Love and loss (a harry potter...

By once_upon_a__fandom

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Jadelynn (if you call her that she will hurt you) Lupin is daughter of Remus Lupin and Tonks Lupin but she li... More

Jade Lupin (a harry potter love story)
Diagon alley and sorting
Important note
End of the year
Summer and where am i
The letter
Ellie,diagon alley,lockhart and uncle lucious??????
Astronomy tower
They die
Dealing with an angry Bill
Straws,gum,friends and quidditch
Dueling club with snapicus
Quidditch match and halloween
Saveing ginny from lord no nose
Did someone say my name
Money money money
Crazed fan on the first night
Woo hoo and flirty boy
Swimming pool and finally normal
Splashes,pics,dancing and friends
Our family is complete
hagrids class
Merry xmas
Memories remembered
Back to my kingdom
Im fine. The biggest lie!
We're all here for you
My book of secrets
The anger id never seen
Muggle methods
That is a straight line!!
Stop glaring at my boyfriend
There is some missing!
Kick up the butt
I taught her well
He's still family
It Changes people
Reunited with................ The Dursleys
Quidditch world cup
Life update

Revealing where I've been

375 9 5
By once_upon_a__fandom

Jades POV
I woke up in my bed at the burrow. I was about to get up but then I remembered what had happened the day before at the World Cup. I vaguely remember last night. We got home and mum and dad were there, Arthur thought what happened to me was his fault but it wasn't! It was that stupid deatheaters. I went to shout for someone as I saw burns on my legs but all that came out was a squeak. Great still no voice. I laid back down and played on my phone. I heard my door open and I put down my phone as Charlie walked in.
"Jade you're awake!" He said happily smiling.
I tried to say good morning but settled for a wave. Charlie chuckled at me.
"Don't worry JJ your voice will be back soon" he said with a smile. He's not called me JJ in years. "I'm here to sort your legs out before breakfast. I hoped I could've got it done whilst you were asleep" he trailed off frowning. I cocked my head to the side it confusion. " it will hurt but will only last a moment" Charlie explained. I looked down at my legs they were burned like I've seen Charlie's arms before. I noticed I was in pyjama shorts someone must of changed me probably mum. At least I hope it was mum.
"Bill" he called out of the door. I heard him sprinting up the stairs.
"What happened? What's wrong?" Bill asked hurriedly.
"Nothing" Charlie replied. "It's just she's awake and I need to do her legs before they scar"
"Oh" was Bills response as he came to sit on my bed next to me. I curled up into his side and squeezed his hand. He squeezed back in reassurance and kissed my forehand. "Don't worry squirt I'm here" I smiled in response. I have the most amazing brothers. God knows where I'd be without them, they're amazing, all of them and my sisters. My whole family in fact.

I'd give my life for every single one of them.

"Okay JJ this is going to hurt but I promise it won't last long" Charlie said. I nodded as he started healing my legs. He was right it hurt so much! I curled into bill more crushing his hand. Luckily within minutes it was over and my legs were completely healed. Thank god for magic.

Charlie's POV
I started to heal my sisters legs and I felt like the worst big brother ever when she sank further into our brother in pain. She tried to scream in pain but all that came out was small whimpers. I have my older brother I look to say I can't do this but he gave me a look to say you have to.  It was over in what seemed like hours but was just a couple minutes. I went over to Jade and she looked up at me.
"I'm sorry" I whispered hugging her. "I'm so so sorry" she squeezed me back to say it wasn't my fault as she had no voice.

