Dark Times

By musicnotes

346K 13.5K 5.4K

[complete]When agent Katerina Wild is hired to kill the most vicious criminal of the time, she meets the noto... More

Character Aesthetics
I: Angioletto
II: Cretino
III: Trapped
IV: Birds
V: Chamber
VI: Hand, Head, Heart
VII: Stuck
VIII: Scissors
IX: Eloise
X: Fuckarella
XI: Hallucinate
XII: Kiss with a Fist
XIII: Stockholm
XIV: Red Light
XVI: Forest
XVII: Unspoken
XIX: Niall
XIX(ii): Heat
XX: Noon
XXI: Two Ghosts
XXII: Stella
XXIII: Dinner
XXIV: Wonderland
XXV: Walk Alone
XXVI: Ready
XXVII: Gasoline
XXVIII: Arrival
XXIX: Arthur
XXX: Katerina
XXXI: Nervous
XXXII: Amore
XXXIII: Before the Storm
XXXIV: Sì, Yes
XXXV: Silence
XXXVI: Crash
XXXVII: Control
Epilogue: Bright Times

XV: The Orphanage

8K 337 78
By musicnotes

       The first thing I noticed when we went outside, after gawking at the beautiful, gigantic building, was the children.

    They were everywhere. All spread out. Different ages and different looks, all busy doing someone. Some were playing, some were reading, and the little ones where being carried and walked around by the people who I guess are in charge of them.

    Harry walked in shortly behind me, he stayed behind for a couple of seconds to put back the gun I had taken out of his glove compartment.

    "Mary?" Harry said, as soon as he walked in. As soon as the words left his lips a little girl sitting besides the window turned to look at the door, and the grin that was brought to her lips could've lit up the world.

   "Harry!" She squealed, and all eyes turned towards the door.

   Next thing I knew we were surrounded by children, who were all shouting his name and trying to get a grip of the man who had brought me here. If I was confused before, I was beyond that now.

    I'm not stupid though, S&T obviously means Styles and Tomlinson, which meant they own the place. What I was confused by is Harry's capability to.. be decent.

   When I was doing my research on him, all the information I had learned from him pointed him as an killer. And merciless asshole who stood for nothing and killed for sport.

   The past few days though, I had noticed that maybe he wasn't as crazy as everyone pointed out to him. But I never thought I'd use the word kind as an adjective to describe the man.

   He ruffled some of their hairs and hugged them back. "Hey you guys!! How's everything? Matt, love the haircut! And Emma, heard about the straight A's, your prize should be arriving soon!" 

  He sounded completely different when he spoke to them. He was no longer, Harry Styles, mafia dealer and smuggler. I didn't even recognize him.

   "Is that your girlfriend, uncle Harry?" One of the very little ones approached me. He looked to be around three and he came to stand in front of me.

   I kneeled down, and took his hand. He had beautiful brown eyes. "What's your name?" I smiled, completely forgetting about the question he had asked.

  "I'm Kyle!" He said with a giggle, and I laughed.

   Harry looked at us, he had a little girl on his back and another one on his arm.

    "No, she's just a friend Kyle." He replied with a sly smile, his eyes not meeting mine. Kyle frowned.

  "But she's pretty, why is she only your friend?"

I was the one who laughed this time.

    "Hey bro, how are you?" One of the bigger children walked towards Harry, and they did this little cute handshake.

   "All good Jonas, how's the dog? You taking care of it?" 

    "Of course." Jonas replied, and then he turned to look at me and winked. I couldn't help but smile. "Kyle is right. Your friend is very, very pretty."

    Harry ruffled his hair and gave him a playful nudge. "I'm sure she prefers her men eighteen and older."

   Jonas never took his eyes from me. "I'm almost there." He winked, yet again.

   I barely noticed the older lady and gentleman who walked towards Harry. They both looked very kind. "So that's what the all the noise is about. Hello my darling Harry! How have you been?" The man said, walking past the children and giving Harry a hug.

   The lady followed and also gave him a hug.

  "I'm good Greg. You guys are looking good, Carmela." He hugged her back.

   And then they turned to look at me. "You must be Harry's fiancée! I am Carmela, and this is my husband Gregory." Carmela gave me her hand, and I laughed and shook it.

  "Actually, I'm his uh, friend, Katerina Wild." I introduced myself. Later following to shake Gregory's hand.

    "You can call me Greg, dear."

  "Children! I'm sure Jenna is waiting for you! Go eat, and you'll have your lessons afterwards." Carmela told the children, and they all said their goodbyes to Harry, with funny personalized handshakes.

     "Emma and Mary, you girls stay behind for a bit." He told the girls he had previously greeted.

   "See you later Miss Wild!" Some of them told me as they left, and I couldn't help the warmth that surrounded my heart.

  I love children. Although I don't have in plan to have any, nevertheless, they are the most precious, innocent souls of the world.

   "Harry! Won't you stay for lunch with us?" Greg offered.

   "Actually, I only came to personally drop some things off for the girls, and if I could speak privately with you about the next shipment. So we can arrange what we need for the next six months." He replied, smiling widely at the girls.

