Out Running the Alpha

By JordynnCanelis

60.9K 3.2K 386

Britney's life has always been different moving being shuffled through the foster system with her twin Brando... More

The Beginning
Two truths and One Lie
An unfortunate event
A Beast or Prince Charming
It's Not the Freaking Bachelorette
The Worst Date Ever
The Man Who Would Be King
Gone Girl
The Beast of Gevaudan
Et Tu Brutus
Grayson's P.O.V
Everythings Not As It Seems
Que the Tragic Backstory
He's Back and She's Gone
Once Bitten and Twice Shy
Bastien's P.O.V
Just A Girl Standing In Fron Of A Boy
Damn Your Love, Damn Your Lies
The Beginning of the End
Family Matters
Masons P.O.V
This is How a Heart Breaks
Just a Fool
Unflattering Truths
A Gilded Cage
The kindly Ones
Monster Mash
Out Of The Frying Pan
Into the Fire
Wonder Woman Wanna Be
Battle Cry
Unavoidable Loss

A Star Wars Rerun

3.3K 174 20
By JordynnCanelis

It took me the rest of the morning to find the cemetery and the sun was rising as I walked through the gates. The cemetery was small but surprisingly nice. I wandered around running my fingers over the rows of marble tombstone. Surprisingly it seemed like this was a family cemetery with a majority of the last names on the tombstones being Baudin. I racked my brain for anyone I might have known with that last name, but I was drawing a blank. I figured I must have gotten the cemetery name wrong when I came across a large marble tombstone with angles engraved on it. The name read Jamie-Lynn Wardell, loving mother now lies with the angles. I laughed out loud at that. Whoever had paid for the tombstone and burial clearly hadn't known her very well. I was surprised to see fresh flowers laid on the grave.

"Hey who are you?" a voice called from behind me "What are you doing here?".

I stood up clutching my bag. A tall handsome man in his mid to late thirties was standing behind me.

"I... I'm sorry" I stammered edging away from him, "I thought my mom was buried here, but I guess I was wrong".

"Jamie-Lynn was your mom?" He asked his face softening. I nodded as he relaxed. Before he could say or do anything I ran as fast as I could. Something about that man set me on edge. Besides I didn't want to leave a trail this close Bran. I didn't want to give Bran a chance to catch up with me. If he tried to change my mind I wasn't sure I wouldn't go back with him.

Unfortunately, I'd run out the back of the cemetery and was now lost in the dense woods behind them. I was tempted to just turn back around but wanted to avoid the man that I'd seen before. If I went back towards the cemetery he still might be there. Instead, I choose to head parallel to the road for a mile or so and then what I hoped was back towards it.

I briefly wished that Bran was here with me. I'd never been the best at finding my way around. Bran had normally been the navigator when we went on the run. I'd been the one who was good at getting us free things like a sandwich, a ride, some change or some water from a kind stranger. It was easy since I was already small and fragile looking. All I had to do was play up the helpless teenager and we got pretty much whatever we needed at the moment. It had always been him and me against the world. And now it was just me.

Sniffling I headed back towards where I thought a road might have been and thankfully I was able to get out from the trees and into an open field where I could see a small winding road. I smiled and wiped some sweat off my brow. It was closer to midday now and the hot Virginia sun was now beating down in full force.

I was surprised at how long my excursion really had taken. I really had wanted to be much farther away from here by now but I guess I would just have to try and get as far as I could the rest of the day. I was going to try and head to California. As far west as west goes was what Bran used to tell me when we were running away. We'd actually made it pretty close to California before Mr. Liddell had found us in Colorado.

I ran my hand along the long grass that was growing on the side of the highway. I wasn't positive, but I thought I was headed west based on where the sun was. I stopped to put the sweatshirt I'd thrown on last night in my bag. I'd forgotten how miserable this part could be. It had never been fun trekking alongside a highway when we couldn't find a ride. It wasn't fun in the rain or cold, but I'd always hated the heat the most. You could strip off as much clothing as you wanted to, but there was no way to escape it. When I was with Bran at least I had someone to talk to, to distract from the discomfort. Now it was just me and my thoughts. At least until a cop car pulled up behind me.

"Excuse me, Miss," An officer said as the car cruised even with me "I'm going to need you to get in the car".

"What?" I asked confused. I stopped to look at the man and he stopped the car "Why? I haven't done anything wrong".

"Someone put out an amber alert on a girl that looks an awful lot like you," He said stepping out of the car "Now please get in the car. I'd really rather not have to cuff you".

I sighed getting into the back of the car. There was no point in trying anything. If I ran he could easily catch me in his car or on foot. I'd never been the fastest runner even if I didn't have my bag.

The drive lasted over an hour before we got to the precinct where I was escorted into an interview room. When I tried the door it was locked. Sighing I sat down in the chair. There was a mirror that more than likely was a two-way mirror.

"Can I please go?" I asked the mirror. There was no answer. After about an hour an officer brought me a cup of coffee and told me that they had just notified my family that I was here and would be here in another hour or so.

