My Teacher Is My Husband (Co...

By ccandacejoy

441K 16.2K 1.5K

Why? Why would she do this to me? And right before i find my mate my mother sells me to an alpha in another s... More

Chapter 1:My Hate For Her
Chapter 2:My Alpha
Chapter 3:My Mate
Chapter 5:My New School
Chapter 6:My Teacher
Chapter 7:My Friends?
Chapter 8: My Surprise
Chapter 9:My Love
Chapter 10:My Fear
Chapter 11: My Future Sister
Chapter 12:My Sick Baby
Chapter 13:My Group Project
Chapter 14:My Confused Mind
Chapter 15:My Secret
Chapter 16:My Family
Chapter 17:MY PUP
Chapter 18:Our Pup
Chapter 19:Our Fight
Chapter 20:Our Life (Epilogue)

Chapter 4:My Pack

29.1K 963 122
By ccandacejoy


I was in Ethan's office holding Isabella. She was sound asleep. I could feel Ethan staring at me.

I looked up from my daughter and he quickly looked away. I couldnt help but smile.

"Ethan were you staring at me"? I smiled.

He looked at me and laughed. "I cant help but stare. You are so beautiful".

I couldnt help but blush.

"Well my beautiful mate we will have pack meeting welcoming you Isabella and Terrell to our pack and also you as my mate and their Luna".

I gasped. "Oh my goodness im going to be Luna"?

He chuckled. "Yes you will be and you will be fine as luna. Trust me the moon goddess made the right choice as to picking you".

"But ive never have been in charge before. I mean we werent low class but we werent high class. I mean in the pack status thing. And now im a Luna".

He got up from his desk and sat over beside me.

"Dont worry about it. You will be an amazing Luna and if they give you a hard time remember you are in charge. You are my mate and i may look nice and be a great Alpha but i protect whats mine".

"And may i ask what is yours"?

He chuckled. "You, this gorgeous baby girl, your little brother and my little sister. Family is very important to me".

I smiled. "I heard good things about you Ethan and im starting to see why".

Bell started to cry. I looked down she was waking up.

"Can i"? He asked reaching for her.

I nodded and handed her over to him. He seemed like a natural. And she seemed to like him. As soon as he held her she stopped crying.

"Wow look at you".

He laughed. "Well you know children love me".

"I see that".

The door opened and a girl walked into the room.

"Ethan how could you leave me at school i had to take one test". A girl said

Ethan looked real annoyed. "Thank you for knocking Tammy".

She smiled. "I didnt".

"Exactly my point Tammy as you can see i have someone in here and its getting very annoying that you dont knock. What if a visiting alpha was here. Its very disrespectful".

She sighed. "Okay im sorry. Is this the new girl". She pointed at me.

"Yes she is this is Melody my mate".

She looked at me and then at my brother and then down at Bell and then back at Ethan.

"Did you have a baby and not tell anyone"?

"No i didnt this is Melody's daughter Isabella. You remember i said i was bringing in a boy and a girl".

"Ohhh this is her? She has a baby"?

I was beginning to get uncomfortable she is asking too many questions.

"Tammy you have 5 seconds to get out of here".

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever". And she walked out.

"Im sorry about that. My little sister is very annoying".

"Oh thats your sister"?

"Unfortunately. Sorry she was asking so many questions. She doesnt know how to mind her own business".

I giggled and covered my mouth a little.

"The pack meeting will be tonight and your ceremony as Luna will be next week give you some time".

I nodded.

"Do you think i can go take a nap before".

"Sure of course. Do you need help getting to your room".

"Please? I will probably get lost".

He smiled a little and got up with Bell in his arms.

Im not going to lie he looks pretty good holding my daughter. He is so gentle with her.

I couldnt help but think that my mate is an Alpha. Someone who actually cares about me.

He held out his hand and i took it. Sparks flew. It feels like love at first sight. Well not a first sight cause his wolf came out fast.

We walked out of the office and walked down the hallway. People passed by us and either waved or bowed. Some girls looked at me in a jealous way.

And to be honest it was freaking me out. Jealous? For what?

"Hey you okay"? Ethan asked.

I nodded. "You know i can feel your emotions right? And i can feel you getting nervous".

I looked up at him. "I just dont like how the girls are looking at me".

"Hey it will be okay trust me".

We got to my room and he handed me Bell.

"You get some rest and ill wake you up. I need to get ready for this meeting".


He kissed Bell's forehead and then mine.

He smiled at me before walking away.

I closed the door behind me. And sat on my bed with Bell on my lap.

"You like him dont you". I said softly.

She giggled.

"I will take that as a yes". I kissed her little cheeks.

Then i got up and placed her in her crib.

As soon as i did that she started screaming her head off.

"Shhhh. You just want to be held". I said putting her pacifier in her mouth.

And soon she stopped.

"See just fussin over nothing".

I laid my head down on my pillow and was out cold.

3 hours later

"Sweetheart wake up". I could tell it was my mate. Every time he touched me i get hot.

I slowly opened my eyes to see it was dark outside.

I looked at Ethan and he was holding Bell.

"I hope you dont mind".

I sat up and yawned. "No i dont mind. She likes you and will have to get use to it. Even though she already did when you first held her".

"Well i left you a present on the bed get dressed. The meeting will be in 20 minutes".

"20 mintues"! I quickly got up from the bed.

"Ethan do you know how long it takes for a girl to get ready".

He laughed. "Well its just a meeting welcoming you to the pack. The Luna ceremony is when you get all fancy".

"So i shouldnt go all out"?

"No not at all just change and open my present. Me and the princess will wait outside".

I nodded and he walked out.

I looked for something to wear and got a simply dress nothing fancy at all and flats.

I saw the gift on the bed. It was a jewelry box. I opened it and gasped. Wow.

It was gorgeous.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in".

I turned around as the door opened.

Ethan walked in.

"See that looks fine". He smiled.

I blushed. "Thank you for this necklace. Its beautiful". I smiled.

"Only for my mate. Can i put it on you"?

I nodded. He walked over to me and gave my Bell and took the necklace. He put it on me.

I turned around. "Beautiful".

He smiled.





So its been a looooooong time since ive wrote. Sorry its taken so long. Just been really busy. I hope i can write more chapters this weekend.

So i hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.


And again im sorry for taking so long

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