𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 |...

By SierraDuckland

49.9K 1.5K 699

❝𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶.❞ ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Part 1
Chapter 29 - Part 2
Chapter 30 - Part 1
Chapter 30 - Part 2
Chapter 30 - Part 3
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - Part 1
Chapter 33 - Part 2
Chapter 33 - Part 3
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 - Part 1
Chapter 45 - Part 2
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Author's Note #1
Author's Note #2

Chapter 19

602 25 4
By SierraDuckland

(Background Music ~ Resident Evil Soundtrack 1. Prologue & Main Title - Marco Beltrami)

| 9:58 pm |

Laura's POV
-(Start Song Here)-
'Damn! That needle hurt like a bitch when it pierced my thumb. It was pretty thick too! Ada didn't mention that the locking mechanism was DNA encoded as well, but I was going to find out eventually. So I shouldn't really be complaining about it. Besides, there are more important matters to be worry about than my thumb. I need to be more focused on finding Mom, and making sure that all of us get the hell out of here alive. That's what matters right now.'

After I was done sucking my thumb, I put my combat glove back on. Fixing my AK-12 223 in hand—checking to see if it was fully locked and loaded. During the elevator ride, all the guys were chatting among one another. Talking about something. I thought at first that it was pertaining me, since I heard them mention my name a couple of times, but I was more focused on checking my rifle than listening to their conversation. Besides, I'm not the type of person that usually eavesdrops on everybody's conversations. Only when I spy on them, for certain reasons that concern me, or whenever I'm bored.

"Laura," I shifted my gaze towards my uncle. "There's something I need to talk about with you."

"Sure. What's up?"

"This facility we're going to... it will very likely be extremely dangerous to maneuver through."

"How so?" I inquired.

"I know, because I went to a couple myself before. Laura, this isn't the first I've gone into an Umbrella facility. From my experience in the past, these research facilities usually are crawling with all kinds of B.O.W.s, and other monstrosities their researchers have created and reproduced."

"You mean B.O.W.s that are bigger and more bad than the ones we saw roaming all over Seattle?"

He nodded his head. "Yes, that's exactly what I mean Laura," Chris replied. His startling utterance made me recall about the time I saw those enormous, green lizard reptile-like B.O.W.s on TV once when I was seven years old. While the NTS news station was broadcasting live about the Terragrigia Panic that took place nine years ago.

Despite my abnormally calm and untroubled composure, it freaked the hell out of me when I was a kid. Seeing a unearthly creature something like, that would endlessly slaughter anyone and anything in its path, without any hesitation or mercy at all. Just thinking about the different kinds of B.O.W.s that Umbrella could've created without us knowing sent multiple chills down my spine. Now I'm starting to see why their involvement in most of the bio-terror outbreaks were covered up.

"What about their security system? Is it as bad as these monstrosities sound? Surely they would be prepared for anything in case something grave happened."

"Their security can be very top notch. With plenty of security cameras to keep an eye on everyone and everything that's going on. Along with security alarm systems, laser grids, armed guards, and highly enhanced doors with encrypted locking mechanisms. So, they usually require either a keycard or passcode to unlock and get through. As long as we all stay out of sight and don't trip or sound off any alarms, we should be good," Chris diligently informed me.

"What about their experiments? What would happen if a biohazard outbreak had occurred in the facility, and the research personnel there couldn't contain it?" I inquired.

"Then, it would make our job a hell of a lot easier, but harder at the same," Chris answered, using a dour tone of voice.

He has a point though. Even with the reinforcements out of the way and out of commission, it would only make the B.O.W.s left inside more of a threat than the all guards put together.

"Laura." I glanced up at my uncle once again. "It's gonna be extremely dangerous from here on out, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. So from now on, I need you to listen to me. Stay close to me, unless I say otherwise. Always be on your guard and remain vigilant, no matter what. We can't afford to make any mistakes now, since this could most likely be a trap. If so, we need to prepared for it. Anything could happen while we're down there. Do you understand, Laura?"

