
By romeraki

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One thing leads to another, and my best friend ends up with a pentagram scorched into his floor and a demon s... More

Just a casual Tuesday
I chat with a demon
Shopping carts and black sheets
Bad blood
I try not to lose it
Mr. Amnesia
August Moon
I take a quick trip to Nowhere
Danger Signs

Pals and pentagrams

238 20 26
By romeraki

"Matthew!" My dad called from downstairs, pausing me in the act of getting comfortable with a book in my pile of blankets, a bag of chips at my side.

I muttered under my breath and moved from the carefully constructed resting spot, irritated I'd have to do it all over again.

"Matthew!" My dad said, louder and angrier this time.

"I'm coming!" I shouted as I grabbed the banister and spun to face the stairs. I took my sweet time going down them just to tick him off.

"Don't take that tone with me." He met me around the corner, eyes narrowed.

I crossed my arms and softened my gaze a little bit, and I could see it in his face that he knew I was in a foul mood, and he wasn't looking for an argument.

"What do you need?" I asked, a little more irritated than I should've let on. I followed my dad to the door. He grabbed his keys off the table, frowning.

"Your aunt asked for me to come visit her for a little bit today. I was wondering if you wanted to go along." Dad said, and I paused, glancing up at him. "You probably like her more than you do your mom and I."


"So, are you going?"

I considered this, it's not like I had anything important to do anyway. "Sure."

He opened the door, and I walked to the cubby to slip on a pair of shoes. I made sure I had my phone in my pocket before I followed after him. The wind chimes hanging near our door were ringing with the gentle breeze that tossed them around. The hollow, eirie noise made my skin crawl.

Soon enough I was in my dad's car, both of us silent as he drove down the road. Houses flitted past the window in a movie-like manner, this making me scowl and face forward.

"You been getting any sleep at all lately?" My dad suddenly asked, and an immediate discomfort set over me. I pulled at my sweater.

"Not really." I muttered. For some reason he was quiet after that, and before I knew it we were pulling up to a white and pale green house, with a dark green door that had odd symbols on it.

My dad wasn't on the best terms with his sister, though I knew he tried to get along with her for my sake. What can I say, I was fascinated by all things weird, Aunt Jade being one of them.

Just I swung the door open, the green one to her house did so, and my aunt peered out. She had her mousy brown hair tied back and a slight smile on her face. She wore her signature quartz around her neck, the gemstone swinging as she beckoned us forward.

"Steven, Matthew!" She said, and I frowned for that was the third time an adult yelled my name like I was in trouble today.

My dad looked a little uncomfortable, but he let his sister embrace him anyway. I darted into the house before she could catch me, too.

"We won't be long." My aunt said as she walked in with my dad, waving me off. "How about you go check on the animals, Matt?"

Admittedly, I perked up a little at this. "Alright."

I made my way through her living room, masks from all over as well as crystals and paintings hung on her wall. There were two doors along them, both being open. Instinctively, I knew the right one to head to.

I entered the dimly lighted room, spotting two decent sized enclosures. One held a realistic halved log and leaves, the bottom being filled with dirt and various plants. The second was more of a cage, this one visibly showing off a parakeet as it pecked around a toy with a bell inside.

Ignoring the bird at the moment, I approached the first, knowing just what to expect when I moved the log.

A ball python flicked her tongue and unblinking dark eyes up at me, and I hesitantly touched the top of her head. She began to slither out of her hiding spot, and I set the log back into place. Her scales slid over the log as she rested herself against it. Snakes are cool.

I stepped away from her for a moment, turning my attention to the bird. It chirped a couple times and batted the bell around again. I gingerly reached toward the cage bars and the bird stuck her beak against them. I slowly stroked her head until she decided she had enough and had the decency to gently bite me.

Well, the animals were all good. I decided I was done in this room for a while. What now, though? Maybe I could catch some of my dad and aunt's conversation.

I stepped out of the room, suddenly hearing muted shouting. I tried to make my footsteps light as I slowly walled across the carpet, straining my ears to hear them.

I peered around the corner, barely glimpsing from the wall of the living room my aunt pacing in front of my dad, who was seated on one of her stools surrounding the table in her kitchen.

