Mikoru Highschool

By Sorran1

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Mikoru Highschool is one of the newly founded schools of magic, humans have recently found out they can unloc... More

Chapter 1: The Invitation
Chapter 2: Assigning Clubs
Chapter 3: Explaining each Role
Chapter 4: Forming Bonds
Chapter 5: Sin
Chapter 6: Moving In
Chapter 7: Senbon's Challenge
Chapter 8: Finding Teachers
Chapter 9: Training
Chapter 10: Results Of Training
Chapter 12: Patience
Chapter 13: New Teacher
Chapter 14: Teacher From Hell!
Chapter 15: Undying Will
Chapter 16: A New Threat
Chapter 17: Reunion
Should I continue this story?

Chapter 11: Senbon's Trials

37 6 0
By Sorran1

The sun was just over the trees and the grass was wet with dew, birds began chirping from their nests, everything was quiet except for the seven that were standing in the middle of the training field.

"I got here first!" Hirai said as he laughed hysterically making fun of the others, "Shut it you stupid brat! We already said we weren't racing you." Tetsu yelled angrily, Hirai jumped at him and tried attacking him but Tetsu just kicked him away "Get off you idiot!" Tetsu said wide eyed with a weird expression. The others just watched laughing at the display between the two, Ren just watched quietly a ways from the others, "Good morning everyone, are you ready?" Senbon asked as he walked up to the field, everyone looked at him and nodded a yes, "Good lets begin...Follow me." He said with a slight smirk as he turned and began walking.

After they all got up and ran after him he broke into a jog and for such a small person he ran at a speed that was almost a blur, he occasionally stopped and looked back at them to make sure they seen him, it was over two hours since they had started following him "What the hell i can barely see him." Tetsu said as he breathed heavily from exhaustion, "This isn't that bad." Satoru laughed and everyone just glared at him, "Calm down everyone, Satoru doesn't realize he's more athletic than most people." Yuki said while laughing, Tetsu smiled at him "Okay sorry boss." He said happily, Ren just sighed "We are losing ground, lets keep going." He said as he began running again making everyone else run to keep up, a few minutes later Hirai began whining "This is horrible! Satoru Carry me!" He whined, Satoru looked at him then over to Yuki who mouthed 'dont do it' and that was the end of it until he started whining again, they seen a waterfall up ahead surrounded by trees, Senbon sat under one of the trees and as they neared he stood up and smiled "It took you all longer than i expected it would have." He said trying to annoy them, nobody said anything so he just sighed and turned "Alright i suppose since your here we can begin." He said blankly, everyone was excited to see what he was going to teach them.

"All of you sit by the water, Misuto please show them how to meditate correctly." He said looking at her, she nodded and walked over to the water with everyone then sat down, the others sat around her with their legs crossed, "Close your eyes and imagine your element nothing else, breath in then out at a constant pace and imagine as if you are your element." She mumbled and as she spoke everyone leaned in to hear her, they did as she said and Senbon sighed then jumped into a tree "Now's a good time for a nap i guess." He said as he pulled his tie up and put it over his eyes and fell asleep almost instantaneously.

After hours of meditation a faint aura appeared around everyone, sweat was dripping from everyone but Misuto who was used to the mental strain whereas the others have only been training their physical power, "I can't do it." Hirai said as he sprawled out across the ground breathing heavily, soon after the others all did the same and Misuto opened her eyes but her aura stayed everyone stared in awe as she looked around them but suddenly she lifted her closed hand then opened it releasing an indigo aura which she made turn into a cool mist, "Thank you Misuto... how did you do that?" Yuki asked, "I train often, your physical training should help you catch up rather fast." She said quietly, "I'm pumped now! Lets do it again but this time better!" Akira yelled throwing his fists into the air in excitement, Ren sighed after he wiped his forehead then continued to meditating, everyone followed his example and continued.

The moon came out and everyone was still Meditating until Senbon jumped down and walked over to them, "Aren't you all hungry yet?" He said in a louder tone than normal for them to all hear, everyone stopped and looked at him "I didn't even notice but i am pretty hungry." Yuki said as he placed a hand on his stomach, "Lets head back ill make dinner for everyone." Satoru said smiling, everyone stood except for Yuki and Ren who hadn't stopped meditating, "Leave them be they will catch up." Senbon said as he walked away and everyone followed.

Back at their apartment Senbon sat on Satoru's bed while he made dinner, "It's finished everyone!" He called out happily, Hirai leaped off his bed and sprinted to the kitchen sliding into a wall after he couldn't stop himself and by time he was up everyone was already in line grabbing their plates, "No fair! I fell." He whined, "Maybe if you didn't charge out like an idiot then you would've made it in line before us." Tetsu said glaring at him from the table, Hirai got up and took his plate then sat down "Your the idiot!" He yelled until Senbon kicked him from hos chair into the wall "Shut up i'm eating." He said as he sat back down and continued to eat, "It's delicious." Akira said to Satoru with a smile, "Thank you, all i did was fry some rice and grill the Salmon with some seasons." He explained, they all finished eating and layed down "Cya." Senbon said quietly as he shut the door behind him as they all slept.

Ren opened his eyes and slowed his breathing as he looked around, everyone was gone but Yuki, "Not Surprising." He said with a sigh as he got up and walked back the way he came from, the sun was almost above the trees as he left.

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