Out Running the Alpha

By JordynnCanelis

60.9K 3.2K 386

Britney's life has always been different moving being shuffled through the foster system with her twin Brando... More

The Beginning
Two truths and One Lie
A Star Wars Rerun
A Beast or Prince Charming
It's Not the Freaking Bachelorette
The Worst Date Ever
The Man Who Would Be King
Gone Girl
The Beast of Gevaudan
Et Tu Brutus
Grayson's P.O.V
Everythings Not As It Seems
Que the Tragic Backstory
He's Back and She's Gone
Once Bitten and Twice Shy
Bastien's P.O.V
Just A Girl Standing In Fron Of A Boy
Damn Your Love, Damn Your Lies
The Beginning of the End
Family Matters
Masons P.O.V
This is How a Heart Breaks
Just a Fool
Unflattering Truths
A Gilded Cage
The kindly Ones
Monster Mash
Out Of The Frying Pan
Into the Fire
Wonder Woman Wanna Be
Battle Cry
Unavoidable Loss

An unfortunate event

3.1K 167 8
By JordynnCanelis

I spent the next several days hanging out around the house with Paxton, Truitt, and Shade. For the most part during the days the house was empty except for the four of us. I wanted to ask Bran what they did all day, but whenever I started broaching the subject he would abruptly change the subject. Since we were finally getting back to normal I decided not to push the issue for now.

I noticed that despite the pretense of normalcy that everyone tried to portray I noticed that everyone seemed to be on edge. With every strange sound, the boys seemed to jump anxiously.

Paxton tried to keep me preoccupied with movies or cooking, even looking up yoga tutorials on youtube for us to follow along with. Despite his best efforts I couldn't help but think about our birth father. He must have been the one to pay for the burial of our mother, but it didn't make sense. Our father skipped town before Bran and I were even born so obviously he didn't care about our mom or us, so why would he pay for a burial or chase me and Bran across the country. I also didn't understand why we would be in danger from him. Why track Bran and me down just to hurt either of us.

I laced up my shoelaces as I headed downstairs where Paxton, Truitt, and Shade were all sitting around the dining table. "Hey, where are you going?" Paxton scowled noticing my work out attire.

"I was going to go for a run around the property" I sighed "I only need ya'll with me if we're off the property. And if I recall the property is pretty big so I'll have plenty of room to run without breaking any rules".

I turned to head out the back door, but before I could make my escape Paxton said "Not so fast. I was gonna go for a run. Why don't you give me a second and I'll go with you".

"I don't think so," I said continuing out the door. I laughed letting my legs propel me forward enjoying my first small bit of freedom that I'd had in days. The air was hot and muggy causing sweat to bead at my brow and drip down my back. My shirt clung to my body as I sped up heading into the trees that lead to the back of the property.

"Hey there slowpoke," A deep voice said coming up behind me. Startled I stumbled tripping over an uprooted tree branch. I felt my ankle snap as I fell and cried out in pain falling to the ground.

"Jesus christ Britney. I really can't leave you alone can I" Paxton said kneeling down next to me.

"Actually I was doing just fine before you showed up" I groaned trying to push myself up to a sitting position. I hissed cradling a wrist which was starting to swell.

"Hang on" Paxton put a hand on my back. He gently examined my ankle and wrist frowning.

"These are either sprained or broken" Paxton frowned scooping me up in his arms. "By the way, you crossed the property line about fifteen minutes ago".

"Please put me down" I groaned my eyes tearing up from the pain.

"There's no way you're gonna walk the mile back to the house on your own" Paxton cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Please let me maintain what little dignity I have left" I pleaded and he gently lowered me onto the ground although he kept an arm wrapped around my waist although he supported almost all of my weight. I gritted my teeth together as we started to make our way back towards the house.

"Why did you follow me?" I asked breaking the silence. "I think I made it pretty clear I wanted to be alone".

Paxton shrugged "Who said I was following you. I told you that I wanted to go for a run". I rolled my eyes and he sighed. "I'm just trying to look out for you," Paxton said "And it's a good thing I did," he said pointedly looking at my injuries.

He stopped suddenly putting a finger to his mouth motioning for me to be quiet. I opened my mouth to ask him what was going on, but he clamped his hand over my mouth. "We need to get out of here now" he whispered in my ear.

He moved to pick me up as he had before when a low voice growled from behind us "Not so fast". The man I'd seen at the cemetery was standing behind us with three other men the youngest of which looked to be around Paxton and I's age.

"You must be Britney" He smiled as Paxton positioned himself between me and the man. "You probably don't know who I am, but I mean you no harm". The man held up his hands as if to prove he didn't have any weapons or anything up his sleeves. Despite the tension thrumming in the air between the man's posse and Paxton the man carried himself like he didn't have a care in the world.