"Yes Chris... I do," I replied, nodding my head at him.

Uncle Chris's eyes went round for a brief moment as he started searching through all the various pockets in his bullet-proof vest, looking for something. He unzipped and opened up one of pouches, digging out a small device.

"Here Laura, take this." He handed me a small, wireless comm link ear piece.

"In case we get separated and need to get into contact with one another, better to be safe than sorry."

"Thanks," I replied, as I placed the device comfortably onto my right ear. I glanced over at Piers, giving Tyler an ear piece too. Quickly putting it on and adjusting it. Afterwards the elevator abruptly stopped—notifying us know we finally reached the underground facility.
Chris and Piers briskly leaned their backs against the walls, on opposite sides of the elevator doors. I quickly caught on to their intentions—positioning myself behind my uncle. Leaning against the wall, while Tyler moved over behind Piers with his back against the wall of the elevator. The four of us had our assorted guns out in hand, virtually ready for anything that may come our way.

To be honest, I was a bit scared about all of this. Especially about what could be inside the facility. Anything from vicious armed security guards, to any kind of B.O.W. that could be on the loose. But I know that I have to remain dauntless and strong through all of this, for my mother's sake.

When the elevator doors finally opened, Chris signaled Piers to go. Causing both of them to head inside the facility, with us following right behind them. The moment all of us were inside the facility, I was very shocked at what I was looking at. I honestly was expecting to fight a whole militia of security guards and B.O.W.s once we got inside.

Instead, the place looked like a fucking battlefield. Bullet holes and dents in different shapes and sizes could be seen all over the dark, metal-structured walls. With diverse iron pipes connected to them—running all along the walls inside the facility. Small chunks and parts of debris scattered everywhere on the cold, metal, tiled floor. Various bullet casings could be seen littered the entire floor, like sprinkles on a cupcake. Some of the fluorescent lights on the ceiling that illuminated the hallway we're in were broken. A few could be seen dangling, sparking and emitting little shocks of electricity from time to time.

The most noticeable part of the gloomy entrance were the numerous bodies. There were so many... Too many to count all at once. They were littered everywhere in the room. Extending into the large metal corridors and hallways that were close by. The enormous amounts of blood stained and decorated all over the walls. Spilled everywhere on the floor beneath them. Nothing but the smell of rotting flesh and gunpowder filled the whole corridor. From some of the bodies I've examined so far, they most likely died from either external or internal bleeding, organ failure due to gun shot, a snapped vertebrae, getting blown up, or getting shot in the head.

Most of the soldiers appeared very similar to the ones that chased our group earlier, before I blew them to smithereens. In spite of the similarities they all shared, there were a couple clear-cut differences between all of the dead soldiers, laying lifeless and stiff on the floor. Even though all their tactical gear was mainly black, they all possessed different equipment and weaponry.

Some soldiers wore black gas masks, covering their faces. Along with tactical helmets, fastened onto the top of their heads. All while the others wore differently shaped helmets, with tactical goggles and headsets attached to them. They carried different types of grenades and other equipment, like remote bombs, hand grenades, flash grenades, and C4s.

On the floor, MGA mil sites, M249 SAW machine guns, FAMAS assault rifles, SIG 556 PSDs, all sorts of grenade launchers, and H&K G-36s were scattered everywhere. I walked over to some of the corpses—kneeling in front of them to get a better look at them.

"Doesn't look like we'll be dealing with any reinforcements," I spoke up, with a hint of sarcasm to try lightening the mood.

"You could say that again," Tyler agreed, letting out an amused chuckle.

From my point of view, I noticed how all of them had distinguishable patches located on their right upper arm of their uniform. One was black and outlined completely in yellow. It had the abbreviation 'H.C.F.' embroidered neatly in yellow thread on the patch. 'What the heck did 'H.C.F.' stand for? It sounded like some sort of private organization to be honest.' I thought to myself. Since I've never heard of it before.

