More Than Expected (Dave East)

By Riaababy

461K 19K 5.8K

From basketball to the streets that's all Dave ever had time for. He wanted to be the greatest on the court... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

17.1K 767 302
By Riaababy


5 Months Later

Today was my first day of classes here at Richmond and I was not the least bit excited.

The only thing I was really looking forward to was seeing my baby everyday since we both stayed on campus.

I just wanted to finish my school career and get my degree to be a certified surgeon. I still had 8 years to go and I was just ready to graduate

I was walking through campus trying to get to my English class. It was my first day and I was really not trying to be late.

"Hey beautiful" I heard some say behind me.

I turned around to see Dave

"Hey baby. I didn't think I was going to see you until after my third class" I said giving him a hug

"I know baby but I needed to see you before hand" He said leaning down kissing my lips since he was 6'5 and I'm 5'5.

"Aw my baby missed me" I joked grabbing his hand continuing to walk to my class

"Hell yeah. You coming to my game tonight?"

"Of course you know I never miss a game"

"That's why you my little baby" He laughed

As we walked he kept getting stopped by people giving him props for doing good.

"Hey Dave" This girl said smiling in his face

"Don't talk to him" I snapped pulling his hand only for him to yank it away from me

"Chill Gotti" He said turning his attention to that bitch "What you need?" He asked

"I just wanted to say good job yesterday" She said hugging him

I didn't have time for this I walked away walking as fast as I could. I was 3 minutes from my class so it wasn't that bad

I turned around to see him still laughing with that bitch and she was all up on him. Like I don't care if I'm over doing it but if your girlfriend tells a bitch not to talk to you , you simply walk the fuck away and leave the bitch there not let your girlfriend walk to class by herself so you can stay and chat.

I was finally in class when I heard Dave yell my name. I ignored him and walked into the classroom taking a seat all the way in the back corner by the window.

I took my seat taking my phone out since half the class wasn't here yet and we still needed 10 minutes until class started.

I seen he texted me

Mybaby❤️: Why the fuck you walk away?

Mybaby❤️: Answer me

Stop talking to me and go talk to your new girlfriend

Mybaby❤️: Is that what this about? You mad because she wanted to show a nigga some love 😂

I'm mad because you disrespected me. I told her don't talk to you and you're going to go against what I said and entertain the damn bitch giving her the green light to fuck with you

Mybaby❤️: You're over fucking doing yourself. It was nothing but since you want to trip then fine I'll go entertain her ass deuces don't talk to me no more✌🏽

I didn't even bother to respond to him. Nothing he ever does is wrong but don't let it be me because all hell breaks loose

"Hey is this seat taken" someone said breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see a fine ass tall ass lightskin smiling down at me

"I'm sorry but no it's not taken" I chuckled

He laughed a bit as he took a seat

"I'm Jaylen" He said sticking his hand for me to shake

"I'm Goddess" I smiled shaking his hand

"Well your name sure ass hell matches yo looks" He said making me blush

"I'll take that as a compliment"

"You should" He laughed "You new here?"

"Uh yeah It's my first year in college. Today's my first day "

" Oh that's dope its my second year so if you need help getting around just let me know"

"I appreciate the help because it's complicated getting around here"

"Hell yeah my first year I was a whole hour and half late to all my classes because a nigga got lost" He laughed

Soon the teacher walked and Jaylen turned around and concentrated as did I

The rest of the day went by fast and it helped that I had all my classes with Jaylen so it wasn't as hard

"You going to the game today?" He asked as we reached the cafeteria

"I don't know I was but I don't know anymore" I said not really trying to tell him that my boyfriend dumped me

"Come it'll be fun. You can sit with me and my homegirl" He said as we took a seat.

"Only if you buy me a strawberry acai from starbucks"

"Deal" He said running to the line

I swear I feel like I've known him my whole life. He reminds me so much of Marquise it's crazy.

He came back and placed my drink in front of me

"So looks like you going" He laughed

"Seems like it"


I was on the court dominating it like always but I had to admit the other team was giving me a run for my money. We were tied in the last quarter this is the first time I've ever been tied with the other team usually I be mopping the floors with them.

I had 20 seconds left which meant I needed to make this shot to win the game.

I dribbled the ball to the opposite side of the court shooting the ball.

I swear everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. I started sweating like crazy watching the ball hit the basket going in circles around it

In my mind we had lost it but then it went In just before the buzzer rang. Just like that we won the game 45 to 42

The crowd went crazy and the little broad from earlier that made Gotti mad ran up to me hugging me.

I pushed her off gently becaue honestly I felt bad that I dissed my girl for her. I looked around the court seeing Goddess stare at me before walking out.


I ran through the gym running out the door catching up to her

"Goddess" I yelled but she ain't stop "Goddess" I yelled this time I was able to grabbed her arm

"What Dave" She said turning around

"It's not what it looks like I promise. I didn't even know she was going to do that" I said pulling her closer

"If you would have listened to me earlier she wouldn't have thought it was okay to hug you" She snapped

"I know baby I'm sorry"

She looked down the whole time not once looking up

"Goddess? You forgive me?" I said grabbing her chin making her look at me

"Yes Dave but do it again and next time I won't" She said

"I promise I won't now come on so I can feed my baby"

"Good because I'm starving" We laughed making our way to my car

Usually freshmans can't have cars on campus but I'm Dave East fuck I look like walking everywhere?

We got in my car pulling off heading to get some good ass soul food.

The whole time I couldn't stop staring at Goddess.

Lord I'm blessed to have a girl like her.


Really Dave🤦‍♀️

Jaylen 👀

Should Goddess have forgave him that fast?




Depending on the love y'all show will depend on it I make a sequel or not!


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