"I'm telling you, Steven, you need to keep an eye on your boy." She said, and I immediately stiffened.

Ugh, I hated when adults talked about me.

"Do you really think I'm going to believe your visions? None of that is real, you're just paranoid. My son is perfectly fine."

"Something bad is going to happen, and I can feel it! Don't come crying to me when he's caught up in some awful business."

I felt my heart drop when she said this. Sure I did some stupid things, but come on. It never was the end of the world. I thought she'd have more faith in me, rude.

My dad began to raise his voice again but my aunt cut him off by slamming her hand on the table. Her usually level voice shook.

"I called you so I could warn you. If you won't take it, then fine, get out of my house."

I decided to present myself at that moment. Why? Honestly I'm not sure. My dad paused in the act of getting up, and my aunt slowly picked her hand up off the table.

"Um." I waved awkwardly. "...Hello."

My dad's jaw tensed, and he stood up straight.

"Hey, kiddo. I'm going to head home..but...uh..if you want to stay here, I'm sure Jade can give you a ride later."

I just nodded slightly, and he grabbed his keys and jacket. He brushed past me to get to the door, ruffling my hair and making me stagger back because God I hate when people suddenly touch me.

He left the house quicker than I would've thought possible for him, and I just turned my gaze up to my aunt. She bit her lip, ushering me away.

"How about I make us some food? Go wait in the living room until then, okay?"

"Okay." I responded, and immediately slipped into the second door after striding through the living room.

This had to be my favorite place in the whole house. It was filled with books, shelves wall to wall and simply overflowing with them.

I'll be honest when I say if I found one that interested me that I was certain my aunt would deny, I'd tuck it in my sweater and off I go. But I always brought them back.

I kept the door ajar to listen to my aunt shuffling around, just in case I had to bail. Faint amusement rising in my chest, I began to skim the shelves. I finished the grey book earlier. Why not stock up on some more?

My scarred fingers traced the dull spines of each book, eyes scanning what titles I could understand. What really set off my curiosity was the books sitting at the very top of the shelves, though. I could never reach them when I was younger, due to my embarrassing lack of height. I'm pretty sure they'd be easy to get to with support from the swivel chair in the corner now.

Plan decided, I dragged the swivel chair to the shelves. I probably didn't have much time before my aunt came to check on me. Hastily, I climbed onto the unsteady surface, immediately being swung slightly to the side before I caught myself on the shelves, staggering.

I blew strands of hair from my face, glaring pointedly at the four or five books that taunted me, out of reach.

"I'm probably going to break my neck, but oh well." I muttered, balancing precariously on the swivel chair and reaching for the books. They fell into my hands, and I tried in vain not to collapse back. By some miracle, I lived, and lowered myself to the floor.

"Jesus." I thought, and looked at the three books I had managed to grab. I recognized the signs on the second, a black book, immediately. "Never mind. Not him."

Setting the others aside, I examined the weathered leather. A thick layer of dust covered it, and I really wasn't trying to get that on my sweater so I wiped it on the carpet, straining away from the soft cloud of dust it created.

I swiped the dust around a bit with my foot to make it inconspicuous, and turned back to the book. A red and gold pentagram glared back at me from the cover. Curious, I opened it and flipped through a few pages. Some of it was pictures of plants and half naked people alongside pure gibberish, yet some of it was actually dechiperable.

I traced a picture on a page in the third or fourth chapter of the book, one on demon summoning. It was the eye of a very formidable creature.

There was one that required no human or animal sacrifice, surprise surprise. Just a bowl of human blood and a couple of fancy words. Throw in a symbol and you had yourself a demon.


There was something about the book...

I slid it into my sweater without a second thought, hurriedly putting the others back and racing into the living room. As soon as my aunt turned the corner with a plate of cookies I collapsed onto the couch, and she gave me a weird look.

"What?" I whined, and she just narrowed her eyes at me. Right now, they had darkened themselves to a reddish brown. But as soon as she stepped into the light of the living room they turned green and gold. Just like mine, and just like my father's would do.

I turned from her stare, picking up the remote and switching the channel around for a little bit until I just settled on House Hunters. What can I say, it was a guilty pleasure.

