The Hunt For Her Mate (GXG)

By hollybax

206K 7.8K 247

Come along as Lux and her friends battle the forces of evil, train to become the next generation of leaders f... More

In the Meadow
Who is She?
New Friends
Hello Again
Meeting the parents
Wake up
Last Day
A Witches Warning
Oh Baby
Back to Normal
Getting Help
Battle Plans
The Day Before
In the Wake of Battle


2.8K 120 1
By hollybax

AN: Sorry this took so long! I'm in the last month of school and I rewrote this chapter like 5 times. Don't worry the next one will be out soon! Thanks for reading!:)


I woke up in the infirmary feeling weak. I glanced over and saw Max and Liza curled up in a chair next to my bed. "Max!" I called over weakly. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled. She gently peeled herself away from Liza and stood by my side.

"James has Callie! We need to go get her!" I said in a panic as I tried to get out of bed.
"Whoa, whoa you are in no condition to fight James and the pack right now you need to rest." Max said sternly as she laid me back down. "Max I will not just let her sit there and have James and his Council do gods knows what to her!"

Suddenly Callie appeared in the middle of the room looking dazed. I didn't even get a chance to get up before she was on top of me crushing me in a hug. I didn't mind though it was exactly what I wanted. I pulled her back to get a good look at her, she seemed fine.

"Are you okay? Gods, Callie don't you have dare do something like that ever again!" I scolded as I pulled her back into my arms.
I could feel her smile on my chest. "I'm okay now. I had to get some help from Emma and them, but they fixed me up just fine."

I heard a quiet swear next to me when I felt my mate being pulled out of my embrace. I watched as Liza playfully slapped Callie's arms while yelling at her in Latin.

Callie's giggles warmed my heart. After they were done talking Callie climbed back into bed with me. "Okay, I need some healing magic here. If I want to be at full strength tonight I'm gonna need some help from my two favorite witches."

Callie smiled and turned to Liza and asked her something in Latin. Liza smirked and ran out of the room. I gave Callie a questioning glance, but she just smiled in return. A short time later Liza came back with a cup of tea, but before she handed to me Callie quickly pricked my finger and squeezed a drop of blood in my cup.

"Oh gods this is that weird magic tea isn't it? Ughhh! I hate that stuff! Isn't there anything else you can give me?" Callie chuckled "No, this "stuff" works the best and it's the quickest so drink up bub." She said as she smiled sweetly. I groaned and and plugged my nose throwing the whole mug back in seconds. I had to stop myself from gagging, but I finished it and laid back with a scowl on my face.

Callie took the mug from me and handed it to her sister as she whispered something to her in Latin. Liza winked and grabbed Max's hand pulling her out of the room with her. I groaned and smacked my lips.
"Why does magic taste so weird?" I whined.

Callie rolled her eyes but smiled anyway. She rolled over so she was on top of me, straddling my hips. I froze under her gaze, her eyes stared into my soul. She slowly leaned down and kissed me softly. She gently prompted me to part my lips and I gladly obliged. She explored my mouth with her tongue and the effects left me dizzy.

She slowly broke away and I kept my eyes shut for a moment to calm my heart.
"Is that better?" She whispered sexily in my ear her warm breath tickling my neck.

I smiled before I could stop myself. "So much better." She giggled and rolled off of me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and sighed in content. I could feel my strength returning to me. I felt much better in just 10 minutes.

"So, how is my dear old dad?" I asked cautiously. Callie melted into my side. "Well, let's just say he's less than happy." I could hear the smile in her reply. "You riled him up didn't you?" She shrugged. "You know angry fighters make more mistakes."
I sighed. "Yeah, I know, but it probably made it worse for you." She hummed in reply.

"How does your dad like being called Jimmy?" Callie asked curiously. I turned to look at her. "You didn't!" She smiled and nodded. I burst out laughing. "It makes him soooooo angry. He hates it, the last person that called him that ended up on border patrol for a month straight."

She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. I tell she was worried. "Callie you don't need to worry I'm as prepared as I can be." I said softly as I ran the pad of my thumb over her silky cheek. She shook her head in denial.

"You can't ask me not to worry. You are my other half if I lost you I'd probably die of a broken heart." She whispered back her voice breaking. I pulled her on top of me holding tight against me. I rubbed her back in calming circles. "Just know how ever this turns out that I love you and that I want you to be happy." She looked at me with anxiety in her features. I slid my hand behind her head and gently pulled her to me. We shared a beautiful kiss that calmed both of our nerves and allowed us to pour our emotions into each other.

We stayed in that room all day, talking, cuddling, kissing, just enjoying the company the other provided. But like all things this too had to come to end. My mom came in quietly and sat down next to us.

