Befriending One Direction *ON...

By Liyahstephens2000

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Two teenaged best friends Skylar Anderson and Liliana Goodnight, have the adventure of their lives, when they... More

Befriending One Direction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's Note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

61 3 1
By Liyahstephens2000

*Sky's POV*

I slammed the door to the ladies room shut and locked it when Lil sat on the counter.

"Did we just-" Lil asked.

"Run away from Simon Cowell? Yes. Yes we did." I finished her sentence and answered the question.


"It's amazing how when we're scared senseless, we still are weird." I said.

Someone knocked on the door and I tried to pull an old lady voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little busy right now!" I said, cracking my voice.

"Sky, we know you two are in there." I heard Zayn say.

"We heard you yell twin telepathy." Harry said after.

"Damnit." I said.

"Let us in, Sky." Zayn said.

"But..but why..?" I asked sadly. I was too scared to let them in, they'd just laugh at us because we ran.

"Please?" Harry said. God I can't say no to him when I know on the other side of the door he's doing a puppy dog face.

I looked at Lil who was now hugging her knees on the counter and she nodded. I unlocked the door and saw them both standing there. I moved out of the way and the boys walked in. I shut the door and locked it back.

"So do you want to tell us why you ran?" Zayn asked.

"You know? I'm actually good." I said while sitting on the counter next to Lil.

Zayn gave me a look that basically said 'you know you're not going to win this fight right?' Damn you, Malik.

"Fine, Okay here. We thought Simon wouldn't like us because of how we are and dress and act. I have band t-shirts and ripped jeans. Not to mention peach hair. Lil has combat boots and studded everything. Oh, did you notice her earrings? They look like screws. Yeah, mayyybe we give off the wrong impression. We're going to look like we're either only dating Niall and Louis for the money and fame, or, we want to influence them and make One Direction go downhill. Which is definitely not what we want to happen." I said.

"Well for the are and act, have you ever seen Simon? He's an insane person. He acted like a banana was a phone and shoved an orange in his mouth, with the peel on. All while staring right at paparazzi. And the dress? He's going to love you because you don't care what people think and express yourselves. And if you do care what people think, you act like you don't and so you are strong enough to push through it." Harry said.

"God, Styles. Words of wisdom much?" Lil said.

He shrugged while smiling. "It's a gift." He said.

"Oh my God dude, not to be creepy or anything but your smile is life itself." I said while getting off the counter and got behind him. I grabbed his chin and cheeks and made him smile again. "Like look at this, Lil. This is perfection in a mouth."

Zayn started cracking up.

"What??" I asked innocently.

"The face he made when you made him do that." He said between cackles.

"HE MADE A FACE?! I WANNA SEE!!!" I yelled then got in front of Harry and did the same thing. He made another face and Lil and I started laughing. They weren't little giggles and crap, no, they were loud ass snorts."

"You snort when you laugh?!?" Harry asked after I let go of his face.

"Only when I'm laughing really hard." I said.

Lil was on her back on the counter holding one leg up and hugging it. That's how hard she was laughing.


"Well now you're in" Zayn said after catching his breath.

"What the hell is a seven-o?" I asked.

"I DON'T KNOW THE WORD FOR A GROUP OF SEVEN OKAY?! DON'T JUDGE ME!" He squealed then ran out of the bathroom.

"MALIK GET BACK HERE!!" I yelled while chasing him out.

"YOU HAVE TO CATCH ME!" He yelled.

"STARSTAR!!" I heard Lil yell from behind me.

"LIL!!" I heard Harry yell at her.

"STOP!!" I yelled. Everyone froze in place. "Were we chasing each other, in a line?" I asked.

"Yup." Harry, Zayn, and Lil said together.

They looked around at each other and after a few seconds yelled, "TRIPLET TELEPATHY!!"

"Oh. My. God. Is that going to be a thing now?" I asked them.

"Probably not. It sounds weird if it's not you two." Zayn said.

"Good. Because that's our thing." I said then went behind Lil and hugged her head.

"That's my face." Lil said.


"Rawr." Lil said before biting my forearm.