I nodded fuming. I couldn't believe that Bran had called the cops on me. I chewed on my lower lip trying to stay calm, but the longer I sat there in that room the angrier I got. I was surprised when Bran came storming in and grabbed my arm yanking me along behind him. I didn't think they would get here for another couple hours at least.

"Thank you officers" He barely stopped to say before practically dragging me outside to a large black sedan.

"Jesus Bran what the hell is your problem" I rubbed my arm where he'd grabbed me as the car sped out of the parking lot.

"What's my problem Brit?" Bran asked fuming from the front seat "Are you seriously asking me that?!"

"Hey, you're the one who called the cops on me! I mean seriously Bran?" I growled, "I mean are you seriously can't force me to stay!"

Bran's face paled "I sure as hell can!" he paused "But Brit I didn't call the cops on you".

"Of course you did! You called the amber alert" I snarled at him. Did he really think I was that stupid? "How else did you know I was here then. I mean really".

"Bennett has a police scanner and he heard a report of someone who fits your description. That's why I came." he ran a hand through his hair.

"Bran why else would the police bring me in if there wasn't an Amber alert and who would have called it?" I asked exasperated. I interrupted before he could think of another lie to tell me "And don't say it was Bennett because I know you told everyone that you thought I was going to run away and he wouldn't have done it without your permission. You can save the bull shit because I'm getting really tired of your lies."

"Brittney I'm not lying to you right now. I swear to god I was going to find your ass and bring you back home, but I wasn't going to do it with the cops. In fact half of the guys have been driving around looking for you and the other half are back at the house waiting by the phone" He laughed at the last part but he still looked uneasy.

"Brandon I don't want to stay here. I can't stand being somewhere where everyone is lying to me including the one person who I trusted more than anyone. So once again I repeat you can't make me stay" I sighed leaning back in the seat.

"Brit it's for your own safety," Bran said looking resigned "it's not up for discussion".

"Bran you're not the boss of me" I smiled sadly "You know you've never been able to control me".

"Brit I'm serious it's not safe for you out there right now. The safest place for us right now is with Bennett" Bran gripped the steering wheel clearly agitated.

"But that makes absolutely no sense" I practically screamed "What are we in danger from Bran? We're just two runaway. No one cares about us Bran why would anyone want to hurt us".

"I promise I will tell you everything when I think you're ready," Bran said.

I hit the dashboard in frustration "That's complete shit you know. If you're involved in some type of drug smuggling ring or something else illegal I think I have a right to know."

"You seriously think that I'm smuggling drugs?" Bran laughed.

"I don't know Bran. I know that something weird is going on. I know that Bennett wasn't just some random guy and you knew that. I know that you've been keeping secrets and that the only thing you'll tell me is that it's dangerous, but you won't let me leave so I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to think" I confessed. Bran didn't respond looking slightly stunned. I was surprised to see that we had pulled into Bennett's garage. "Please say something Bran" I begged. I hadn't realized how much I'd been hoping for him to give me some kind of reasonable explanation and tell me I was acting crazy. "Say something" I shouted hysterically. I took a deep breath trying to regain my composure.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you Brit. I've always kept you safe and I'm going to continue to do that even if you refuse to see that it's in your best interest." He got out of the car. When I didn't move to follow him he crossed over to my side and opened the door.

I just glared at him refusing to move. "Britney you're being ridiculous," He said as he tossed me over his shoulder.

"Put me down Brandon" I snarled pounding his shoulder as he walked through the kitchen and up the stairs to my room.

He dumped me on the bed "I'll come and check on you in a little bit to see if your attitude has improved". He left the room and I heard a clicking sound indicating that he had locked me in. I went to the bathroom balcony door to find that that had also been locked from outside and the regular glass had been replaced with industrial-strength shatter-resistant glass.

I laughed at the incredulity of the situation. I had been gone less than twenty-four hours and they had managed to turn this into a gilded prison. I went to the door and pounded on it a couple of times and hoped that it was loud enough to grab someone's attention.

"Yes darling" Truitt smiled sweetly opening the door immediately.

"Were you just standing out there?" I asked heatedly. It seriously was bad enough that I'd been locked in there, but had Bran seriously posted a guard outside of my door?

"Is that any way to speak to someone who was going to rescue from solitary confinement?" He smiled devilishly.

"You're going let me out?" I asked hopefully.

"No sorry this isn't a jailbreak, but I figured that letting you mix with the general population couldn't hurt" He winked closing the door as he stepped inside.

"Oh, so Bran sent you in here to make sure he got all of the sharp and pointy objects out" I laughed humorlessly and sat on the bed.

"No, I'm pretty sure he got them out already" He smiled sitting down next to me "His search the first time was very thorough".

"You do realize how ridiculous this is right" I sighed sitting down on my bed. "He refuses to tell me anything because it's too dangerous and then refusing to let me leave".

"I know it must be difficult" He put an arm around of my shoulder "If it were put to me I would tell you everything".

I looked up at him startled. I opened my mouth to say something, but before I had the chance too he leaned in and kissed me softly. Pulling back from him I touched my lips almost unsure that actually happened. He grinned sheepishly "Sorry I couldn't help myself".

