can you see me? ///m.g

By blurryfandom

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all emilie wants is for martinus to feel the same way she feels about him. she wants to make him see her the... More

chapter 1~the keating four
chapter 3~let the games begin
chapter 4~comfort
chapter 5~brother intuition
chapter 6~the date
chapter 7~what did i just do
chapter 8~awkward
chapter 9~feels good to cry
chapter 10~realization
chapter 11~i'm the worst
chapter 12~promise
chapter 13~stalker
chapter 14~i need you
chapter 15~sammen om drømmen
chapter 16~he knows
chapter 17~goodbye
chapter 18~not over you
chapter 19~melting eyes
chapter 20~finland
chapter 21~adjusting
chapter 22~it ain't your fault
chapter 23~decline
chapter 24~imagine if...
chapter 25~together at last
chapter 26~the slap
chapter 27~visions
chapter 28~concert (part 1)
chapter 29~concert (part 2)
chapter 30~love
chapter 31~hurricane jennie
chapter 32~suspended
chapter 33~sleepy
chapter 34~trust
chapter 35~keating four reunited
chapter 36~i see you now
one last thing : )

chapter 2~sick

2.6K 119 18
By blurryfandom

Emilies pov//

I woke up and I felt sick. What time is it? I looked out the window and it was still black. I clicked the home button on my phone, the time was 4:27 am. I sat up and I felt my body in a cold sweat and I felt warm.

I got up and got a cold towel and made my way to the bathroom, my stomach felt like it was in knots and not butterflies. I covered my mouth and nearly threw up. Two minutes later I did.


My mom must have heard me because she came in.

Mom-"Honey you okay?"

Emilie-"No not really."

She put her hand on my head and made a weird expression.

Mom-"Hm you are warm. Okay get some sleep, I think you should stay home tomorrow."


She kissed me on the forehead and went to turn down the temperature in my room. I cleaned my self off and changed into cooler clothes, a tank and spandex. I tossed my hair up and but the cloth over my head and went back to bed.

I tossed and turn for a little bit eventually I finally fell asleep.

I woke up again in a panic. It was my alarm going off. I quickly shut it off and went back to bed, ugh I feel so crummy. I dozed off pretty fast again.

Martinus pov//

Marcus and I were on the way to Em's house. I hope she is feelings better. I knocked on the door as always and her mom answered.

Mrs. James-"Good morning boys!"

Marcus-"Hi! Is Em ready?"

Mrs. James-"Aw she had a rough night actually. She isn't gonna go to school today she isn't feeling well."

Martinus-"Aw really? Can we see her?"

She nodded and let us in. We walked up to her room and the door was slightly open. I peered in and saw she was sleeping. She looked really pale. Aw I felt bad she was sick. It's not fun walking to school without her. It's out tradition.

Marcus-"Maybe we should come back after school."

Martinus-"Yea I will text her."

We slowly walked out so we didn't wake her up. We said goodbye to her mom and told her we would be coming back afterwards.

Martinus😊; Feel better Em! I came to see you but you were sleeping❤❤ I'll miss you today but I'm coming back❤️

We were on our way to school now.

Marcus-"So what's up with Jennie? Any new updates?"

I smiled. I like her. She is so nice and sweet and she is amazing to me.

Martinus-"Well last night we really hit it off and I like her no doubt, but something is holding me back from making my move."

Marcus-"Yea what's that?"

Martinus-"I don't know when the right time is."

Marcus-"Hm maybe you can ask her out to the big soccer game, we are all going to watch Cece why not invite her!"

I smiled. That sounds like a plan.

Martinus-"Hey great idea! Okay I'll ask her today. When are you gonna ask Cece out?"

Marcus-"For the last time I don't like Cece!"

Martinus-"Yea right!"

We both had first period together anyways. It felt kind of weird because Em wasn't here and she never misses school, the last time she missed school was when we all had the chicken pox! It was awful we all stayed together though and watched movies all day.