I didn't move and Zayn just stared at me like I was crazy. "You know she's biting your arm right?" He asked.

"Mmhmm!" I said.

Lil started biting harder and I finally yanked my arm away.

"Ow! We said only gently!" I yelled.

"Coming from the person who's teeth can cut through almost everything!" She said. Sometimes I hate that that's true. My teeth are like razor blades.

"Yeahhhhhhhhh." I trailed off.

"We should go back to the guys now. It's been like thirty minutes." Zayn said.

"Okay." Lil and I said together.

"Where's the twin telepathy?" Harry asked.

"It's only when we say weird things together, not normal things." I replied.

When we turned the corner and saw the rest of the guys and Simon, Lil and I both stopped.

"C'mon." Harry said while taking my hand in his and walking with me. Zayn did the same to Lil.

"Wait, what's this gonna look like?" I asked.

"What?" Harry said.

"Us holding hands."

"It's just a cup, no one's fingers are intwined so no one's dating anyone." Zayn stated.

"Since when do you know the way holding hands says you're dating, pretty boy?" I asked.

"Since I learned what not to do when I became famous." He said.

"No need for the sass." I said, then snapped my hands in the Z.

"Just come on." Harry said while laughing an tugging on my hand to walk faster.

We turned a corner and Niall crashed into me. We fell on the floor and he was on top of me. Thanks for the warning, Harry.

"SKY!" Niall yelled in my face happily. Heh, happily.

"NEIL!" I said but mocking him.

"HI!" He said.

"Sup." I said.

"Nothing much." He said, still on top of me.

"Um I think I'm dying." I said, my voice straining.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you're crushing my boobs and my lungs." I said.

"Sorry!" He said while getting off of me then helping me up. Instead of doing what he just did, I gave him a hug.

"Why'd you run??" He asked after the hug was over.

"Scared I guess." I said, looking at the floor.

"She was scared Simon wouldn't like them and make all you guys break up." Zayn said.

I gave him a sharp glare.

"You would've never said it so I did." He said.

"I'll get you back, Malik." I said to him.

He just shrugged. I narrowed my eyes at him until I heard Louis talk.

"Why would you think that??" Louis asked Lil.

"I don't know, guess I was just judged all my life so I expect the worse. It's easier because if it's good news I'm happier than I would've been if I expected it." She said. Louis looked confused so I explained.

"Kinda like when someone says good news or bad news first, and usually the answer is bad news first so they can be cheered up with the good news." I said.

"Ohhh." He said, finally getting it.

"Yeah." I said.

I hope I'm not a casualty,

Hope you won't get up and leave

Might not mean that much to you

But to me it's everything, ever-

"Hello??" Lil said, answering her phone.

"Hi, Liliana? Did you need something?" I heard her mom say sleepily.

"What? No. Mom, it's like 3:00 in the morning over there, why did you call me?" She asked. I could see the shocked face Louis had when heard her ringtone is him singing.

"You called me. So I called you back because I thought you needed something." Her mom said.

"What? I didn't call you, I'll prov- hey look I called you!" Lil said after scrolling through her call log and seeing that she had accidentally called her mom.

"Yeah, Ya did, at three in the frickin morning. I need my sleep and you know that."

"I know, Mom. I'm sorry it was an accident."

"Yeah yeah, next time when you call, make sure it's three in the morning for you."

Lil chuckled. "I will next time. Bye, Mom. Love you."

"Love you too, Bear." Then Lil clicked the end button on her phone.

"BUTT DIALLLLL!!!" Liam yelled.

"LEO!" Harry yelled at Liam.

"Did you just call me Leo?" Liam asked.

'Yes, yes I did." Harry said.


"Well I couldn't yell Liam and you said nothing sounded like your name. Leo does." Harry said matter of factly.

"Damn you, Hazza."

"Okay off the topic of names. Was that Truly, Madly, Deeply? And was that my verse? As your ringtone?" Louis asked.

Lil looked around like she was in trouble. "Maybe." She said shyly.

After a second Lou made a high pitched sound then hugged the crap out of Lil.

"AWWWWWWWWWW!" Louis yelled while hugging her.

