My Best Friend George Weasley...

By terryjames

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Echo Azuki is a muggle born who is about to start her first year of Hogwarts. She grew up in the Weasley's vi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chatper Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Seven

2.8K 70 72
By terryjames

Updating today in honor of Fred and George's Birthday!!! I find this day so fitting for the date of their birth!


Chapter 7:

My mom gave me a big huge when she saw me, and then George, who looked a little uncomfortable when she did, but then again she always gave him and Fred a hug when she saw them so by now he should be used to it. Then she looked around, put her hands on her hips, and said: “Fred?”

                I tried not to laugh. “Mom, he is George.”

                “Oh, right,” she said with a smile. “Well where is Fred?”

                “He wasn’t brave enough to help her carry her trunk,” George said. “I realized my mistake after about two steps. That thing is heavy.”

                “Ah, well thank you for helping Echo,” my mom said and gave him a smile, “And taking her to get her school things this morning.”

                “No problem,” George replied.

                “I’m going to go get started on dinner now. George, you will stay for dinner right?”

                I smirked at him. He couldn’t say no to my mom when it comes to food. No one could. If you did she would get all sad and go ‘oh okay’ and it made you feel like you just cut her heart open.

                “Of course,” he said.

                “Great!” Mom chimed and walked off towards the kitchen.

                George looked down and shook his head. “She is almost as hard to say no to as you.”

                “If not harder,” I said headed back for my room.

                “Nope,” he replied following me, “you are defiantly harder."

For the next hour we sat in my room playing a muggle video game called Space Invaders. George was horrible at it. Fred could handle it pretty well, but George; he was no match for me. Every once in a while he would get so mad because he had not pressed the right button he would stand up and pace the room looking like he was about to punch through the window.

                “Dinner!” Mom called from the kitchen.

                We had grilled chicken, rice, steamed vegetables, rice, boiled potatoes, and rice. That was the thing about my house; it was usually a cross between English food and rice. If you didn’t like rice you had a bit of a problem because we had it with every meal. The thing is for George, though, is that he didn’t like rice.

                “Why do you always have rice!” he exclaimed as we headed for his house. This how it usually went, but Fred was typically there. I would walk halfway and then we would go our separate ways, that way we walked the same distance. The twins had come up with it one day when they were walking me home. I think they came up with it because we had spent the evening playing with Dung Bombs and they had kept throwing them at each other’s feet, and so ended up with welts on them, therefore wanting to walk as little as possible.

                “Because rice is very important,” I said with a laugh. “Where would Japan be without rice?”

                “We aren’t in Japan, we are in England.”

                “Yes, but my mother is from Japan and without rice there would be no Japan because the people would have starved, therefore I would not be here, and if I wasn’t here where would you be? Probably dead because I didn’t stop you from one of your stupid tricks.”

                Out of the corner of my eye I saw George roll his eyes.

                “Ah, but you know you like my stupid tricks.”

                I smiled. “Yes, they are one of your best qualities.”

                “Now, then about the stupid part,” he said and I knew I was about to be in for an earful. “They aren’t stupid. One day, just wait and see, one day they will be Fred and my future. We will live off these tricks we make. Though, you don’t see it now, you will, I promise you, one day you will see.”

                I felt my smile widen. “I better.”

                “Don’t worry; I would never let you down.”

                Something about the sound in his voice made me look over at him. His eyes caught mine, but then his head dropped and he smiled to himself shaking his head. I went to read his aura, but stopped. George was the one person I always hesitated when it came to reading him. I didn’t like to. First of all; I could usually tell what he was thinking or feeling without reading his aura. Second; he knew I could if I wanted and yet chose to stay around me anyway. If someone knew how I was feeling I would have trouble being around them all the time. So just casually reading his aura was hard for me because when I did I felt like I was betraying his trust.

                I watched my sandals step on the grass as I walked. It was so green. We had, had a rainy summer though. Better than last year at least, the grass started turning brown.

                “You got quiet,” George said playfully and then pushed against me.

                Looking up I saw him smiling down at me sweetly. I felt myself smile back.

                “Why do you talk to me so much?” I heard myself asking. “Why are you friends with me?”

                He seemed taken aback by the question. His smile faltered a bit, and one of his eyebrows raised making me feel stupid for even asking the question in the first place.

“What kind of question is that?” he asked.

I looked back at me feet. “I don’t know.”

“That’s like asking why people eat cheese.”

“What?” I exclaimed looking back at him knowing my mouth was open. “That is nothing like asking why you’re friends with me.”

