Broken Wings -Volume One: You...

By edieduard12

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Everyone believes in something, Gods, aliens, demons, ghosts... but there are some of us that believes in AN... More

-Chapter I: Stormy Night-
-Chapter II: Make a Wish-
-Chapter III:The Flight of the Unpaired Wings-
-Chapter IV: In The Light of The Cold Sun-
-Chapter V: Crashing Waves-
-Chapter VI: The Angel Within-
-Chapter VII: The Sharp Claws of a Forgotten Past-
-Chapter VIII: Stray Soul-
-Chapter IX: The Blood of The Destiny-

-Chapter X: The Beginning Is Where We End-

68 4 0
By edieduard12

"Kieron, you have to be kidding me!" said Roxy staying up on her feet, looking at her wings covered in the mirror.

She was so scared, she didn't know what to do in that very second. You may think now: "This is one of the most amazing things that could happen to me, why do they react this way?", but the true reason is that they never wanted any of this, it is very hard for them because their chance to a normal life was taken away by a wave, and now they have to end their past life and begin live a new one.

"Hey, Rox, trust me, it's everything ok and it will be! I am here for you and you won't be alone throughout this journey!" said Kieron, trying to calm Roxy down.

"It's hard, you know?" said Roxy, going back and forth in the room, looking down on the ground, feeling even worse than she used to.

"Better than anyone Roxy, I felt the same way, like my world has ended whatsoever, but the truth is, it now really started!", said Kieron coming closer to her, and taking her by her forearms, "Yourself it's not lost, is the same, but now you have really reached your inner self!". Roxy looked through his eyes and felt that he really meant what he told her.

"Kieron, all I want to tell you is...thank you!" said Roxy smiling and slowly removing Kieron's hands away from her body, but gently holding his hand.

"Your welcome!" said Kieron and smirked. In that moment they heard the voices of Roxy's parents, worried by her screams, coming up to them.

"Did you hear that?" asked Kieron turning his head to the door.

"Oh God, we're so dead! What are they gonna tell us now, standing here with two pair of wings?" asked Roxy worried for them.

"I have an idea!", said Kieron very panicked, taking Roxy's hands, "Fast, do you trust me?"

"I do!" said Roxy with her all heart.

"That's I wanted to hear!" said Kieron, turning his corners of her mouth up. He jumped onto her with his arms wide open and took her close to her chest, and with his black wings, he covered themselves and they disappeared in thin air. They traveled to the Angel's Dimension, and when she saw that she really was there, she couldn't believe her eyes. Everything was gray for her, not even the slightest color of the spectrum couldn't be seen. For her, everything seemed so lifeless, it was horrible for her seeing everything that way. She walked to the door, hearing the steps of her parents.

"Roxy, it's us, open please!" said Roxy's father, holding the door know waiting to go in.

"What do we do now?" asked Roxy, turning her fearful head to Kieron.

"We wait and see!" said Kieron, bitting his lower lip with some scared eyes. Roxy looked at the door and came closer to it. She saw the knob rotating to the left, and the door was cracking open. Her body was shivering, and her pupils were growing and stretching in a way you couldn't distinguish the blue from the black.

"Roxy, are you alright?" asked her dad, staying right in front of her, almost breathing the same air. Roxy was looking right in his eyes, she stayed closer to him than she had ever stayed in her life. "Roxy, are you here?" said her mother, pushing Roxy's father in the front, to create some space. They walked forward, and they went right through Roxy's body, being like ghosts in the Angels' dimension. Roxy was checking her body, trying to make sure she was ok, having an odd thought in her mind, feeling like her parents passed away and her imagination set free. She walked behind their back, studying every gesture, every move and every word of them up close.

"Where could she be? She can't have disappeared, we did not even hear the crack of the door and the window is closed!" said Roxy's mother, being worried for her only child, thinking about the worst that could happen.

"I am right here mom!" shouted Roxy, putting her hand on Silvana's shoulder, being unable to feel the flesh of her own mom.

"They can't hear you! The only way you can communicate with them is by sending them suggestions. Like this." said Kieron, going straight to Silvana's ear, whispering to her ear: "Throw the blue sharpie from the desk down on the ground!". Roxy's mother raised her eyes, like a spell was put on her head and she rapidly grabbed the pen and threw it on the ground. Mathew turned around very surprised when his wife did as she was told. Silvana opened his eyes again and she realized what she did and was asking herself and looking at the palm of her hands:"Was it the real me the one who did this?". Roxy looked with her eyes wide open at what had happened and she felt a bit scared, but she also felt a bit fascinated by the power of a single word.

"Wow, that's...a thing, I guess.", said Roxy with a low voice, knowing that it was a big power to have in your hands, "Can I try?"

"Yes, you can, but take care, every action you do until the full moon, will change the color of your wings, and at the moment of truth, you will be transformed based on the shade of your feathers." said Kieron looking and softly touching her perfect gray feathers. Roxy was asking herself what could she order her parents to do, there was something she didn't see in a long time. She went to Silvana's ear, and her lips moved carefully up and down, creating the words:"Kiss your husband very passionate!". Silvana looked at Mathew with kind eyes, warm and an untouched heart, moving slowly to him. When she sat next to him, she dragged his head to her lips and kissed it as if it had been her first day with him. Roxy was smiling and her gray wings got a lighter shade of gray. She was moving towards her the wings and looked closely to this transformation. She was still looking at them at how they were kissing, until her dad pushed away her mother.

"What is wrong with you today? Since we've entered this room, you're acting very strange! Why did you kiss me like this?" asked Mathew, very mad at her wife. Silvana was crying inside, looking on her face just a sad soul that could barely recover. In that very moment, Roxy's wings colored back to their original color because of the sadness she had created in her family. Kieron was looking at her and couldn't believe how fast she got her wings transformed, and the way they are the original color. Roxy was looking again at her feathers, and she felt sad because she made her parents have an argument. She closed her eyes, she was trying not to cry, and her head bent down like a crack of a tree in a cold wind of a storm.

"Hey, are you alright?" said Kieron, holding her by the forearm, feeling the pain inside of her.

"I've been better..." said Roxy with her head in the floor, wanting to be just a piece of dust, feeling that way she could hurt no one and she would have just existed with not even the slightest chance of being hurt by anything and anyone.

"Roxy, I know you are disappointed of yourself right now, but the same thing happened with my dad when I first used the persuasion on him, it turned out to be the opposite way of what I wanted it to be. Trust me, it is all going to be ok in time, and I am always here for you!" said Kieron, holding her hand tight so she could feel his protection.

"Thank you Kieron, for being here for me!" said Roxy smiling.

"No problem!" responded Kieron, along with a smirk.

"Silvana, I am going to call her, and if she dares not to answer it, she will be in big troubles!" said Mathew very mad. Once Kieron heard it, he panicked, he didn't want Roxy to get in trouble.

"Roxy, come after me, we're going to solve this shit!" said Kieron, grabbing Roxy by her hand and taking her out of the room. Roxy didn't have time to say a thing, she was stuck in this hurry of Kieron's. They got inside of the bathroom upstairs, and there, the sound of the dripping out in the bathtub was calming down both of them.

"What are we going to do?" asked Roxy with an obvious panic in her voice, seeing the bed covered in blood. She ran over it and put the blanket over fast.

"We are going to get back in our dimension, hide your wings and make yourself wet so this way your parents would think you went here to take a shower, just as simple as that!" said Kieron, preparing for a jump back in the human dimension.

"How am I going to hide these enormous...things?" said Roxy scared that the plan wouldn't have worked.

