Living Royalty

By uzyxxxx18

335K 29.2K 2K

Two sisters. Two brothers. As different as polar opposites...but then, doesn't the saying go "like poles repe... More

1. How can this be happening?
2. Uh-oh, Samiha!
3. Not happening, dude!
4. This is so scary!
5. Say what?!
6. Consider it done now.
7. Time for Istikhara.
8. That's the understatement of the year!
9. Here we go.
10. No turning back now.
11. Aren't they right?
12. Way to ruin the amazing evening.
13. Was it just an illusion?
14. Headed to my new home.
15. At least they are awesome!
16. I leave it to you to change him.
17. For the first time in three months.
18. I basically just blindly signed a contract.
19. Just like old times!
20. All this was because of him.
21. A step towards improving him.
22. The perfect idea
23. Where's the fire?!
24. What was this feeling?
25. Everything was in ashes.
26. Life changing decision.
27. But love? I don't think so...
28. If you're not bipolar, then what are you?
29. Samaah, get a grip!
30. That's amazing news!
31. Of course they would bulletproof the glass.
32. That was close but Allah saved us.
33. Everything that happened, actually did happen.
34. This was all my fault!
36. The girls who always put others before themselves.
37. Will I ever be able to forgive myself?
38. Was this a nightmare of some sort?
39. I really was the most useless and terrible person alive.
40. I promise you that, In sha Allah.
41. Allah doesn't let any prayer go unanswered.
42. Don't be stubborn now!
43. Everything seemed so surreal.
Author's Note
44. Verily, Allah is with the patient.
45. I will never break my promise to you.
46. The start of a new beginning.
47. I truly had started valuing her.
48. Like nothing even ever went wrong.
49. The best thing that ever happened to me.

35. How did this happen?!

5.2K 510 13
By uzyxxxx18

Once again, this chapter is not going to be in either of the sisters' P.O.V.


I was in my office when my phone rang in my pocket. I was so busy since morning that I didn't even get a chance to check my phone. It had pinged with some whatsapp messages but I didn't bother to pull out my phone and check them. Then when the phone rang, I pulled it out and checked the caller I.D. It was Samaah calling. Usually I'm the one who called her and Samiha to ask about them, so naturally, seeing her name appear on the screen got me wondering what was up.

As soon as I picked up her call, her voice came from the other end of the line, before I could even say 'Hello'.

""Saamih! Get to the Hamid residence, right away!" Samaah said. She didn't wait for me to reply. She just cut the call. The urgency in her voice gave away everything. I knew there was trouble right away or she wouldn't have cut the call before even giving me a chance to reply.

I left my office and went to the reception, where the receptionist who was in her late 50's sat.

"Mrs. Bilkis, I need to leave. An emergency has come up, please get someone to cover for me!" I said, breathlessly.

"What happened, Saamih?" She asked, looking worried.

"I don't know! My sister just called me and told me to rush to her place! I've no idea what happened!" I said.

"Don't worry, you just go and see to whatever has happened. I'll get someone to cover for you," she told me. Giving her a grateful look, I rushed out of the building and got in my car. Whilst taking my car keys out of my pocket, I couldn't feel my phone.

"Argh! I left my phone behind! Now what?!" I said to myself, exasperated. Knowing that it was just in my office, I decided to leave it and just rush to the Hamid residence right away.

Avoiding all the routes with traffic, I got to their palace in about half an hour. I gave my car keys to their valet who would park my car and I immediately rushed to the house. As soon as I rang the doorbell, one of the workers opened the door.

"Assalamualeikum. Uh, where are Mrs. Samiha and Mrs. Samaah?" I asked right away.

"Sir, they are not at home. They left with Mr. Hamid this morning, but they've not arrived," the worker replied.

What?! Something wasn't right! Why would they tell me to immediately rush to the Hamid residence if they weren't even there in the first place! Something definitely was fishy! Instinctively, I reached for my phone in my pocket to call them, but when I couldn't feel it, I remembered once again that I had left it behind.