My aunt sat beside me, her curious gaze still concentrated on me.

"What?" I asked again, and she just slowly shook her head and set down the tray. I grabbed one, sitting back and settling myself into the couch.

"Weirdo." She mumbled, and I stared at her. You're one to talk, strange psychic lady.

I sat with her for a while, absorbed in the show, until it read 8:00 on the small clock near the tv. She rose to her feet, gesturing to the door.

"Thanks for letting me hang around, auntie." I said, and nodded at her briefly.

She smiled and lead me out of the door, both of us silent as she drove me home. We reached the house, and as I was stepping out she suddenly grabbed my wrist as I got out onto the driveway.

I stared at her, waiting.

"Be careful, Matthew." She said, voice low.

I just nodded hurriedly, broke away and got the heck out of there. I pushed open the door, greeting my parents briefly before heading up to my room.

I made my way up the stairs, flicking on the light and settling myself down on my bed. I moved my backpack and other things so I could stretch out, then pulling the book from my sweater with a grin. The cover flashed at me and my head grew fuzzy, what had my aunt been going on about again?

Probably something silly, as usual. I opened the book to the sections I could read, so entranced that I didn't realize how long I had been reading. Mist blanketed everything outside, maybe a bit lighter though. My alarm clock screamed at me, the numbers flashing 5:30 AM in luminescent red.

Holy crap, it was Wednesday.

Cursing, I slammed the book shut and rubbed my eyes, just now realizing how sore my neck and arms were. Miserably, I got ready for school. When the bus pulled up I was still pulling on my shoes, and I shoved the black book in my bag and ran to my window.

The bus stopped with a hiss, waiting.

In a frantic moment, I for some reason decided that y'know what, yolo, and I went out to the balcony. It wasn't very far from the ground, but I'd never jumped off it because it was still part of the roof.

I planned my descent and lowered myself, swinging, hanging on to the gutter. I landed both feet first, thankfully. Like hot weights had been dropped on my feet, I lost all feeling in my legs momentarily and almost stumbled back.

Still, I speedwalked to the bus, not meeting the bus driver's astonished gaze when I limped up the steps. Nobody said anything when I took my usual seat. Perhaps I had gained some respect.

I met up with Ryan, the earlier events not really having enough importance to share, and trudged, exausted, through the day. I read some more of the black book during lunch, and barely caught Ryan's surprised expression when he saw the cover. I passed out in art and would've face planted into black paint if it weren't for Travis's quick thinking of pulling it back frantically. My monster was coming along to being no longer a person covered in a sheet, to a person covered in a black sheet. Spooky.

I now sat in geometry, my head resting on my hand as I snoozed. At least until the lord of idiots came around, shoving my hand out from under me, my head snapping back up mere seconds from hitting the desk. I groaned and crossed my arms on my desk and rested my head on them instead, not wanting to deal with Jay right now.

"No smartass remark today?" Jay taunted, and I ignored him.

Apparently he didn't favor the lack of attention.

He promptly picked up my backpack, and I turned my head to glare at him. Without any emotion to his face, he unzipped it and dumped it out, it's contents spilling out and scattering across the floor. It was the end of the day, and the students were about and chatting as my teacher slept on. That I understood. When Jay dumped my backpack, they all grew silent, some people casting sour looks at Jay and some cackling.

I silently began to pick up my things, pausing when Jay's foot landed squarely on my biology homework for the night, ripping it as I picked it up. Okay, that was it.

"You're a dick." I spat as I stood up, staring him levelly in the eyes. "Just some sad, fucking cunt of a highschool kid who thinks he's gonna make it big with his football career, but we all know you're gonna pick a bad path and screw it all up for yourself down the road that has you wasting away that college money for your addiction." I didn't really know where this was coming from, but I could feel the contempt in my voice. "What's it gonna be, Jay? Drugs seems to be your thing. After all, you're already starting early. I wonder what your family would think."

Jay was completely silent, and I watched his shoulders tremble.

"How's that for a smartass remark?" I grit my teeth.

"You better hope to god an angel is watching over you this summer." Jay said, voice cold and serious. "Because if I catch you alone? You won't have the mouth to talk back."