“Well, why do people eat cheese?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes. “What?”

“Just answer the question, Echo.”

“I don’t know! Because people like cheese.”

George nodded with a goofy smile. “Exactly.”

“So what’s your point, George?”

“I thought it would be clear,” he said with the same smile.

“Nothing with you is clear.”

He let out a disappointed sigh, but his smile remained. “Well people eat cheese because they like it. I am your friend because I like you.”

I shook my head, but laughed. “George Weasley that was probably one of the oddest and sweetest things you have ever said to me.”

“Well thank you my lady,” he said pausing in his steps to bow.

“No need to thank my good sir,” I replied pretending I had I skirt on and doing a curtsy.

He stood up straight and held out his arm. “May I offer you my arm madam?”

“You may sir,” I said linking my arm with his.

We skipped the rest of the way up the hill. I knew we probably looked like dorks, which of course made it even more fun to us. When we reached the top of the hill (that was the halfway mark) George gave me a quick bow, and then we went our separate ways.

The rest of the summer I spent my days reading my textbooks and doing my usual running around with the Weasley twins. Fred insisted on me coming over at least twice a week. When I didn’t the two of them would usually show up at my house with their hands on their hips, shaking their heads in unison, and saying something along the lines of: ‘just because you are going to Hogwarts with us this year doesn’t mean you can’t hang out with us this summer.’ Then the three of us would end up playing video games or scheming about what we were going to do to Flitch at school. Even though I didn’t know him yet, I had I strange feeling that just by being friends with Fred and George I would automatically be on his bad list.

                Then a mouth later that day came. It was time to go to Hogwarts. That night I didn’t sleep all but a few hours. The next morning I, and all the Weasley’s were on our way to Kings Cross. Mom and dad seemed very nervous about this, but Mr. Weasley kept distracting them with questions about muggle things when they came to pick me up.

                “Be good,” my mom said giving me a big hug. “Write us every day.”

                “Got it,” I said suddenly nervous.

                “Don’t worry Mrs. Azuki,” Fred said.

                “We will take care of Echo,” George said.

                My dad even rolled his eyes. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

                “Hey, look he knows us well,” Fred laughed.

                Mrs. Weasley shook her head, but Mr. Weasley laughed.

                When we got to Kings Cross Fred and George helped me put my trunk and Tidus on my cart. I walked between them as we followed the Weasley’s to platform 9 and ¾ which my dad had said didn’t exist when he saw my ticket. (When I told Fred that he just got this sneaky smile on his face.) Then I found myself standing around as Percy went through – yes I mean actually went through – a brick column. My mouth fell open and George pointed and laughed.

                “Shut up,” I mumbled.

                “Fred, you next,” Mrs. Weasley said.

                “I’m not Fred, I’m George,” Fred yelled. I rolled my eyes. “Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can’t you tell I’m George?"

                George put his hand over my mouth so I would laugh out loud, but I swatted it away, and covered my own mouth.

                “Sorry, George, dear,” Mrs. Weasley sighed.

                “Only joking, I am Fred,” he replied and started towards the barrier.

                “Hurry up, Fred,” George called, and then turned to me. “Ready?”

                “Hell no,” I muttered so low only George could hear.

                George smiled. “I’ll be right behind you okay?”

                I nodded.

                “Run if you have too,” Mrs. Weasley said giving me a smile.

                I nodded again and ran towards the barrier. I closed my eyes feeling like an idiot and then when I opened them I saw I huge dark red train. I slowed to a stop. George then appeared next to me.

                “Good job,” he said with a smile.

                I smiled back.

                “Come on let’s get our things on the train and find a seat before they are all taken,” he said nodding forward.

                Fred appeared beside George and the three of us found a compartment, put our things up, and then George disappeared.

                “Where did he go?” I asked Fred.

                “Who knows?”

                I closed my eyes for a few seconds, opened them and then I saw a flicker of gold. I started after him, figuring he was up to him. Fred followed me for whatever reason.

                “Oy, Fred!” George’s voice suddenly shouted a few compartments down. “C’mere and help!”

                Fred and I followed the voice, and I let go of his aura. We were almost there when:


                I turned towards the familiar voice.

                “ESCA!” I shouted.

                He had his hair the same way he did last time I had seen him: jelled, in every direction, making it look like an animal had slept in it. He had on a black leather jacket; with a dark blue shirt under it, and dark lose jeans. I ran up and hugged him.

