Girl Meets Season 4

By Princess-Pluto

64K 1.6K 392

The Continuing Saga of Riley and her friends as they tackle their Sophomore year in High School. The ups, the... More

1. Girl Meets Saturday Detention
2. Girl Meets Fire
3. Girl Meets Feminist Matthews
4. Girl Meets Sleepover
5. Girl Meets Charlie Gardner
6. Girl Meets Smarkle
8. Girl Meets World of Terror 4
8. Girl Meets Friday Night Party
9. Girl Meets Mom and Dad
10. Girl Meets Sixteen
11. Girl Meets Insecurities
12. Girl Meets Bullies
13. Girl Meets Texas Lucas
14. Girl Meets Cheerleading
15. Girl Meets Maya's Choice
16. Girl Meets Triangle Returns
17. Girl Meets Lucas' Memory
18. Girl Meets Isaiah
19. Girl Meets Over Night Guest
20. Girl Meets Fight
21. Girl Meets Talent
23. Girl Meets the One that Got Away
24. Girl Meets The Return of Family Game Night feat. Twister
25. Girl Meets Hospital
26. Girl Meets I Love You
Girl Meets Season 5

22. Girl Meets Promposal

1.7K 53 5
By Princess-Pluto

Lucas and Farkle sat inside of Farkle's bedroom trying to come up with a plan, the dance was less than a month away and both of them were planning on how to ask their girlfriend's to the Spring Formal. Lucas didn't want to mess this up especially after the disaster that was the semi-formal in eighth grade. Farkle already had his way of asking Smackle to the dance, by using science that Lucas couldn't understand and honestly didn't want to understand. All he knew was that at some point something was going to blow up during science class and he was going to ask her that way.

For Lucas on the other hand he needed a way to top Charlie freaking Gardner's attempt to ask Riley out in the eighth grade and he honestly couldn't figure out how he was going to pull it off without having to write in the sky.

"Did you figure it out yet?" Farkle asked him for the seventh time that night and all he could do was sigh.

"No, I can't seem to figure out how to do it," he said more to himself than to his genius friend. "Why is it that Zay had it easy?"

"Because everything is still new with Cassie, all he had to do was ask," Farkle said smiling at him. "It's going to be their first date so in a way Zay has a lot more pressure than we do."

"Farkle, Zay's favorite movie is the Notebook, he lives and breathes romantic movies because of his mother, trust me he has it easy," Lucas said trying not to feel like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

"You just need to think of a place where you and Riley have a lot of memories," Farkle said to him. "Like the Bay Window."

"I don't think her father would like for me to sneak into her room to set up a way to ask her to the dance, especially after the way he found me climbing down the window not too long ago trying to get away so we wouldn't get caught... I haven't been in her room since that day, and if I go in there I have to have supervision at all times."

The two of them talked for another hour before they both gave up and Lucas went home, he didn't know what to do. He wanted her to feel special but it's impossible when he's already called her a princess while on a horse.

"Wait a minute," he said as the realization his him, the perfect way to ask her to the dance was to do what he had in the seventh grade. The horse and everything, with one difference, he needed to dress up as a prince, white horse and everything. To him she deserved to be swept off her feet, she had helped him through so much he needed to show how much he appreciated that, and how much she meant to him.

Instead of going home he walked back to Farkle's place and barged into his room just as the genius was getting ready for bed.

"I know what I want to do," he said startling his friend and making him jump up in the air.

"Geez Lucas couldn't this have waited?"

"No because I need your help, I want to dress up as a prince," Lucas said smiling. "As the beast from Beauty and the Beast, well minus the Beast part, but the same outfit from that scene in the ballroom. Riley loves that movie and showing up at school dress like that with a single rose would be perfect."

"You have no idea how perfect it would be, I'll ask my mother in the morning so that she can help with the clothes."

"Thanks Farkle, you have no idea how much this means to me," he said before turning around and heading towards the door. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Just let me sleep a little before you show up, it's Saturday," Farkle yelled at him as he left.

He couldn't help but smile at the thought of doing this, and wondering if he would be able to pull it off especially since he had to plan the exact moment he could do it. The horse was out of the question because he didn't want to get in trouble for bringing a horse to school on Monday.


When he woke up the next morning it was after nine, his mother had been calling him downstairs for breakfast. When he got there he saw Zay stuffing himself with his mother's signature blueberry pancakes and talking to her about Cassie. Lucas was happy that Zay was finding someone he really liked. For the last few weeks the two of them had gotten closer, although some of their "not dates," didn't end very well because Cassie's parents would call her in the middle of their time together and make her go home to babysit.

