Orange is the new gucci (in p...

By TherealestVC

12.4K 271 64

What happens when Max agrees to go on a shopping trip with Victoria?...hilarity ensures, fluff, a bet, and ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Caesar salad and cheeseburgers
Food fight!!!!....and mall jail
Mall jail
Lets go to the movies
I like you okay?
Friday the 13th (special chapter)
Community service
Valentine's Day
I still get jealous
Fix you
Sister Sister
Sisterly love....sisterly blackmail
Max's hometown visit part 1
Max's hometown visit part 2
Finals and Graduation

Victoria's Secret

456 13 6
By TherealestVC

Everything was messed up even more..Victoria had kissed Chloe, Max and Rachel had saw the act. Plan A Chasefield was a failure. Rachel was pissed at Chloe for letting it happen, they had damage control to do. Chloe had to get Max to talk to her. She had to explain what happened...She didn't like Victoria like that, like 'Eww, no way'.

Max wasn't pissed, it was worst she was hurt because her ex-love was kissing her best friend, the person she was accused to be involved with on the day they broke up. She felt betrayed by Chloe. She decided that she needed to think and decided to journal about the situation, that had to work. Right?

The title read betrayal...

Journal entry

After going stargazing with Rachel, we were walking further into the nature trail but we saw Victoria and Chloe kissing each other. I find it funny because just weeks before, Victoria found me and Chloe in a compromising position which I tried explained to her that Chloe and I were just friends and nothing was happening. Victoria is hypocrite for kissing Chloe...When I thought she didn't like Chloe.

And Chloe my best friend, I should've known that she was secretly pinning after Victoria...She just acted like she didn't like her. She's coming over this afternoon to talk to me about everything. I'm a good person so I will listen to her explanation. I hope I don't get betrayed again.


End of journal entry

The afternoon came quickly just like that. Chloe and Max sat across from each other in Max's room with Rachel standing in the middle of the pair as a mediator in case things got ugly. She hoped that wouldn't be the case.

Chloe started first wringing her hands "Hey Maxie pad...long time no see huh?".

Max scoffed which was something she rarely did, "Please spare me the apology Chloe, You know I saw you shoving your tongue down Tori's throat...And don't say you were saving her from choking" She finished getting up even though it was her room she just wanted to get away from the other girl before she said something she regretted.

Chloe held her hand up to stop the other girl from leaving then grabbed her forearm, stopping her in her tracks. "Max! Just listen to me, I don't like Victoria like that...I mean, that's just eww and gross. Just sit down and let me explain please?", She begged.

Chloe's begging stopped Max in her tracks, she had ever heard her best friend beg like that and they've been friends since forever. She sighed and walked back to her bed. Once she was seated, she indicated for Chloe to continue.

Clearing her throat, She began to tell the tale on how Victoria kissed her because she was high and drunk. Her intention wasn't to hurt Max, her intention was to get them back together and she was still trying to do that. Max decided to forgive the blue haired girl. But how would they get back together when they could barely look at each other or be in the same room together?

Rachel and Chloe looked at each other knowing, Plan B of Chasefield was officially a go! Yet they just needed something, anything. Luckily a letter from Victoria's parents had just come in time to help them with their plan.

Victoria looked at the letter from her parents, the letter had read...

Dearest daughter,

We are having a formal dinner this Friday evening and since we haven't seen you in a while...You are expected to attend and bring along some of your school friends. Don't invite that Prescott boy, Your father's medicine cabinet was short some of his pills the last time that boy was over. Tell whoever you bring to dress in formal wear.

Love Mumsy & Daddy.

She read the letter over and over again, 'I could invite Courtney and Taylor...but last time they were over, they were fawning over my cousin and the liquor cabinet'. She looked over at the contacts on her phone, Juliet..."Gossips too much" Dana..."Would bring Juliet" Warner..."Wait, why do I have Max's friend number?" Brooke..."Why do I have her number too?" Rachel..."Maybe" Chloe..."Maybe".

She texted the pair who both checked their phones in Max's room.

Victoria's group text with Rachel & Chloe

Victoria: You two are cordially invited to a formal dinner at my parent's mansion this Friday evening...Dress appropriate for the occasion, no beanie Price.


Rachel: Don't worry Tor, I make sure she wears a dress and I'll hide her beanies ;D See you then!

Victoria: Thanks Rach...see you both then :*

Chloe: You're joking about the beanie right? RIGHT?!

Chloe: GUYS! Awww man.

End of texting conversation

The clearing of a throat stopped the pair from their texting conversation with Victoria, they looked up and saw Max looking at them. She was waiting for their supposed plan.

