You're My Whole Stage

By Thatflor

4.8K 287 334

Ludwig Beilschmidt just moved to California with his mom, after his parents ugly divorce, hes a good student... More

My Only Outlet
Still Getting Used To This
Drama King?
Leave Me Alone
Don't Get Trapped In
What Happened
I'm Not Doing This For You
what Did I Get Myself Into?
Would You?
Let Me
I Don't Know
Bear With Me Here
This Is Happening
Why Didn't You Do Anything?
Make It Up To Me
What Am I Doing?
Everything Was Peaceful
Something Happened
Yes, I'm In Love With Someone
You Deserved This Reward
Keep Me A Secret

I'm Waiting

96 4 4
By Thatflor

Feli's POV:

          My home life was just getting to be too much. My parents were consistently worried about my brother Lovino, and since I was under their roof they concluded that I was fine with just that, they thought I was fine without their attention towards me. I already felt like shit, and now no matter how hard I tried to not take Natasha's words seriously... I couldn't help it.

      The next day at school I tried to act as my usual self around Luddy. We did our normal routine of walking each other to classes and eating lunch together. But, everytime he would try to kiss me when no one was looking, I would convert them into tiny pecks. It's not that I didn't want to kiss him in school, I really really did, but I wanted more. I wanted to be able to show the whole school that he was mine. I wanted to hold his hand out in the open and not under a desk. I wanted people to know that his attention belonged to me.

      I felt selfish for thinking that way because I knew I had to wait until he was completely ok with telling the world himself. But WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER FOR A LONG TIME NOW. We even had sex and yet he still feels the need to hide me from the world,hide us.

I was trying my best to keep my feelings all together in order to protect him,but I snapped when something happened at his place...

   Luddy took notice of my strange behavior over the past few days and invited me to spend the night one Saturday. I agreed thinking it would do me some good. At first everything was alright we were snuggling while watching a romance movie and had our fair share of kisses, some big some small. To his surprise his mom came home earlier, and when she entered we had to quickly take our hands off of each other.

His mom: Darla said she could help out with my shift today because I seemed so exhausted... Oh hi Feliciano here keeping my Ludwig company I see.

Feli: hello mam, we are watching a movie,care to join us (I thought it would be nice to spend time with his mother, but things turned out not according to how I planned)

Luddy: you don't have to if you don't want mother, it's ok if you want to go to bed after a long day.

His mom: Nonsense, I never get to spend time with you and I want to seize this opportunity.

   With that remark,she sat next to luddy and began to watch the movie with us. It was really awkward considering we were watching a love movie and I couldn't even put my hand anywhere near my boyfriend.

*made up movie lines*
Generic Girl: Look, I know I may not be the perfect little miss your mother wants but I love you and you love me!

Generic Boy: I know that, but ...

Generic Girl: well, if that's how it's going to be then I guess this is goodbye.

  The movie ended on that note and I was vigorously trying to wipe away my tears before anyone saw me. Luddy's mom turned to him and spoke.

His mom: Um I'm not sure why you two would pick such a movie to watch but, ludwig dear please tell me who you're dating even if you get someone you think I might disprove of.

  I felt there was hope in the words she said,but then she had to add.

His mom: If it is a girl you are truly in love with then I will understand. Just don't bring in a boy please, not that there's anything wrong with people who like the same sex I just don't see my son that way.

  That was the moment I knew that any chances there were of him telling her that I was his boyfriend any time soon had been destroyed right then and there. That meant that we would still have to go around each day hiding our love for each other. I'm waiting, and I've been waiting ... Can I still wait?

*A/N- Wow, I started this story when I was 16 years old and now I'm 18. Time sure does fly,sorry for the long ass wait for an update. If you still care about my life updates then you shall know I graduate in like two months, I got accepted into my top choice college, and oh.... Im in love with my gay bestfriend.... Fun right ,well until next time if you're still reading this story. Still love you cheespuffs


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