A smile crept across my face. We have all been best friends for a while...I wonder how everyone would feel if Jennie was a part of our little group now. I think everyone would be fine. I would have to run it by Em first because she is my best friend and I tell her everything.

I sat down next to Jennie and smiled at her.

Jennie-"Hey where's Emilie?"

Martinus-"She's sick."

Jennie-"Aw tell her I say feel better."

She is so sweet! How could anyone not like her? Well actually a lot of guys at school have a crush on her, but I hope she likes me back.

Martinus-"Hey Jennie do you wanna go to the soccer game tonight?"

She smiled.

Jennie-"I would love that!"

Martinus-"Okay I will pick you up at 7!"

I'm so happy! Yes! I can't wait to tell everyone. Actually let me just text in the group.

the keating four🤙🏼🔪

Martinus😊; Good news everyone!

Marcus🍍; What up bro?

Cece💓; Yea what happened?

Martinus😊; Jennie and I are going out tonight!

Marcus🍍; Finally! Baby bro has a date!

Cece💓; That's she is coming to the game?

Martinus😊; Yep! Is that okay?

Cece💓; By me it is...

Marcus🍍; Huh?

Cece💓; Nevermind...

Hm. Weird. I guess Em is still sleeping. I wonder what her reaction will be.

Emilies pov//

I woke up at around 10 am or so. I saw I had a bunch of texts and some from Martinus. That made me smile.

Martinus😊; Feel better Em! I came to see you but you were sleeping❤❤ I'll miss you today but I'm coming back❤️

That put a smile on my face. He was here? Ew I probably looked horrible, well he will come back. I check the group text next.

the keating four🤙🏼🔪

Martinus😊; Good news everyone!

Marcus🍍; What up bro?

Cece💓; Yea what happened?

Martinus😊; Jennie and I are going out tonight!

Marcus🍍; Finally! Baby bro has a date!

Cece💓; That's she is coming to the game?

Martinus😊; Yep! Is that okay?

Cece💓; By me it is...

Marcus🍍; Huh?

Cece💓; Nevermind...

Oh Martinus has a date...that's nice. I guess, wow tonight that is really soon and he is taking her to Cece's game. That will probably be fun...for them. Maybe I won't go. No I promised Cece.

Emilie🌚; Hi...congrats martinus🙂

Martinus😊; Well good morning! How are you feeling? And thanks!



Emilie🌚; I've been better...I will Marcus.

Cece💓; Are you coming to my game?

Emilie🌚; I'm gonna try.

Martinus😊; Well Marcus and I are coming by after school, let us know then.

Emilie🌚; Okay I'm gonna watch now. See you guys.

I put my phone down and started to watch what I missed last night, it would have been better to watch with my friends.

I just spent the rest of the day in bed watching hopelessly romantic comedies wishing that could be me.

I heard someone coming upstairs, probably just mom or Marie coming home.

Marcus-"Em you awake?"

I quickly shut my laptop and saw the twins.

Martinus-"Em I missed you today!"

They both came over and sat on my bed. Martinus gave me a hug and I was kind of lying on his shoulder.

Marcus-"Are you feeling any better?"

Emilie-"Huh no. But I will still go to Ceces game because I promised her."

Martinus-"Sorry Em."

I got up and went into my bathroom to change for the game. Ugh I felt so crummy but whatever.
I just put on some leggings and a long sleeved shirt and put my hair up. I don't feel like trying.


I nodded and I told my mom that we were gonna be at the game and I would be home soon.

Martinus-"Guys do I look okay?"

Marcus and I laughed at that.

Emilie-"You look great."

He smiled at me.

Marcus-"Bro chill, Jennie will be so happy to see you!"

That brought my smile down, even hearing her name made me jealous. Don't worry Em don't think about that, you are here for Cece. I was kind of walking behind the boys just thinking of how this night is gonna go.

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