Orange is the new gucci (in p...

By TherealestVC

12.3K 271 64

What happens when Max agrees to go on a shopping trip with Victoria?...hilarity ensures, fluff, a bet, and ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Caesar salad and cheeseburgers
Food fight!!!!....and mall jail
Mall jail
Lets go to the movies
I like you okay?
Friday the 13th (special chapter)
Community service
Valentine's Day
I still get jealous
Fix you
Victoria's Secret
Sisterly love....sisterly blackmail
Max's hometown visit part 1
Max's hometown visit part 2
Finals and Graduation

Sister Sister

421 10 2
By TherealestVC

Chapter 15

It was the morning and a week after Victoria and Max had officially gotten back together. This time during their relationship, there would be rules. The rules would be trust, honesty, and loyalty...They felt stronger this time, that was good.

Max had spent the week with Victoria working on things that could be better for the both of them. Chloe even spent time with them since her and Victoria had become friends. Rachel spent time with them as well. Everything was getting back to normal for them...Or so they thought, it was a Friday night and they were having their annual movie night in Victoria's room, Victoria got a call from her parents.

Friday night

Victoria was smiling down at the short haired girl laying on her, they finally got some time alone without Chloe and Rachel there.

They borrowed Nathan's Projector from Rachel and were having a movie marathon, they were going to pull an all nighter. They just hoped none of their dorm-mates would complain of the noise from the movies. Victoria placed a kiss on the Max's forehead and pull her closer. Tomorrow, they were going to have a nice quiet dinner at her parent's mansion. Chloe and Rachel weren't invited back to her house for a while.

'What a crazy year this has been, I wonder what's going to happen to us after graduation..I wonder where she's going to go for college' Victoria thinks...They hadn't what would happen after they graduated from high school, Her thoughts are paused when she sees a hand waving in front of her face.

Max speaks "I can hear you thinking, what's on your mind Tori?".

Victoria looks down to the shorter girl snuggled up to her, she chuckles "It's nothing..It's silly".

Max propped herself on her elbows and pauses the movie, "It's not silly, Remember what we talked about...Be honest with each other. Now tell me" she flashed her baby blue eyes up to the taller girl with a pout. 'Damnit she knows my weakness' Victoria sighs.

"Alright, it's just that I was thinking about col-" her phone rings, she looks to see who is calling. It was her mother. "I'm sorry, I have to take this".

"Hello mother" she says in an annoyed tone, her mother however didn't understand that.

"Victoria darling, where are you? I can barely hear you" Margaret yells on the other end.

Victoria shoots Max an apologetic look and mouthed "Mom", before walking into the hallway since her reception was crap apparently.

"Can you hear me now?" Victoria said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"Yes, Anyways we are having an important family dinner tomorrow tonight and you can bring a friend but not those two hooligans, Bring that brunette girl", Margaret quirk.

"Her name is Max and yes of course mother, Why is it important anyways? Who is coming?" Victoria asked.

"Oh darling...You already know who, bye bye now and dress nicely" The dial tone is heard.

Victoria knew exactly who was coming to dinner and why it was important, she hits her head on a nearby wall by her door and closes her eyes.

She walks back into her room to find Max playing a game on her phone or texting someone, The other girl hadn't noticed that she has entered the room yet. She sneaks back Max quietly and covers the other girl's eyes then reaches down and kisses her.

"Hi" she smiles at her girlfriend.

"Cheese and rice Tori you scared me" Max exclaims.

Victoria regrets this and starts to apologize until she sees the other girl sending her a cheeky grin.

"Uncool Maxine...So looks like our quiet dinner will be with a few guests" Victoria says frowning.

"That's fine, As long as I get to spend time with you that's all...but that's not all why you are unhappy, Tell me pleaseeeee" Max smiles at the taller girl who is frowning.

"You'll see, In the meantime let's watch the movie but not actually watch it if you know what I mean" Victoria smirks at Max who looks confused at her before getting the idea.

The pair took advantage of that time together...Victoria was still worried about the special guest coming to dinner the next evening and what would happen during dinner.

End of flashback

Max was getting ready for her dinner date with Vic-well the whole Chase family, she had got a text that morning from Victoria saying she loved her and hoped that she would enjoy the dinner. Max hadn't known why the other girl was worry when she had already met the girl's parents. Who else was there to meet? 'Maybe it was that girl in her childhood picture?' Max thinks.

She shrugs then goes to her closet to decide between the two dresses Victoria got her. A purple one with a babydoll style or a blue one that looked like it was for a party or the club. She decided the purple one would be a safe bet. Rachel had come by earlier and did her makeup and hair again, Her look was finished off with a pair of purple pumps...When she tried to get Rachel to tell her who the special guest was but Rachel had only known Victoria in all the time they went to Blackwell together. She decided that she would just wait until dinner.

She exited her room just about the same time as the taller girl who was a simple blue dress that fit her figure perfect, her hair was curled but it wasn't noticeable, with light makeup and black heels.

"If you keep your eyes like that any longer, They will get stuck" Victoria giggles.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Uh you look beautiful" Max smiles wringing her hands. 'Damn nervous quirks'.

