In the Meadow

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After math class the day flew by and before I know it it's lunch! I find Max and Gabe  sitting outside in the courtyard talking about some random TV show. "Hey guys! How's your first day going?" " It's alright I can't wait to go run after school though!" Max says and Gabe just agrees while shoveling his sandwich into his mouth. Max and Gabe are in my pack and we have made a pact to run with each other every other day after school. Another thing that's great about being a senior is that our school day is over after lunch so we're basically done for the day! After we talked about our classes we just sat in a comfortable silence each lost in our own thoughts. But that didn't last long because the school's top jock Trey decided to make an appearance.

"Hey Lux why don't you come sit with my and my friends and forget these nerds" Trey says while he walks up followed by his basketball teammates. I don't know why, but he's been hell bent on me being his girlfriend since freshmen year he's human though, and has no idea what I am plus, he's just a douchecanoe so I usually avoid him. He's just standing there waiting for my answer so I say "Because I actually like having  conversations with people with IQ's so why don't you go sit down and leave us nerds alone!" The whole courtyard erupts with laughter and OHHHHHH's Trey was fuming he walks up to me and whispers "you will be mine one day Lux Able just you wait and see." Before stalking off to sit down. "He's a creep!" Max says through the pack link. I just got up and walked away. I was beyond angry and I needed to get out of there before my wolf tried to take over. "Hey are you okay?" I look up and see Gabe and Max had followed me out of the courtyard. I shake my head no "Let's just go home so we can run okay?" I say a little more harshly then I meant to. Both of my friends just keep walking till we get to my car and get in. The ride home is tense and awkward so I speak up " look I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you guys back there, trey just pushes my buttons." They know how trey has been trying to make me his for the last 4 years and they know how much I dislike him so they just give me sympathetic looks and stay quiet.

Once we got back to the pack house we went straight to the forest. I took a deep breath the smell of the forest always calmed me down. "Let's shift I need to run this out." Max and Gabe shifted first. Gabe's wolf is big and brown with white socks. Max's wolf is small and white with a brown patch around her eye. My wolf is big and solid black. Once we had all shifted we ran. I rushed ahead of my friends I was still upset from my encounter with trey so I was running as hard as I could.

   Before I knew it we were miles away from the pack house and it was late afternoon. I mind linked the others "we should go back the pack will wonder were we are. "
"Okay" they both say. Ask soon as we turn to go back I smell something amazing. It smells like lemon and honey. I inhale as deeply as I can "wait guys I smell something" they both look at me like I'm crazy, but stop anyway. My wolf Jetta is going crazy and I can't calm her down " follow that scent! Please follow it!" She's basically screaming at me so I give in a start to track the scent. I track the scent until I'm in a meadow "just wait here..."  Jetta was being weird. But I listened to her because I was curious. I saw something moving in the distance and the smell of lemon and honey was even stronger. I stood there for what seemed like forever until I saw her, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen...."MATE!"

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