Paxton snorted "I doubt that".

"If you'll excuse me, young man, I would like to talk to my daughter," He said looking considerably less friendly when he saw the protective hand he still had on my waist.

I pushed past Paxton glaring at my father doing my best to keep from limping. "And why should I talk to you? Even if Bran didn't think you were dangerous you abandoned us. We went through hell growing up and you weren't there to protect us. You might be biologically responsible for our creation, but you are not our father" I spat at him.

"And for that, I am truly sorry. Had I known about you and your brother I would not have left you alone. I learned of you and your brother after your mother's death and I've been trying to track you down ever since" He said looking sincerely contrite.

"Bran thinks you're dangerous," I said apprehensively. I didn't trust this stranger, but I didn't exactly trust Bran right now either.

"I swear I mean you no harm" he took a step forward. "I'm here to take you home Britney. I want to try to make up for lost time".

"See that still doesn't explain why Bran thinks you're dangerous" I took a step back bumping into Paxton who wrapped an arm protectively around me again.

"I am sorry your brother feels that way," He said.

"You do realize that cornering me in the woods is a really bad way to demonstrate that you don't want to hurt someone. Besides, there is no way Brandon would ever go live with you and we come as a set" I stuck my chin out defiantly.

"I wanted to catch you alone although it seems that Bennett is smarter than I thought" He nodded at Paxton.

"See that's still not doing anything to make you seem less creepy," I said trying to push of Paxton's arm. He held tight to me refusing to let go.

"I admire your instincts young pup, but as you can see we outnumber you and I don't think you want to cause a scene," He said looking meaningfully at Paxton. I guess this man was tired of arguing with me. He reluctantly removed his arm from around me. I looked at Paxton surprised that he was giving up without a fight.

"Now it's time we get going Britney" The man claiming to be my father gestured for me to come with them.

"No I don't think so," I said defiantly.

"Britney it's ok," Paxton said softly "I'll see you soon". He gave me a pointed look at the last part and I caught his drift. He would find a way to get me away from my father as fast as he could.

I limped forward biting my lower lip to keep from crying out. "Grayson please help Britney she appears to be injured". The youngest guy stepped forward picking scooping me up in his arms. I hated to admit it, but this guy was kinda cute. And what I meant by kind of cute was actually that he was drop-dead gorgeous. With sandy blonde hair and piercing golden eyes, he easily could have graced the cover of GQ magazine.

I protested, but no one answered me. The men started running through the trees faster than what should have been possible. I wasn't sure for how long they ran, but they slowed down once we reached a gleaming silver land rover that was parked on a dirt road.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly starting to feel nervous for the first time.

"I'm taking you home," my father said. He frowned looking concerned "You have no reason to feel nervous. I would never let any harm come to you"

"Forgive me if I have a hard time believing that" I grumbled glaring at the men in the car.

"I guess I deserve that" He shrugged "I know I wasn't there for you and your brother when you were growing up and I know I can never make it up to you, but I intend to try".

When I didn't say anything he sighed "This is my friend Collin and his son Greyson". I just stared out the window refusing to acknowledge him for the rest of the drive.

After a couple of hours, we pulled up to a large gated community where we were immediately waved through. As we drove through the neighborhood the house went from large to obscenely huge. We stopped at the largest house by far. It was not as modern as Bennett's house but looked even larger. "This has been our family's estate for generations," my father said as Greyson helped me out of the car. "Greyson can you show Britney up to her room. I'll have mike come up and take a look at her ankle" my father said checking his phone.

Before I could protest Greyson had once again picked me up and we're heading upstairs. "What's your deal?" I grumbled to the burly guy carrying up a flight of winding stairs.

"Excuse me?" He asked looking down at me with eyes that looked like they could have been made of liquid gold.

"Well, it's bizarre that my father took two random guys to kidnap his daughter. So what's the deal?" I asked.

"Your father is training me to take over the... family business. He also thought that you might feel more comfortable if there was someone your own age there" he said as we reached the top of the stairs.

"Why would you take over our family business when there are me and my brother," I asked as he set me down on a comfortable four-poster bed.

"It doesn't matter right now. How's your ankle feeling?" He asked looking genuinely concerned.

I laughed "It's not at the top of my list of things to worry about right now".

He nodded "Fair enough. Although I promise that you don't have anything to worry about at least from me".

"Who do I have to worry about?"I said softly leaning into him. He froze glancing down at me.

"Hi, Brittany I'm Mike" a tall burly man standing in the doorway said "You're father said that you hurt your ankle. Can I take a look at it?". I nodded shyly.

He sat down next to me frowning "This looks like it's just a bad sprain".

"You should also take a look at her wrist" Greyson said to mike. I glared at him and he shrugged "I'm more observant than I look". Rolling my eyes I held out my wrist for Mike to examine.