"Thank you Maxine, So do you...Let's go I have to stop by the gas station" Victoria offers a hand to the other girl who gladly takes it.

The pair walk down to her car, which was parked in the regular parking lot since well everyone at school knew about them.

They get into her car and headed to her house but first they had to make a stop at the gas station.

She had noticed that Victoria was gripping the steering wheel rather tightly and so she massaged the back of the other girl's neck to relax her. It worked and she loosened her grip on the steering wheel. When they reached the gas station, it had been revealed that Victoria had to bring something for her parents. She decided on cheap wine since they wouldn't know the difference. She also had to get win win? Her nerves returning once they were on the road again.

They arrived at her house around 6:30, Victoria parked her car in her parking spot. She looked at the car beside hers and when she saw whose it was, she frowned. Max saw this and looked over at her confused, Victoria just gave a look to forget about it. She reached for Max's hand and grabbed it, having the girl look at her in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I've been acting weird since last night...You will see pretty soon why I've been acting this way. I can't tell you right away, You'll just have to trust me alright?" Victoria bites her lip nervously.

Max gave her a light kiss on the lips "Sure...Let's go inside it's getting cold out here".

Victoria laughed at that comment then remembers that her parents hadn't known about them yet. They sneak in one more kiss and begin walking hand in hand to the front door.

Victoria opens the door with her keys...She kisses Max's hand then letting go and they walk inside, but are only greeted by an empty hallway. "Mother! Father! I'm home!" She yells throughout the house before looking to Max then shrugs.

Suddenly a figure walks down the stairs, It's not her mother...This was a girl who was a little bit older than Victoria, she had long blonde hair styled nicely, she was wearing a dark red dinner dress with matching heels and carrying a purse. She looked like an exact copy of Victoria's mother. It was like the missing piece of the puzzle was found, she had found out who the other girl was in the childhood picture and why Victoria was acting weird lately.

"Hello, I'm Heidi Chase...Victoria's older sister and you are?" The older blonde speaks in a snobbish attitude, extending her hand for her to shake.

"Uh hi...I'm Max" Max smiles shaking her hand back. "You never told me you had a sister" she whispers to Victoria elbowing her in the ribs.

Heidi overhears this and decide to tease Victoria "Aww baby sister you didn't tell your friends about me, that's soo cute" She finishing off pinching the other girl's cheeks.

Victoria slaps her hands away and glares at her "Of course I didn't" "Idiot" she says under her breath crossing her arms.

Heidi reaches over and grabs Victoria pulling her into a tight hug, squeezing the life of her "Well this is perfecttttttt because I'm back in town for spring break! You can introduce me to all of your little friends!" She finishes off with a smile and releases the girl but not before giving her one last tight squeeze.

"Yay...I can't waitttt, Come on Max! Let's play pool!" Victoria sarcastically says taking Max's hand and pulls her to the arcade.

"It will be sooo nice to catch up with you little Vicky!" She hears from behind her.

Victoria put the hand that wasn't holding Max's and gives her the finger. She turns to look back at her sister and sees that her smirking back. It would be an interesting dinner to say the least.

Once they are the arcade, they set up the game and Max decides to talk.

"So why didn't you tell me about your sister? She seems nice!" Max asked hitting the pool ball, hers were solid colors.

Victoria took her turn, missing one of her striped balls "I don't know...It never came up and psh yeah right! She's the devil in disguise" she snorts.

Max halts the game and walks over to the other girl, she looks around to see if anyone was coming and grabs her hands..."A little harsh, don't you think? What's really going on?" She flashes her pouty lips with her baby blue eyes at Victoria who sighs.

Victoria indicated for her to sit, "She's their perfect child" She simply says then looks back at her hands.

Max grabs her hands pulling them so she could get her attention, "Come on you're going to have to give me more than that, remember honesty?" She says urging her to continue on.

Victoria told her to get comfortable because it would be a long story, she went to tell about how Heidi was always the one to get A's on everything and excel at everything from dance competitions to pageants, she was at the top of her class at Yale for age 22 and was on the deans list. Heidi was always flaunt about her success and tease her for not being like her. She was happy that Heidi couldn't take pictures for shit, but her parents didn't care about that. She was about to tell more when the bell rang, indicating to everyone in the house that dinner was ready.

She walks into the dining hall with Max, who gives Victoria a quick hand squeeze before letting go as they sat down. The seating arrangement was her parents on each end of the table with Heidi on one side of the table and Victoria and Max on the other side. Max could feel the tension between the two sisters. Victoria's parents however were more focused on which wine to serve.

They taste Victoria's wine first...

Charles nods his head in approval, but of course the final choice would be up to Margaret.

"Victoria where did you get this wine? At the dollar store?" Margaret speaks up in disgusted voice after sipping the Victoria's wine.

Victoria bows her head, "No mother...The gas station, I had forgotten about ordering one". Heidi snickers at her, Victoria tries to kick her under the table but she couldn't reach her leg.

Margaret rings for Winston to get Heidi's wine, "Yes well don't make the same mistake again, So how's school going girls?" She asks her daughters.