Jades POV
I got out of bed and started to walk down to breakfast  I was unsteady at first as my legs ache but I soon was walking properly and Bill and Charlie made sure I was okay.
Soon enough I had to head back to durmstrang.(with a voice might i add) I was going back there first before the others went to Hogwarts and then apparently we're going to Hogwarts and they'll be a big entrance. We went by ship and it was actually very fun. I spent time with Vik and the other boys. Unfortunately including James, he is the biggest twat ever and will not stop 'flirting' with me. I don't even know if you can call it that as he's literally just trying to bang me. God knows how the guys will react at Hogwarts. I mean it's hard trying to stop the Durmstrang guys and if they team up I've got no chance and James will be dead in seconds.
"Students" boomed Uncle Karkroff. " the ship must be cleaned before we arrive at Hogwarts" they boys all grumbled. "Jade you do not have to if you wish my dear"
"It's okay ill help" I replied. Karkroff treated me differently because we are related and I'm the only girl but I still did my bit. They guys all moaned so I decided to motivate them.
"In every job that must be done. There is an element of fun" I said. " you find the fun and SNAP the jobs a game" I said clicking my fingers. I then sang spoonful of sugar from Mary Poppins. One of my favourite Muggle movies.
Soon enough we were back at my school. Hogwarts. We were there with another school Bauxbatons. I talked to Fluer and her sister Gabrielle until they had to go into the great hall.

Hermione's POV
I was worried about Jade she said she'd be here for the opening feast and we'd found out were she'd been but she's not here! She's so accident prone anything could've happened to her. Anything! No hermione I'm sure she's fine she is strong enough to look after herself I'm sure. I do hope she's here soon!

Jades POV
Soon it was our turn to make an entrance after we heard Dumbledore say "welcome proud sons of Durmstrang, their high master Igor Karkroff and someone you may recognise". I was wearing a long red dress and brown boots. First the boys went in with staffs and did stuff before me vik and Karkroff strutted in. Everyone gasped when they saw me and I showed off my elemental powers by making a unicorn from fire.
Igor and Dumbledore hugged when we got to the front of the hall.
(Bulgarian English)
I was at the front of the hall and it was weirdly silent with everyone just looking at me.
"So where do I sit?" I asked.
Sam chuckled behind me. "One you're still talking in Bulgarian little and 2 this is you're school stupid" oh right yeaahhh I had a stupid moment. I still growled when he said his nickname for me. Little. I'm not that small I'm 5'2 it's not my fault they're all like 7 ft giants. We went to sit at the Gryffindor table and all throughout dinner my friends asked about my time at durmstrang and how I'm an elemental and so on. It was all good until Vik did the unthinkable. He stole the last chicken nugget. I WANTED THAT! So I did what any normal person would've I tackled him to the floor and wrestled for that chicken nugget. 
"Igor 2 of your students are fighting" professor Flitwick said hurriedly. I heard Igor tell them to leave us be and we fight normally but then I heard mcgonagall tell him I was one of them and I heard his chair scrape back on the floor.
"VIKTOR KRUM! Get off my niece" he boomed. I giggled he could've phrased that better. "Jadelynn what are you doing?!" He questioned.
"He stole my chicken nugget" I explained. "The last chicken nugget" I emphasised.
"Just bloody get more" he sighed sitting down.
"Yes sir" I mumbled.
"What!" He yelled.
"I said yes bloody sir" I yelled back. To some this might seem rude but we have a weird relationship. I headed to the hufflepuffs who happily gave me some nuggets. I love hufflepuffs.
It was the end of the night and the trio asked if I was coming up to the dorms but truth is I was too nervous to.
Last time I was tortured here I don't know if I feel comfortable back here yet. Vik must have seen the panic in my eyes as I felt my breathing change. The Gryffindors seemed panicked but Vik knelt in front of me.
"Hey why don't you sleep with me tonight and for however long you want after that and whenever you want until you get used to being back here" he said and I agreed.
"She's sleeping with me tonight" Vik told the others.
They all made sounds of confusion, panic and even slight anger. I looked at the jealousy on Harry's face.
"I see him only as a brother Harry I promise" I told him. " I love YOU it's just for a couple nights then I'll be back in the dorms. I'm just not ready yet after all that's happened" I gave him a short but passionate kiss before heading to the ship with the guys.

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