"I hate to say it, but you need to prepare you've got an hour before the challenge." She whispered. I sighed and nodded. Callie groaned and stood pulling me up with her. "Come on let's go." She said softly I flashed my mom a quick smile before Callie yanked me out of the room and upstairs to our room.

I walked into my closet and grabbed a box from the back shelf and brought it back into our room. I slowly unpacked the box and laid the contents out on the bed.

I felt Callie's arms slip around my waist and her chin rest on my shoulder. "What is it?" She asked curiously. "It's the challengers garb. This fabric won't be torn to shreds when I shift it changes with my wolf." I felt Callie's arms tighten around me and I slowly started to rub them to help ease her worries. I pulled her in front of me and gave her a quick kiss and a tight squeeze. I could feel her nerves calm.

I set her down on the bed and stripped out of my clothes. I heard her heart beat pick up and I could smell her arousal. I leaned over her and captured her lips in mine. The kiss was a quick one and I knew Callie wanted more, but I had no time. Once we broke away I whispered breathily in her ear. "Don't worry love after the battle tonight I am all yours." She shuddered in response which made me smirk. After that I quickly changed into my challengers uniform and pulled Callie over to the bathroom mirror.

"Do you know the mask of a warrior?" I questioned. A small smile formed on her full lips. "When I was young and learning about werewolves my coven mother's had me paint all of the battle masks and choose the one I liked the most. I think I wore the warriors mask for a week before they finally managed to get it away from me."

Her voice was quiet and her eyes distant as she remembered something fond from her childhood. I gently grasped her hand squeezing it softly as a few tears made their way down her cheeks. She shook her head and quickly wiped her tears away. She cleared her throat and quickly went to work finding all of the paints she would need.

Soon enough I was painted and ready for battle. There were three red lines across my face symbolizing battle wounds warriors wore with pride. A black crescent moon in the middle of my forehead to praise the moon goddess, and lastly an array of dots in all different colors splayed across my face to symbolize my pack.

Callie braided a small part of my hair and laced it in with my bun. "It's something witches do before battle for good luck." She whispered before she kissed me senseless. I pulled back with a smile on my face. "So how do I look?" Callie stepped back and looked me up and down. "Like you're ready to kick some ass." I chuckled and threw my arms around her neck. "Good cause that's what I'll be doing."

Three sharp knocks broke us out of each other's gaze. I pulled the door open and saw Max painted in a Beta's mask and decked out in black jeans a black shirt and a leather jacket. Liza stood next to her with a proud smile on her face. "Lux we need to leave soon." Max's voice was hard and emotionless. I shook my head and pulled her into my embrace. I felt her guard slip for a minute as she tightened her grip on me.

"It's always gonna be you and me, Max. You and me." I whispered quietly in her ear as we hugged. We slowly broke apart neither one of us really wanting to let go. As soon as I was out of Max's arms I was in Liza's. "You better come back to us... please come back to us Lux."

Her voice was broken and full of emotion as she begged. I just squeezed her tighter. I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded in reply. Liza broke our hug and immediately crushed her sister in another one. Both of them whispered in Latin as tears ran freely down both of their faces.

Once they were calm we made our way downstairs into the living room. Where my mom sat seemingly calm. "My gods you look incredible! Both of you do." She beamed as she took in max and I. She pulled us both into her arms. "I'm so proud of both of you I couldn't ask for better daughters." She whispered to both of us as she hugged us. Max broke away trying her hardest not to let any tears fall.

My mom tsked and pulled me in again rocking back and forth on her feet humming the old lullaby I heard every night as a child. Her hand rest on the back of my neck and on my back rubbing calming circles and in that moment I had never felt more love for her because, I was on a mission to kill her ex mate and her husband, but she could care less because I was her child and I knew she would always love me more. We both exchanged our I love you's as we broke apart.

I took a deep breath and wrapped an arm around Callie's waist and lead us out the door. The walk was silent except for the sounds of nature around us. The sky above us was clear and glowed with a million stars the moon shined brightly over us lighting our way. We were about 200 hundred yards away when Callie stopped walking. I turned to max and gave her a look. She understood and took my mom and Liza away. I laid my hands on Callie's arms rubbing them softly.

"I don't want to lose you too." She whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear her. "Babe, I'm gonna fight my hardest out there I promise, but that's all I can
promise. " She looked into my eyes her eyes shined in the moonlight and I swear they had gotten even more blue.

I leaned my forehead against hers "I love you so much Callie." I heard her take in a shaky breath. "I love you more." She said just above a whisper. I leaned in kissing her with as much love as I could. The kiss was a lingering one. Neither one of us wanting to be the first to break it. I was the one that pulled away, instead pulling her in for a hug.

Max cleared her throat behind us. "I'm really sorry, but we need to go now." I nodded and slowly peeled myself away from my mate. We arrived right as the moon rose to it's peak. The pack was grouped together outside of the ring. They looked worn and miserable.