"Oh my God loud noises." I said and covered my ears.

"Sorry. I got a little happy." Louis said then let go of Lil.

"I see." I took my hands off my ears.

No one talked so Simon popped up.

"We done yet? Can I now meet the lovely ladies?" Simon asked.

"Go ahead." Lou and Niall said together and moved out of his way.

"Skylar and Liliana. Have I heard so much about you already." Simon said.

"We've heard a lot about you too Mr. Cowell." I said then put my hand out for a handshake.

He just stared at it then pulled me into a hug, then pulled Lil into the hug too.

"In this family we hug." He said.

Family? I haven't had a family in a long time. The only family I've really had was Lil and her mom. Not including the boys.

After a second of standing awkwardly in Simon's embrace, I hugged him back. Right before he pulled away he gave us a tighter squeeze then let go.

"So boys. Now that I've met the ones that have been keeping you on your toes lets say we get to that last rehearsal before tonight!" He said.

We all started walking down the main hallway and out the exit when Lil said something. "What's tonight?" She asked.

"Tonight? Well tonight is their first performance in Asia." Simon said.


"NO, NO, NO! IT'S FOWARD-STEP, KICK, TWIST, SHAKE, LEFT, KICK, RIGHT, TWIST, SHAKE!!" Their obviously gay choreographer yelled at them. it had been about the twentieth time Liam and Zayn or Niall and Harry had bumped into each other going the wrong direction. Heh, direction.

"WHAT IS SO HARD ABOUT THAT?!" He yelled again. Sheesh isn't this guy such a-


After having a blushing fest from not noticing Niall had been looking at me, the choreographer started getting back to dancing and I saw Niall out the corner of my eye doing movements that weren't apart of the dance. I looked at him and saw he was moving his head towards the exit.

"Noooooo." I mouthed to him.

"C'mon please? It won't be long. Just a date." He mouthed.

I had never actually gone on an official date with him so it sound tempting. But if the tabloids saw they'll say exactly what I don't want them to say, which is I'm trying to bring the band down.

"Niallllllll." The choreographer said, frustrated.

"Sorry, Gary. It's just confusing." Niall said lying.

"Here." Gary said then moved right in front of Niall, interrupting our conversation. He started doing the dances slowly trying to guide Niall. "Now you try." He said.

Niall did it perfectly and Gary cheered, setting off my Gaydar (gay radar) to extreme.

Gary went back to the center and counted down.

"If I do this perfectly you have to say yes." Niall whispered.

"Like you'll do that right twice in a row." I said. He cocked an eyebrow as in a challenge.

"Watch me." He said.

Somehow he did it right so I had to skip rehearsal with him. Yay.

Niall walked away from the boys and Gary asked where he was going.

"To the bathroom." He said fast.

"Alright." Gary said.

I got up a minute later and walked down the hallway.

"Aww, Sky. Are you leaving us?" I heard Gary ask me.

"Sorry I just...need some air." I said looking around. I looked at Lil lying on one of the ceiling lights (she likes being high up) and saw her jaw dropped then looked at the boys and saw they were giving me winks and smirks.

"Shut. Up." I mouthed at them. Zayn and Liam did the surrender pose and Harry snickered.

'Aw, well I'll see you later then." Gary said then waved bye.

"Later, guys." I said then saluted to them with two fingers and looked up at Lil with a smirk on my face. Liam followed my gaze up to the light and gawked at it.

The last thing I heard was Liam and the boys yelling and asking how she got up there before I grabbed my jacket and went outside to see Niall in front of the window that was in guys restroom.

"Hey." He said then walked up to me.

"Hey, yourself." I said. Did I seriously just say 'Hey, yourself?' I need to flirt better.

"Didn't think you'd actually come. I thought you were gonna stand me up." He said teasing me.

I laughed at him. "I took like two minutes." I said.

"Well it felt like forever." He said before leaning down and kissing me.

When he pulled away my lips felt cold.

"So where to?" He asked readjusting his sunglasses.

"I'm really in the mood for ice cream." I said.