"She's perfect Mrs. Friar I swear, she likes the same music I do, and even gives me Spanish music she thinks I would like. She's going to teach me to do the bachata," he said excited to talk to someone about this wonderful girl. "Her mother's Dominican so she knows all of these things, and her father is Puerto Rican but they travel to Spain all of the time."

"Lucas, thank heaven," his mother said dragging him into the kitchen. "I know you have plans with Farkle today, but please take Zay."

"He's a little much isn't he," Lucas said only to laugh when his mother shook her head.

"You have no idea, I mean I'm glad he's found a girl that he likes but he hasn't stopped talking, and I need to finish here before I go meet your father."

"Don't worry I got this," he said as he took his seat next to his childhood friend, as his mother rushed off in the other direction.

"Did I say something?" Zay asked when he noticed that Lucas' mother rushed off.

"Zay, my mother loves you but you can't overwhelm her so early in the day."

"I know it's just that I'm so excited," Zay said smiling at him. "What's happening at Farkle's?"

"Oh he's helping me with asking Riley to the dance," Lucas couldn't help but smile. "Its three weeks away and I want it to be perfect."

"I bet considering how much the last time you didn't even ask her," Zay said before looking at Lucas' shocked face. "Sorry dude, I'm so sorry it just came out."

"It's okay," Lucas said to him but the guilt starting eating away at him. "Anyway, let's finish up breakfast and head over to Farkle's."

"Cool, I'll play some games and you two can plan whatever it is you're planning. I don't want to know anything because in the end I'll tell Cassie, and she'll tell Riley and it wouldn't be a surprise."

"You really like her don't you?"

"Yeah actually I do, and I'm glad Riley introduced us. It's slow going but I kinda like it that way because we're getting to know each other, we talk all of the time and it makes me happy. I now understand why you wanted to wait when it came to Riley, because talking really is the best thing we could do."

"Plus you start learning all of her weird little quirks, and while everyone else thinks it's weird you find yourself smiling every time she does something."

"God, when did we become girls?"

"Nah, I think it's normal when you like someone so much you can't help but talk about them to other people. This is a good thing."

"I'll take your word for it," Zay said before eating his food.

When they reach Farkle's place an hour later, and walk through the door, Mrs. Minkus quickly grabs Lucas and drags him into a room he had never seen before. Farkle right behind them, Zay quickly walks off towards Farkle's room so that he could ignore what was happening.

"Explain please," Lucas said looking at Farkle.

"My mother found the costume and she wants you to try it out so she could check the measurements," Farkle said while his mother smiled at them.

"Farkle doesn't let me do these kinds of things," Mrs. Minkus said smiling.

"Yup, she's a little crazy when it comes to costuming, and since my dad and I won't indulge her she became excited when I talked to her about it after you left last night," Farkle said smiling at him. "I'll leave you two here and go get some food because I'm starved."

"Bye sweetie," Mrs. Minkus said before turning to Lucas. "Okay now put this one and come out here so that I can figure out how to make the adjustments."

She handed him the outfit and Lucas was just astonished at how well made it was, it looked just like the one in the live action movie and he wondered how Riley would look in the Belle dress. He went to the dressing area and got dressed as quickly as he could, the costume itself fit perfectly with minor areas that needed work so when he walked out he saw Mrs. Minkus smiling.

"I knew I had it right, come here so I can fix your collar," she said pulling him towards a pedestal, and working on outfitting him.

"Can I ask you a question?" he said because now he really wanted to see Riley in the Belle dress.

"Go ahead."

"How well do you know Riley's size?"

"You want the Belle dress for her don't you?" she said surprising him. "I knew the minute I had this delivered this morning that Riley was going to need that dress, and I had my friend who works on those types of movies send me on in her size, Riley's easy to dress, she actually likes coming in here."

"You have no idea how much I owe you," he said smiling at his best friend's mother.

"Oh please I'm just happy that I got to help, my boys as much as I love them only indulge in certain parts of what I like to do so it's nice to actually do this, plus it helps me when I'm working on designs."

"Can I ask what you do? I mean I know what your husband does because Farkle talks about it so much but I don't know what you do."

"Oh I work in costume design, mainly for Broadway and Hollywood films but I'm only good at alterations, I have people who work on everything else after the designs are done."

"Well you're very talented and I think that Farkle and your husband should be very proud of you," Lucas said smiling at Mrs. Minkus who had tears in her eyes. Farkle loved his mother but Lucas needed to tell him to ask for her help in these things more often. "I have an idea, maybe you can help Farkle and Smackle with their clothes for the dance too. You need to bond with them, I know that much."

"Well if you convince him, then I will do it," she said smiling.

They worked together for another hour, as she told Lucas how to care for the outfit, Lucas told her that he would wear it to the dance as long as Riley wears the Belle dress. By the time they were done, Riley's dress was packed up in a box with a giant bow on the top for his promprosal, and his outfit was in a garment bag. They decided that Farkle would help sneak it into the school before lunch so that no one knew what was happening.


