Pure Blood Female Shifter ☆

By bclulu

12.6K 332 52

Werewolf Story Ideas More

* 💞 Kenzie Rosario 💞 *
☆ Pillar Jasmine ☆
* 🧡❣️ Nigella Cora ❣️🧡 *
** ☆ Tansy Rebel ☆ **
☆ Solange Ava ☆
Kody Joleen
Dru Wanda
** ♡ Joyful Meadowlark ♡ **
*** Ramona Geneva ***
** 💛🤍 Kamila Elsie Lyndsay 💛🤍 **
** ⭐️♡ Zoey Jordan Lee ♡⭐️ **

* ⭐ Lizette Meadow ⭐ *

1K 37 7
By bclulu

Lizette Meadow

Pure Blood Female Shifter

Liz cracked her knuckles after hitting Mitch, his chest was harder than she thought. He just chuckled before he tossed her over his shoulder and ran.

She swore at him, over and over to put her down right now. She didn't want to go to the pack meeting. Her parents laughed their heads off watching and followed.

Soon she was set down beside her sister Emerald, making her curse at him again. She smacked him, shoved him out of her way as she did not want or need to stand beside her slut of a sister.

Her sister was already throwing curses at her. Mutual hate both ways, her sister being 6 months older but those months show a big difference as Emerald has already turned into a slut.

She shoved the hood of her sweater over her head and made her way out of the mass of females looking up on stage. She huffed and shoved past the females as they stunk like perfume thinking it smelled good while to her nose it reeked.

Once she shoved her way through, she stood with her back against a tree. She looked up on stage and clamped her lips shut seeing who and why this meeting was called.

With her hood on, she could see their faces, but they couldn't see hers. When Mitch stood beside her with his arms crossed, she glanced at him before sighing and turned to the stage again.

She understood why these retarded meetings happened, she really did, but right now she wanted no part of them. She wasn't in any shape to take on what they wanted no matter how pretty their faces were or how beefcake they looked all oiled up from what she could see.

The males on stage looked over the females with lust in their eyes, seeing all the flesh being on display as the pack females wore next to nothing.

When they jumped off the stage, the visiting females brought were up on stage now, in practically nothing as well. The pack males stiffened and the air filled with lust from the males next.

She shoved Mitch away as he too was one. She grunted as he couldn't take his eyes off the stage. She slipped around the trees and made her way behind everyone, then headed back home.

The meeting was practically over once the newcomers were sent off the stage into the crowd of pack members. She didn't want to be around to see and smell what was next on their agenda.

She slipped into the house and locked it behind her, then headed to the kitchen to eat as she was starved. She made herself something to eat and took it all up to her room, then barricaded her door.

After eating, she sighed before taking her prescribed medication then took her shower and got ready for bed. In the morning, she stripped her clothes off and shifted in her room.

Half an hour later, after her shower, she took her dirty dishes downstairs and stuck them in the dishwasher before getting breakfast. The house was empty, no sounds were heard and no notes were found telling her where everyone went.

She could only assume it was back to the pack house. After eating, she headed back to her room, took her meds and locked her door before crashing back on her bed and going to sleep.

She stayed inside, eating, sleeping and taking her meds and not seeing her family as they went about their lives without her. Their lives were revolved around the pack, she was just trying to survive and was working on her health.

Two days later she walked to the pack house and once inside, headed straight to the infirmary. She ignored the sights and smells, concentrating on why she was here and not what was around her.

After a thorough exam and blood tests, she was injected with a birth control, a booster shot for her wolf to help her wolf heal her faster and a scent blocker.

She had to insist on those shots seeing as the doctor's mind was more on increasing the population of their species. She needed to heal first before she could be fit enough for the rest.

After she was done, seeing as the doctors eyes looked like he was being mind linked, she left him and dressed then headed upstairs. Her stomach needed feeding, so that was next on her agenda.

She walked into the dining room first but seeing no food, she headed for the kitchen. She was just in time to catch the Luna as she looked pale as a ghost, hard at work making food with the kitchen staff.

