You, And Only You(BWWM)✔

By LouiseC13

252K 12.9K 2K

"So, you don't care that we are so different?" I ask him, his face inches apart from mine. "Does it bother yo... More

1~A leap of faith
2~New beginnings
3~Its MY life
4~What's my name??
5~Don't judge a book by its cover.
6~ Family👪👪
8~ Honesty is the best policy
9~Why can't you just accept it?
12~Fine you're right!!
13~Let's give it a go.
14~Maybe I really do...
15~I surely will...
16~My type of people?
17~I love her....
18~Let's make a deal...
19~Don't leave
20~What's life without you?
21~No longer welcomed.
Bonus Chapter
23~Me too
24~x-mas day
25~Meet the fam.
26~This is NOT your world.
27~Hit me and RUN
29~old friends
30~You weren't, you just liked the idea.
33~The truth hurts
35~We got her.
36~Love enough to let go.
37~A girl needs her mother
38~Hating The Argents
39~Love requires sacrifice.
40~Pain is inevitable- LAST CHAPTER

11~Marie or Marie-Anne?

5.1K 320 14
By LouiseC13

Dylan's POV

"Can I help you, sir?" My English professor ask as I enter the class ten minutes late.

"Yes manm, I'm in this class," I reply as I scan the room looking for Marie-Anne. I finally see her, and like everyone in the class, her eyes are on me waiting for an explanation on why I'm late.

"Well sir, if you want to be in this class you have to come early. Now see you next class, if you decide to show up on time." She says harshly. I hate College

I look around the classroom and walk out. I decide to save myself the embarrassment.

I walk over to my car and sit down. I'm going to sit down and wait until class ends so I can talk to Marie-Anne.


After what seems like a century, class finally ends and I spot Marie-Anne walking out.

I quickly get out the car and yell her name to grab her attention, she turns around and gives me an unreadable expression.

She walks over to me and puts her head down to prevent the sun from her face.

"Hey Dylan, what's up?" she asks nervously.


"Okay, so why did you call me?"

"Um... just wanted to say hi. I can still do that right?" I ask referring to what happened between us.

She lets a smile escapes her lips. She has the most beautiful smile ever.

"Yes you can," she says breaking the silence.

"Okay, so how you been?" I ask curiously.

"I have been good thanks. How about you, how you been?"

"I been fine," I lie.

"Well, I would love to continue this awkward conversation but I got to get home," Marie-Anne says. Well, I guess that's my cue.

"Yeah, sure. Bye, I guess," She leaves and start walking before I call her again. This time she turns around looking annoyed.

"What is it this time Dylan?"

"Well, do you need a ride?"  She looks at me more annoyed than ever. She looks up the sun and when she sees and feels how hot it is; she sighs and walks over to the passenger side of the car. I open the door for her and she sits down. I walk over to the driver's side and get in.

"So, what station would you like to listen to?" I asked as I unparked the car. She looks at me with a weird look then turns the radio to 88.1, WAY-FM. A song called 'Love broke thru' starts playing and she sings along.

"Well," I say as she turns her gaze to me.

"Don't you like it?" She yells over the loud beat.

"Well, I've never heard it but I guess it's time to try new things."

"Yes, it is," She continues to sing along and doesn't even notice when I reach her place. I let her sing along to the next song that played.

After nearly five minutes she finally notices that we are in front of her place.

"Dylan, why didn't you tell me that we reached our destination?" She asks.

"Well, sorry I didn't know whether you wanted to sing or go home so I let you sing since your voice is so wonderful." She blushes when she hears that and bites down on her lips. 

"Thanks for the ride Dylan."

"Anytime, Marie-Anne."

"Stop calling me that," She yells.

"Calling you what?" I ask, I honestly have no idea what she's talking about. Maybe I should have called her sweety or honey. 

"Marie-Anne," She answers back.

"But, that's your name. Isn't it?" Why wouldn't she want me to call her her name?

'Yes, but just please call me Marie just like everyone else."

"Like I already told you, I'm, not like everyone else. So, to me your name is Marie-Anne and it shall stay like that." She huffs and gets out the car slamming the door loudly. Awkward moment...

"Marie, I'm sorry I called you by your birth name!" I yell after her, she turns around and walks over to her door in a tantrum.

I am about to leave when the door opens and an angry Esther comes out. She walks over to the car and knocks on the window.

"Hi Esther, how are you?" I ask trying to be nice.

"Save the small talk, Argent. What did you do to Marie, why is she so mad?"

"I didn't do anything to her, I swear. She's mad because I called her Marie-Anne."

"Oh, sorry about that I didn't mean to come off mad. It's just Marie being Marie. Bye,"

What just happened? Esther walks away again and I sit there dumbfounded.

"Oh... and Dylan if you want Marie to go out with you, you're going have to try a lot harder..."

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