Rachel grabbed Chloe's hand pulling her towards the door, "Don't worry about the plan, we've got it covered...By the way, are you busy Friday night? No okay. Wear something beautiful, and don't think I haven't seen the dresses hiding in the back of your closet with the makeup kit. I'll be by around 4ish on Friday to do your hair and makeup! Okay Byeee!" She says already shutting Max's door with a confused Chloe behind her.

"What just happened?" Max said in confusion to no one in particular then shrugged and looked in her closet.

Outside of the door, Rachel pulled Chloe into her room. She told her of the plan she had just come up when they were back in Max's room and was met with a devilish grin. They finally had a plan. But this one would work and get their friends back together. They decided to watch some movies silently hoping this plan would work because they really didn't have anything else after this one...

Chloe obviously groaned and moaned about being stuck with Victoria again...She had knew the blonde would try to do something to her hair and she was right. Two days later, Victoria had convinced Chloe to go back to her blonde roots. Joyce cheered yes actually cheered when Chloe came downstairs with her blonde hair and prayed that it would still this way. Victoria even got her to wear a formal dress...But it took a little threatening.

Earlier that day

Victoria was standing in Chloe's junk pile of a room, she was waiting for the girl to come out of the bathroom after she forced her to change her hair back to blonde in exchange that she wouldn't tell Joyce about the marijuana she was growing in her closet. Blackmail was one of Victoria's specialties

"Vic-tor-ia! I look stupid!" Chloe whined coming back into her room with a new hairdo, Victoria's jaw dropped when she saw the former back to her blonde hair color. 'Wowwww, she almost looks human'. She thought but immediately went into action when she saw the now blonde reach for her beanie in attempt to hide her new hair color from her mom.

Victoria quickly grabbed her beanie and put her lighter under it, she was serious about this dinner. She didn't want her parents to think that she was hanging out with a bunch of hoodlums. She smiled victoriously when she saw the girl put her hands up in surrender.

"And if you don't wear the dress I picked out for you, I. Will. Burn this beanie with the rest of them and tell your mom about your secret stash" Victoria smirks before gesturing towards the pile of beanies.

"You're evil" Chloe growls under her breath.

Victoria clears her throat, "Ahem what was that?" She waved the lighter side to side under the beanie this time.

"Nothing" Chloe says quickly then looks at the chose of attire that the blonde had picked out for her. She looks around to see if there is another pick and looks at the short haired blonde when there isn't another dress. Victoria nods grinning and pushes her out of her room and towards the bathroom to try the dress on.

'Great she's making me look like a Sunday school teacher', Chloe thinks looking in the bathroom mirror. The dress was the totally opposite of what Chloe would wear. The sleeves were poofy with a babydoll style that wouldn't show off ones' curves and it stopped just at the knees. She didn't even think that Kate would wear this type of style.

Victoria had told her that it would please her parents...She knew she was being tricked.

She groans and changes out of it then is led downstairs to her mother to show her new hairdo.

End Of Flashback

Joyce finishes her cheering and wipes a few tears of joy "Chloe stop frowning, your hair looks nice. Thank you Victoria I don't know how you did that or what you did but thank you..You should hang out with more girls like Victoria. She's clearly a good influence on you".

Chloe looked in shock at Victoria and her mother, Victoria started "Aww the pleasure is all mine Mrs. Price-Madsen, I figured it's better to get Chloe away from the streets and back to the books...Wait til you see her in the dress I picked out for her" she says in a sweet voice at Joyce.

"Well go show me Chloe, Don't wanna keep your friend waiting for her dinner" Joyce hurries Chloe to the stairs.

Victoria looked at her phone clock and saw it was already 5 o clock, she promised to be by her parent's mansion early. Her guests were to be there at 7:30. "Umm actually, I have to go get ready myself...But thank you for letting me help your daughter and Oh! Hide her beanies and metal rock makeup, See you then!" She walked to the door and shot Chloe a threatening look telling the other girl that if she had stepped out of line then bye bye beanies.

Chloe sends Victoria off with a silent 'Fuck you' and gives her the finger. She turns around and sighs touching her returned blonde hair, she looks up and sees Joyce waiting...'Oh right the dress, I hoped that she would forget about it' she stomps up the stairs to go change and puts on acceptable makeup for the dinner.

"Chloe! Stop stomping! you are going to put a hole in the stairs again!" Joyce yells from downstairs.

"This is going to be a long evening" she said picking up the ugly blue dress. She tries to alter it for her style...She tries.