                “Hey now,” he said hoarsely. “No need for that.”

                I pulled away. “What? The hug?”

                “Yea,” he said scratching the back of his head. “I’m not a big hugger.”
                “Well I haven’t talked to you in a month!”

                “You also met me a month ago,” he pointed out.

                I rolled my eyes. “So! I sent you a letter, but you never wrote back.”

                His eyes fell to the ground. “Yea, sorry, long story. My parents…well let’s just say we don’t see eye to eye and I might have done something to piss them off.”

                “Smooth,” I sighed. “Oh well.”

                Esca smiled. “It’s good to see you again,” he said, but then he got this look on his face like he had just shot someone.

                “It’s good to see you too,” I replied tilting my head to the side.

                “I think your boyfriend wants you,” he said looking over my shoulder.

                I turned to see Fred motioning me over. “That’s not my boyfriend, that’s the other twin.” I started over to him. “See you.”

                “So you admit he’s your boyfriend,” Esca yelled after me.

                I shook my head ignoring him. “Whatever,” I said. “What’s up, Fred?”

                “Who’s your boyfriend?” he asked with a worried look on his face. “Wait, never mind, in a minute. Hold this for me.”

                Fred handed me a bag that was heavy, and then he went back into the compartment. Peaking in I saw George and a familiar looking black haired boy with a trunk. Fred helped the two of them, and after a good push they had put the boy’s trunk in the holder on the top of the compartment.

                The boy pushed his shaggy hair out of his face, and I realized why he looked familiar to me.

                “What’s that?” George asked looking at the black haired boy’s forehead.

                “Blimey,” Fred said. “Are you –“

                “He is,” George said. “Aren’t you?”

                “What?” the boy asked looking a little confused.

                “Harry Potter,” the twins said together.

                “Oh, him,” the boy said. “I mean, yes, I am.”

                I laughed as Fred and George gawked at Harry.

                Harry looked between them at me. “Echo,” he said with a relieved look on his face. “Hi.”

                “Hey’ya, Harry, good to see you again,” I said waving. “Are these two bothering you?”

                “No! They were –“

                “Fred? George?” Mrs. Weasley’s voice chimed through the air.

                “Coming, mom,” the boys sighed and then walked out of the compartment.

                “Who are they?” Harry asked.

                “They are Fred and George,” I said watching them walk off, “the Weasley twins. They are a bit much at first, but they are nice once you get to know them. At first they annoyed me, but now they are my best friends.” I smiled over at him thinking about my thoughts of the twins.

                “I’ll take your word for it,” he said.

                “Well I better get going,” I said waving again.

                Harry’s eyes got a little wide. “No! I mean, stay.”

                “I’ll be back, okay,” I said, and then left. Poor guy. He was Harry Potter that everyone knew, and yet he didn’t know anyone. It must be weird to have everyone know your story.

                I walked outside, and went over to the Weasley’s. Percy was walking up with his Hogwarts robes already on, and the silver badge with a P on it.

                “Can’t stay long, Mother,” he said. “I’m up front, the prefects have got two compartments to themselves –“

                “Oh, are you a prefect, Percy?” Fred asked sounding very surprised. “You should have said something, we had no idea.”

                “Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it,” George put in. “Once –“

                “Or twice –“

                “A minute –“

                “All summer –“

                “Oh, shut up,” Percy yelled at them.

                I laughed, and Fred put him arm around my neck.

                “Echo here doesn’t mind, do you love?” he said to me.

                “Love?” Ginny squealed happily. “Awww Fred and Echo!”

                “They aren’t together,” George sighed. “How come Percy gets new robes, anyway?”

                “Because he’s a prefect, Mrs. Weasley said looking at him fondly. “All right, dear, well, have a good term – send me an owl when you get there.” She kissed Percy on the cheek and then he left. She then turned to the twins, and I got ready to bite my lip to keep from laughing. “Now, you two – this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you’ve – you’ve blown up a toiler or –“

                “Blown up a toilet? We’ve never blown up a toilet,” Fred exclaimed.

                “Great idea though, thanks, mom,” George said.

                I bit my lip and tried to breath. Why were they so dang funny?

                “It’s not funny,” Mrs. Weasley said and I swallowed. Thankfully, she wasn’t looking at me though. “And look after Ron and Echo.”

                “Don’t worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us,” George said smiling at Ron.

                “Shut up,” Ron groaned.

                “And Echo is one of us,” Fred said tightening his arm around my neck. “All she needs is to be a little taller, red hair, and well some other things.”