She didn't call for help, the staff looked mighty unhappy as it was. Overworked having so many people in the pack house they were feeding. Lazy assed unmated pack bitches didn't help out at all, just demanded they be fed so they could do what they are doing.

Liz wrapped her arm around the Luna, not listening to her weak protests and led her back down to the infirmary. She whispered a happy wife and a happy life Luna. You are the heart of the pack, if you go down the Alpha will not have a happy life.

Luna Marcia snorted and said untrue, he will choose one of those pathetic bitches and mate her. Liz blew her breath out and said I didn't know Luna. Marcia sighed and said sorry if what I said upset you Liz.

Liz snorted and said my vision on the pack is shattered, whatever. You need to stay healthy, like I'm trying to do. If he decides to cross that line, you know what comes next, shoot the bastard between the eyes, kick him in the balls with steel toed shoes, rip his heart out, sever his head from his body or just his limbs. You could plan his take down and move on yourself.

Luna Marcia laughed as she was sat down on a table in the infirmary. Liz grinned and said pretty evil huh? Marcia chuckled and said my wolf has taken your words in just in case.

Doctor Grant grunted as he saw her then the Luna and paled. Liz snorted and said the heart of the pack and she nearly passed out slaving over a hot stove.

Liz huffed and said you know Luna, just because the pack females are breeding, it doesn't mean they have to spend all their time flat on their freaking backs with their legs up in the air. Lazy assed bitches need exercise before they get fat asses from overeating all the food others are slaving over to make that are never thanked.

She kissed the Luna's cheek and whispered a strike is what you need to do to let the pack know you're not happy. Deny them food and then order them into the freaking kitchen to feed the masses.

She stepped aside, but Luna Marcia grabbed her hand, holding her there. Liz explained how pale the Luna was, then her nearly passing out. She growled you fix her doctor, that is your job. You did get your degree to heal people and not just deliver babies.

Doctor Grant snorted and said well I never. She growled and said or do I have to take the pack Luna to the hospital to have her looked over. He glared and she said I had to argue with you for my shots to heal as you were too busy trying to say all will be better once I get pregnant.

I can't have a healthy pregnancy if I am not healthy to start with. She snorted and said unless you want me to die while I give birth. How will that look to everyone Doctor Grant?

Alpha Roy walked in growling what the hell is going on? Liz said oh, your mate nearly passed out in the kitchen, probably from overworking. I brought here straight here for the doctor to help her but he is so stuck on having every female pregnant and increasing our species instead of on our health and well being.

She confronted the Alpha and shoved him in the chest and said have you even spent time with your mate lately. He took her hands off and said what do you mean? Liz growled and said you're on edge because your mate isn't happy, do I have to scream it in your ear to get through.

She's your true mate and being overworked to keep everyone fed. Look at your mate, she thinks you don't care about her. She slugged him again and said she thinks you are looking at the sluts you bring to the pack and will chose one to mate with.

He snarled she's my mate and I would never. Liz snorted and said then why is she in this state? You're not taking care of your mate because your too busy being the pimp. He snarled shut your face I am not. She huffed and said when was the last time you kissed your mate and I don't mean a stupid peck on the cheek? When was the last time you pampered your mate and told her you loved her to the moon and back? When was the last time you and your mate spent time alone?

She kicked him in the leg and said from the look on your face it has been too damn long. That is disgusting Alpha Roy, she is the heart of the pack, the heart of the pack isn't well and you are too busy seeing the females all get fat and lazy, lying in their beds while your mate slaves over hot stoves in the kitchen.

Even the god damned doctor is focused on keeping the females pregnant and not healing those who need what he is supposed to use those degrees he has for.

Doctor Grant huffed and said that's not what I'm doing. Liz yelled oh yes it is, I had to argue with you to get my shots, all your mind was focused on was on getting me pregnant and not on my health now. Your mind is on those females in the pack house getting fat and lazy, getting them pregnant to have babies. That you don't give a shit about those of us that aren't in any shape to get pregnant.