Back at Blackwell, Rachel and Max were finishing up getting ready themselves, Chloe had sent them both a pic of her new hairdo. Both were laughing their asses off for about 10 minutes.

Rachel had managed to get Max to curl her hair and wear a strapless dress with heels, the dress was royal red with black heels as matching. Her excuse was "It makes you look bitching hot and any guy or girl won't be able to resist you!". Her makeup was a smokey eye with dark red lipstick and light contour to finish off the look.

Rachel went for a more simple look, since she knew about formal dinners from her modeling gigs. She knew not to be flashy and of course it was a formal dinner to get her two friends back together.

"So...Where are we going exactly and why exactly do I have to wear a blindfold when we get into the taxi?" Max was asking questions and questions.

Rachel's only answer was "Well because it's a surprise silly, Alright I'm ready...Let's go meet Chloe and go to your surprise!". She takes Max's hand and they starts walking.

The two pair meet up with Chloe by the front steps with a taxi waiting for them. When they saw her dress, they started laughing again.

"Aye! Fuck you two! It's not my fault! My mother made me wear this" Chloe curses getting into the taxi, She had tried to alter it but it still looked terrible...Rachel really knew it was Victoria who made her wear the dress.

"Alright alright but will you tell me where we are going Chlo?" Max send her those puppy dog eyes. Chloe is about to slip up and tell her when she feels a shove, she looks over at Rachel who gives her a pointed look.

Chloe looks back at Max still looking at her with those eyes, she grabs the blindfold saying "No can do, now turn around" the other girl complies and starts to see darkness.

"Fine! But stop me when I'm about to run into something" Max pouts and is led to the taxi seat with Rachel in the middle and Chloe on the other side. Chloe nods to the driver to drive to their destination.

The ride feels like forever for Max, whose only entertainment is Rachel and Chloe playing punch buggy and the occasional "OW! DON'T PUNCH ME HARD!" from either Rachel or Chloe, which causes her to laugh. They arrive at their destination, after threats of kicking the other girl out. They get out of the taxi and tip the driver who mutters "Damn teenagers", before driving off.

Rachel and Chloe gasp at the mansion, last time they were there was when there was a vortex club party. It looked like they had done renovations, they suddenly remembered that they had Max with them when they hear a throat clear.

"Alright let's go, Max follow behind Chloe" Rachel instructed the other two, Chloe grabs Max's and and they start walking up the long driveway.

When they get closer to the mansion, they see Victoria's car and a SUV which is assumed to be her parents and also see two more cars but they didn't look fancy. Maybe more dinner guests?

They reach the mansion, with Max being pulled behind them. It would be quite the surprise for both of the girls when they saw each other. They ring the doorbell, Victoria answers the door in a green dress that fit her perfectly with her short blonde hair styled and light makeup on.

"Come on inside you guys" she guides them inside.

"Vic-vic-vic-Victoria?!" Max takes the blindfold off and pushs past her two friends, gasping at her former love. Who in turn was gasping at her. 'Wowzer she looks gorgeous'.

Victoria looked at Max gasping 'She looks amazing, Rachel must've done her makeup'. She takes a moment to look at the others, she smirks when she looks at Chloe. 'I am good'.

"Victoria darling stop dilly dallying around and let your guests inside", Margaret Chase appears to the door, she was an older version of Victoria. It was scary.

"Of course Mother, sorry come inside...Our maid Dorothea will take your belongings for you" Victoria says with a rehearsed voice.

She guides her friends inside and glares at Chloe who puts her hands up 'Chloe had better not ruin this dinner for me'. She looks away when she sees Max and gets teary eyes and she excuses herself to the powder room to freshen up. "I'm sorry about that, I had something in my eye" She explains when she returns back.

"That is inexcusable dear, go show your guests to the family room...Winston will ring when dinner is ready, come on Charles" Margaret demands guiding Victoria's father to follow her.

Charles Chase hadn't spoke much, it was almost as if he wasn't there. His wife definitely had his balls on lock. She definitely wore the pants in that relationship. Victoria just shrugs, it was normal behavior to her.

She leads her friends to the family room which has a bookshelf, an old fashion wallpaper, a tea kettle, pictures of younger Victoria with long blonde hair with a slightly older blonde, a picture of young Victoria with a dog and a kid that looks an awful lot like Nathan, a liquor cabinet (Chloe and Rachel smirked at this), a sofa and chairs.

They all sit down comfortably on the chairs...The whole waiting period becoming awkward due to Victoria and Max who somehow got seated next to each other on the sofa and weren't talking. Chloe insisted this it due to her "bad" back. Of course she did it really to get payback on Victoria from earlier.