Peering back at the corpse in front of me, I eyed the utility belt overloaded with remote bombs and all kinds of marvelous grenades. 'These could come in handy...' I thought mischievously. Once my mind was made up, I began unbuckling the utility belt strapped around the corpse's waist.

"What do you think you're doing...?" Piers questioned me, while eyeing me the entire time.

"Better to be safe than sorry, right? But don't worry, I know what I'm doing Piers. These could come in handy later in case we run into any trouble along the way," I told him, as I hung the belt over my shoulder, directing my gaze back at the rotting corpses.

While some of them had the 'H.C.F.' patch embroidered on their uniform, the others had a tri-colored patch that was neon green, light blue, and dark green. Three different colored pentagons making up one complex nonagon. 'Wait a sec... I recognize that logo from anywhere! That's the Tricell logo! What the hell are they doing here?!? Weren't they were closed down over six years ago? Why are were they even here and after me in the first place???'

Chris's POV

Laura was kneeling beside some of the corpses—examining them from head to toe. Trying to process every little fact and detail she can possibly unearth about what could've happened here. I treaded over towards her, placing my hand on her shoulder, as my eyes landed the Tricell logo on the dead soldier's uniform.

"Come on Laura, we have to keep moving."

"Okay," She replied, as she sat up and we ventured farther down the massive corridor.

All of us continued on for a little bit,  through the large corridor. Passing by several corpses everywhere we looked, until Piers and I spotted what looked like some sort of security office up ahead.

"Tyler, wait here with Laura for second. Piers and I are gonna check out that room up ahead. We won't be too far in case something happens," I explained to Tyler.

"Okay," Tyler replied.

Piers and I advanced towards the room—while Tyler and Laura stayed behind. As we approached the door to the room, Piers and I positioned ourselves against the wall on both sides of the door. Silently taking a deep breath. I counted down to three with my fingers. When I finally got to three, the two of us went up to the door. Kicked it down and charging into with our rifles in hand.

The instant we rushed inside—I spotted a security officer sitting in a black leather chair at a desk, with his back facing us. Piers and I slowly snook up behind him, thinking he was still alive. I heedfully turned the chair around, noticing that he was actually dead, with blood trickling from bleeding bullet hole in his forehead. We checked the rest of the room for anything else, finding it safe for the time being.

"Piers, see if you can find anything about Claire's whereabouts on the computer. I'll go get Laura and Tyler," I ordered.

"Got it captain," Piers responded. He treaded over towards the desk. Removing the corpse off the chair. He sat down as he got onto the computer—starting to look through Umbrella's archives for any information that could help us find Claire. I went over to the doorway—motioning to them that it was safe to come in now.

Laura and Tyler hustled over to us inside the office, with their assorted weapons in hand. Just as they walked in, both of them glanced over at the countless computer monitors at the massive desk—broadcasting live feed from all over the facility.

"Have you guys found anything on Mom yet?" Laura inquired, with a optimistic tone of voice, right as she gazed over at Piers. Sitting at the desk with the numerous monitors hanging neatly on the wall in front of him.

"Not yet Laura, but I'm working on it. I just need to bypass this last firewall on the computer, then I'll be able to access everything on the database," Piers replied, as he trying to hack into the computer. A few minutes passed, and still Piers hasn't been able to get access into the high-tech computer. Tyler walked up to him, saying,

"Here Piers, let me take over. You're hacking skills seem a bit rusty."

Piers emitted a very quiet low growl. "Alright, try to be quick Tyler."

Piers sat up from the chair and moved away, as Tyler holstered his handgun and sat down at the enormous desk. From what I heard from Piers on how excellent a hacker Tyler is, that he's a pretty good one. Quite the professional despite his age and maturity. Even better than Piers on some occasions. When he was younger, Tyler used to get in trouble a lot for hacking into Piers's laptop all the time. Usually for messing around with his social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Skype. Tyler popped both his knuckles and fingers, before he began typing right away on the high-tech keyboard.