"Ice cream it is!" He said before taking my hand and dragging me up the sidewalk.

"Wait, where are we even going??" I asked.

"Ice cream shop. Duh." He said.

"Yes but where is the ice cream shop?" I asked, thinking he'd be dumbfounded.

"Right there." He said stopping and me running into his back.

"Well then would ya lookie there." I said.

He chuckled. "Just come on." He said then pulled me into the shop. My wrist is going to hurt by the end of the day isn't it?

"ICE CREAMMMMM!!" I whisper yelled then ran to get the biggest bucket and filled it up with ice creams without even looking at the flavor.

Niall laughed at me. "What??? I like ice cream." I defended.

"I do too." Niall said before joining me and filling his bucket up with random flavors.

"RANDOM FLAVORS!" I cheered.

He laughed at my stupidness then we went to the checkout and weighed the buckets.

"35.00 dollars please." The checkout guy said.

"Holy crap 35 dollars?!?" I said.

"Relax, Sky. Not a big deal." Niall said.

"Two ice creams don't cost 35 bucks back in Texas." I said.

"Oh lookie thur, we got a fellow cowgurl here? Did ya forgetcha saddle for Gracie? Where's tha boots? Japan too fancy for ya?" The checkout guy said.

I turned my head from Niall to look at the guy.

"Don't you fucking talk to her like that. She-" Niall started but I interrupted him by going around the counter and grabbing the dude by his shirt.

"You listen here. Do I have a country accent? No, I'm from Dallas. Not Amarillo. Ever heard of it? DFW? Dallas Fort Worth? Look it up. And if you ever make fun people from the country again I will hurt you because my best friend is from the country." I sad before letting him go and walking around grabbing my bucket.

"Looks like you've learned to defend yourself." Niall said, crossing the street to the park.

"Yup. Kinda have to if you want to protect yourself and other people." I said.

"I get it. You have people to protect. Easy as that." He said.

"Thank you for understanding that. Every time I got into a fight at school teachers would be like 'why'd you do that??' Because I am protective of my friend. Not even my friend my sister." I looked up at him. "Liliana and I are sisters. We may not be blood related but we are as close as you can get."

"That sounds like Zayn and us. He sees us as little brothers that he has to protect." Niall said.

"Exactly. Like- why'd you stop?" I asked.

"I figured we could eat our ice cream under a tree before it melts." Niall said.

"Oh. Okay." I said then sat close to the trunk. When Niall didn't sit down I looked awkwardly at the ground then up at him and patted the ground three times with pauses in between.

He just laughed then sat down next to me. Um, did I do something wrong?

"Why you no sit down when I sit down...?" I asked stupidly.

"Just because you surprised me." He said.

"I surprised you? How did I surprise you?" I asked.

"Because you aren't like normal girls." He said simply.

"Do I look normal? I have an unnatural hair color." I said while taking the ends of my hair and looking at them.

"No I mean like, most girls would be all, ew, sit down? On grass? But dogs pee in grass, and theres bugs. And i'm going to get mud all over my new bottomssss." He said, mocking most of the skank bitches, I mean girls, I knew.

"Ha, I know exactly what you mean. I hate those girls. I mean don't get me wrong I do care about the things those girls do just not at the point where I'm quoting Coco Chanel and yelling at people they're going to buy me new things because they spilled water on it." I said. "Like every once in a while I'll go 'hmm, I should paint my nails this weekend,' or be like "those shoes make my legs look awesome.' But that's really it."

"And you don't care if you get dirty." Niall said.

"What do y-" I started before Niall tackled me and started wrestling me. On the ground. In a public park.

"Oh my God, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I said trying to push him off of me.

"Think you can win?" He said while smirking.

I rolled us over and tried to pin him down but he rolled back on top of me and pinned me down instead. I huffed then blew a piece of hair out of my face.

"You should get off of me so innocent bystanders don't think we're having sex in public." I said.

He looked around. "Mayyybe that's a good idea because people are staring." He said then looked back down at me.

"Maybe." I said. He pecked my lips then got off of me and helped me up.

"Thanks." I said then wiped the dirt off my shirt and pants.

