his ear. 

"I think I might have left my necklace at the bar." I say feeling around my neck where It normally lays. I had taken it off to show Roxy, then someone had bumped into me and I must have forgotten. He looks angry for a second, before standing up strait. 

"I have to go get something." And with that he disappears. "What was that all about?" Duman questions. They all look at me except Gantlos who doesn't pay me any attention. 

"I um. I took my necklace off to train without it. And ah, I accidentally left it there." I lie. Aisha narrows her eyes at me but doesn't push it. Musa, bloom and Duman don't look as convinced. 

"And what was with the arm around the shoulder thing?" My stomach drops. 

"Nothing. Nothing is with the arm around the shoulder. He is like a brother to me, nothing else." They look reviled and I see Musa elbow Gantlos and whisper something in his ear. He glares at her and she smiles. 

"But how are you still good?" Bloom asked and I get stumped. rubbing my eyes I cover my eyes and let the dark side take over. 

"I haven't." Thankfully they didn't see my eyes flash, and if they did they said nothing about it. Organ appears next to me and drops the necklace into my hands. 

"Here" he says ruffly. "Any way. Zeke, want to speak with you four." He steps aside and make a portal. Quickly I flash back to my room and slip off the bracelet and zip back. They didn't even notice that I was gone.

It was only when we where lined up in front of the stove did I notice the weird shined texture to everything. But when Zeke steps forward demanding our attention I brush it off as just my eyes seeing things. 

"Okay so I have a new mission, for you girls." I shuffle nervously.  "This mission will test your strengths, and durability. It's will, strengthen the strongest, and weaken the weakest." I roll my eyes. 

"Just get to the point." He glares at me for interrupting his rant, I just shrug in response. 

"Okay so, you will be sent back into the real world."

~Real world?~
Musa says in our heads.
~oh, okay so now we're living in an different universe~
Is Aishas sarcastic response.

"I need you four to go back to the Winx. And befriend them, again. We need them to come to our side or we need the information they have." The response was automatic. Bloom's anger levels sore through the roof, Musa starts yelling, Aisha yells with her and I just stand there shocked. 

"No! We are never going back there!" Bloom yells, and everything goes silent, turning to her.

"And what are you going to do about it? I can just as easily make you go back, by controlling you. Or you could go back willingly and maybe you will all make it out alive." She yells, sending off a wave of fire knocking everyone to the ground. I just simply put my hands up and obsorbe it.

Zeke gives me something cross from a smile and a smirk, I just glare back and advert my gaze to the flames. The flames only seen to lick the walls, they don't actually touch them.
~remember your promise~
I hear him echo inside my head. I can tell that Aisha heard the exact same thing because when she looks back at me I can see the fear in her eyes.

"Fine, we'll go. But on one condition." I step forwards and take charge. 

"I knew you would come through." Zeke grins at me. 

"We will go as long as you promise that after we have done this mission we will have a choice weather we want to stay here with the wizards or go back to living a normal life not remembering anything that happened here." His grin wavers looking at my steely stare. Narrowing his eyes at me he says his words slowly.

 "I accept your proposal. After I have the information that I need or the rest of the Winx joining my side I will let the four of you to choose weather you want to stay here and continue doing my bidding and stay with the wizards, or leave and have your memories wiped from your experience from the last few months." Knowing that this was all that I was going to get. I hold his gaze and nod. 

"We agree on these terms." A hand grabs my arm softly and when I look back I can see Gantlos's calming eyes. 

"Great! You have four days until you leave." Zeke calls out in the background but I am only focused on Gantlos mouthing how it's time to leave now and I allow him to pull me back through the portal. Being the last through the portal I am faced with everyone's glares and weird looks. 

"How could you!" Was bloom's only response. She had seemed to be universally nominated to do all of the yelling.

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