Blame it on our Fates

By candyflossmachine

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♡ His gaze was deep, deeper than the purest oceans, fixated on my every move, making me squirm under... More

p l a y l i s t
c h a r a c t e r a e s t h e t i c s
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f o r t y e i g h t
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e p i l o g u e

f o r t y f i v e

3.5K 187 60
By candyflossmachine

Song of the Day: Mirrors by Justin Timberlake.

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F o r t y f i v e

"How does this look on me?" Asked Hailey as she held a frilly, hot pink coloured dress in front of her chest, making me wince mentally, glancing at the hideous looking barbie dress. "I like this colour."

I and the girls had decided to go dress shopping for the upcoming Winter Ball, or rather Hailey and Taylor had dragged I and Harriet, since the last thing on our minds was going dress shopping. I wanted to escape this, more than anything in this world. I mean, before I wanted to go to Nolan and talk to him about how I wanted to go with him. But even before that, I had to talk to Nick. Talking to Nick was the moment I was dreading the most. I knew Nolan so I knew for a fact that making amends with didn't make me as nervous but on the other hand, telling Nick that I didn't want to go the Winter Ball with him, scared me. Shitless. I didn't want to see the hope leaving his eyes, I didn't want to. It was not something I had planned all along, saying yes and then no just when it was two days left for the Ball.

Before I could open my mouth to say how it looked horrendous in the most subtle way possible, Harriet beat me to it. "It looks like Barbie and her Dream House puked all over you. God, get that thing away from me, it's hurting my eyes!"

Hailey frowned and marched over to the chaise lounge where Harriet was sitting or rather was laying down with her feet in the air, stuffing her mouth with some Frazzles. And the way she was stuffing made me grin, at how alike Harriet and my brother were, God, it was truly the time to start playing matchmaker and get them together. They really needed to. I remember when I left today, Mark was also eating Frazzles or rather stuffing himself like he was- what the American's called- a Turkey to be stuffed during the Thanksgiving. Anyways, back to the point, Hailey leaned down and grabbed the bag of Frazzles and almost immediately, Harriet started protesting. She held the bag away and grabbed a few crisps and put them in her mouth and then her other hand, the one with the hideous dress, and put it in Harriet's face making Harriet close her eyes and me stifle my laughter. "Ah having fun now, eh?"

"It's burning my eyes!" Harriet exclaimed, "Please don't be this evil, have mercy on me!"

And that was the last straw before I started laughing loudly and just at that moment, Taylor joined us from having gone through the racks to find a good dress for all of us, with her hands full from so many dresses of various colours.

"What are you laughing about?" She asked as she saw my chuckling. And then realization dawned on her as she glanced at Harriet and Hailey who were now trying to snatch the bag of Frazzles. "Oh, the H&H are upto it again."

"Yes, now it doesn't even surprise me how strange their fights are about. I mean yesterday, the two were fighting over who's better, Superman or Batman," I said as I sobered up slightly and shook my head in amusement.

"And who won?" Asked Taylor, as she glanced at me for a moment before her eyes settled back at the two girls in front of us.

"Apparently the Gym teacher Mr. Krupp, he won," I said, "These two were fighting like literally, instead of playing throw ball, so he detained them for a week. In fact, they were so into the fight that Harriet was this much," I gestured by placing my thumb over my forefinger, "This much close to pulling Hailey's blonde mop out."

And Taylor let out a bark of laughter. "God, these two really need to control it sometimes. I don't suppose you're in their gym class, or are you?"

"Nope," I said, shaking my head. "I am not. Nick filled me in about this though."

Taylor full on glanced at me, her gaze teasing and filled with mirth and said, "I don't even know who to ship you with." She then looked at the two girls who were now all tangled on the chaise lounge, as pieces of Frazzles started spilling out of the bag and stuck to their hair. "Hey, H&H! Cick or Colan?"

I looked at Taylor with a confuzzled expression."What's Cick and Colan?"

"Your ship names, you barmy!"

The girls paused with their fights and looked up, with their eyes filled with sheer determination and sobered for a moment.

And then I heard loud voices of two wild girls.


"Maybe both!"