"Dang it! Uh, where are the twins?" I asked. Ya Allah, please let them be at home! I silently prayed.

"They're at home. I'll just have to phone them to tell them to get here because I don't know which room they would be in and you seem in a rush," the worker replied. He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Master Asif? A guest has come here. He was asking for your wife but she is not here so he would like to meet you," he said into the phone. After a pause, he then said, "And master Asif, please inform your brother of the same and tell him to come here. I'll take the guest to the nearest lounge, lounge 5."

"What happened?" I questioned.

"He'll be right there. He's also going to inform master Arif to get here. Let me take you to lounge 5," the worker answered.

"Thank you so much!" I replied.

As soon as he took me to the lounge, I sat there, tapping my foot impatiently on the carpeted floor. Moments later, the door opened, revealing Asif.

"Assalamualeikum, Saamih. How are you doing?" He asked, giving me his hand to shake, which I did.

"Wa'alaykumsalaam, Asif. I'm alright. Asif, where is Samiha?" I asked, not wanting to beat around the bush.

"She had gone with your other sister to the company headquarters. Your dad wanted to see them," he said, giving me a questioning look.

Before I could say anything else, the door opened again and Arif came in. He also greeted me and shook my hand.

"So what happened?" Arif asked, after exchanging greetings.

"Actually, I was at work. About 45 minutes ago, I received a call from Samaah, and she told me to get here right away. There was some urgency in her voice. She didn't even let me ask her anything and ended the call before I could even react! I rushed out of my office immediately, when I realised I left my phone behind. But not wanting to waste any time, I immediately drove here. Only to be told that those two aren't here. And I can't even call them to ask them what's wrong, why they told me to come here, and ask them where they are because I forgot my phone in the office," I narrated.

"Wow, seems fishy. Here, use my phone to call Samaah," Arif said, handing me a sleek new Samsung after unlocking the screen.

I immediately dialed Samaah's number. Her phone rang till the end, but she didn't pick up. I tried again, but still no answer.

"What happened?" Arif asked, and Asif looked at me questioningly.

"No answer. She's not picking up," I said, and a feeling of dread settled somewhere inside me. I was so worried! Were my sisters okay? Why wasn't Samaah picking up?

"Try calling Samiha," Asif said, giving me his own phone. I immediately took it and dialed Samiha's number. Placing the phone against my ear, I waited for her to answer, but the outcome was the same as with Samaah.

"No answer, again!" I said, this time, worry clear in my voice, handing Asif back his phone.

Arif looked down at his phone and started tapping at the screen.

"Wait! I just opened my whatsapp and I have an audio message from each of the sisters!" Arif exclaimed.

"Strange! Why would Samiha send you a message and not me? Unless..." Asif trailed off, immediately looking at his own phone. "Here, I also have the audio messages from each sister!"

"Play the audios then!" I said, unable to hide the impatience from my voice.

Arif played it, and with every word said by the two people in the audio recording, I became increasingly horrified. My mouth hung open and I immediately felt parched. I had no idea who this Yan fellow was, but from the shocked yet hard looks on the identical faces of the twins, they knew very well who he was. After listening to the complete recording, the twins shared a look I couldn't understand.

"Your sisters have done the biggest and most incredible thing by getting this evidence against the guy who wiped out almost our whole family, and is planning to kill not only what is left of us but also your dad!" Arif said. Irrespective of what the situation was, I felt so proud of my sisters. Listening to someone else praise them made me feel even prouder of them.

"We need to get these audio recordings to the police! Right away!" Asif said.

"What?! And what about my sisters? How can you be so careless about your wives? Did you forget that you wouldn't even have all this evidence if it weren't for them? You're just forgetting all about your wives?!" I said, incredulously.

"Saamih, you don't understand! This is a murderer roaming around scot-free! We need to get him arrested right away!" Arif insisted.