    A man walked inside holding two gifts. "Uh, delivery for Styles." 

    Harry excused himself and went to assist the man before returning with the two boxes. He handed one to Mary and one to Emma.

   "Oh my god! It can't be!" Emma squealed. She was bigger than Mary, perhaps fifteen or sixteen, but when she opened her box I noticed there was a violin inside.

   "Your kindness will never cease to amaze me, Harry." Carmela applauded.

   "Thank you thank you thank you!" Emma hugged him tightly, followed by Mary, who looked to be around seven. She had a doll in her hand,  doll who looked exactly like her.

   "Thank you, Harry!"

    "Kat, do you mind waiting for me while I discuss some things with Mela and Greg?" He turned to me for the first time. I was slightly taken out of my trance.

    I shook my head. "Yes, of course, take your time." I told him, and he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I felt my heart pump faster than normal.

Carmela wrapped her hands around me, and I couldn't help but miss my mother's hugs.  "It was very nice to meet you, Miss Katerina," 

    Greg squeezed my wrist. "You are very beautiful, take care of this one, Harry." He gave Harry a look, and they all walked away into the big doors of what I'm guessing is a study.

    I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. It seemed to me as if I everything I knew about him was wrong... 

     It was the sound of a violin playing that took my out of my trance, and I turned to Emma. "You play beautifully." I told her, taking a seat next to where she stood.

   She stopped for a second and smiled brightly at me. "Thank you. Do you play?" 

    "I play the piano." 

"Wow! I always wanted to play the piano. We have one here but usually only the kids who know and Mr. Greg play it."

  "Well if I convince Harry to let me visit often, I promise to teach you."

  The thought of visiting this place with Harry again brought butterflies to my stomach. I like the Harry I saw here... a lot more than I care to admit.

    "Are you and Harry dating? I know he said you guys are friends but.. he has never brought any of his female friends here before." She asked with a small smile. 

   And yet again I was surprised.

"No, he's right, we're just friends." I laughed, even though we weren't.. I think. But I couldn't tell her I was basically his prisoner. "Harry is engaged to someone else."

   She resumed playing. "And you are upset because he is?"

  My brows furrowed at her words. I wasn't.. "No... Eloise is a nice girl." I smiled. She was.. but I just couldn't help but wonder..

   "So if he's engaged how come he's here with you?" She asked innocently. I knew she was just curious, and I was even more curious about that than she was.

    I frowned, "I don't really know."

She silently continued to play, but the once happy tune she had been playing turned sad and I couldn't help but feel the same. 

    "So uh, do you know anything about this place? Harry hasn't told me anything." I tugged nervously on the hem of my dress.

     "I have been here mostly my whole life, but all I really know about this place is that Harry and Louis founded it, and sometimes new kids come in and Mr. Greg and Mrs. Carmela take care of us along with our tutors and other caretakers. They're all very nice." She continued playing.

   "Hmm I see. And how come you haven't gotten.. adopted yet?" I wondered. If she was here a while.. then why..

      "My parents might be alive.. I think... they sent me and my little brother off when we were younger to protect us from the war. And we never heard from them again. The place where I was staying with my aunt was blown off by the Resistance, and there aren't many people out there looking to have kids at times like this. For us, this is a safe haven."

   I couldn't help the tug in my heart. I had a similar story. The war between the government, the resistance, and the drug lords forced me to be sent away. But I took care of myself. I always have and always will. I'm just thankful I was able to keep contact with my family.

   "Is your brother...?"

   Her eyes widened. "Oh no! He's alright. He's with me here, thank god. If it weren't for Harry though.. I don't know where any of us would be. Usually, although the times are still very dark, Harry and Louis bring people who adopt some of us. But I refuse to be adopted without my brother and they usually want one.. not two."

     I was astounded by how smart Emma was. She needed to be in this world. She really did. I couldn't help but gran her hand and give her a squeeze. "You're strong Emma. Persist."

      "Kat." Harry said, with a smile, his hand grabbed mine and.. I didn't really push away. "We have to get going." 

    "Yeah uh. It was very nice to meet you Emma."

"I will come by soon Ems! Enjoy your violin." He let go of my hand for one second to hug her, but then he held it again.. and he walked together back outside.

    I was still kind of stuck in my own little world. Trying to understand how.. and why he'd do something so beautifully kind.

    He opened the door for me and I got in. "Earth to Kat?" He said with a smile, once he had gotten in.

      "Why?" I simply asked.

"No child should be alone in a world like this, fiorella."

   He turned the car on. But we didn't move. And my body moved on its own when I turned his head towards me and gave him a small, very small kiss on the lips.

   I could feel my cheeks flushing. This was too intimate for me. I never did intimate. My last name as literally Wild.

    His eyes met mine and he caressed my cheek before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. It was quick, yet slow, and softer than any kiss I had ever gotten before.

Hope you guys liked the chapter! Don't forget to share with friends! Vote, and Comment! It helps me a lot!

  Have a great night!

  Delilah E.

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