I winced and closed my eyes as I tried to drown their shouting. I couldn't even make out who said what, their voices were that shrill and high pitched. But I knew one thing for sure, that the person who said Cick, sure wasn't a female. It was a rather flat voice, it belonged to-

"Hello, twin dearest," Greeted Hailey as she slowly tried to untangle her legs from Harriet's.

Nick looked as immaculate as ever, with his blonde hair messily slicked up. Dressed in a pair of white basic tee with a black jacket and dark blue jeans, he resembled a Greek God.

Nick's blue eyes, that resembled the deepest darkest seas, did not look amused at all. His gaze was disapproving as he took in his sister's disheveled look, clearly shaken by it. "I don't even know how I put up with you, all these past years, even in mum's tomb. I should have eaten you back then."


And then his disapproving gaze looked around the deserted store, so deserted that we didn't even see employees, before landing on me. His gaze that was icy like frozen tundra, immediately turned into a pit of soft expression, something I didn't understand how. His eyes softened to the point, where I saw small specks of gold in them, something I only saw when his gaze was not icy, something I never saw for me, but rather I saw it when he looked at his sister. But never on me. The golden specks in his eyes, resembled the sun's rays, so bright, so beautiful yet so harmful to get close to.

Funny how one's eyes remind you of the deepest forest while the other's remind you of the deepest seas, my mind said.

"Hi Cadence." His voice was soft, octaves lower than what it was when he spoke to his sister. From beside me, I could see Taylor smirking at me and the H&H duo fanning themselves. When I caught eye of Hailey, I asked her with my questioning gaze. "The sexual tension's getting us all hot here," she mouthed.

I was embarrassed, not because of what she mouthed right now, but rather because Nick arrived at the exact same moment when the girls were talking about who they'd would ship me with.

"Hello," I muttered through reddened cheeks and flushed face as I looked down at the floor, trying not to embarrass myself further. I could feel Nick's hot eyes on me, making me heat a little. My mind flashed with how I wanted to talk to him about why I didn't want to go out with him and my nervousness tripled.

"Everyone," Nick said gathering their attention. I looked up at him, only to find his eyes at me. "Can I borrow Cadence for a moment?"

"Sure, why not?" Said Taylor as she side winked at me. I jabbed my elbow into her rib, through my gritted teeth. I heard the satisfying groan of her and smirked inwardly, I could turn evil when I wanted to. I could duff up too when I wanted.

Seeing everyone's approval, Nick glanced at me. "May I speak with you? In private?"

"What do you want to speak to me about?" I asked.

Nick rolled his eyes. "You won't know if you don't come."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Now I won't."

Nick quickly strolled to where I was, his eyes attached to mine, before his arm latched onto my arm and he started pulling me- not too roughly, his hold was gentle- outside the store.

From my peripheral vision, I could see Taylor whispering to Harriet and Hailey, "Woah, he's dominant!"

"Hey!" I protested, as I tried to get rid of his hold. "Get off me!"

But his hold didn't budge, I hit him in the arm with my other hand. Didn't help me, at all.

"Nick! Stop acting like a caveman, you don't treat someone like this!"

Nothing worked. Not even me calling a barmy bloke worked for me. I tried hitting his gorgey back with my bare arm only to have it held off too.

A few minutes of me cursing at him and him grunting and ignoring me as he pulled me away later, he finally stopped dragging me around like a ragdoll. I pushed him away, the moment we stopped or rather he stopped. I looked around where we were, we're in a deserted part of the mall.

"What the hell is wrong with you, you buffoon!"

Nick got close to me, a little too close for my liking. His eyes were dead set with determination and sheer persistence.

"I had to talk to you, you wouldn't have agreed otherwise," He said, softly, his voice husky yet a calming whisper.

The way he said it, reminded me of Nolan and how his voice got husky when were too close, but Nick's was not as good as his. How his eyes would watch me like a pre-

No! I had to stop comparing Nick with Nolan. They were not the same person. But how could I? How could I stop comparing Nolan with every boy I saw, I couldn't, not when everything in my heart and mind revolved around that boy now-a-days, making me want to rip it out.

I closed my eyes for a moment, trying not to picture Nolan, the way he smirked, the way his sea-green eyes twinkled whenever he looked at me, always with mirth, with something a lot more intense than friendship. How could I concentrate on anything, when he had almost confessed to me, how he loved me?