"Trust me, will you?" asked Kieron, coming close to her head and looking deep into her alarmed soul.

"Yes!" said Roxy after she calmed herself.

"Good, now hold tight!" said Kieron, jumping to her and covering both of them with his dark wings, transporting them into the human dimension. Once they got there, Kieron was looking for her towels in the drawer next to the white sink.

"What do we do now?" asked Roxy, thinking she ran out of time.

"Ok, now, you have to do something a bit odd.", said Kieron showing her his palms, with the intention of calming her down, "Now close your eyes!". Roxy did as she was told by him, and she was going to do anything that he would have told her.

"Now, try to point your mind into the wings.", said Kieron, seeing Roxy clenching her eyelids, trying to feel the wings, "And now think that they are a part of your body, feel their weight, their bones, their flesh. Feel how the wind touches your new born members, and feel that you can control them!". Roxy felt every single word, slowly and slowly she moved her wings, raising them up and down next to her with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes and looked on her side, her wings were moving and them were controlled by her sane mind. She seemed very happy in that moment, and as she was flapping her feathers upwards and downwards, she felt as if she had been lifting a huge weight up of her chest. The fear was set free, and now this alive body was to breath again.

"This is amazing!" said Roxy flapping her wings one strong time, stronger than before.

"Yes, awesome, but now we need to hide them away from your parents" said Kieron taking the towels in both of his hands.

"And how are we going to?" asked Roxy, burst into a red fame of spontaneous curiosity.

"There is the interesting part coming. Inside your back, where your wings developed, there is a special cavity, made entirely for hiding your wings. You have just to relax and drag close your wings to your body and you will feel how they enter inside of you!" said Kieron, still having the towels in his hand. Roxy shook her legs and arms, bent her head on her back, closed her eyes again, and she dragged her perfect gray wings close to her body, starting to slowly get into her body through her previous wounds. The tip of them finally entered inside and now she looked just like before, an ordinary teenage girl. Roxy opened her eyes, and realized her wings were gone. She couldn't believe that she actually have the power of an angel.

"This!" exclaimed Roxy with joy covering her delicate words.

"I know, but now you need to take a shower to clean that blood of your body and go to them! I'll now leave and I'll check on you before we leave for the club! See you, bye!" said Kieron putting the towels on the edge of the sink and waving her hand and then disappearing in the angel dimension.

"Bye! And don't try to watch me while I'm showering! You know I can see you!" said Roxy smiling and feeling great again. She slowly took her clothes off, and the thing that was mostly covered in blood was her back. She entered the bathtub and turned on the warm water and starting soaping her pure body.

"Wait, do you hear this? It's the shower, I think Roxy is taking a bath and she went there quietly." said Silvana, feeling a huge relive at the sound of the dripping water.

"Well, we both have been overreacting, we should've checked the house first and than jump into assumptions." said Mathew, looking at Silvana, but something ordered him to look over the bed. He saw on the lower part of the mattress that drips of a red liquid were about to fall on the ground. He went over there, took of the cover and discovered that poured blood of Roxy's. He was astonished at seen of this gore. Silvana put her hand to her mouth, shockingly surprised of the thing that could cause such a mess.

"What is this?" said Mathew clenching the white bed sheet in his mad fists.

"Honey, calm down! Let's not do something we would regret it afterwards." said Silvana, trying to calm him with her hand on his sides.

Roxy soaped her legs and cleaned the blood on them, and she was going her way up to her back and the wounds from the upper back area. Her arms were covered in the white foam of the shower gel and she was massaging them to get even the tiniest pinch of dirt.

"She was mutilating herself! I am not going to allow something like this happening in the God's house!" said Mathew, splitting out with fury the mean words inside his head.

Roxy rinsed her body from the cleaning products and stopped the water running out the pipe. Slowly as she could, she put her delicate leg on the wet floor, trying not to slip.

"We do not know that! We do not know what has happened right here! The best way to deal with this by asking her about this!" said Silvana, gesticulating and trying to be on the side of her only daughter.

Roxy took a red towel out of the fluffy pile on the bathroom sink, and she started drying herself, starting with her hands, her neck, her chest, her back, her abdomen and then finally her legs.

"You don't get to tell me how to raise my child!" shouted Mathew, beating his fist onto the desk.

Roxy looked at herself in the mirror, smiling and starting to do her hair with the blowdryer. She was brushing her black hair as she was blowing the water out of her scalp. Once it was all arranged, she watched closely in the looking glass that something did not feel right. She took a bunch of hairs with her fingertips and she viewed the shade and the length, she got over it and grabbed a white bathrobe. Roxy put it on and it fitted her perfectly. She tight the rope on her waist, pumped her hair one time and she got out of the bathroom along the steam coming from the tub.

"Don't you dare to traumatize her! We should be here for her, she should be the one that's telling us her problems, not us being the ones seeking for answers!" shouted Silvana, back to Mathew who was looking at her with despite.

Roxy entered the room, and saw a bit of the argument between her parents.

"Mom, dad, what is going on here?" said Roxy with a low voice, feeling the tension that was covering the walls, the air and the floor of the room.

"There you were Roxanne Miles! You don't get to scare us like this and do this thing and get away unpunished!", said Mathew running to her and grabbing in a dash with a lot of anger Roxy's wrist, "Now let's see what did we get on here!". Her dad took down the sleeve of the bathrobe to check cuts on her hands. He took the other hand and did the same thing in a cruel manner. Roxy didn't know what was happening with her dad. When his father took down the other sleeve, he saw the exact same thing, nothing but her soft skin.

"What are you doing dad?" asked Roxy scared by his control. Mathew took her by one hand and threw her like a piece of meat on the bed and took up her legs and looking for the scars of a sharp blade. Roxy put her hands to hide her intimate parts from his seek.

"Where are you signs of mutilation?" asked her dad, still harassing her daughter.

"What are you talking about? I did not do something to my body intentionally!" said Roxy, trying to pull herself away from her father.

"Stop!" said her mother, trying to grab him away from the poor girl. Mathew slapped her on her face with a lot of force. With the palm, Silvana's head moved down from the hit and the place was getting more and more red as the seconds passed. Roxy saw that and looked down terrified. Mathew got back onto Roxy, and he was trying to take down the robe, but Roxy kicked him in his chest with her right leg and pushed him away from her for a second, so she could run away from him.

"Mom, run!" screamed Roxy, while she was getting out of the room. She closed the door after her, and she went the right side of the hallway, into her parents room. Her dad followed her, but he didn't know which way to take it. Roxy heard the steps of his strange behaving father, and anything that she could come up with could help save herself. She ran to the window, opened it widely, disturb her parents' bed that was next to the window, put some clothes she find in one drawer on the sill and one on the rooftop, and then she got in the closet. Around her, there was a shirt, and she put it over her head to not see his father coming in and freak out. The doorknob made a sound, in that second Roxy was breathing faster than normal, and her heart was about to get out of her chest. She took mouths filled with air, and stopped breathing until those quantities were used.

"Of, crap! She's got out through the window!" said Mathew, looking at the window in front of the door of the closet. She was scared speechless, she did not know what to do, the fear came into her body like a paralyzing stung of a black widow. But something took her attention, she had never heard his father swear in her life. She didn't know what was it, but she knew that person was not her dad.

"Fuck Kieron, where the hack are you?" whispered Roxy scared in the closet. Mathew heard Roxy, and turned around to the closet. "Shit, he did hear me!" whispered Roxy.

"Come out of the closet Roxy!" said Mathew, rapidly opening the door.

"Help!" screamed Roxy from the top of her lungs.