And I had the nerve to smile.

"I'll be looking forward to that." I said, and Jay stormed away, fuming.

The bell rang, and students filed out of the classroom, laughing and talking amongst themselves about what had just occurred. I was finishing picking up all my belongings that had been so unceremoniously dumped, when I noticed something was missing. My stomach seemed to do a somersault right then and there. Frantically, I looked around and under the desks, only stopping when a pair of black and grey shoes stopped in front of my face.

I glanced up to meet Ryan's concerned gaze, my eyes then trailing to the book he held out to me.

"You should be more careful." He scolded, brown eyes piercing. I hurriedly stood and brushed off my pants, reaching for the book. Ryan, however, pulled it back, irritation clear on his face. "I know you hate when people say it, but you're small, and Jay is probably one of the toughest guys among the sophomores. You wouldn't stand a chance against him, so stop pissing him off."

I groaned and rolled my eyes, who was he, my mother? "Ugh, fine." I reached for the book again, Ryan yet again pulling it back.

"And what the heck is this?" He pointed to the cover. "This is some serious satanic stuff, Matthew."

"No it's not." I whined, stretching the last word and grabbing for the book. Ryan just dully smacked me with it.

"Are you in a cult?" He whispered suddenly, and I snatched the book away from him.

"No." I snapped, grabbing his pale arm and dragging him alongside me as I exited the classroom.

Ryan just stared at me, and I waved my hand at him irritatedly. The book was heavy in my hands as we trudged down the stairs, walking through the main doors to the outside. I paused Ryan before we were separated, though. I may or may not have been forming an idea now..

"You don't mind if I swing by later, right?" I asked him, and he rolled his eyes.

"Mi casa es su casa, dude. You know that."

"Cool." I nodded, my hair bobbing in my face. Ryan halted me for a second longer.

"But, um, why though?"

"Just to hang out, plus I wanna try something."

Ryan looked at me hesitantly. "Try what?"

I just patted him on the shoulder, grinning. "Ah, you'll see."


My dad pulled up to the front of Walmart, giving me a confused look. "Is this really necessary?"

I squeezed a crumpled up list in one of my hands, my full allowance for the earlier month in the other.

"Absolutely." I said, hopping out of the car and giving my dad a grin. Mom worked till four, and usually locked herself away in our computer room for a while to grade papers when she got home. My dad was the only one able and willing to give me rides places. I wanted to get my own license and car, believe me. Though it probably wasn't happening any time soon. "I shouldn't be very long." I assured him.

I entered the store, uncrumpling the list and sticking my money into my back pocket as I grabbed a tiny cart. I unfurled the list out in front of me, scanning my eyes over the hastily written notes.

Summoning a demon//
Shopping list? :>
- six black candles
- find a lighter
- charcoal sticks or smthn
- small bowl
- bandaids(?)

//go to Walmart, they won't question it//

I was bored, and the book just seemed to peak my curiosity. Usually all this stuff turned out to be a dud, and hey, no human sacrifice. Not to mention I could prove that my books were just books to Ryan. I ended up getting what I needed.

At least I could settle for ninja turtle bandaids.


It was now later in the day, the sky outside being a shade darker than this morning. I knocked on Ryan's door impatiently, the grey and blue plastic bag with my items I'd bought crinkling as it swung behind me. A small girl of about seven with black hair in pigtails suddenly opened the door, staring up at me with light brown eyes.

"Hi." I said to Ryan's sister, smiling gently.

"Hi Matty." She grabbed the doorknob and leant back, swinging the door open further. "Ry said you were coming. He's downstairs!"

"Thanks Kat." I told her over my shoulder, stepping inside and making my way to the open door to the lighted basement. I made my way down the stairs, the wooden forms creaking under my feet. I knew it was just Ryan and his little sister at the moment. Their mother was still at work. The basement was fairly finished, enough so that Ryan moved his gaming console and chair down here, along with a stash of snacks.

"Hey dude." I called, Ryan looking up just as he was putting a game in.

"Oh, hey. I don't know what you wanted to play, but-"

I halted him by holding up the Walmart bag, and his voice stuttered off into silence.