                I rolled my eyes.

                “Hey, Mom, guess what?” George said. “Guess who we just met on the train?”

                “You know that black-haired boy who was near us in the station?” Fred said. “Know who he is?”

                “Who?” Mrs. Weasley asked.

                “Harry Potter!” the twins said together.

                I let out a sigh and looked over towards the compartment he was in to see him jump away from the window. If only they knew he was hearing every word they said.

                “Oh, Mom, can I go on the train and see him, Mom, oh please!” Ginny squealed.

                “You’ve already seen him, Ginny, and the poor boy isn’t something you goggle at in a zoo. Is he really, Fred? How do you know?”

                “Asked him. Saw his scar. It’s really there like lightning. Plus, Echo and him are best friends.”

                “No, we are not,” I yelled. “I just met him at Diagon Ally.”

                “Poor dear – no wonder he was alone, I wondered. He was ever so polite when he asked how to get onto the platform,” Mrs. Weasley said.

                “Never mind that, do you think he remembers what You-Know-Who looks like?” Fred asked his brother.

                “I forbid you to ask him, Fred. No, don’t you dare. As though he needs reminding of that on his first day of school,” Mrs. Weasley said sternly.

                “Serious, Fred,” I said. “That man killed his parents after all.”

                “I was only joking, love,” Fred said.

                “Stop calling me that,” I said annoyed and pulled out of his grip. “Thank you Mrs. Weasley for bringing me here.” I went up and gave her a hug. “I’ll miss you and your cooking.”

                “I’ll miss you to my dear,” she replied.

                The train whistle sounded.

                “Hurry up,” Mrs. Weasley said suddenly.

                The four of us jumped onto the train and the boys gave Mrs. Weasley a kiss goodbye. Ginny started to cry.

                “Don’t, Ginny, we’ll send you loads of owls,” Fred said.

                “We’ll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat,” George added.


                “Only joking, Mom.”

                The train started to move, and my heart leaped in my chest. I was on my way to Hogwarts! Finally, I got to join the boys in their adventures. I couldn’t wait.

                “You’ll send her a toilet seat, huh?” I said as we headed for the compartment. Ron had already disappeared.

                “Yes,” George replied following behind me. “With your help!”

                His arms went around my waist and I felt my feet leave the ground. The area spun around. I saw a flash of Fred laughing.

                “George!” I shrieked.

                “Not so loud,” he laughed setting me down. “People are going to think someone is killing someone.”

                I turned around and hit him in the stomach playfully. He laughed in reply, and then tugged on my hair. I slapped him softly. George eyes suddenly got evil.

                “That hurt!” he yelled.

                My heart fell. “Oh, George, I’m so sorry!”

                “I’m just joking,” George said now laughing again.

                “George! You little –“

                “Sorry to cut in,” Fred said, “but I am alive you know.”

                “I’m sorry Fred,” I said. “Hey, I’ll be back.”

                “Got it,” Fred replied.

                I walked off going towards where I saw Esca last. After about fifteen minutes of walking around I found him in a place I had pasted about ten times already.

                He was leaned against the side of a compartment door. He looked up at me. A small smile appeared across his face. “Hi again.”

                “Hey,” I said.

                “So how’s your boyfriend?” he said standing up straight.

                “George is not my boyfriend,” I replied rolling my eyes.

                “Sure, sure,” he laughed.

                “Excuse me,” a voice said behind me. I turned to see a girl about my age with short, choppy, blond hair. “Have you seen a girl with dark brown hair that goes to her shoulders, has glasses on, and is wearing a bright green shirt on?”

                “No,” I said.

                “Yes,” Esca said. “She went that way.” He pointed the direction she came from. “And she was looking for a girl that looks strangely like you.”

                “Thank you,” she said. “I guess I better stay around here. I’m Elissa Claymore by the way.”

                “I’m Echo Azuki,” I said.

                “I’m a guy,” Esca said.

                Rolling my eyes I said; “This is Esca Tenner.”

                “Going around telling people my name,” he sighed shaking his head.

                Elissa put her hands on her hips. “You afraid I might use your name against you somehow?”

                I looked at this girl. She had on dark blue jeans, a green tank top, and a light blue jean jacket over it. Her aura told me she was a bit annoyed with Esca, but not as much as she seemed to be. In fact, it seemed to me that she was just the type that acted annoyed, and not even to be rude, but just because it was who she was. And I had a feeling she was going to be my friend.

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