I gave Callie one more quick kiss and sent her away with my mom. As soon as I stepped into the ring a loud growl sounded around us. The pack kneeled as my father and his inner group made their way to the front. It took all of my will power to stay standing. I glanced over to max and saw her having the same struggle. My fathers cackle brought my attention back to him.

"Unbelievable! You actually showed up! It seems my daughter has a death wish!" His groupies laughed loudly, but the pack stayed silent. He smirked and finally stepped into the ring.

As soon as James stepped into the ring the pack rose to its feet. The air was tense as the two stared each other down. James let out another cackle. "I'm not even going to explain to these half brains why I should be Alpha. If they know what's good for them they'll choose me!" He shouted wildly at the pack.

They all seemed to flinch and sink lower to the ground. Lux shook her head and sighed. "Wolves of the Blood Moon pack we are here tonight so I can challenge my father and take my place as Alpha of this pack. I know you are scared and tired, but as of tonight my fathers reign of terror ends! I swear to all of you I will lead this pack with honor! This is a pledge that as long as I'm alive will never be broken!" Her voice was steady and firm, but also gentle and calming.

The pack stayed silent until Thomas walked over and announced that this will indeed be a battle to the death. My heart sunk to my stomach hearing those words. I felt Liza's hand slip into mine and squeeze it gently. I watched as the two circled each other.

James was the first to shift and he wasted no time going after Lux. Lux's eyes burned brightly as her father bounded towards her, but she remained still. James lunged at Lux barely missing her with his massive claws.  She quickly shot to the other side of the ring shifting in the process.

They circled each other again. James snarled and snapped at Lux, but Lux stayed quiet calculating her next move. Suddenly Lux stopped and stood still baiting her father to make the next move. He moved faster than expected quickly slashing Lux's side. I watched as blood slowly dripped off Lux's coat. Lux was quick to retaliate catching her claws in her fathers face. He snarled and backed away at the contact.

Lux lunged clamping on to anything she could sink her teeth into. She had her fathers back. He flipped her off and she landed hard on her back. He was on her in a second cutting into her with his teeth.

Every fiber of my being begged me to help her, to do anything, I took a step forward, but a firm hand pulled me back. I looked to my left and saw Grace with her hand on my shoulder. She shook her head. A firm stare in her eyes. I took a deep breath and turned back to the battle.

Lux had broken away from her father, she lunged again this time taking his leg in her teeth. He screamed as her teeth sunk deeper and deeper into his leg. He snarled and bit the back of her neck. She was quick to throw him off and began circling him again.

With only three legs to stand on James was having a hard time following her movements. Lux hit him hard from the side throwing him to the ground. He tried to stand, but Lux held him down. She shifted back with her foot on his chest. He did the same laying under her foot. Both of them were panting, beaten and bloody.

"It didn't have to come to this dad! Why couldn't you just step aside?!" Lux shouted angrily down at her father. He let out a pained laugh as blood poured past his lips. Lux must have crushed his chest with that last blow. "Because, you aren't fit to rule. You stupid bitch." He coughed out blood as he spoke.

"Why?!" She snarled her eyes burned brightly once more. "You're too soft! They need a wolf not a sheep!" She pushed her foot farther into her dying father's chest.
"I am not a sheep! I'm just not a monster like you!" She snarled again. He coughed again sending blood down his chin. "I should have killed you in your crib. At least then this pack would have had a f-future." James said through gasping breaths. Lux screamed furiously as she swung her claws delivering the final blow.

The forest fell silent as Lux stepped off of her father. A single tear fell from her cheek as she faced her fathers council. They all stood frozen in fear. "How many of you are willing to serve under me?" Her voice boomed with that of a true Alpha. All of them snarled in reply as Thomas stepped forward.

"We would rather die!" Lux tilted her head in consideration. "How many of you have mates or families?" The group laughed "We killed them years ago to pledge Fealty to James and we would gladly do it again!" Lux's eyes turned dark and stone cold. "Then you don't deserve to live!" Even in her injured state she made quick work of ripping out every single one of their throats.

As soon as she was done she stood in front of her pack. They all kneeled in unison before her. I was the last to kneel. We stayed that way until Lux spoke again.
"That is the last time any of you will kneel to me! You are free of my fathers reign! Go home with your loved ones! Sleep well tonight! Meet here tomorrow at noon so we can discuss how this pack will be run. Everyone's opinions will be heard! Now go! I will see you all here tomorrow." 

The pack cheered as they quickly cleared the field. As soon as the last pack member was out of sight Lux fell to her knees. We all rushed over.

"Lux! Hold on baby I'm gonna get you home." I whispered to her softly as I scooped her into my arms and had everyone hold on to me as transported us home...

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