"Maya," Riley said on Monday morning as she felt déjà vu starting all over again. "Why hasn't Lucas asked me to the Spring Formal?"

"Oh god," Maya groaned. "Not this again, we've been through this haven't we. I mean didn't you guys decide a long time ago that you didn't need to ask each to dances?"

"Yeah but a girl still wants to be asked," Riley sighed. "I mean Farkle asked Smackle during science using chemicals, and although it was weird it was very them. They're so cute and here I am waiting. What if another Charlie Gardner shows up and I mess things up again."

Maya grabbed Riley's face and squished her cheeks. "Riley, everyone in this school knows that you two are a thing, no one is going to ask you. Now can we go to lunch because I'm starving and as much as I would love to deal with your little freak out, well honestly I'm hungry and I don't care."

"Hey," Cassie said catching up to them. "I need some help... Zay asked me to the dance and I don't have anything to wear."

Maya and Riley both looked at each other and smiled. "We can help with that," Maya said pulling Cassie close.

"Hello," Smackle said looking at the trio. "I too need help with this dilemma."

"Aww," Riley said. "See they have dates, what about you Maya?"

"Well... um... Josh wants to take me," Maya said making Riley squeal.

"How did he ask you?" Cassie asked knowing only the small details of Maya's relationship with Josh.

"He showed up at my bedroom window, with a bouquet of flowers," Maya said blushing. "They were lilies, and he asked me if he could take me."

"See, this is what I want, a small gesture, something, anything," Riley said throwing her hands up in the air.

The four girls made their way through the lunch line as Riley wondered if she should be the one doing the asking since Lucas hadn't. When they sat down at their regular table she had all but given up on the idea while they discussed dress shopping. Farkle and Zay both sat down with them a few minutes later.

"Isadora," Farkle said stealing his girlfriend's attention. "My mother wants to help us with our outfits for the dance."

"That sounds interesting," Smackle said making Riley smile. "I would greatly appreciate her input on what we should wear to the dance."

"Aww, you guys are so cute," Cassie said smiling at them. "I ship this."

"Cass, we all do," Zay said smiling at her which only made her blush.

"Hey where's Lucas?" Riley said when she realized that she hadn't seen her boyfriend at all.

"Your dad held him back for a minute he should be here soon," Farkle said while looking at his girlfriend.

All of a sudden instrumental music began playing in the cafeteria making Riley look around to see where it was coming from, only to see the doors open and reveal Lucas standing on the other side wearing an outfit that looked out of a movie. It took Riley a minute to realize that it was the same outfit that the Beast wore in the live action Beauty and the Beast movie.

"Oh... my... god..." she said as the rest of her friends turned to look at the doors. Farkle smiled at Riley as if he was in on the ruse, and now Riley understood what was happening. She could hear girls squealing throughout the cafeteria as he walked towards her. His eyes were on her and her alone, making her forget that she was in a room full of her classmates and instead she felt like a princess waiting for her prince. Holding a single rose Lucas kneeled in front of her and smiled.

"Riley Matthews," he said as his green eyes met her brown ones. "It would be a great honor to be your date to the Spring Formal."

Riley was speechless as she smiled at him, all she could do was nod and smile, as he took her hand and placed the flower on her palm before standing up and kissing her on the lips.

"Yes, Lucas I will go with you to the dance," she finally said making him smile as he picked her up and twirled her around. She hadn't noticed when Farkle had walked away and came back handing Lucas a box, wrapped in gold sparkly paper with a giant ribbon on the top.

"What's that?" Maya asked as Lucas handed Riley the box.

"It's something I would like Riley to wear to the dance," he said smiling.

All of the girls in the room giggled around them as Riley slowly opened the box to reveal a yellow and gold dress that looked like Belle's dress from the movie. She looked down at the dress and back to Lucas and then back down to the dress.


"I had a little help from Mrs. Minkus," he said smiling.

"This is so beautiful," Riley said as she held the dress close. "So does this mean that we're going to be Beauty and the Beast for the dance?" she asked as she placed the dress down on the chair.

"If you wouldn't mind?"

"It's perfect, I love it," she said as she jumped into his arms and kissed him on the lips. He smiled at her once she pulled away, she couldn't be happier.

"If they're going as Beauty and the Beast I want to go as Cinderella," Maya said making Riley laugh.

"Do you think your mom would be willing to make us all into Princesses?" Cassie asked Farkle soon afterwards.

"I wouldn't mind this either," Smackle said.

"Lucas you're making my life hard here man," Zay said smiling at Cassie. "But if it makes the girls happy, we should go for it."

"I think my mom would love it," Farkle said smiling at his friends.

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