Kieron since when he had flown from Roxy's, he arrived at the library in the Angel's Dimension, wanting to speak with Daniel about his friend who was now transformed. He entered through the sacred door of the library and his wings were now transformed into gray from the night's black of his feathers. Daniel was, as usual, arranging some books back on the shelves. Kieron saw him and waved his hand to attract his attention. Daniel saw him and his worried face and knew something was not good after his hurry of leaving earlier that day.

"Kieron, how's Roxy doing?" asked Daniel with a curious face.

"Besides the fact that her wings got out of her body and she's an angel..." said Kieron, thinking about what he had passed through with Roxy before getting to Daniel.

Roxy screamed for help when her father found her out in the closet. Mathew grabbed her wrist and took her out of to the light and he was ready to beat her up on the bed, but then her mother came in and pushed him away from her daughter. Silvana took Roxy from the room and ran downstairs. Mathew was a bit dizzy, but he got up on his fast almost immediately and ran after them.

"I think she's fine!" continued Kieron, looking again in his eyes.

"Good to hear that!" said Daniel, showing a little smile of joy.

"But we need to discuss the strategy to deal with this by tonight. I saw something unusual, she did something good, she made her parents to kiss and her wings got a shade lighter, but then her dad pushed away her mom and her wings became the perfect gray again. It's like everything she does has to be balanced with another action of the same impact for her wings to remain gray, is that her destiny working?" said Kieron, a bit worried.

"We have to talk about this in my sanctuary, come on!" said Daniel, flying towards the secret entry.

They flew into Daniel's place and they headed to the round table in his room.

"We have a problem then, we need to watch her out before the transformation tonight. Does she have any plans for her birthday tonight?" asked Daniel very serious and worried about the poor girl.

"Well, she does, we are going out with her in that club, 'Angelic Night', it's our favorite place yet!" said Kieron.

"Good, it's also my favorite angel club, you can find lots and lots of hot angels!" said Daniel laughing.

"Wait, what?" asked Kieron very surprised by Daniel's words.

"What? You didn't explore that place in the Angels' Dimension? What did you think the 'Angelic Night' stands for? There is such a wonderful place to be in a white angel's club." said Daniel.

"Now, I meant the part with hot angels!" said Kieron looking at Daniel with a shady face.

"I was kidding! You are the only hot angel I need in my life!" said Daniel, bending over Kieron to kiss him. Kieron bent too, and their lips touched in a soft and passionate kiss.

"That's what I wanted to hear!" said Kieron with a serious face for a second, but after he laughed along with Daniel.

Daniel grabbed his hand in a delicate touch and told him:"I love you!". Kieron blushed and went to his arms and stayed there for some time. He hold Daniel tight to his body, tighter than a lifeline in a sea of lies and disappointment. Daniel did the same with Kieron, but he closed his eyes and thought of how afraid he was to loose him again, the person that felt would be there forever and the person he would do anything for.

On the other side, there was Roxy, running in the house half naked with her mom. Both of them ran in the kitchen and hid after the bar that was separating the kitchen from the living room. Her dad saw them and ran over to the bar, slapping his hands onto the surface.

"Well, well, well, did you think you could run away from me? Guess what kiddo, I am going to get your skin and rip it off if I need to for unveiling your wings!" shouted Mathew at Roxy, making the both women to feel frightened of him. Roxy was stoned cold, the fear she felt was more than a poison running through her veins, ready to take over her heart and mind and kill her, and the only antidote was her inner bravery.

"What wings is he talking about?" asked her mother, trying to block Mathew's moves of catching her. Roxy saw a heavy brown vase on the table and she caught her father's hand, when he was about to capture her mother, and hit it with the pot. Mathew screamed of agony, and that gave them time to run in the kitchen and take some pans for defending themselves. They ran away in the living room, right in front of the library, right before her dad recovered from the hit. Standing there, cornered by her dad, she saw on the table a phone and she had an idea.

"Mom, listen, I need you to hit him with some books for me to grab the phone and distract him. The moment he runs for me, be ready to get out of the house and wait for me outside, I know how to end this!" said Roxy, taking her heart in his hands.

"What? I am not going to leave you alone with this maniac!" whispered Silvana very worried of her daughter's plan.

"Please, trust me! It's going to work, show your confidence!" whispered Roxy back to her mother, even though even herself had insecurities about the act itself.

"Ok, I trust you!", whispered Silvana, smiling in front of the death, "Now, let's do this!"

Roxy ran to the phone, Mathew saw her moving towards it and he tired to stop her, but right before he would touch it, she took it. Mathew wanted to catch her with his arms but he was hit with the flying books thrown by Silvana, and that gave Roxy time to run from, by jumping over the couch and being free. Mathew knew she would think to run and that he would follow her, and he instead ran for Silvana, the perfect prey to catch the big fish. "Roxy, run!" screamed Silvana when her husband was coming for her. Roxy stopped in the staircase, turned around and saw her mother threatened by her dad. Roxy knew what she had to do, she put the phone on the bar's table and ran fast over there, while he was about to hurt her mother, but luckily he was turned with the back at Roxy, and she punched him in the neck with the thin right side of her right palm, making him a bit nauseous, but also angry. He turned around, his eyes seemed more red than the hell from the fury that was burning inside. In that moment, she thought that she took the worst decision in her life, but that was the best thing to do, the spark that will put on the fire of a fighter for what was right. "Mom, run now!" shouted Roxy, knowing what's coming for her, a confrontation that she would have never even imagined it would take place, the one with his father. Silvana ran from the corner out through the door, and left Roxy in this rough fight. Mathew threw himself with a round punch with the fist, but right when he was about to do the curve, Roxy stopped the fist with her palm, she clenched fast and she was tightening it up harder and harder until he started screaming from the pain and she then kicked him with her left foot in the stomach. He backed up from the pain and he bent because of the pain, and Roxy took a step back ready for the next hit. Mathew stood up again, and this time, he was angrier on her then from the first hit. He ran fast onto her, grabbed her and bumped her in the kitchen's bar with an insane amount of force. Roxy groaned, but then a punch was about to hit her in the nose. When the fist was close, she bent her head down, making her dad punch in a piece of wood. He shook his hand from the hit, and in the moment Roxy saw the phone lying on the table and she knew she really needed to call Kieron, because she wasn't sure if that had been a battle the she could win. She was cornered by his arms and she couldn't go anywhere, but when the second hit was about to come, she used her knee and kicked her father in the 'intimate zone'. His eyes almost came out of his orbits, and he put both of his hands on the affected zone, setting the girl free. Roxy flew out of the cage, took the phone and ran to the kitchen. She dialed Kieron's number and she waited for him to answer, even though the threat was just about to begin.

Kieron was still sitting and kissing with Daniel as everything was happening at Roxy's, and nothing could not disturb him in those moment, except the phone's ringtone. He was angry that his romantic moment with Daniel was killed by that ringing piece of technology.

"Are you not going to answer?" asked Daniel, while he was hugging Kieron and smiling with the corner of the mouth to his ears.

"Not now." said Kieron, continuing to kiss Daniel.

"Come on, maybe there's an emergency!" said Daniel, creating a bit os space between them to look properly in his eyes.

"I am sure it can wait!" said Kieron, looking serious in Daniel's eyes.

"Ok, you are not going to answer this, but I will!" said Daniel, moving towards the table with Kieron's phone on it. It was an unsaved number, the digits didn't give a clue of the person that was calling. Daniel lifted the phone and answered it on the speaker, so Kieron could hear it with his on ears.

"Hello?" said Daniel of the person who was calling.

