The Dark Shade's Letter

By PennyPP

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A writer finds good fortune smiling on her when the book she writes becomes a bestseller...first come the mor... More

Fallen Innocence:The Dark Shade's Letter
Fallen Innocence:The Dark Shade's Letter part 2
Deadly Innocence: In a Lost Shades Eyes (Chapter 1 A)
Chapter 1 (B) of Fallen Innocence/Deadly Innocence...
Chapter 2 b

Chapter 2

92 2 3
By PennyPP

This portion is dedicated to Lizet for encouraging me to keep going....and Cookiie monster aka Jane doe and others for the kind missives (aka get well wishes) that have helped to get this up....


Chapter Two

A continuation of the daily journal of Shade called Virgo

I have found myself wondering ever since the incident with Hawk Eye that I heard on the S.S.H.H laptop, also since I received the story (after The Dark Shades Letter) of "Andrei," a shadow who could not see a betral that a waited him, and the very first letter I received even before that, even before, the very first even before I chose the S.S.H.H, warning me that not everything is what it seems. Have I, as Hawk Eye suggests, by her own story, sold my soul as it were; or have I been brought in for the other reasons...The more I think about Hawk Eye (from now on I shall refer to her as H.E. Or simply HE) the more I can't help wonder how I can keep on writing the series. Deadly Innocence or Fallen Innocence (in one country its the former in another it's the latter and in the states its often both) I think I will resign my place as a shade when next I see Jace.

If they truly have a walk away policy I'll see it first hand if not... Then I'll have to use what I know and expose them once and for all if it is even possible to do.

*************************************************** *************************************

Virgo stopped writing her personal journal and went back to writing the new book and it was not at all on those themes...

Virgo and Aries

Virgo had entered into the room where the boy (guy she reminded herself, as he was now legally of age to be drafted, but not legally allowed to drink)

was hanging from a beam in the ceiling held up, and not crumpled on the floor as she had expected, this was because of ropes and chains that held him attached to the beam in the ceiling. He looked battered, and his body was marked with signs of the torture he had endured, but this was nothing to the look of suffering, and pain, written on his face... or the suffering she had seen in the others, as she put them in her make shift cart, and then dumped them in the bin in the back, as her team carefully moved them to the dump trucks, pile of refuse in the back. They looked dead, and that's what she wanted the team members to think, if they thought that, it would be assumed (if they where captured by one who had captured them) that a rival had sent them, and then killed them removing the bodies so that the captors would assume either a rescue or an escape, or both and the fact that she knew that one of the team would talk, and say the bodies where removed to set up this assumption before Ares and his partners could talk...This would happen because she was certain she had perhaps picked up a turncoat or two, who for money or drugs or both would report what she had set up a her cover. She even made her appearance look so much like one of his men, who she had already found was a spy for one of other drug lords. If as she hoped they fell for it, well then she, Virgo would have succeeded where they (Ares, and his team, her friends among them) had failed. Because while the drug lords fought amongst themselves for supremacy, western forces would swoop in, and take them all out, and then move in deal with the terrorists who where using the area as a base of operations. She had spent so much time orchestrating, like a orchestra conductor waving a baton, to get things running like a proverbial swiss clock, that she had never even considered for the moment what she would do if Ares was to ill (and his face had become too recognizable) to send home directly as she had planned for the others; according to her carefully created plan they were to be "dumped in the ocean but the person she had to do this was someone who would do what her plan called for which was to sail to the rendezvous point and transfer the "bodies" (who were very much alive by this point.)

She had to remain behind to keep her cover, as the intermediary to her reclusive master. She also knew she would have to play the part of the master who was not pleased the weapons he was negotiating to sell, had not been as he hoped and demanded from her his rep... signed, sealed and paid for (the money in an escrow account in a U.A.E. bank.) *U.A.E. = United Arab Emirates *

Virgo was a young woman so adept at playing a guy that she had once out machoed Ares, and some men who where with him at the time.

Virgo looked at her handy work; Ares was made to look like an old sick woman. (She'd waved off the others, when they had gone in the garbage/dump truck) Virgo now looked at her robes, tunic, and head dress. she went back in, and like the quick change artist she was, changed into the outfit she now wore, Virgo's ploy to create enough distractions that she would be able to walk out with Ares, and if any looked her way, they would see (what she hoped they would see.) Virgo's had planned her diversion carefully, and as hoped it was just enough chaos, by causing explosions, it seemed as if they were happening every where, and gunfire everywhere. (A break in, in there weapons compound, research/ drug refinery section, and the guns she had set up, from vantage points, would make it appear that firing was coming from every quarter.)

She screamed, or so it again appeared, she used a modified tape of the man she was impersonating to call out that they should get out of the way, this, as she placed Ares in the backseat of the car, she watched the "ants" (the guards and other men) run toward the fire. She acted like the man whom she hopped her disguise resembled; as she ordered them to move, and let her drive out to catch the culprits in the gas truck, that just pulled out. She made a clean break. Virgo left the car, leaving it in an open section of country, after making sure she was not followed, the burned out hulk of the car and taking the ill and injured Ares out of the car she could not help but wonder at how luck had made the fool into a target for one of the members of the team she had hired, of course it had helped that the one who killed him didn't know that he had died from the wounds he had given him but that was to her benefit, he wouldn't talk for a while and she had a body that was about her size and well the other dead body was from the local morgue) all the while knowing the dead body of the driver would make it look like he was ambushed and killed as he went after the gas truck. Leaving the car behind, in the empty bit of scruff land by the dirt road, as she took her car (the one she had kept for just this eventuality) would be seen by any who might get close (at any point along there path to the city) as being driven by an old man, taking his young wife, or daughter, to her family across the border, that had been the original plan, now she wasn't sure if it would work; the reason for this was Ares of course. She was still left with the problem what to do with Ares; how do you get a guy so battered, broken... a virtual corpse, was probably a better word, out.

As she attended to him in the apartment in the town, it dawned on her, he looked like a woman, all be it an old woman dressed in the tab, and if carried by her male relatives on pilgrimage... no one would dare to uncover the black garbed (from head to toe, only his eyes would show, and he had always had eyes that other girls when they looked at his eyes...envied the deep full and lush lashes, and when he spook and looked with those eyes they also fell for what ever he wished of them... they were lusciously looking, fully lashed, and beautiful, even men had found them attractive when in one instance, she recalled, they said,

"He has the soft beautiful eyes of a woman". )

It was she hoped a plan that would work.

That evening barely an hour later she appeared at the drug lords appointed meeting, dressed as a woman, an Latin American representative of a cartel that had moved from drugs to weapons. Receiving a call she simply had to take she said to her hosts...then she said she had to leave her boss was most angered and she had to meet him as his chopper arrived flying low so as not to be detected by radar. They excused her, and she left...the quick change occurred as the dust and noise happened everything was a find the lady trick... and they didn't she was now a he and he seemed angered...Virgo finished it off beautifully (and thankfully she would later report) by leaving with Ares now dressed as the beaten "rep," and Virgo as the ornery and mean boss... They where out, and over the boarder, none to soon, just as the jets began coming in.

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