"Well. Theres dinner." He said looking at his bowl of melted ice cream.

"Ice cream was going to be your dinner??" I asked him.

"That coming from the girl who had four boxes of hot pockets, two pizzas and two full bottles of soda for one weekend." He said while walking off down the sidewalk and throwing the paper bowls away.

"Hey! I like food. And I was trying to get the most for my money." I said, running up to him to catch him. "Do you know how much those sodas costed?"

"Yes I do because I bought them again because we ran over them." He said.


"How? That's kind of the reason you're hanging out with One Direction." He said.

"Yeah, but I don't see you guys as One Direction. I see you as really cool guys that just happen to be in One Direction." I said.

"Another reason I like you. You don't just like us because we're famous, you like us for us. You like me for me." He said.

"Also something you learn to do. Get to know someone before you trust them." I said. "And what else do you like about me because there are countless reasons I like you."

He laughed out loud. "Well lets see, I think you're beautiful," hey look a blush. "You have a great sense of humor." Moooore blushing. "You have an amazing personality." Oh god why did I ask this. "Need I go on?" He asked me.

"Nope nope I'm good. I already blushed enough." I said.

"Good because that was only like 2% of the reason." He said.

"Two percent? But that was three reasons. That means there's over 100 reasons." I said, feeling all mathy.

"Exactly." He said, then pulled me close to him and putting his arm around my shoulders, then he put my left arm around his torso.

"Wanna go for a walk before we have to be at the arena?" He asked.

"Um, sure." I said.

"Are you unsure? We don't have to if you don't want to." He said.

"No, I want to. I'm just new to all this boyfriend girlfriend dating stuff." I said.

"Do you never see people walking in parks? Couples going to carnivals and stuff?" He said.

"Outside? You mean the area with the itchy stuff under your feet called grass is? And the big thing above your head called the sky? And things like fresh air, and nature and animals are? No, no, no. You must be crazy. Real living is staying in a dark room in a corner with a laptop, cheezeits, and internet stalking your idols. That's Living Like Larry." I said.

He stopped walking and hunched over laughing. Then he started clapping like a retarded seal. AOR AOR AOR!! Who am I making fun of? I do the exact same thing when I laugh.

"Did you just make a reference to Spongebob?" He asked through wheezes.

"ARE YOU OKAY? I THINK I MADE YOU LAUGH BUT I CANNOT TELL!!" I yelled while flailing my arms making him laugh harder.

Once he got himself composed he took a deep breath then took my hand and started walking again.

"Are you okay? You stopped breathing after a while of laughing." I asked.

"That was too funny. You say having no social life is fun is hilarious to a fucking pop star that's in a boyband who's basically taken over the world." He said.

"Yeahhh. About that, Lil and I have discussed the end of the world. It's going to be in 2016 when yall's contract ends. Zayn's not going to want to be away from Perrie more than he has to so he's going to leave. Yall are going to quit because you don't want to do it without Zayn again so girls are going to get pissed and over throw their local government. Then all the non-directioners will act like directioners to stay alive. Then pretty much the world will be taken over by directioners and we will make you our kings." I said, probably creeping the fuck out of him.

He stayed silent for a while then said, "You know our contract ends in 2016?"

"That's all you got from that?!? I'm telling you the end of the world here!!" I said. "And yes I know that's when it ends! I do research!" I said.

He laughed a little. "No, I also got- SHIT THE CONCERT!!" He yelled after looking at his watch. "We have to go! Now!" He said.

He pulled me down the sidewalk and we hailed a cab and rode down to the arena.


"WE'RE HERE! WE LOST TRACK OF TIME, SORRY! I'M HERE!!" Niall yelled pulling me behind him.

"MY GOD, ABOUT TIME. YOU TWO TOOK FOREVER. GET TO THE STYLIST AND HAIR DRESSER AND HURRY." Liam yelled at Niall. "And you get dressed too!" He yelled at me.

"Me?! Why me?!" I asked.


"But!! But!! LEEEYUUMMM!!!!!" Was the last thing I yelled before I got pulled away by a bunch of people into a dressing room.



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