"Good afternoon, are you interested in making a subscription on the new gym that was opened 2 days ago in the new Mega Mall in downtown Los Angeles?" asked a young lady on the phone.

"No, thank you!" said Daniel and hanged up the phone, being disappointed that he was wrong. Kieron bate Daniel firmly on his shoulder.

"Daniel, I don't want to tell you 'I told you!', so I am not going to, even if I was right and you were wrong!" said Kieron, with a calming voice and a tone more of sarcasm.

"It could have been an emergency! You should have answered it!" said Daniel a bit disappointed of his guesses.

"Rule number one, I am always right. Rule number two, when I am not wright, the rule number one applies." said Kieron smiling, making Daniel laugh of Kieron's rules and forgetting about the fact he was wrong. Kieron's phone started buzzing again, again, with an unsaved number in his agenda. His wing necklace starting glowing, creating a flickering light as a living soul that was about fade away. He put his hand on it and pressed it upon his chest, close to his heart, feeling the person's pain and struggle of survival.

"Oh, another person from the call center, great! I am keen on hearing what other subscriptions are they going to speak about!" said Daniel, annoyed by the simple thought of being another drill.

"No, this one's Roxy! I can feel it in my heart the she's in a big danger!" said Kieron, panicked for Roxy. He rapidly answered the phone, to find out what was threatening Roxy.

"Kieron, I need you now!" said Roxy, barely breathing from the rush of getting away from her dad.

"What happened?" asked Kieron while his heart was beating as hard as it almost got out of his chest.

"My dad, he's been acting very crazy after you left, and now he is attacking me. But the odd part is that he is not himself, he is acting like he is possessed or something... I don't know what it is doing this to him, but I know it's not human!" said Roxy, having a strong fear inside of her. Roxy's father recovered from the pain and ran to her with a knife that he took off the bar. His teeth were clenching from the need of tasting and smelling the human blood pouring out of a vivid body. His attitude made Roxy scream from the bottom of her throat, and if you had been there, you could almost have seen tears coming out of her innocent eyes. Kieron heard her scream, but he didn't know what he could have done through a cell phone.

"Roxy, what's happening?" shouted Kieron in the phone.

"My dad is back and he wants to cut me in pieces with a knife! Come here fast!" said Roxy, seeing Mathew as he was coming to her. Mathew ran towards her daughter with the blade pointed forward and one palm perpendicular on the handle so he could push harder and create the perfect stab, the one no one would escape alive. Roxy bent down on the left when he was close to her with the phone still at her ear and pushed her leg ahead to hit his ankles and fall into the kitchen furniture. When Mathew was unbalanced, his blade looked downwards and scratched the upper proximity of Roxy's ear, forming a wound and that made Roxy scream. She got out off her father, putting for a second her right hand over her wound and then she took a pan that was in the sink. Kieron heard her screaming and the sounds of the battle, and he was worried more than ever.

"Roxy, are you ok?" asked Kieron very alarmed.

"I got cut above mi right ear! Get here and help me deal with this! I don't think I can fight him much longer! Help!" said Roxy getting away moaning from the pain.

"Ok, but one more thing, don't get to the Angels' Dimension! It's not safe at all!" said Kieron.

"Firstly, I still don't know how the hell to do that and secondly, here is not safe either!" said Roxy sarcastically, and looked behind her back and saw her dad coming to her with speed. She started running on the stairs to the second floor.

"Can't you get out of the house? I think it'll be much safer!" said Kieron.

"If I go out, he will follow me and the neighbors will call the police and he will be arrested. It's not his fault he is possessed, and I need ways to save me and him." said Roxy running towards her bedroom with a pan in her left hand and with a bathrobe on.

"Ok, I am coming right now! Hold on tight!" said Kieron, feeling the rush of the situation.

"I am trying! Bye!" said Roxy and then she hanged up the phone and closed her door behind her. Her dad was going down the upstairs hall

"I need to go there and help her! I think a black angle might have found out about her and he found some way to control her father and get rid of her! I have to go there and take care of it on my own!" said Kieron on the point of leaving the sanctuary.

"Wait Kieron, let me come with you!" said Daniel, taking Kieron's hand before leaving.

"No, it's not the time for her to find out about her destiny and you know I can handle it as I did before!" said Kieron very determined to stop everyone who's causing her harm.

"Ok, but let me refill your blood necklace, it's almost empty!" said Daniel overly worried for him.

"Thank you, I needed that!" said Kieron with some sad eyes. Daniel took a small blade knife and punctured the skin of the index finger with the tip. He squeezed his finger to get out more blood for his boyfriend on his necklace, groaning a bit of the pain, but knowing that it was worth it.

"There you have it! Take care of her and stay with her until tonight and me and some friends will keep one eye out in case of something bad happening before the big moment!" said Daniel with a sad face, feeling that he might have lost Kieron forever this time, "Take care!".

"I will!", said Kieron and the he kissed Daniel passionately one more time and then he headed to the door, "Bye!".

Mathew entered over Roxy in her room with his knife in her hand. Roxy was terrified by him, her pupils were completely dilated, her inhales were were deeper and very fast, her skin had created goosebumps and the sweat started taking over the whole surface of her palms, skin and forehead and her hands were so slippery that she almost let fall the pan out of her hand. "God, I'm screwed!" was telling herself in her mind, she barely could move her members, but the adrenaline inside her veins took care of that. Mathew had watched her for a second and after he got to her. Roxy clenched hard her pan's handle in the hand and then she was ready to fight for her life and earn her place as an angel. Her father threw himself into the fight with his sharpened blade and started trying to cut her own daughter with moves from the top to the bottom, but he couldn't touch her, she was moving her body with a lot of precision in the opposite part of the blade. Mathew drew her arm from the right to the left and the blade pointing Roxy's right shoulder, but the did the same thing with her pan and stopped the blade in the metal and with her left hand hit with the narrow side of the palm her dad's forearm down, making him grunt. The priest was mad again, and he moved down the hand with the knife and cut her on her right foot, making her scream and starting the most dangerous flame inside of her daughter's soul. Roxy swapped the pan from the right hand to the left one and then he kicked him with the side that stainless steel object right in the right side of his thoracic cavity, in between two ribs, and when Mathew screamed of the pain, the girl kicked with her left foot onto the pan to apply even more force on those bones. Mathew screamed and screamed as Roxy was beating the pan into his bones and when she heard and felt the beginning of a crack she stopped, and she was breathing faster from the effort and took the metal away from her father. Mathew fell on the ground and he was barely pulling himself up from the floor and with his right hand he was applying pressure on the affected area.

"Are you still trying to take you daughter down?" said Roxy looking mad at Mathew.

"Yes, and I won't stop until I cut your wings off!" exclaimed Mathew with his teeth clenched and with blood coming out of his mouth.

"And how are you going to do that from down there?" asked Roxy with a serious face, even if she felt guilty of the way she treated her father.

"Like this!" said her dad, jumping from the ground and grabbing her from the neck. He rotated Roxy with the back on his face and then blocked her, holding his forearm in the elbow area to her neck and keeping her tight there. Roxy tried to get free from the hold using her hands, but she couldn't. Mathew was tightening and tightening his grip, taking the air away from Roxy.

"Dad, please, stop!" barely said Roxy, chocking to death.

"Take your wings out now and I will think about it!" said Mathew laughing like a maniac with his blood dripping onto Roxy's bathrobe while he was strangling her.

"I don't have wings!" said Roxy with the little air she could fill her lungs with.

"Don't lie to me! I know the truth, do it, now!" ordered Mathew, spilling blood everywhere.