He leaned and growled in her face instead of seeing or hearing her words, knowing she was telling the truth. She yelled examine the Luna and quit growling at me or like I said, do I have to take her to a truly qualified doctor at a hospital?

Alpha Roy yelled enough, Doctor Grant. Examine my mate, I need her healthy. Liz grunted and crossed her arms. She moved to the Luna and kissed her cheek before saying I'll be outside the door, if this doctor and your mate won't help you, I will. I will take you to the hospital and I will feed you. Because Luna, I don't think you've been taken care of the way you should be. You look pale and lost weight. She hugged the Luna and said and I'll even kick both their asses for you if need be.

Alpha Roy winced and ordered the doctor to help his mate or he will get a new doctor in that will. Dr Grant huffed and said of course Alpha.

Liz moved outside the room still not happy. She then rushed upstairs muttering god damn pack. She headed into the kitchen and huffed before saying when was the last time any of you saw the Luna eat?

They stopped and stared before groaning oh god. Liz said exactly, she needs food, can someone please see that a tray is made up for her. They looked her over and said you as well? She rubbed her growling belly and said me too, not much as I'm planning on stealing the Luna and taking her out. I would take all of you as you all look overworked. I would suggest you order in and if they don't like it, you can scream back at them you haven't had a day off in too damned long.

They sagged against the counters and said we are tired. Liz grunted and said yeah, that's what I thought. You need help. I would but I'm not at best right now. She looked at them all and said I would say call in help, you have all these extra people to feed, constantly needing food. What if you all get sick being overworked. The pack wouldn't care, they would just order you back to work without seeing what all this hard work they are putting on you.

She hugged them all and said get help in here fast. Order food brought in and take it easy. They can all go out and eat if they don't like what you brought in. To hell with them ladies, it's time for a day off.

They made a tray for the Luna, then finished what they were doing and took off their aprons. Liz said take a break, you all deserve it. No one deserves it better than you all. Feeding the ungrateful masses three meals a day nonstop. She took the tray downstairs to find Alpha Roy gone and the Luna left on her own.

Liz grunted and moved the table and set down the tray. She said now I order you to eat it all. I talked the kitchen staff to take a break too, they need it as well. I'll bring my tray down now and eat with you.

Liz handed her the fork and rushed up. She shoved the male from her way and said get your own, this one is taken. Mitchell growled and she snorted and said you have two legs, go get food in town.

He growled I just got up for christ sakes. She growled back and said you don't smell like you've been either sweating like you have been working or on patrol, more like getting laid. I'm trying to heal and need to eat, so just shut your face and go get yourself and whatever freaking tramp your sleeping with food.

She screamed get out of my face as all I smell on you is sex and you both. She took her tray ignoring his growls. She huffed as she sat beside the Luna. She even shoved the table away after both they finished and the two of them napped.

Once waken, Liz said come on Luna, time to make our escape. I know I need to pick up a few things, so we can stop at the mall and pig out again on a meal and dessert of our choices.

Luna Marcia grinned and said that made my stomach growl. Liz said good, time to get pampered. She took the Luna's hand and soon they snuck away. Once in the mall the two of them walked the mall, looking in windows. Liz picked up a few things before they headed to the food court.

They were relaxed until a few pack warriors walked in and saw them. They hadn't even realized the Luna wasn't on the pack lands. They mind linked Alpha Roy and asked where the Luna was?

His reply was in the kitchen I guess. Henry grunted and said did you try to mind link her Alpha? Alpha Roy sighed and said no, that's where she should be. Henry grunted and said I am so disturbed that you don't know or care where your mate is. He cut the link and then he and Andy grabbed food and sat with them.

Liz said hey, damn I want some, what about you Luna? Luna Marcia said sure, I haven't had that in years, okay. Liz got up and said be right back, no moving Luna, your relaxing.

After filling up until they were stuffed, Liz took the Luna back to the car. They stopped for takeout and headed back home with Henry and Andy following.

Liz sent the Luna to take a nap as she went to the office, knocked and walked in. She snorted and said you don't deserve this Alpha, but your mate wanted to make sure you ate. Unlike you not caring about her eating.