Not having it within me to argue with them, I simply clenched my fists with anger. If it was their sister and my wife Asiyah, in Samaah and Samiha's shoes, I would have dropped everything else and made her my priority. And I'm sure they would have felt the same thing that I'm feeling as a brother for my sisters. They would have kept everything for later!

Today, I realised that I should never have listened to Samiha's insisting and I shouldn't have made any deal with her. I should have simply told dad and brought my sisters back home. If they weren't even married to these two in the first place, this wouldn't have been the situation. Dad wouldn't have been the new M.D, and his life wouldn't have been in danger. As a result, Yan would have been satisfied as just the M.D, and so, even Mr. Hamid and the twins' would have been safe.

"Listen Saamih, we have to go to the police with this recording. Since you don't have a phone, you can use this spare one I always keep with me," Arif said, handing me an iPhone. "Get in touch with my dad or your dad. I'm sure they would have an idea where your sisters are." My sisters. He said it as if my sisters weren't his and his brother's wives. But I just kept my mouth shut and nodded. They both left the lounge and headed to the police station.

I remained in the lounge, pacing back and forth, trying to put two and two together, when something struck my mind! This Yan dude said that he wanted to kill dad today by crashing his car. So that could only mean one thing. Samaah and Samiha might have tried to take matters into their own hands for some reason or the other, and possibly took off with dad's car so that he wouldn't have been able to drive it.

I quickly dialled dad's number and held the phone to my ear only to hear "the number you are trying to call is busy. Please try again later". Exasperation, worry and dread filled within me. Then I decided to try my luck by calling my father-in-law. I dialled his number immediately and silently prayed to Allah that he would answer. And he did.

"Hello, Uncle Zakir, how are you?" I greeted.

"I'm fine, son-in-law. How are you?" He replied.

"Okay Alhamdulillah. Uncle Zakir, is dad around?" I asked.

"Actually, he just rushed to his office a couple of minutes back. We had a meeting and he seemed kind of uneasy. I don't know why," he answered.

"Oh!" I said, then I explained the entire events of today to him, from the time Samaah phoned me, to the audio recording we heard and Asif and Arif going to the police. "And I don't even know where my sisters are, Uncle!" I finished, trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"Don't worry, Saamih. We'll find out their whereabouts right away. Just stay put where you are!" He told me.

"Okay, Uncle," I answered.

I just sank into one of the sofas and put my head in my hands. The stress began to get too much. I was beyond worried about my sisters. I kept on murmuring prayers to Allah. Ya Allah, please let my sisters be found! I repeated that prayer over and over again, and I wasn't aware of how much time had passed. I felt helpless. I couldn't do anything, because when I tried calling on dad's phone again, the first time, he didn't answer. I'm sure he was as worried as I was. Then the second time, it was engaged again.

After what felt like forever, although I wasn't keeping track of time, my phone rang. I recognised the number as my mum's.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"H-hello, S-saamih?" Mum said, with a shaky voice. "S-son, M-marwa called me. Sh-she t-told me to g-give you a c-call on this nu-number because you di-didn't have your ph-phone with you."

"Yeah mum. What happened? Why did she tell you to call me?" I asked, running a hand roughly through my hair.

"Your si-sisters ha-have met m-met acc-accident!" Mum stammered, crying through the phone. She told me the hospital where they were and ended the call.

What?! My sisters! I couldn't hold my tears. I loved those two with all my life! I couldn't imagine anything happen to them. They met an accident? How did this happen?!

So apparently my suspicions that they took dad's car turned out to be right. Of course, this Yan guy planned for dad's car to be crashed. So when his men saw the number plate on dad's car, they just crashed it! And now my sisters were in hospital! Not bothering to inform their husbands, I immediately rushed to my car and left the Hamid residence for the hospital.


Poor poor Saamih! His sisters! I literally felt traumatised writing this chapter!

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