"You got this Tyler?" Laura asked him.

"I got this Laura, don't worry about it. This firewall maybe highly encrypted, but it won't take me long to crack through it. We'll gain access to the computer's mainframe system in no time." Tyler reassured her, as he continued working on the computer.

"I doubt it Tyler. You may be a pretty good hacker, but—" Piers cut himself off as he saw Tyler just bypass through the last firewall. Gaining access to the Umbrella database.

"You were saying?" Tyler smirked. He turned around in the leather seat, grinning while crossing his arms over his chest. Piers and I stood there. Nothing but utter shock clouding our features.

"Not bad kid, not bad at all..." I complemented him. Tyler would definitely be a great asset to the B.S.A.A., that's only if he decides to follow in his brother's footsteps.

Tyler turned back around in the chair, starting to surf through some of the files on the Umbrella database. Most of them contained research notes and lab reports pertaining to their research and most recent experiments that were performed using some of the viruses I was well aware about. Like the T-Virus, G-Virus, and the C-Virus. As Tyler kept rifling through folder upon folder on the computer, he found nothing on Claire so far. Then, one folder that caught my eye was labeled,

'List of Captives & Prisoners'

"Tyler, click on that one," Laura told him, as she pointed to it on the screen.

Tyler used the mouse and clicked on it. He began scrolling down the lengthy list containing files on the people that were experimented on, and others that were being held captive against their will here at this research facility.

While Tyler was scrolling down the list, I noticed that with the file of each person it had crucial information regarding their age, occupation, blood type, physical characteristics, known relatives, their intelligence rated on a scale from one to ten, their medical history, whether they were deceased or not, the list of experiments performed on them and any recorded mutations that have occurred if they were a test subject, and their cell number listed.

After a while, Tyler found my sister's file, but it was encrypted. It didn't take very long for him hack into the file due to his expertise. When Tyler managed to unlock it, he clicked on it. Opening it up. I started reading her file trying to find any information that would lead all of us to her.


Name: Claire Redfield (Prisoner)    

Age: 36 Eye Color: Blue      

Hair Color: Red Height: 5 ft 6.5 in

Race/Nationality: Caucasian/ American.            
Status: Alive

Occupation: TerraSave employee (NGO member)

ID number: WKD4496

Blood Type: O+

Intelligence: 7/10

Known Relatives:
- Nathaniel Redfield (Father, deceased)
- Meredith Redfield (Mother, deceased)
- Chris Redfield (Brother, Alive)
- Jill (Valentine) Redfield (Sister-in-law, Alive)
- Leon S. Kennedy (Husband, Alive)
- Laura A. Rose (Daughter, Alive)

Cell Number: A138


After looking quickly through her file, I tensed up. Due to something in particular I found. Under relatives, Laura was listed right below it. 'How the hell do they know about her?'

"Tyler, where's cell A138?"

"Just give me a second," He replied. He closed the tab before Laura could even get a good look at her mother's file, and began opening new tabs on the computer that showed maps and layouts of the entire facility.

"It's over here Chris, in cell block A. In the northeastern part of this facility," Tyler pointed to the location on the map on the computer screen. All of sudden, the four of us heard what sounded like animalistic hissing. Originating from one of the monitors. All of us glanced up at the computer monitor that broadcasted live feed directly from the cell block. Out of the corner of my eye, I observed something move rapidly on screen. Not being able to get a good look at it.

It was quite dark in the cell block, the creature moved at the speed of light. Too fast to tell what it was exactly, even though I already what it was. It was crawling slowly on the wall, barely showing itself on the computer screen. All I could make out was its raw, red fleshy muscles showing, before I heard something else growl viciously and destroy the camera with its thick sharp bony claws. Thus disconnecting the live feed from that area. Generating the monitor screen go all staticky.

"Looks we're not alone," Laura spoke up, after seeing what happened on the monitor screen.

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