He snarled and said you're getting on my last nerve Lizette. Liz glared back and said really now? She got down in his face and said I'm getting on your nerves? I just spent the last two hours with your mate in the mall. She had no money as you don't provide for her. I fed her until she was stuffed seeing as she was basically starving under your own eyes. I just sent her to your room for a nap as she has bags under her eyes.

She wanted you to have this, but then you look like you've had three square meals unlike her who was too busy slaving in the kitchen to even eat herself. She said you go out to restaurants and wine and dine others while she stays here, working herself sick.

She dropped the meal down and said you soon will find yourself without a true mate. Like your mate said, and I can see it too, you will just move in a slut in her place. You don't look like you give a shit about your mate Alpha Roy. She set his specialty coffee down and turned on her heals, then slammed his office door shut.

By dinner time, Liz grabbed all the kitchen staff, including Luna Marcia and took them with her leaving the kitchen empty. She drove and they headed out of town, she aimed for a distant pack where she stopped.

She took them all down to the infirmary and had the female doctor look them all over. They were treated with nothing but kindness and professionalism. Blood tests and booster shots, the doctor yelled and said they had to take it easy as they were all tired to the bones and needed to take better care about themselves.

Liz was examined and she was given new meds and an extra shot to help her heal faster. They all shifted and ran, were watched over by the pack's warriors and were then fed too until they were stuffed.

Then they were driven back, with escorts back to the pack. The females looked a lot better for being away and when they parked, they found a mess in the kitchen. Someone had nearly burned the kitchen down.

Luna Marcia then mind linked her mate and cursed at him. He ran downstairs and was faced with a very pissed off mate. Liz stood back and watched. Alpha Roy was ashamed, he got down on his knees, seeing his mate in all her glory. He was shocked as he never even noticed.

Luna Marcia's first order was the kitchen fixed as no meals were going to be prepared in the shape it was in. Then she said send those bitches to another pack, I'm tired of catering to their every bloody demand.

Then she got in her mate's face and demanded another doctor seeing as the current one they had wasn't doing his freaking job. She said this pack is catering to those damn females as if they were royalty and I'm the Luna of this pack and not them.

She shoved her mate to his ass with her foot and said and if you don't like it, I will pack my bags and find someone who will treat me better than you have.

Alpha Roy roared no, you're my mate and won't leave me. Luna Marcia yelled back then why aren't you treating me like a mate instead of a mere slave you care less about.

Liz slipped away once Alpha Roy tossed his mate over his shoulder and raced her up to their room. Liz gave Luna Marcia a thumbs up and left the pack house. Mitch watched the whole thing shocked as his mother looked healthy now, instead of how she looked the day before.

He didn't see Liz leave. She headed home, slipped inside and locked her bedroom door. She took her new medication before slipping in her bed and falling fast asleep.

She didn't go back to the pack house for a few days. Luna Marcia came for her, Liz went with her to see what a amazing difference in Luna Marcia. Alpha Roy too, as he no longer looked so angry.

Liz crossed her arms as she stood in the office. Luna Marcia was smiling from ear to ear as Alpha Roy was brimming with new life. She said happy wife, happy life, hey Alpha.

Luna Marcia laughed and it made Liz realize it has been a long time since the Luna even laughed. Alpha Roy looked at his mate with so much love. It made her mad because he wasn't the one to see how unhappy and unhealthy his mate had been.

When Mitch walked in, she pulled back her fist and gave it to him, right in the face. He hit the hallway wall and grunted seeing her. She said do you mind, the door was closed. She said go back to your skank that I smell all over you. She slammed the door shut in his shocked face.

She bowed to the Alpha couple and said now that Luna Marcia is healthy and happy, everything in the pack is going to work out. I'm on the mend and going to take a break from the pack.

She unlocked the door and Mitch barged in. She walked away with him growling mad at her as he replaced her in the office. She just snorted and said whatever Mitch, you have your skanks lined up waiting their turn.