I opened my eyes again and forced myself to stop thinking of Nolan, of someone so painful to think about, forced myself to rather think about the blonde haired, blue eyed boy in front of me.

"So tell me, what do you wanted to talk about?" I asked, finally after a few moments of silence.

His eyes were softer than feather as they assessed mine. "Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?"

I tried to avoid blushing.

"Nope," I said, shaking my head. "You were always too busy pulling my hair and making me cry."

His eyes flinched close as he thought over my words. He opened his eyes again, "How can I ever get your forgiveness for what I did, Cadence?"

I smiled, "I already have forgiven you, Nick. But I haven't forgotten."

"I want to make you forget it too," Nick said, sounding desperate. "Start anew, afresh with you."

I just smiled, "Maybe I don't want to, because if I did start afresh, somethings would turn stale."

Nick closed his eyes, looking completely in pain.

"Why did you decide to suddenly stop bullying me? Did you have an epiphany?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Nick smiled through closed eyes and then cracked them open. "Because I never wanted to do it in the first place, make you suffer."

I was confused. "Then why did you?"

Nick didn't answer, he just kept staring at me with those electric blue orbs of his, making me feel like I was watching into his vulnerable soul.

"Forgive me, Cadence," He said finally as he inched closer, until he was only two inches apart from me. "For what I am about to do."


My question was soon cut off when I felt something extremely soft press to my lips, making me gasp and close my eyes immediately. The kiss was different, a lot different than what I had in the past. It was soft, not like Nolan's rough and demanding kiss, making me melt into a puddle of water immediately, but rather it was like an experimenting kiss, a kiss so tender, soft and like a chemical experiment, soft and gradual. Why was this kiss different, I thought. Because it wasn't Nolan kissing me, it was Nick.

Nick was kissing me.

The realization hit me like a truck moving at a speed of 200 km/hr.

I tried pushing him away, but he wouldn't budge. With every ounce of strength I had in me, I pushed him away, startling him as he stumbled a little. His eyes were still in a daze, like almost he was awoken from a good dream.

I wiped my mouth and glared at him, my nostrils flaring and my eyes on fire. "What the hell on earth is wrong with you? Why would you do that?"

His voice was thick, thick with emotions and one emotion definitely stood out; lust. It disgusted me to no ends. "Because I love you."

And the world froze around me, just like it did when I had confessed to Nolan.

What was with boys confessing to me in a mall? What was so special and romantic about a freaking mall?!

I let out a bitter laugh and started to walk out of there as I said, "And that clearly explains to me why you bullied me all these years."

"Cadence please," He called out to me desperately, " Hear me out just this once please!"

"Why should I?" I asked, as I frowned at him. "You kissed me without my consent!"

"I did," He said. "I admit, I did. But it was only to show you how much I love."

"How much you love me?" I asked, ridiculed. "What sort of nonsense is this? Where's the camera, the prank is over now, boy."

"No no," Nick said, shaking his head. "This is not a prank, Cadence, I love you truly. I always have ever since I first saw you all those years ago."

"You sure have a nice way of showing it, then," I snorted slightly.

"I know, bullying you wasn't the best way to show it to you," He admitted. "But that's how I got your attention all these years. You always had your nose stuck in a book or with Hailey. I couldn't get your attention any other way."

"That doesn't explain your behaviour," I said, shaking my head. "I literally detested you all these years. You got my attention, not my love."

"Please don't say you detest me," came out his broken whisper as he closed his eyes, as if pained.

I touched his cheek and stroked it, the skin was soft beneath my fingers. He opened his eyes. "I don't."

He smiled and his eyes filled with tears making me tear a little. "God no words can describe how much I love you."

My smile faltered and my hand retracted from his face. Before I could say anything, another extremely familiar voice cut me off.

"Wow, Brown. You sure move on faster," he sneered at me. "It didn't even take one whole day for you to get over me."

It was Nolan.

And worse, he heard Nick confessing to me.

Can my life turn anymore dramatic? I guess not, the height was reached already.


Hello you all! How are you all doing? Hope you all are having a good day.

So Nick confessed to Cadence, I know some of the Cick shippers are going to fan themselves at how cute Nick is.

Team #Nick or team #Nolan? Comment you all which team you prefer my lovelies!

Next update will be up this Saturday! Stay tuned.


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