"Ok, but let me take a breath first!" said Roxy, having a blue face from the missing oxygen quantity.

"As you wish!" said Mathew, loosening a bit the grip. And letting the girl breathing easier. Roxy's face turned from a dark violet to a light red as she exhaled and then her face regained her initial color. She had to respect her accord, so she tightened her cord from the waist and while she was still under her father's blockage, she pulled down sleeves from the hands, and she revealed her empty chest with that milk-like skin. She concentrated, while a river of tears was flowing out of her eyes, and took her wings out of back, and in that moment she felt that the real person inside of her was about to die.

"Wow, look at these, such big toys for such a little girl, aren't they?", said Mathew smiling with his red teeth and softly touching the wings on the upper part, making Roxy cry even harder, waiting for the moment she would have had her wings taken away and her wings were swapping color from black to white in seconds in an uncontrolled angel-like gradient , "Such great power on the hands of a such ungrateful girl, and right in this very moment I am asking myself:'Why would she choose her?', but then here I am and I say:"Doesn't matter anymore, you won't have them much longer!".

"Stop, dad, you don't need to do this, please!" said Roxy sobbing and crying, having again the red face, and in that spot, you couldn't see the eyes because of the ocean of salty waters coming out from her hurt soul. She was begging, half naked and locked from any chance to escape to keep her reality by her. Mathew put his shivering hand on the root of the wings, next to the wound that allows them to get out to the day light, and he was ready to pull the bone out forever.

"Oh yes, I need to, and a little advice, hold your breath when I am taking them down, it will help with the pain.", said Mathew, clenching hard the beginning of the left wing, making Roxy close her eyes and sobbing even harder, feeling hopeless, "Hold on princess, there's no one going to save you!".

Mathew felt in that second something in the lower part of his back, on the spine, like the hit of a lightning, but it was actually Kieron's foot who stopped him from tearing Roxy's wings apart. Roxy's father fell once again on the ground, releasing Roxy from the lock and without turning around, she put her bathrobe back on and wiped the blood on her leg and the one above her ear away.

"Thanks God Kieron! You came at the right moment, he almost ripped my wings off my body!" said Roxy very grateful when she saw Kieron next to her and also because she kept her wings.

"No problem, and I guess you had some family issues to talk about, didn't you?" said Kieron, looking at Roxy's wounds and at her fainted dad with a sad and analyzing look on his face.

"Well, I guess that all of them ended now..." said Roxy, feeling a bit of guilt.

"Wait for me here, I need to take care of some stuff with your father in the Angels' Dimension, and put your wings back inside of you!" said Kieron, taking hi wings out and the flying in the other dimension. Kieron he got there and saw an unknown dark angel, taking some kind of mystic object from Mathews neck.

"Hey, who the hell are you and what are you doing there?" asked Kieron, having his dark wings out. The angel saw him and he was stoned in the moment his eyes met Kieron's. Kieron walked to him, and the angel took fast the necklace and he got out another mystic gold object in the shape of a star with 8 corners, 4 bigger ones in the shape of a cross and 4 smaller ones in the spaces between 2 different corners, having in the middle a sapphire gem stone. Kieron almost got him, but that object emitted a blinding light that stopped Kieron from getting to him and the moment Kieron could see again, the other angel was gone away.

Roxy put back her wings and she was caressing her father right after, hurt by everything that had happened in that day. Everything between them was so quiet, something unusual for them when they are together, because Roxy and her father were not habitually on the same page. Mathew had a strict way of living for Roxy, and Roxy had more of a self-didactic personality, knowing that the only way of knowing that the only true way of knowing of what's right or wrong was by trying everything. Her mother took her side in those endlessly arguments with her father, and in some of them, even her mother couldn't stop him from shouting at her own daughter. She knew it was wrong what she acted, but a very tiny piece of her knew he deserved it for the way he treated her. While they had their soundless daughter-and-father moment, Kieron appeared, flapping once his wings and then he put them back inside his body.

"Hey, is he ok?" asked Kieron, trying to break the ice with Roxy.

"Excepting the fact that I may have broken him some of the ribs, pulled on or more of his muscles and maybe took his ability of procreating... I think he will live!" said Roxy with a sad and sarcastic voice, raising her shoulders up while she was holding Mathew's hand.

"Hey, I know it may have been a pretty harsh first day for you as an angel, but I have to tell you one more thing about tonight." said Kieron, having a bit evasive tone.

"What is it all about?" asked Roxy, scared of Kieron's words.

"At midnight, you are going to be transformed forever in one of the types of angels based on the color of your wings, but I can tell you one thing, it won't hurt!" said Kieron, showing a fake smile with his last three words.

"Really? Ok, so everything I do tonight will turn my balance into a side or another?" asked Roxy very curious, getting back up on her feet.

"Yes, it will!", said Kieron, seeing Roxy exhaling from the stress that was put on her shoulders, "But hey, no matter what color your wings will have, everything is going to be fine, because it won't tell your true self, it's just a stupid test.", said Kieron going after Roxy and grabbing her by her shoulders and looking in her eyes.

"Ok, I won't panic and tonight I am just going to have fun with my friends! But first, we need to take care of my dad!" said Roxy thinking about that night and what was going to happen at the transformation.

"I will take care of him, clean him, put him to some rest, but you need to get yourself ready and after we are going to take care of those scars." said Kieron, picking up her father.

"Deal!" said Roxy, closing the door after Kieron and exhaling.

Kieron put Roxy's father into the master bedroom, right in the bed with his head pointing the ceiling, and went to take a wet towel and started cleaning the blood of his face and hands. He checked his ribs to see if were there any fractures, luckily, there were none, and neither on the spine. He left him to rest, assuring that he was breathing normally. He slowly closed the door, went downstairs, and starting arranging the mess. On the other hand was Roxy, that sat on the chair in front of the mirror inside her room. He looked at her face and scar, and again she felt like there was something that didn't say 'Roxy'. She opened the drawer and saw the gray dye and then she knew what she had to do. She took the scissors and started cutting her hair off very short, in a way that some could say 'a very male-type haircut', but it was what she felt like. She took the paint and put in a bowl that she used to mix the tempera colors for her art projects, and then she applied, once it was mixed in the right quantities, on her hair. She walked to the bathroom with her wet hair, she bent down with her head in the bathtub and rinsed her hair from the dye and then she used a blowdryer to escape from the water surplus. She looked at herself in the mirror at her brand new color, and then she touched, feeling joyful from the transformation, feeling that this is her true self. She got back to her room and looked in her closet, she saw a very elegant dress, something she didn't wear before, and took it out to put in on. It fitted her perfectly, it was a gray one-piece middle length dress, that left her back uncovered until the waist and that had a collar around her neck to keep it on her. On her legs she found out another mat gray pair with a flower on the side, and these shoes that no high-heels, they were as elegant as the shoes of a ballerina. On the makeup side, she contoured her eyes with a black mascara and on her checks she applied a a vary pale pink blush, wanting to point out the beauty of the naturalness. She put back a bunch of fallen hairs, but then she was staring at her true self, and the only things that destroyed her appearance were the scars. Kieron knocked in the door and entered.

"Roxy, wow, look at you! You shine brighter than a diamond!" said KeIron, being surprised by the way Roxy looked.

"Thank you Kieron, but I don't like the scars 'though.." said Roxy flattered by Kieron.

"No worries, we will take care of them right now!" said Kieron, taking off the wings necklace and the healing one from under his t-shirt.

"What are those things?" asked Roxy very curious.