She went home and packed her belongings, Emerald was screaming at her closed door but Liz wasn't listening. She tossed her bags out the window and put the dresser and bed, lining them up so no one could get in the door.

She climbed out on the roof and closed her window before jumping down. She grabbed her bags and headed for her car. She drove away and once off the pack lands, answered her phone.

She held it away from her ear as Mitchell screamed where are you? Liz snorted and said as if you really care. You have your skanks, so your needs are being met, I'm sure. I'll finish healing under doctors who are actually doing their jobs and when that's done, I'll be looking for someone who meets my sexual needs too. She ended the call as he growled.


Three weeks later, Liz got a clean bill of health by the Council doctor. She had handed over the improper medication Doctor Grant had pushed on her to take. It was hindering her to properly heal, and now that she had the proper care and attention, she was healed.

She had been taught how to block her scent, she could already block her mind so no one could read her thoughts. When she was in the pack, she refused to mind link. She didn't want to hear any of their thoughts as it was mostly sexual being spoken about.

The Council now knew what was happening at her pack. All the females breeding and putting so much strain on the pack was not good for the heath of the whole lot of them. The Council sent in a new doctor as soon as she had been examined and produced her medication she had first been put on, prescribed by Doctor Grant.

Liz was given a list of packs and addresses with names and contacts when she left. With one call to Luna Marcia, Liz was told the pack was totally changed for the better now she had the complete control unlike before.

Liz smiled and then said and Mitchell? Luna Marcia sighed and said stubborn. Liz said well, if things aren't changing, then tell him I'm now on the hunt, fully healed and at peak condition.

Mitchell had his chance and he blew it. Once I get pregnant then whoever I am with will forever be tied to me and my child or children really seeing as I was told it was more likely that I would be carrying twins. She said her goodbyes as she heard Mitchell's voice.


Two weeks later, Liz was being wined and dined by an Alpha of a visiting pack from England. She shivered every time he whispered in her ear.

Two days later, he got her drunk. She roamed her hands over his chest, under his jacket. He groaned in her ear, making her close her eyes as she heated up.

She was still protected by her birth control. When she whispered in his ear that it was time to leave, he gathered her and her belongings up and got them out of the club.

They were in the middle of a hot a heavy passionate first experience when a phone rang. She tapped the phone, just as Jonathan latched onto her sweet spot from behind. She moaned out loud then said more, yes more.

Mitchell screamed what are you doing, who is with you? Liz groaned and bent, making Jonathan growl. Liz slurred her words and said none of your business Mitchell. You had dozens of skanks fill your needs, rubbing them all in my face. My turn for passion. My needs are finally going to be filled.

She moaned as Jonathan thrust against her just at the right spot. She moaned out oh god yes. She turned off her phone and soon was stripped naked.

The next morning when Jonathan was in a meeting, she was injected while sleeping in her bed and tossed over a shoulder. Her bags were packed and a note left that she was collected by her family.

Liz woke and sat up. The smell was all wrong. She woke up and attacked the female hovering over her with a snarl on her face. Liz took no mercy as she knocked the bitch out and proceeded to take out her frustrations out on Emerald's face.

Alpha Roy heard the noise coming from his son's room and ran back down the hall. He had to pull Emerald from the room by her hair. Liz snarled and said I wasn't done with her Alpha. I still have loads left to do to her like she had done to me.

He had a warrior take Emerald home and not to the infirmary once he heard Liz's words. Liz crossed her arms and said that stupid slut needs to nearly bleed out like she did to me.

Alpha Roy looked at her in shock and asked she nearly killed you? Liz glared back and said she and her slutty friends and yes, I nearly died. Why do you think it took me so long to heal? Besides the stupid doctor, seeing as he prescribed the wrong medication.

She grunted and asked why am I here? I was fine where I was. He grunted and said you never told us Mitchell was your true mate Lizette? She laughed harshly and said I told your mate. It's not my fault you were ignoring her. Like father like son, Mitch was ignoring me too, rubbing his filthy skanks in my face when I was at my lowest.

