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Callie and Lux fell asleep quickly and curled up on the couch. I walked over to Liza who was standing over the dead witch's body staring at her.

She was shaking, her hands still covered in Callie's blood, so were mine. "Are you okay?" She looked over at me. Her eyes were distant and cold. "I had to do it. She tried to kill Callie. I had to do it." She muttered quietly. She was in shock.

I grabbed her hand and walked her into the kitchen. I turned on the sink and let the warm water wash away the blood on our hands. I lathered soap in our hands making sure to get it all washed off.

Once our hands were clean I picked her up and set her down on the counter. "You did the right thing Liza. She was a threat. She tortured Lux and held you captive for months. She was evil, you did what you had to." I took her face in my hands and made her look at me.
"Take a deep breath. You're gonna be okay." She slowly exhaled and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her middle and pulled her in tightly.

"Do you still love me?" She whispered sadly "Oh baby I am always gonna love you don't even worry about that." I cooed. I pulled back and kissed her forehead softly.

"Better?" She nodded and hopped off the counter. "Come on we have a potion to make." She said as she started rooting around the kitchen for the ingredients. "Wait we? What can I do?" She sped past me,her arms full of herbs. "You, my dear can help me prepare things."

I walked up to the table and stood next to Liza, feeling a little intimidated. She stole a quick kiss and started prepping stuff. "What is this potion for?"

"It's to help with pain in a natural way. It's also got antibiotic properties. Callie and Lux have been on pain meds a lot this week. So this will get them off of those without all of the side affects. No addiction, no loopiness, no nausea, or drowsiness." She explained quickly.

I was impressed it sounded like a a great alternative to modern pain medicine. "Okay so what do you want me to do?" She stopped and turned to me. " I need you to go get blood from both them. Just a drop."
She handed me a needle and two small containers.

I quickly pricked both of their fingers and retrieved their blood.
"Okay I got it." She had made most of the potion. She just had a few more things to add.

She put the kettle on and grabbed some tea bags. She made two normal mugs for her and I. She then finished the potion by adding Callie and Lux's blood. She poured the potion into their mugs and muttered a quick spell. Puffs of smoke shot out of the mugs and they were steaming hot.

"Do you think I'll ever get used to you being able to do magic?" I asked in awe. She giggled, "I hope not. It's too much fun seeing you like this." I rolled my eyes playfully. We walked into the living room and set all of the drinks down.

I glanced over to the witch and all of Callie's blood I couldn't help but shudder. "What are we gonna do with her body?" I asked hesitantly.
Liza pulled me over to the body and said a spell. I could hear the hatred in her voice. Suddenly the witch's body turned to dust! Liza picked up and handful of her ashes and blew it out of her hand. I looked back down and the pile of ashes was gone. Liza snapped and all of Callie's blood was gone as well. Everything was back to normal. "Good riddance!" She shouted as she wiped her hands on her jeans.

We walked back over and sat down across from our sleeping friends.
Both of us sipped on our tea in silence. "When should we wake them up?" Liza asked quietly.

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