The silence was almost agonizing after a while, So Rachel decides to break the silence with a question "Umm where's the bathroom? I have to pee" Victoria gets a button and presses a button ringing for Dorothea who arrives quickly and Rachel to the bathroom...Chloe gets up quickly before they leave, announcing she has to use the bathroom too. She leaves a wink Victoria before being led away. Victoria grunts in return.

Once the pair are led away to the bathroom...Max and Victoria were left in an awkward silence. "Umm you look beautiful Tori" Max speaks up as an attempt to get a conversation going. Victoria smooths down her dress and picks at a piece of loose string on the sofa that suddenly becomes interesting to her.

She glanced up and looked at the other girl "thankssodoyou" she said quickly. Making Max giggle in response. That alone sent both girls into a string of laughter.

"I'm sorry Maxine, I'm nervous to see you...I was hoping we could get around to talking about everything sometime this evening, if that's alright with you?" Victoria nervously asks picking at her perfectly manicured nails.

Max smiled and nods. Both of the girls didn't notice that behind the corner, Rachel and Chloe were watching them and grinning at one another fist bumping. Their plan was working.

The pair continue to talk, not noticing that the other pair hadn't returned yet from the bathroom. Their small talk was brought to an end when the bell rang indicating that dinner was done.

Victoria sat across from Max and Rachel and had Chloe next to her. She pinched to Chloe, threatening her once again.

Her parents were seated at both ends of the table.

Winston brought the appetizers which were soup and grilled salmon. The drinks were cider and water. The main course was chicken, shrimp scallop, salad, and bread rolls. The girls had to wait for the elders to eat the first bite. The eating was quiet...almost too quiet. The only talking being when they asked someone to pass a certain dish.

By dessert time, Margaret and Charles had leave abruptly for a business meeting. Victoria understood this, this being a recurring theme when she was growing up, she was raised mainly by her nannies...Her parents had missed pretty much all of her dance recitals or school concerts. She understood of course. Business was first.

Her parents kissed her on her cheek and left for the meeting, they stated they would be home by late midnight and not to wait up. Once they left, the girls decided they weren't hungry for dessert. Rachel and Chloe made some excuse about having to do something then ran to where Victoria assumed was the entertainment area.

Max and Victoria were left alone yet again. They were fine with this, Victoria led the other girl on a proper tour of her house and stopped to explain things the girl found confusing. When the girl grabbed her hand she didn't pull away, she felt a blush creeping up on her cheeks 'Thank god for makeup'. She leads Max to her room which had photography equipment and camera models almost everywhere.

On the walls, there were photos which she had taken over the years. Max looked at them in awe by how well the girl photographed when she was younger. She stopped when she saw a picture of them from what looked back in December, she remembered that day. They had soo much fun. Sucks things had to happen like this.

Victoria motions for the girl to join her on her bed, Max sits by the girl taking her heels off. "Okay, Are you ready to talk about everything?" Victoria starts. Max nods "Sure".

Victoria went on to tell about how much she really felt about the girl and what happened after their breakup, crying during the whole talk. Eventually she was held in Max's arms and fell asleep, when she woke up the other girl was sleep as well. She fell back to sleep enjoying being held. When she woke up again, It was morning. She looked and saw the other girl wasn't there. But her heels were there. She smiled at this.

She changed into some comfy clothes, and headed downstairs. She knew her parents wouldn't be back until Monday. Meeting weren't a few hours. She went downstairs and saw Winston holding Rachel and Chloe by their collars with Max laughing at the pair who had gotten in some type of trouble.

Max looks at her and She giggles a bit at their friends, "What did they do Winston?" She asks after laughing.

"I found these two juvenile delinquents trying to break into your parents liquor cabinet and the pool. What should I do with them?" Winston saying pushing them towards Victoria.

"Nothing, I'll handle it...You can make us breakfast. French toast and omelets" Victoria orders him.

Winston rushes to the kitchen, he didn't want to anger the young Chase again...Last time he got docked down on his pay.

Victoria shakes her head and smirks at the two "You two can't ever stay out of trouble, can you?" She laughs.

"You know us Vicky" Chloe says crossing her arms.

Chloe and Rachel walk to the kitchen, Max walks next to Victoria.."Sooo, Maybe we can have dinner sometime alone without them?" Max whispers to Victoria.

Victoria smiles to Max, "How does next weekend sound?" She finishes off reaching for the other girl's hand who squeezes hers back slightly.

It was the start of something new for them both. This time there wouldn't be anything getting in their way.

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