"These are mystic objects, they have powers that can help you do specific stuff, for example, the ones I'm gonna give to you right now, this one with the heart, is a healing one and it will take care of every thing that hurts you." said Kieron, putting the wing necklace on her neck along with the heart necklace.

"How do you use these?" asked Roxy, holding them in her palm and staring at them.

"You can't use them unless you have gray angel blood on you, and that's why I have this one", said Kieron, raising the necklace with the blood droplet, "And the way to activate this one is to concentrate on it and close your eyes. It will get through your skin and it might hurt a bit, but then everything then will disappear, including the scars."

"Ok, I trust you and I'll try!" exclaimed Roxy very skeptical about it, but she did because she knew Kieron was not crazy to believe in fairy tales. She closed her eyes, she breath in and then concentrated on the mystic object, that started glowing and puncturing her skin until it all got inside of her body. The scars were glowing and then the closed completely and the blood crust fell down on the ground. The necklace got out of her body and she opened her eyes and exhaled fast. She saw herself in the mirror and she couldn't believe her eyes that she had no visible mark on her body of the incident.

"How does that feel?" asked Kieron, smiling when he saw her happy.

"Amazing! Can't we use that on my father, maybe it will help him eg better!" said Roxy.

"We can't, he is a human and these work only with angels! I am sorry!" said Kieron with a sad face.

"It's ok, at least I got free from those signs!", said Roxy smiling, "And now let's go!"

"Sure Roxy, after you!" said Kieron, opening the door to Roxy. They went downstairs, she texted her mother and told her:"Dad slipped and fell down on the ground, he is now sleeping in bed and no one but him got hurt. You can come home now, ie everything safe, now I am going to the club with my friends and I won't come later than 1 am, kiss you!", then she took a white small purse and went out of the house, locking the door 3 times with her key. Outside there was no sun up on the sky, they had left by 10:40 pm from Roxy's and they had ordered a taxi to take them to the club. On the way to the club, Roxy was thinking a bit about that day and didn't understand a thing about it, she was still thinking about why would her dad be possessed.

"Kieron, I forgot to answer, did you see anything strange about my dad in the Angels' Dimension?" asked Roxy, full with worries. Kieron was thinking in his head about whether or not telling Roxy about the dark angel.

"I didn't see a thing, I saw something on your father's neck, the mark of a mystic object, but beside that, nothing!" said Kieron, looking in her eyes, trying to make her believe the lie.

"Well, it's ok, at least you tried!" said Roxy smiling, then she turned her head to the window and looked at the city, changing her face to a sad one. The lights of the city felt at that moment for Roxy the uncontrolled flames of old torches, and every spark that flew away from them could create an uncontrollable fire. They arrived at the entrance, Roxy paid the taxi about 15$ for the ride, and Kieron texted Daniel that he had arrived at the club. There were sitting Claire, Mary and Amanda, all having bags with presents in their hands, waiting for their celebrated girl-friend.

"There's our birthday girl! Happy birthday! And by the way, you look amazing with this new haircut and clothes!" shouted Claire when she saw Roxy coming to her, and then she hugged her close to her body, putting one hand on her back.

"Thank you so much Claire!" said Roxy, hugging Claire and taking the present from her hand.

"Hey, don't forget about me! Happy birthday Roxy" said Mary, going to her in some cute little steps, and after she reached Roxy, she hugged her close and handed the present.

"Thank you Mary!" said Roxy, taking the present.

"Hey, I am here too!" said Amanda laughing, and going to her and hugging her too.

"Yes you are, thank you so much for being here!" said Roxy, hugging Amanda.

"Not a problem and once again, happy birthday!" said Amanda handing her the present.

"Thank you so much for being here, to all of you! I am really happy because I got to have friends like you on my side tonight!" said Roxy, feeling grateful for her bound of friendship with the squad.

"We thank you for being the best friend!" said Kieron with a smirk on his face, accompanied by the rest of the squad with words of joy and excitement.

"Now, everyone, let's get this party started and get wasted!" said Roxy hauling, running towards the entrance, along with the others from the squad. They all went to the bar and each one ordered a drink and went to the dance floor. Every and each one of them freed the spirit through the dance moves, along with the lots of other people in the club. Roxy took Claire's hand and rotated her under her arm into a pirouette, making Claire's hair move out of control and making her smile. Roxy felt good being again next to her, even if she was lying herself when she said she had been there just "as a friend". Mary and Amanda were dancing next to each other and Kieron was dancing again like the gravity and him had never met. Everything started good in that night, nothing couldn't have been better for her than that atmosphere.

"Hey Roxy, can you take a picture of me and Mary dancing?" asked Claire, handing Roxy the phone.

"I sure can!" said Roxy, focusing the camera on them. She took a couple of photos, and when Claire thanked her, Kieron's necklace was glowing white. Roxy wanted to see if there were any blurry photos and when she found one she pressed too hard on the button, and made her entire photo gallery disappear. Roxy opened her eyes and couldn't believe what she had done. Claire saw her face and she went there to see what was wrong and she found out everything, and in that moment Kieron's necklace was glowing black and then it flickered one time in a gray spark.

"Roxy, did you delete my entire photo album?" asked Claire a bit furious on Roxy.

"Claire, I am so sorry!" said Roxy with a guilty voice.

"It's ok, it's going to take some time but I will get the photos back from the cloud, no worries!" said Claire with a calm tone.

"Are you sure we're ok?" asked Roxy very worried.

"More than sure!" said Claire smiling. Roxy chilled out for a bit and she started dancing again with her friends in that vivd place. In the room, someone had walked in heading towards them. He had a dark hair, wearing a motorbike jacket on a black shirt, some big leather boots and some camouflage pants with two chains hanging on the right side of his hip.

"Hello everyone, my name is Nick, and I am Claire's boyfriend!" exclaimed this mysterious guy, looking at each one of the squad members.

"Hello, my name is Kieron!" said Kieron, shaking his hand and seeing a smile on the right part of his mouth.

"Nice to meet you Kieron!" said Nick.

"Nice to meet you too!" replied Kieron.

"And these other splendid girls, who are them?" asked Nick, looking at all of them, except Claire.

"Well, she's Mary, Amanda and Roxy, the birthday girl." said Claire presenting the girls to him. The girls raised their hands in a greeting form, and he took Roxy's hand and kissed it saying:"Nice to meet you Roxy, I hope you had a great day!", blinking after he stopped talking.

"Nice darling, now come here and dance with me!" said Nick, dragging her onto the dance floor, further away from them, and in a moment he kissed her with all of his inner passion.

"I did indeed, and if you excuse me, I will go to the bar and have something to drink!" said Roxy, making herself place through the those masses of human souls.

She took a place to the table and ordered a non-alcoholic cocktail with blue and white in it, feeling that those colors described the best her feelings.

"Hey, sorry for disturbing, but your cocktail looks delicious, can I try it?" said an anonymous guy from two seats away.

"You sure can!" said Roxy, making Kieron's necklace to glow white again.

"Come on, pass it over the table!" said that guy, holding his hands ready for it.

"Sure!" said Roxy, passing the glass onto the new-laminated bad of angelic night, making Kieron's necklace to shine in a white color and coming to her, but unluckily for her, the glass feel down on him because of the force applied and destroyed his clothes, and made Kieron's necklace glow again in a dark shade.

"Hey, what was that?" asked that guy, looking down on his dirty clothes a bit angry on her.

"I am so sorry!" said Roxy, trying to come closer to him, having a sad face on.

