The Tale Of A Hero

By HeroGreninja11

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(Highest position in #pokemon: 140.) Hero. That word alone sparks many things in your head, doesn't it? A sup... More

Chapter 1: Meet The Hero
Chapter 2: Feeling Red
Chapter 3: The Battle
Chapter 4: It Comes From Your Heart (Valentine's Day Special)
Chapter 5: Mayhem In A Friendly Way
Chapter 6: Insanity Vs. Rage
Chapter 7: Secrets
Chapter 8: New Faces, New Friends
Chapter 9: Two Weeks Later...
Chapter 10: The Anti-Hero
Chapter 11: The Beginning Of A Tale
1K Reads! We Did It! ^D
Chapter 12: An Archer's Promise (Part One)
Chapter 14: Regigigas, Guardian Of Power
Chapter 15: The True Enemy?
Chapter 16: Hidden Emotions
Chapter 17: A Demonic Enemy
Chapter 18: I'm Not Afraid To Confess...
2K Reads! ^D
Chapter 19: What Lurks In The Depths...
Chapter 20 (B-Day Special!): Celebrate For Your Hero
Chapter 21: A Shooting Star (Part One)
Chapter 22: A Shooting Star (Part Two)
Thanks For 3K Reads And 52 Follows, Everymon'!
Chapter 23: Cruel Flames (Part One)
Chapter 24: Cruel Flames (Part Two)
Chapter 25: Of Beasts And Legends Alike
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Chapter 26: Family Reunion...
Chapter 27: The Truth Revealed...
Chapter 28: Escape From The Illusionists
Chapter 29: I'm A Shining Star...(Special Chapter)
Chapter 30: Trials Of The Guardians (Part One)
Chapter 31: Trials Of The Guardians (Part 2)
Chapter 32: To Meet An Old Friend
~|[To You All, My Heroes]|
Chapter 33: The Losers, The Lovers, And The Haters (Apologies)
Chapter 34: Miraculous, If I Do Say So Myself
Chapter 35: Welkin
Chapter 36: The Tale Of All Heroes
(: |~A Little Birthday Special Reveal~| :)
Chapter 37: A Hero Will Survive...Right?
Chapter 38: We Are Legends
Chapter 39: I Love You...
Chapter 40: A Tale Lives On, Till There's None Left To Tell It (End)

Chapter 13: An Archer's Promise (Part Two)

383 20 68
By HeroGreninja11

~Outlander's POV

Platnium let out a laugh of triumph. "Look at them! So weak and pathetic! It's such a shame for them!" The Pawniard and Doublade cried with triumph.

"Psst. Hero." I whispered. He glanced at me. "On the count of three, alright?" He nodded without hesitation. I started to whisper.


Hero and I kept at the closest enemy: Hero at four Pawniards, and me at two Doublades. As quickly as I could, I Sucker Punched them right in the eyes.

I made my way through all of them in front of me. Meanwhile I could hear my friends fighting back, too.

Just as I was going back to help them...


Platinum had just missed crashing himself on me. The Aegislash landed two feet away, his grin obvious due to his single eye.

"Outlander Enigma Junior...I see you haven't changed one bit." Enraged, I charged at him, but he blocked me with his shield.

"Your anger is good. Just like your..."

Filthy. Weak. Father.


~Siren's POV 

A loud cry erupted from the battle. It wasn't a cry of anger, nor terror. It was a cry of...pain?

At first, I thought it was another Pawniard. But then, when I saw who it was from, my heart nearly stopped.

The Aegislash named Platinum gave another amused laugh. "Come on, men! Let's finish this!" All of them gave a victorious cry and charged at us.

Meanwhile, I stood still, my friends doing the same. We were glancing at the direction they were coming from, but not at them.

It was Outlander.

The Decidueye was torn to pieces. Or rather...his feathers. They were bloodied, scattered everywhere, and he lay on the ground, seemingly dead.

"No..." Hero squeaked as he watched with terror.

"..." Was all Mayhem could say in his shocked state.

My tears began forming. My eyes watered. 'Outlander...' I thought. 'You can't be...'

"Siren." Mia patted me on the back. "I know how you felt for him. I'm so sorry. But right now, if you don't want his...his death to be in vain, we have to finish this. Now!"