I bit my lower lip to keep from laughing. "It's ok I think" I smiled "I would, however, advise you to not tell anyone about this because if Bran finds out he might kill you".

Truitt laughed "That's probably a good idea although no offense I could totally take your brother".

"I don't know about that" I chuckled punching him playfully on the shoulder "Also this doesn't change anything. I still really don't want to be here".

"Yeah about that why did you run away," Truitt asked running a hand through his hair suddenly serious again. "I mean is there something that we can do to make you more comfortable?".

"No, it's not you guys. It's Bran and this place" I sighed. "I don't know if you know this, but Bran and I actually grew up not too far from here".

"I actually did know that" Truitt smiled guiltily.

"See this is another reason" I sighed exasperated "It's this big dangerous secret that everyone here is in on except for me. And before this Bran and I told each other everything. At least that was what I thought, but I guess I was wrong".

"Look I don't want to butt into your business, but I think you and Bran need to sit down and talk," He said standing up. He held out his hand to help me up.

"I guess you're right. Plus I should probably tell him what happened when I went to see our mom" I said taking his hand as he helped me up.

"I thought your mom was dead," Truitt asked looking confused.

"How do you..." I started but then thought better of it. "You know what that doesn't even matter. I went to visit her grave and there was this weird guy there and he kind of gave me the creeps and even if Bran is being a jackass it doesn't mean I have to be. Sorry, I'm rambling". But Truitt wasn't even looking at me anymore.

"You wait here I'll go and get Brandon"Truitt left the room before I even had time to ask what had changed.

I paced back and forth before Bran came bursting into the room. "Why the hell didn't you tell me you went to moms grave" he yelled.

I took a deep breath trying to remain calm "First of don't yell at me because if anyone has the right to be mad here it's me and second I just remembered what happened because before I was so mad about you holding me hostage".

Bran sat down on my bed "Ok you're right and I'm sorry. However, this is kind of important so can you please tell me what happened from the beginning".

"Fine, but I want some answers Bran" I hurried on before he could interrupt me "You don't have to tell me everything right now, but you gotta give me something Bran". He nodded and I sat down next to him. "I don't know if you know, but I kept the Obituary section that was about mom and when I was leaving I couldn't not go see her. It was dumb I know, but I thought that maybe I could get some closure or something. I know it was dumb". I sighed taking a shaky breath.

"Anyway I went to visit her grave, which by the way is in this family plot I think the name was Baudin, but there was this guy who also looked like he was visiting mom's grave also. He asked me if I was Jamie-Lynn's daughter and I ran off because he kind of gave me the heebie-jeebies." I rushed on trying to get everything out before I decided that this was a mistake.

Bran looked pale and I put a hand on his shoulder "Are you ok?".

"Brit that guy is our birth dad," Bran said looking like he was going to be sick.

"What you knew who our dad was and you never told me?" I cried out feeling hurt "And now apparently he's the big bad we've been running from? I hate to break it to you, but this is looking an awful lot like a bad star wars rerun".

"I'm serious Britney our father, not a nice guy" Bran took me by the shoulder "He is the reason that we're in danger. Now that he knows about you it's not good".

"If he's the reason that we're in danger then why don't we just go far away from here just the two of us?" I brushed him off.

"Because he would find us no matter how far we ran and Bennett is the only one who can protect us" I Bennett sighed. "That's why we need to stay here. I'm sorry if you're unhappy, but I can't let you get hurt".

"What did you mean about our dad finding out who I was? What does that even mean?" I asked remembering something that Bran had said earlier.

"Look I did what I could to keep him from finding out about you. Do you remember when we lived in Kansas?"

"Yeah, vaguely I guess" I sighed not sure where this was heading. "That was one of the only times you were the one who insisted we leave the foster home we were in".

"That's because our dad came after us and he cornered me one day after school. When I realized that he didn't know about you I told him you were my foster sister and we left that night. I did everything in my power after that to make sure he never found out who you really were and I did my best to make sure that you never found out about him. I guess I should have known better now that we were back, but I just wanted to protect you".

"I'm so sick of this Bran all of the lying and the secrets, but I understand. I just thought I was the one protecting you all the times I had us leave and I was just trying to do the same here" I sniffled.

"I know that Brit. Believe me, I don't know where I would be without you, but right now I just need you to trust me just a little bit right now" Bran said softly.

"For now, but can you please not keep me locked in this room?" I chuckled.

"Fine, but I want you to stay in the house for a couple of weeks unless you're with three or more people ok?" Bran asked.

"Fine, but not for more than two weeks" I sighed at the ridiculousness of this conversation.

"I don't think it'll take more than two weeks for the other shoe to drop and we will revisit this situation when that happens," Bran said. I rolled my eyes at all of the dramatics.

"Fine, but I think you should be my slave until that happens" I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"Ok it's a deal" Bran said, "Now I really think you should get some sleep".

"Fine slave, but only because I'm tired" I smiled laying down and Bran pulled a blanket over my head. I rolled my eyes batting it away "You're such a dork".

"Good night Brit. I'll see you tomorrow" Bran said turning out the lights. I closed my eyes glad that this day was finally over.

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