"It's ok, but...stay away from me!" said that guy pushing his arms forward to keep a distance between him and Roxy, and then he left her alone there, and making her feel guilty, even if her intentions were the purest. Kieron watched her again in the distance and felt sad for her.

"Poor Roxy, must have been hard for her, this entire day..." said Kieron, having a tint of a tear falling down on his face.

"And it's going to get even harder for her!" said Daniel, appearing next to Kieron. Kieron got scared and stared at him.

"What are you doing here?" asked Kieron very surprised by Daniel's entry moment.

"What do you think I am doing? Just keeping an eye out for her, for you...and I analyzed everything from the other dimension. I am here to tell you, be there for her!", said Daniel looking to Roxy's direction, while she was rotating a straw in a glass and sitting there depressed, "This new beginning is where she ends, and the only thing linked to her human past is you, and trust me, she won't be herself for long!"

"Ok, I am going to her and be the best friend possible!" said Kieron, making himself a path through the crowd. Daniel was looking at him as he was going, and then he turned his head, and saw something strange, he saw the guy that was staring at him in the library dancing with Claire, thinking something was not strange, but he ignored it, thinking the whole purpose of that night was Roxy.

"Hey, Roxy, how are you?" asked Kieron, knowing the answer inside his head.

"Well, I feel kind of bad, but besides that, I am pretty much ok, I guess..." said Roxy, feeling bad that she couldn't do something good without something bad happening.

"Well, I get that you feel useless, but trust me, everything is going to be better. And how about we go dance together and dance a bit?" proposed Kieron, having a funny serious face on, taking a smirk out of Roxy.

"Thanks Kieron, but I'd rather stay here and do nothing than go there and hurt somebody!" said Roxy, having a serious face on her.

"C'mon, don't you wanna appeal to the hetero-normative society we live in? Is going to be great, two people who have nothing to do with 'straightness' go on and dance together." said Kieron, making Roxy laugh.

"Ok, but just for the hetero-normative society!" said Roxy laughing.

"My lady, would you allow me to escort you onto the dance floor?" asked Kieron, bowing in front of Roxy, with one and to his back.

"Of course sir!" said Roxy, giving her hand to Kieron and they went back on the crowd. A hip-hop son was played on, and they started bouncing next to each other, having crazy moves, but just to amuse the other. They were laughing and taking selfies, moving carefree, just enjoying time on the other ones' company. Kieron went to her and grabbed her out of the ground and rotated her on his arms like on a insane spinning ride. The rest of the girls saw them and they joined them, Claire even left Nick just to be in the crazy inner circle of them. Everyone else had been looking weird at them, thinking 'look at those people!', but they didn't care a bit about those. Daniel was looking at them from the distance, he was smirking and enjoyed looking at them, unfortunately, the same couldn't be told about Nick, who was staring angrily to Daniel, a few people next to him and then he went out of there.

They danced for some time, but the clock was about to strike 12, and I think you know what does that mean, don't you? Yes, exactly, the transformation. Roxy started feeling nauseous, and she almost fainted on the ground. Kieron took her up, and helped her stand on her own feet. This nightmare was just about to start, because 15 minutes later a petrifying pain started hitting her on her back, the wings wanted to come out of her body, and she started feeling bad. Kieron looked at the watch and he rapidly took her out of the club and ran with her on a dark alley close to the club, but on a lane that was not frequented by humans. Daniel was in the restroom at that moment, and while he washed his face, Nick appeared behind his back.

"What the hell are you doing on here?" asked Nick very angry.

"I am just using the restroom like a normal human would!" said Daniel sarcastically.

"Stop the lie, we both know what the other person really is! What are you doing here? The gray angels don't have better things to do than watch a stupid 16 years old party?" asked Nick with a mad look.

"Kid, let me tell you something, this is none of your business! So get away!" said Daniel, very threatening.

"Ok, I will leave now, but I warn you, you would better stay away from that girl if you know what's best for you and that little boyfriend of yours!" said Nick, leaving the restroom and going away.

"What a dick!" exclaimed Daniel, and checking in the same time the time. When he saw the hour, her ran into the club looking for Kieron, but he couldn't see him. He put his hand on his chest, in the place where Daniel's wing necklace was, under his t-shirt. Claire saw when Kieron and Roxy ran away out of the club, and saw Daniel running too, be she didn't know who was him, so she followed him to Kieron and Roxy.

"Kieron, what is happening to me?" asked Roxy, being hurt in those harsh moments of her existence.

"Is time for the transformation, let your wings set free, is going to be everything ok!" said Kieron, holding her hand. The moon stopped right above her and its rays came to her like a bridge, opening the way to her future life and closing the one to her old one.

"Is it going to hurt when I will transform?" asked Roxy with a painful face.

"No, it's not and after yo will feel like a whole new other person!" said Kieron, softly holding her hand and smiling to cheer her up.

"Ok, then, I think I am ready for this!" said Roxy, staying with her back straight up, and letting her wings out to the moon light. The light raised her up in the air, Roxy leaving her head on the odds and closed her eyes, leaving the body without the slightest movement. Her wings were changing colors fast from white to black in the light of the moon. Nick had made his way to the alley without Kieron seeing him, he had took his shadowed feathers to the air and formed a spare from the dark of the night that he threw to Roxy in that vulnerable position of her. The only thing Kieron saw was how the spare flew to Roxy, but luckily, a penumbra shield flew I the direction of the spare, right before it was about to touch Roxy. It was thrown by a gray angel woman, with her hair as red as a burning flame, making Kieron not to believe his own eyes, and Nick swallow his split with a knot in his throat. Nick formed himself a shield out of the penumbra, and then tried to get away from there, but right when he turned around, a blonde guy with gray wings punched him in the face and threw him over a corner. Nick closed his and checked her head with his right hand, and when he did open his eyes, another gray angel with a dark hair brought him up and kicked him with his foot into the wall, making him faint. Daniel came to Kieron to see if he had been ok, and luckily for Nick, he was, because Daniel would have killed him if he had hurt Kieron.

"Daniel, you're here!" said Kieron, hugging Daniel, feeling better because he was there then.

"Of course I am here, I always will be, you mean everything to me!' said Daniel kissing him.

"Uh, guys, I am sorry for disturbing everything now, but Daniel, could you introduce us to your little boyfriend over here?" asked the blonde girl.

"Oh, sure! Guys, this is Kieron, and Kieron, this blondie over here is Jasmine, this tough guy with black hair is Howard and this blonde skinny top-model is Jacob, but you can call him Jake!" said Daniel.

"Nice to meet you guys! It's a pleasure!" said Kieron, shaking everyone's hand.

"The pleasure is upon us!" said Jasmine.

Kieron looked up and saw that the change of colors slowed down, and that it stopped on the gray color, leaving slowly Roxy on the ground down on her knees, with her head bent forward and with her eyes closed. Kieron came closer to her, saying "Roxy!". Roxy didn't answer, and when he touched her, she woke up inhaling fast and deep on time, like she came back to life.

"Roxy, are you alright?" asked Kieron frightened inside.

"I am Kieron, but I am no' Roxy!" said Roxy, stepping back on the ground with her gray wings open.

"Who are you then?" asked Daniel scared of the answer.

"I am his mom, your friend Daniel, on of the gray angels. I am Dianne!" said Roxy's mouth, guided by the soul of Dianne.

"This can't be possible! How is she...talking from Roxy's body?" asked Jake, looking amazed at her.

"I don't know, but is awesome!" whispered Howard to Jake.