"This just looks like a bad bruise, possibly all the way down to the bone," He said. "I'll wrap her ankle for support, but she'll want to keep off of that foot for a while" He whispered in my ear. I squeezed my eyes closed and tucked my head against his chest.

Without warning, Mike twisted my ankle and a searing pain shot up my leg. Tears pricked at the corner of my eyes as Mike repositioned my ankle. I moaned now sobbing into Grayson's chest while he stroked my hair soothingly. Mike carefully splinted my injuries and handed Greyson two orange pill bottle. "She needs to take two of these every couple of hours for pain. Call if she takes a turn for the worse." I glared at the man through watery eyes as he left the room.

"Don't worry you'll be alright. Mike might not have the best bedside manner, but he's the best doctor around" Greyson said wiping sweat from my forehead.

"If that's true why doesn't he have his own practice or work in a hospital?" I asked bitterly.

"We keep him busy" Grayson laughed softly to himself.

"That makes no sense," I said feeling my vision waiver. I swayed slightly and Grayson gently forced me to lay back. He opened the pill bottle and tried to get me to take the pain meds.

I shook my head trying to push them away. I didn't want to let anything force me to lower my guard. I may have had to go with my father in the woods, but that didn't mean I had to stay here. I didn't want to be here. The only reason I'd gone with them before was that Paxton had told me too and I was pretty sure if I hadn't they would have hurt him.

"Ok it's ok I'm just trying to help you" he stroked my hair.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked quickly clambering away from him. It was definitely weird how he was acting almost tender towards me. Despite my best, my best efforts started to realize the gravity of my situation. Paxton might know who I was with, but no one knew where I was. Supposedly I was with my biological father, but there were cases of dads hurting their children all the time.

"I want to go home" I choked back tears.

"You are home," Greyson said gently holding up his hands as if to indicate that he meant me no harm.

"No I'm not. I want to be with my brother" I sniffled backing away.

"That can't happen right now. I promise it's safer for you here right now" Greyson inched closer to me.

"That's not what Bran said. He said our dad was dangerous" I eyed the door hesitantly putting weight on my injured ankle.

I saw what looked like a flash of anger cross his face, but he quickly schooled his features "I'm sorry about your brother, but he just doesn't understand our way of life". He noticed how I was eyeing the door and moved to position himself in between me and the door.

"Please just let me go" I begged hysterically.

Greyson hesitantly stepped closer "I'm not going to hurt you, but you need to calm down".

"No" I screamed completely hysterical now. Frantically I looked around for something I could use to getaway. I grabbed a lamp off of the bedside table and hurled it at him before attempting to make a break for the window.

I heard a low growl from behind me and faster than should have been possible an arm wrapped around my waist and threw me into the bed. I tried not to cower in front of Grayson whose features were twisted in an animal rage. In my terror his features looked more sharper, more wolfish. Even his eyes appeared to glow. "Damn it Britney" He said in a low husky voice "Just stay there". He left the room quickly not looking at me as he went. What the hell was this? Brandon had said that these people were dangerous and I was starting to believe him. I mean they had a private doctor on call who seemed more than a little sketchy and the way Grayson had hulked out was freaky.

When Grayson came back into the room I scooted as far away from him as I could. If he was going to hulk out again I didn't want to be anywhere near the blast zone. He sighed "You don't need to be afraid of me". When I didn't move he set a sandwich and a glass of water on the bedside table "You should at least eat something. It's been a long day and you're hurt" he said with a pleading look.

Hesitantly I took a couple of bites of the sandwich and realized how hungry I was. I glanced over at Grayson who chuckled "Go on it's fine". I sheepishly wolfed down the rest of the sandwich and grabbed the water glass sipping gingerly.

"Thank you" I sighed reluctantly. "Look you seem ok I guess, but I don't want part of whatever you've got going on here. I promise I won't call the police on this operation, but I really don't want to get caught up in it" I said and furrowed my brow. I didn't think I had wanted to say that.

He chuckled clearly amused "What operation would that be?".

"Drugs probably meth" I shrugged leaning back against the pillow feeling very relaxed.

He laughed in full this time "Meth dealers. That's a new one. Why would you say we're meth dealer?".

"Well as far as I can figure you guys and Bennett are like rival cartels or something. That explains why you all hate each other and talk about how dangerous it is. Plus you have a private doctor on call so you don't have to go to the hospital, which is handy for avoiding the police. And then the way you freaked out earlier I think might be like a symptom of withdrawal or something" I yawned. "Plus I'm pretty sure you drugged me which seems like exactly the kind of thing drug dealers would do" I added sleepily.

"Goodnight Britney" He smiled closing the door behind him as I fell into unconsciousness.

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