"What are we doing, Matthew?"

I slid the black book from my sweater, dropping the bag on a nearby chair. "An experiment. You're always freaking out about this stuff, but I'm telling you, it's not real. And I'm going to prove it."

Ryan turned off the tv, stepping back and staring at me with a shocked expression as I brought out the things. The candles, the bowl, bandaids, lighter, charcoal, and the kitchen knife I had snagged on my way to the basement.


I opened up the black book to the simple summoning spell, looking up at him, trying to make my eyes gentle. "Mind getting the lights?"

"My best friend is going mad." He said.

"The lights, Ryan?"

"You are in a cult, aren't you? Oh no-"

I stood up, looking at him with a bit of irritation. "Relax, no, I'm not. Like I said, I'm just proving a point."

Ryan tugged at his shirt. "Where's the chicken you're supposed to sacrifice, or whatever?"

I went and turned off the lights myself, using the dim light from the small window in the basement and the charcoal to start drawing out the shape depicted on the page in front of me.

"This just needs a drop or two of my blood, none of that." I said, and watched as his eyes trailed over to the knife. He grabbed his chair, pulling it to face me as he sat on it backwards. His face still held shock, but he looked at me anyway.

"How come it's always my house?" He groaned suddenly, burying his face in his hands.

"You're the only one with a basement."

"I wish I wasn't."

I finished the symbol, and was surprised to see Ryan going around and lighting the candles, setting them in place according to the picture.

"This is certainly going to be a funny memory to look back on." I chuckled lightly, Ryan rolling his eyes and stepping back.

"Two teenagers attempt to conduct a ritual in the poor friend's basement, immediately being ripped apart by demons." He said in a monotone voice.

"Ah, you're such a pessimist." I took the bowl and glanced at the open book, grimacing for what comes next. I hesitantly took the knife in my hand, and I watched Ryan tense out of the corner of my eye.

"You're so protective." I cooed, and he flipped me off.

Grimacing, I slid the knife across my palm in a swift, clean movement. It made a small cut and immediately burned, and I hissed in pain and jerked the knife away, letting it clatter to the ground. I moved my bleeding hand over the bowl, letting some blood seep into it. The ceramic surface became splattered with the stuff. I figured it was enough after a couple more drops. I set the bowl into the center of the symbol.

I picked up the book with my opposite hand, beginning to recite the incantation and add a couple pinches of the blood clumped charcoal. Words slipped off my tongue swiftly, and before I knew it I was raising my voice until my voice was silenced, and I lit the bowl on fire. A small flame flickered to life, and both me and Ryan stared at it. Me being entranced by the flames and Ryan staring in terror.

We were quiet for a long while.

"Did it work?" He whispered.

I strained my ears. Silence, except for the sound of Kat watching tv upstairs.

"Guess not." I said, and he slumped back into his seat with relief. My palm was still dripping, and I got a stupid idea. "Might as well try again." I muttered, and Ryan immediately lunged forward, the chair staggering.

I dumped the failed charcoal and added some more to it, dripping some blood into the bowl before speaking the incantation again, this time under my breath. Ryan, however, with brilliant timing, accidentally tipped the chair forward in his attempt to stop me. The force of the fall rattled the ground, and I watched, dazed, as a candle was tipped over. And the symbol set on fire.


Ryan staggered to his feet, shouting as I just stared at the fire in awe as my hand still dripped small droplets of blood. He reached up to the tiny curtain in front of the basement window and ripped the thing right off. Frantically, he pushed me back and began to bat at the flames, reducing it to nothing but dying embers. Now, as plain as day, a pentagram was scorched into the concrete floor of Ryan's basement.

He turned to me, and boy was he pissed. "Okay." He snapped, shoving the smoldering curtain into my arms. "You proved your point, it's a load of fake bullshit. Now help me get rid of this and then for goodness' sake, Matthew, go home and try and get some sleep."

Typical Ryan. First he was angry and then off to worrying again.

"Okay." I said quietly, admittedly a little guilty about wrecking his basement. I approached the marking, smudging it with my foot and shifting the charcoal.

The good news was, they had a carpet rolled up in the corner.

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