"You two guys remained the same, you din't change a bit!", said Dianne laughing, "But we are not here to talk about old memories, we're here to talk about the things that destroyed the nature of things. Kieron, you don't know the least about what is going to happen. The dark angels are trying to break the barrier between the Angels' Dimension and the human one and let the darkness rule over this little world and lives. You are part of one prophecy, you are meant to destroy their plan using the elemental objects hidden around the world, and all of them are in a map inside the sanctuary, in a book and you need to find the one, because I won't tell you anything!" said Dianne.

"Mom, I missed you so much!" said Kieron, going over her and hugging her while tears were falling down on his face.

"I missed you too! I am so sorry that I couldn't tell you the truth about your past and that you had to find it by your own, by believe me, I loved you from the first second I saw you! And now we are going to be reunited again, because I won't leave the place!" said Dianne smiling.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" asked Kieron, wiping his tears away.

"I am all reincarnated in this girl, I can be myself again and be here as I watch you grow and become the full angel you are meant to be!" said Dianne, holding him by his shoulders.

"But what about Roxy? What is going to happen with her?" asked Kieron, worried for Roxy.

"She will be sleeping for the eternity inside this body, but don't overreact, she won't feel a thing, just a dream!" said Dianne.

"But is not fair to her!" shouted Kieron.

"Kieron, I thought you wanted me to be next to you!" said Dianne, feeling like her feelings were hurt.

"Yes, I still want that, but you lived your life, it's Roxy's time now. She's been there for me when I didn't have someone, and I don't have to let her down, not even now!" said Kieron from the bottom of his heart, making the other gray angels look at him with some amazed eyes, thinking that he had had the guts to do that.

"Kieron, your soul is beyond comparison! Come on, take you wings out!" said Dianne smiling with a strange look on her face. Kieron took out the wings as he was told, Dianne was touching the feathers of his wings and then touched Kieron's cheek with sympathy.

"Kieron, stay as you already are! The true heart inside doesn't have to do anything with the color of your wings, trust me, don't forget ever what I am about to tell you, because I won't be here much for long. The past doesn't define you, it's just a scar on your body, you can see it and others, but the only one who can define you is yourself! And one more thing, I love you my dearest child!" said Dianne, holding Kieron by his shoulder, and the she kissed him on the forehead.

"Wait, why won't you be here for long?" asked Kieron, thinking about the worst possibilities.

"Kieron, this is not my body, I can't take it away from someone, I did now because you needed to know those things, and the reason why I told you I was going to stay was just a test meant to be sure that my little boy didn't change a bit! Now I will leave your friend, and one more thing, take care of her, she is very hurt inside! Bye my boy!" said Dianne, looking into Kieron's eyes.

"Bye mom and thank you once again!" said Kieron smiling, making Dianne be happy too because she had the chance to see him. She bent her head on her back, looked once at the moon, took a breath and then a powerful glow came from her, leaving Roxy's body in the air. Kieron ran to her and caught her in his arms, the second time in that day.

"Roxy, are you there?" asked Kieron worried about her, putting her wings behind his hands so he wouldn't hurt them.

"Yeah Kieron, I am now!" said Roxy, barely opening her eyes with a smirk on her face, acting like she was high.

"Thank God you're safe!" said Kieron, putting Roxy's leg on the ground.

"Yes, I am now and thank you for being for me! And thank you everyone for helping me stay alive!" said Roxy with gratitude, smiling and looking mostly to Jasmine, who seemed fascinated by Roxy in a romantic way.

"The pleasure is ours! We are happy that we have another gray angels between us!" said Howard, taking her hand and kissing it. While Roxy was caught up in her moment, Nick opened his eyes and looked at them, pretending he was dizzy, waiting for a chance to win that fight.

"And Roxy, here is someone I would really like to introduce to you, officially, this is my boyfriend, Daniel!" said Kieron, holding Daniel by his back.

"Nice to meet you Roxy!" said Daniel, shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you too! So this is the famous guy who helped Kieron to unlock his real potential!" said Roxy laughing joyfully.

"I wouldn't put it that way, but okay, let it make it up to you!" said Daniel laughing too.

"Roxy, is that you?" said Claire, appearing onto the dark lane. Roxy opened her eyes as wide as her eyes almost got out of their orbits.

"Yeah Claire, it's me! I am an gray angels apparently!" said Roxy scared a bit, seeing Claire coming closer to her. Claire came to her and took her in her arms and held her tightly.

"I am so glad you're safe!" exclaimed Claire, having tears coming out of their eyes.

"Claire, I am so happy I can see you again!" exclaimed Roxy, crying with tears of joy, making the other angels, except for Daniel and Kieron, to ask themselves how could a mundane know about them.

"Why couldn't have you?" asked Claire.

"Because your boyfriend that is fainted over there tried to kill me while I was transforming!" said Roxy, pointing the bad dark angel. Claire saw him, and then he walked to him to look closer to him.

"Why would you do that? I thought you liked me!" said Claire angry on him, bending over his fainted body. Nick opened his eyes in a dash the moment Claire was close enough to her, stood up and grabbed her as a hostage, making her be scared.

"Everyone back up, now!" said Nick, forming an elemental syringe with shadow, putting it next to her neck, threatening everyone that he was going to inject it into her circulatory system.

Jake wanted to beat him up, but it was stopped by Howard, who told him:"stay beck, you are only getting things worse!"

"What do you want Nick out of her?" asked Daniel, shouting at him madly.

"Me, just to get away from here, and this girl," said Nick, putting the syringe closer to her skin and it almost got it through, making Claire sigh from the fear, "and if you care about her, you would let me go with her or this shadow will melt her insignificant heart down!"

"Kieron, we can't let her!" whispered Roxy, being scared for her best friend.

"Roxy, we can't risk her life, and trust me, a deal will come, I can feel it!" whispered back Kieron.

"I knew this was my only ticket, see you around suckers!" said Nick, taking off the ground with Claire on his hands. Claire turned her head around and she was looking at Roxy how she was getting smaller and smaller until one point the she couldn't see her anymore. Roxy started crying down on the ground for Claire, feeling bad she couldn't help her with a single thing. Jasmine got next to her and tried to empower her up.

"Roxy, we will be looking for her everywhere! No matter how big of a risk it is, I promise to you that we'll find her!" said Kieron, holding her hand, "But now I think the best thing is go home and rest and tomorrow we will be searching for her, ok?" asked Kieron, trying to make her feel better even though he knew he couldn't. Roxy shook her head up and down in an approving way, and took his hand to get up from the ground. Kieron got her ohm to bed, texted the girls that her parents called her to come home and then he went back to his home. Roxy was crying her heart out, feeling destroyed that she had lost Claire, the person she wanted so bad in her life, even if she hadn't wanted to be her girlfriend. Her mom came to her and comforted her, even if she didn't talk at all, just cry about it. Kieron went to bed, and looked up on the ceiling all night, thinking about that day, that week, that month, and that year more specifically, almost a year passing on since he had been an angel, not knowing why happen all this to him and thinking about what was so special about him, but he was just about to answer that question in the next struggle of his life.

The night went off, the sun came up and he got off his bed after a long night of staring at one wall and processing his life. He saw his wing necklace glowing, but he didn't know why, he felt something was coming to him. In the room, two angels with elemental appeared, one black angel having a light armor and a white angel having a dark armor on him, with having in their hands a papyrus and an elemental lance.

"Kieron Sumner?" asked the white angel with a deep serious voice.

"Yes?" said Kieron, scared a bit of them.

"From the order of the supreme court of angels, you are arrested for crimes against the angel world!" said the dark angel, both angels pointing the weapons at him, making Kieron's heart beating faster, making him hyperventilate and being scared for his own life.

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