He grunted and said you shouldn't have taken a lover when you had a true mate Liz. My son is pissed at you. She was so mad, she stepped back and slammed the door in his face. She hunted for her things and dressed before she slipped out the window.

She grabbed her phone and called Jonathan. He answered with a growl and where are you Liz? She said I was taken back to the pack and I am now back on the road. I stole a pack vehicle and headed for the nearest airport, where are you? He said your Council.

She asked can you get away? He said yup, that isn't a problem. She said okay meet me at the Chicago Airport, I will take a plane there and we can meet up. That is a huge assed Airport we can get lost in. He said fine keep in touch Liz, you aren't getting rid of me since I just found you. She said likewise Jonathan.

Many hours later, she got off her plane and texted Jonathan. He called back and asked where are you? She said the Chicago airport, then what terminal. She added I need to use the bathroom, then I need to eat as I am starved.

He grinned and said we are close and will be right there. She said god that's good to hear honey. She slipped into the washroom and soon walked out looking a lot more refreshed.

Jonathan ran to her and wrapped her up in his huge arms and said god I was so damned worried. She hugged him back and said me too, when I woke I was confronted by my horrible sister who was ready to kill me. I don't think I was touched, you can tell me later as I'm about to gnaw on you in hunger.

He grinned and said okay, okay, time to feed you. He swept her up in his arms and carried her to a car rental place where a vehicle was soon made ready. They drove away, his warriors in the first two sections of seats and them in the back.

She relaxed against him, he nuzzling her head, taking her scent in as she unblocked it. He grinned as soon as she did then he kissed her head and said you're pregnant, just like my wolf said.

She said well, mine has been very silent, probably not wanting to freak me out. It makes me happy. Her wolf grinned in her head and finally said me too Liz, we are back where we belong, not with that unworthy scumbag Mitchell.

After eating, they booked tickets to England for all of them, then they checked into a hotel. Liz fell asleep on Jonathan's chest after he thoroughly checked her over. He made her moan out his name in pleasure before he took his own.

By the time they left, Liz was wearing new clothes as she left without finding her belongings. She only had her purse, her phone which Jonathan took apart and tossed it so she couldn't possibly be tracked. Instead she now had a warrior's phone in case they get separated, not that he was letting her out of his sight.

She boarded the plane with her carry on and purse and that was it. She had a spare set of clothes and that was all she needed until they got to England.

She fell asleep against Jonathan's shoulder and once they were halfway there she used the bathroom. She refused all alcohol and food, the smell was not to her liking. She drank water instead and after Jonathan ate, she fell back asleep. Jonathan ate both meals as he was hungry, Liz had eaten before getting on the plane never liking the food on flights.

She didn't wake again until Jonathan needed to use the bathroom. She kissed his lips and sat back. When they landed, she smiled from ear to ear, causing Jonathan to groan. She kissed him and said nearly free J.

He soon hustled her out of the plane and airport, then they were rushed back to their home pack again. Once crossed onto the pack lands, he had the warrior pull over.

He was shaking in need and she took his hand and got out of the vehicle. She pulled him against her and let him nuzzle her neck. She felt his need and tilted her head.

He groaned and shifted his teeth as his wolf was taking over. He marked her, he and his wolf, one with blood, the other with his strong venom, bit down over her sweet spot marking her as theirs.

His father gasped as he felt his son mark a female on the pack lands. He mind linked the warriors and had others meet them as he learned they just crossed over the border.

Liz was soon carried inside the pack house and taken straight to the office as the warriors got them something to eat, especially Liz as she had to be starved.

After initiating Liz in the pack, her ties to her old one was severed. Alpha Roy gasped as he felt the tie to Lizette was severed. Mitchell had been drinking and felt the bond with his true mate sever and he passed out.

When they compared notes, they swore as they figured Liz had somehow died as Mitchell hadn't felt Liz mate with anyone before both bonds were severed.


Lizette and Jonathan had the twins, two boys first that were both going to be very strong. The next set of twins were girls, the pack was secure, the next heir were being raised by all. Alpha Jason and his mate Joan were absolutely overjoyed, they tended the kids whenever Jon and Liz allowed them.

