Oh Baby

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We were back in the pack house with Max. Well kinda, Max wasn't exactly herself. She was sort of a baby. We don't know how it happened, but Liza must have messed up when she transferred Jake into Max and Max ended up turning into a 8 month old baby.

"How did this happen?! You need to fix this! Max can't just stay a baby!"
Lux said angrily. Lux and I were sitting on the living room floor watching baby max try to crawl around in a big T-shirt and the one diaper we managed to find. 

"She isn't going to be a baby forever! The spell should wear off in a couple days. Age spells are flimsy on human halves they don't last long we just need to wait it out! It'd be more dangerous for us to try and fix her!"

Lux sighed and picked max up. Max started trying to pull Lux's hair. When lux made her stop she started wailing. "When is Liza getting back from the store?!" Lux screamed over Max's crying. "It should be any minute!" I stood up and took the sobbing baby from Lux.

"Shh shh Max it's okay!" I spoke softly as I rocked back and forth on my feet. I took one of her little hands in mine and started dancing around slowly. Singing an old nursery rhyme.

Max calmed down and looked at me in awe. Her other little hand found my face and rested on my cheek pinching and poking it softly. I stopped and pulled her shirt up blowing a big raspberry on her belly. She squealed and giggled. "Lee lee!" She shrieked.

"Yeah! Max that's right! I'm Callie and that big old meanie over there is Lux." I said in a baby voice pointing at Lux. Max looked over at lux and smiled a toothless smile. "Looo!"

Lux stood up and smiled and max.
"Hi Maxie! You're so smart!" She said in a goofy voice. Max held her arms out and whined for Lux to take her.

Lux scooped her out of my arms and pretend like she was gonna drop her which sent max into a giggling fit. She was beyond adorable. She had the same big blue eyes. But she had beautiful blonde ringlets and the chubbiest cheeks I had ever seen. She also had the cutest little dimples.

I heard a knock at the door and went to answer it. Liza stood there loaded down with bags. I grabbed a handful and helped her into the kitchen. "I got clothes, diapers, baby food, formula, and toys. I think this should hold her over for a few days." Liza said clearly in what I like to call Mom mode.

"Max is awake. I can't wait for her to see you it's gonna be adorable!" Liza had a cheesy grin on her face I could sense her excitement. We put all of the baby stuff away and quietly made our way into the living room.

Lux was laying on the floor talking to Max who was babbling away trying to talk back. It made my heart melt! It made me really excited for our future together and how great of a mom she'll be one day.

She sat up once she heard us so I sat behind her pulling her back against my chest. I kissed up her shoulder and unto her neck. "You are gonna be an awesome mom one day." I whispered. She smiled and turned her head stealing a kiss from me.
"So are you my love so are you."

I let Callie and Lux have their moment and stood in the doorway watching Max suck on her tiny little hands. Callie called me over so I crept over and sat down next to the both of them. Lux picked max up set her in her lap.

Max looked up at  her and started babbling like she had something really important to say. Lux pointed my way and told max to look at me. Max turned my way and her eyes grew to the size of saucers.
Callie and Lux bust out laughing.
Max tried to climb out of Lux's lap.

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