Mia's words seemed to snap me out of my thoughts. Outlander's death can't be in vain. I gritted me teeth with complete rage. I'll show them just what they did to me!

We all charged as one entire group. We countered the army and began to slaughter them. I heard Hero and Mayhem, scream with rage. I knew just how close they were with him.

Suddenly, my eye caught the attention of the Aegislash that sliced him to pieces. I was filled with pure rage and vengeance. I wanted to kill him! I wanted to destroy him right now!

He saw me and he smirked. Then, he charged with his shield at me. Head Smash. I quickly used Reflect and dodged at the last second, leaving him crashing into a Pawniard.

He suddenly turned and used a Shadow Ball, which I countered with Moonblast. It created smoke, which I couldn't see through.

All of a sudden, something cold and heavy slammed into my back. I was sent flying forward. I groaned in pain as Platinum approached me, his blade raised up in order to kill me.

"Stay away from her!"

I would've perished right then and there, if an arrow didn't strike the Aegislash.

He stumbled as the arrow pierced right through his arm. He cried out and dropped his shield. I glanced behind him...

And my jaw dropped. Impossible.

Outlander had returned from a million pieces to one. He glared at Platnium with anger. My eyes were filled with tears of surprise and relief. 'He's alive...Oh thank Arceus!'

My friends had stopped fighting, and they too looked at him with the same look I did.

"O-Outlander?" Hero's voice quivered. The Decidueye nodded.

"You're alive!" Mayhem cried and ran over to him, giving him a big bear hug, to which he struggled against. "How, though?!"

"I'm a Ghost type. I can regenerate. Now stop!" He demanded. Mayhem let go. Outlander took a deep breath and walked over to Platinum.

He pointed an arrow at him. "You're not him. Tell me where he is. Now." He ordered. The Aegislash was silent. Outlander shot an arrow in his eye.

The Aegislash cried in pain. "Alright! Alright! L-lord Platinum is on Mount Vendetta. H-he is waiting for you on top. won't kill him. He'll avenge all of us! Glory will be his!" The Aegislash laughed despite his wounds.

Outlander shook his head. "Not today." He said. Then, he finished him off.


Well, after that, I couldn't help but hug him. I confessed myself to him too, and he said he already knew. The others may have been teasing us, but I knew they were just as happy as us, especially since he was alive.

We were in our tents. I decided to sleep with Outlander tonight because...well, I'm his new girlfriend! In fact, we were so happy today, much information. >\\\\\\<

Anyways, the next morning, we were heading up the mountaim after we packed up. The sun shone high, the birds chirped, it was truly a beautiful day.

I did, however, notice that Outlander's face was contorted. I decided to ask him.

"What's wrong, Outie~?" That's my nickname for him. (Don't you laugh at it! It took me forever to come up with one! 😡)

He sighed. "Well, I've just been thinking about how I could actually avenge my father. I mean, Mount Vendetta is a nightmare." I rubbed my cheek against him.

"Don't worry Outie~. As long as we're here, it'll turn into a daydream~." *wink*. He sighed and smiled at me.

"Are you two done yet?" Mayhem interrupted. We blushed and forgot that we weren't alone. "Er...yeah! We're fine!" Mayhem just rolled his eyes.

Mia and Amber giggled. I knew just how much they shipped us. Now if only we could get Amber and Hero to confess...

Derekeeth interrupted us. "Did you here that?" Star, Arrowhead, Outlander, and Hero all listened. "What is that?" Star asked.

"Sounds like someone's... panting?" Derekeeth replied. Suddenly, a terrified voice called out.

"H-help! Please help me!"


~Hero's POV

What was that? Somemon' in trouble? I followed the voice, Derekeeth following me.

"Hey wait!" Salem called, but we were already heading towards it. Whovever needed our help, they weren't joking. I could tell by their voice.

Finally, we stumbled upon a Midday Lycanroc. He was lethally wounded in the stomach. He gazed at us with a look of hope and pain.

"Oh no...He's bleeding fast!" Derekeeth quickly knelt down beside him and started treating the wound. "Get the others!"

"Wait. What abo-" He cut me off. "I've done this before. Hurry!" I nodded and rushed back to the others. "Guys!" I called "You have to hurry!"