With Alpha Jason and Luna Joan tending the kids, Jonathan, Liz and many pack Warriors headed to London for the Alpha's meeting.

Meeting Head Councilman Eugene was first on the list. With two sets of twins, there was no way that Liz would ever leave her mate. She requested the meeting as she desired the mate bond between her and Mitchell officially severed forever.

Eugene was the hold back. When he shook Jon's hand, his eyes were on Lizette. She wasn't looking at him and it disturbed him. When he took her hand, Liz bowed her head and said pleased to meet you Head Councilman Eugene. I at one time met your equivalent in America.

He kissed her hand and asked why? She sighed and said at the time I was in need of medical attention. The pack doctor prescribed medication that stopped me from healing properly. I was seen by a second doctor who finally prescribed the correct medication and after I started healing properly left my pack to go to Council. The Head Councilman read my memories and saw the difficulty I was having.

My true mate had been denying me. He never accepted me and at my weakest, he was rubbing all the females he was taking to his bed in my face. Months later after I healed completely, I called the pack and learned he never once cared or changed his habits.

I gave him an ultimatum which he didn't follow through on when I left. I told him once I healed that I would find another and once I got pregnant that I would be tied to that man forever.

After finding Jonathan, I was tracked down, found, drugged and taken back to the pack without my permission. On my awakening, I was confronted by my evil sister who had done so much damage to me over the years. I attacked in retribution of what she did to me. I then left, met up with Jonathan and we travelled here to England.

I wish this bond to my true mate severed as Jonathan and I have two sets of twins and I would never leave him. Jonathan said Liz was pregnant when she was taken Head Councilman. She blocked her scent for her safety and was taken from our hotel room.

I went to the American Council with the note that was left on our bed. It didn't say she was taken by her mate it said she was taken by her family. Those babies, our first set of twin have had dna tests done and I am 100% the father. We didn't retaliate for her being taken against her will.

Liz said I was confronted by my true mate's father and all he said was that my mate was angry at me for taking a lover. Jonathan was my first and only. My true mate never marked or mated me. He had dozen of lovers in the time I was with my old pack, never once had I looked at another with lust like he did in my presence for numerous females.

My old pack had dozens of females that were unmated and being bred by the pack males. The visitors, both male and female were repeatedly presented to the pack. I was always forced to attend those meeting, had to watch as my mate chose another slut he would take to his bed.

I give permission for you to read my memories and see for yourself what I had to put up with. I can't be tied to him forever as Jonathan and I are planning more kids. I don't accept my true mate as he never accepted me.

He lifted her wrist to his mouth and bit, injected his blood and venom before reading. Her wolf came before him and led him back to the past, at 16 when they knew who their mate was.

Her wolf explained each memory as they moved forward. Eugene seeing the attack on her and how she suffered, and watched her true mate go through the pack females and others paraded before the pack.

When he had enough, and before he shifted in anger, he severed the mate bond, sending all the pain back to Mitchell. Liz fainted and Jonathan caught her then swept her up in his arms. He nuzzled her neck and quickly re-marked her as his.

Mitchell in the mean time was carrying a tray up the stairs to his claimed mate when the massive pain struck him silent. He dropped the tray in shock as his wolf growled you take the pain Mitch. You never accepted our true mate not I.

He screamed in horror, pain and shock as the mate bond with his true mate was severed. He thought she was dead and he therefore claimed another. He passed out on the stairs and when he woke, his mother slapped him.

Marcia growled in his face and said that bitch you claimed will never be Luna. She bent down and said you made this happen Mitchell, when Liz called me, I told her who you claimed.

Lizette left the mate bond in place until you claimed Emerald and got her pregnant. Your loss as Liz told me she is extremely happy where she is. She has two sets of twins, boys and girls and the next heir to the pack. All you can claim is that maybe you will be found as the father as Emerald is nothing but a slut. I have doubts she is carrying the next heir seeing as when I touched her belly, I felt no connection to the baby and neither does your father.