Victoria is about to speak up when Heidi beat her to it "It's going lovely Mother, I had dinner with the dean last week and I'm doing so well in my classes, It haven't been determined yet but I know I'm gonna get on the dean's list again this semester...But I'm just happy to be home with my wonderful family" she finishes off giving off an 100 watt smile.

Victoria coughs and says under her breath "Suck up", Causing the whole table to look at her. Max who is closer to her muffles a laugh.

"What was that, Victoria?" Her father Charles speaks finally.

"Nothing Daddy, I had a cough" Victoria smiles at her father, Although Heidi had both the parents wrapped under her finger. Charles favored Victoria more.

Heidi glares at her sister and manages to throw a piece of dinner roll at her when no one was looking, causing the other girl to scoff at her.

Victoria speaks about her recent time at Blackwell, she doesn't try to suck up like Heidi did because well she wasn't a kiss-ass.

The appetizer was tomato soup or broth and with dinner rolls, they all ate their appetizers in peace except the occasional glares being shot by the sisters with their parents being oblivious and Max enjoying every moment of it.

Once they were finished with their appetizers, the main course was medium rare steak with vegetables and salad on the side. Victoria being a meat lover launched for the biggest piece with her fork but was intercepted by her sister who grabbed it instead.

Heidi looks at her with a triumphant smirk and begins to dig in. Victoria just glares at her and manages to stretch her leg to kick her under the table. Heidi jumps in her seat at the kick. "Heidi dear, Are you alright?". Her mother asks, Heidi just give her a smile and nods but not before glaring back at Victoria and continues to eat.

After that little incident, dinner went along smoothly. Dessert was soufflé and cherry pie. After dinner and dessert, Heidi manages to piss off Victoria even more with showing off her piano skills. After her performance, she excuses herself when she gets a phone call.

"Wowzer, she can play" Max says to Victoria who stands there with her arms crossed.

Victoria glares off into space, "That's because she got to finish her piano lessons, I threw a tantrum and was forced to quit" she snarks.

" are better at other things" Max smirks at her, she knew exactly what Max was talking about. Too bad they couldn't makeout at her house, it was too risky with her parents there and especially her sister's abrupt visit.

'Spring break...My ass, something is up' She thinks before turning her attention to Max "It's okay, you know you are pretty awesome right?" She whispers when she spots her parents chatting about some painting on the wall, they leave saying they were going to rest upstairs.

"You know you are pretty right?" Max whispers back. Earning a laugh and a light shove From Victoria.

Victoria grabs her hand and has an adventurous look on her face, "I'll show you my secret hiding place". They both giggled like little kids running without any shoes on as Victoria leads her to a hiding space. She presses a button on a remote that she manages to grab without Max seeing where from and the wall towards the stairs moves to the side, revealing a chill zone with a shit ton of snacks and video games and movies.

"Welcome to my safe haven" Victoria smiled.

"This. Is. Epic. But how? I mean with your parents" Max finished with a question.

"Well I bribed Dorothea and Winston...Plus my parents are barely home as it is" Victoria simply states before taking a seat on her sofa.

After Max sits next to her, She presses another button on the remote to close the door to her hideout. She turns towards Max saying "Now that we have privacy, let's see how good I am at making out shall we?" She smirked to the other girl who smiles and nods in return. They start making out.

Nearly, Heidi is heard talking on her phone, "Yeah I know"..."I'll be there in a few days"..."No, I haven't told them about that"..."Yeah I remember what happened at the party". She continues to walk and talk on her phone before stopping in front of the wall by the stairs.

"No I didn't know that they were going to get busted for drugs, but it wasn't ours so we have nothing to worry about" She says to the person on the other line.

"I don't care if they kick me out...Besides it's not like the parentals will find out, I've got them wrapped under my finger" she said smirking.

She continues to walk to her room, but it's unbeknownst to her that someone was listening in on her phone conversation.

Victoria and Max were kissing heavily and things were getting heated. Victoria stopped when she heard a voice on the other side of the wall, Max looks at her confused. She gives her a look of "I'll explain it later" and starts to listen in on the conversation. 'Drugs? Party?' She knew Heidi's visit wasn't all of missing the family and that she was bullshitting them...Now she knew the reason why.

When the voice on the other side of the wall stopped, she turned back to Max with a wicked grin. Max laughs at her "What are you grinning about?". Victoria looks innocently at her girlfriend, "Ohhhh nothinnngggg, Just that I know a secret about Heidi" she smiles.

Max looks at her shocked "You wouldn't tell your parents, Would you? Right?". She knew what power Victoria could have with a simple secret, She never thought she would use her power for family.

Victoria smiles at her rather too sweetly, "Nooo of course Maxine, I'm not that cruel...Okay I am that cruel but I'm not gonna tell them. I'm gonna have a little fun with my big sister and you are gonna help me".

"Damnit" Max facepalms. 'Why me?'.

Victoria cheers clapping her hands "Okay, So here's what we are going to do". She began to tell Max her plan for the next couple of days.

Max thought this was a bad idea and somehow would backfire on both of them...It couldn't backfire, Right? Right?!

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