~Outlander's POV

Derekeeth had performed surgery on him, and successfully healed the wound. But, the downside is that we had to wait yet ANOTHER night. Well, I'm just glad the Lycanroc-his name is Rocky-is okay.

Also, he had apparently transformed into the Midnight version when it got dark. A weird thing for a Lycanroc, but I guess it's just what made him unique.

I was outside, admiring the moonlight from the full moon, thinking about my father. I wondered...if he was looking down at us right now...

I heard someone sliding over to me, but I didn't need to look back knowing it was Siren coming over.

"I saw you out here and decided to watch it with you. Isn't it beautiful?" Siren asked, gazing longingly at the moon. I nodded.

Suddenly, I heard Siren sniffling. I turned to meet her face. She was crying.

"Outie, about what happened yesterday...P-please don't ever do something like that. P-please don't make me...w-worry." I smiled and wiped her tears away.

"Aw...I wouldn't do that. Not to the most beautiful Water type in the world." She giggled and kissed me, which I returned.

After we parted, she gave me a hug. "Promise?" She said. I nodded.

"I promise."


~Hero's POV

"Can you walk?" I asked Rocky, who nodded slowly and walked perfectly. Derekeeth was an amazing surgeon, restoring a Lycanroc like that to full health already? Woah! Not bad, Lizardface. (XD)

 "What happened to you, anyways?" Derekeeth asked. The Lycanroc sighed. "It's a long story. I'll tell you after we get the first stone."

"You know about them?" I said, shocked. He nodded. "Yes sir! I'm looking for the one called Endurance."

"Speaking of stones," Derekeeth began. "How much further is it up the mountain?" I looked up. "Not much. We're almost there.

I was right. We were there in about 6 minutes. The mountaintop had a lot on it. An ancient ruin.

"Is that it?" Amber pointed to a rock floating in a red light caused by the ruins. I glanced at it. "Yes! The Stone of Power! That's our first one!"

"Well, let's grab it and go!" Derekeeth began to walk towards it, when I held him back. "Hold it, Lizardface." At this, everyone burst out laughing.

"Lizardface?!" Mia said, laughing hysterically "Where'd you come up with them?"

"Shush!" I yelled, which made them stop. "Can't you see I'm being serious? We can't just take it. We have to earn it!" 

"Whaddya mean by that, Froggy?" Somemon' in the crowd let out a laugh, but I ignored them. "Remember? We have to fight the guardian, first!"

At the mention of it, the ground suddenly shook. So violently, in fact, that most of us lost our balance and fell.

"Earthquake!" Nova yelled, struggling to hold on to Snowflake. "What's happening?!"

"The guardian's appearing!" I shouted. "Get back!" A loud screeching noise interrupted all the commotion as the ground began to open up.

"W-what's that?" Miracle asked as an enormous white figure appeared out of the hole. It had many different eyes and six colored jewels on it's head.

Regigigas, Guardian of Power.

"WhO DAReS TO interRUPt My sleEP?!" The Pokemon boomed in a really, really messed up voice.

"We're here for the Stone of Power! We've come to fight you!" I said, not backing down.

"Him?!" Derekeeth asked. "We have to fight a Legendary Pokemon?!" I nodded.

"All of the guardians are legendaries. They test your strength to see if you're worthy."

"SToNE? VerY wEll. Let'S FigHT!" Regigigas gave it's strange cry, and begin to walk over to us.

"Here he comes, everyone!" Outlander said, looking at Siren, just in case it's the last time. "Brace yourselves!"

We all got in out fighting positions as Regigigas roared again. This was it. The first guardian battle. This is for the stone. This is for the sake of the world.

We. Are. Ready.



Words: 1683

What a chapter! Filled with romance, action, comedy, and drama at the same time! Is it too much? Don't think so! Anyways, Outlander beat that Aegislash, Siren confessed to him and know.  >\\\\\< Also, a new character was introduced! Rocky the Lycanroc was made by toxicfoxy101. Finally, the group is about to fight their first guardian, Regigigas! That's a lot! Will our heroes prevail? Who's gonna be the next couple? What role will Rocky play? And of course, will Outlander live up to his promise? Find out in the next chapter! See ya! ^D


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