Once Upon a Neighbor

By gkotiaho

2.1K 83 11

She was the girl who held all the guy's hearts. He was the first one to give his heart to her. She was the o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20


560 11 2
By gkotiaho


She inhaled the dirt filled air, and with it she took in all the memories. Shutting her eyes, she smiled gently and leaned her head against the bus window. Texas was her absolute favorite place in the world, always had been and always will be. She loved the way the humidity clung to her skin, and she loved the wind blowing trees down in the fall. And most of all, she loved her hometown. Where, if and when a tornado struck and blew her fence down, all of the neighbors would pitch in and spend the day at her house, cleaning up and rebuilding.

And her neighbors... She had never realized how much she missed them until she and her immediate family upped and left to Minnesota. Her favorite neighbor Georgo used to buy 5 king size candy bars for her and her 4 other siblings each Halloween. She smiled again at the thought of how Texas halloweens were way better than Minnesota halloweens.

Minnesota. She could just think of it now. Goosebumps ran down her spine at the mere thought of Minnesota. The endless reign of snow and cold nights were chilling her heart with bitterness. She hated everything about Minnesota, her house, her neighbors, the weather and the people. Hell, she even hated the street names. Who the hell named a street "Stoner Avenue"?

"Next stop, Arlington, Texas." The bus driver mumbled over the intercom. The name of her hometown alone brought up a smile on her face, pushing away all of the bad juju that Minnesota gave her. She willed the bad memories of Minnesota away with the happiest thought she had in a while.

She, Jamie Aarons, had escaped the state she had lived in for the past 6 years of her life, and returned to her favoritest place in the world. Her true home. And she would be there shortly.

A/N: This is my newest story. I honestly have way too many story ideas to write just one. I just roll like that. Sorry if I don't update on some of them that quickly because most likely I will be working on one or the other. Sorry. :) To the side is Willa Holland who portrays Jamie! 

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