The baby is weak the doctor said, so maybe that is why, but I have doubts. A weak heir is not what we need to pass the title down to. Emerald isn't even strong enough if that baby is yours to even deliver it naturally. She already stated she won't be taking care of it either as she is strung out needing a drink.

She pulled out her phone seeing who called and they both heard Liz's voice. Mitch gasped as his mother walked away. Liz asked you tell him? Marcia said yup, probably too much. Liz grunted and said well, the mate bond is severed so there is nothing he can do about it. Pretty disgusting that he would chose Emerald. There were so many others he could have chosen instead.

With a date and time to meet up, Marcia ended the call. She soon finished packing and she and her mate departed for the airport.

Marcia was very excited, her mate had no clue. When they got to the hotel, she was nearly bursting. She used her phone and texted can't wait, where are you? Liz replied at once and said restaurant.

Liz kissed her mate and they got up and left the restaurant. She was so excited that Jon had to hold onto his mate tight. She kissed him over and over, making him grin and chuckle.

It had been more than five years since she had seen Luna Marcia and she grinned as soon as she caught sight of her again. Liz teared up and Jon groaned as he sensed something that she hadn't.

He kept hold of her and said unblock your scent honey. Liz blink for a second before she said uh oh, then unblocked her scent and leapt into her mate's arms. She kissed his face all over and said my love, I didn't know. He kissed her and tilted her over his arm and said I know, but I'm more excited than you now.

Alpha Roy whipped his head to the couple as he scented a female he knew, a pregnant female. Marcie squealed and ran for them. Jon kissed his mate before he said incoming sweetheart.

The two met up and cried as they hugged. Alpha Roy grunted as he approached. Alpha Jon snorted as he had his pack warriors surround them all. Marcie touched Liz's belly and said strong oh my god Liz.

Jon pulled Liz back and said all our kids are, he stuck his hand out and said Luna Marcia, I'm Jonathan, Liz's mate. Marcia grinned and shook his hand and said pleased to meet you Jon. I feel like I know you from talking to Liz. He said and I, you, as Liz has nothing but good things to say about you. She admires the heck out of you. My mother sometimes gets so jealous that you have to come meet them, I insist.

Marcia grinned and said then I get to meet the kids? Liz said of course, we insist if your mate can stand it that is. Alpha Roy frowned and said I didn't know the two of you were keeping in touch.

Liz said we have been in touch all along Alpha Roy. Roy grunted before shaking Jon's hand and froze as he sensed the powerful Alpha Liz was mated to.


After the Alpha meeting was over the first day, Liz introduced Marcia to Head Councilman Eugene. He took Marcia's hand and kissed it before saying from memories I read from Liz. Liz said yes Head Councilman, Luna Marcia had been my mentor, my light in the dark times.

When Alpha Roy and Jon joined them Eugene looked at Roy and said hope you are treating your mate better than what I saw in Liz's memories. Roy winced and said nothing but the best.

Liz clamped her lips shut. Jon kissed her head and she cuddled into his side as Marcia said I fixed the pack and Roy has mended his ways. Eugene said and the disgusting breeding females?

Marcia said shipped away to other packs, I refused to keep them. Liz said my ex claimed my sister Head Councilman Eugene. He growled and said your disgusting sister should have her wolf removed. She shrugged and said well, she was claimed by my ex and is pregnant.

He sniffed her and said as are you since I last saw you. She grinned and said isn't it marvelous. He grinned and said I have to meet your kids Liz, this one is strong. Jon said you're welcome at any time to visit. All our kids are strong and amazing Head Councilman.

Roy frowned and asked how many kids? Jon grinned and said two sets of twins, boys then girls. Marcia grinned and said I can't wait. Your mother, I'm so jealous Jon.

He laughed and said she and my father both can't wait to take care of the kids. Liz is a hands on mother who seldom asks for help. The pack is always watchful.

Liz said our kids are a full time job when others care for them. He kissed her and said nothing too extreme. She said no, your father watches and laughs and they go running to him.


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