The Bully And His Quiet One

By pikefish

673K 17.5K 6.3K

Aiden's life is far from perfect. He gets abused by his father and his mother left him. Then there's school... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 15

20.7K 475 223
By pikefish

(A/N: Okay so I wrote this in an airport trying to get it done before my spring break vacation. I did not proof read so sorry for any mistakes or if it doesn't make sense. You can ask questions in the comments and I'll try to answer as soon as I can!!!! Thank you guys for everything!)

Aiden's POV

I dropped the cards I was holding in my hands. I just stared at Blake not knowing what was going on. Was I asleep? Was I dreaming? Was I hearing things from the concussion I endured today?



"Do you want to go out with me?" Okay so I can't be hearing things if he repeated it, right? "Are you okay Aiden?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm okay."


"Um yeah I'll go out to dinner with you."

"Yay! That's fantastic." I jumped at the sudden excitement. I brought my hands to my temple feeling the pain coming back. "I'm sorry baby. Does it hurt?" I nodded in response. "You should be able to take another pain med. I'll go double check with mom and bring one up."

He got off the bed and I watched him walk out. I let out a breath of relief when the door shut. I'm going on a date tomorrow. I'M GOING ON A DATE TOMORROW!! What the hell are you supposed to do on a date? Where are we going? What the he'll do you WEAR?

There was a knock on the door and Anna walled in. "What was with the shriek I heard when I was walking up?"

"Blake asked me out to dinner."

"And I assume you said yes?" I nodded my head. "Okay so that explains the shriek." I chuckled. "When are you going?"


"To where?"

"Don't know he didn't say."

"I'll find out. I'm good at that."

I nodded, "Good luck, have fun," she told me and then walked out. I leaned against the foot board of the bed to wait for Blake.

About 3 minutes later he finally walked in. "Sorry it took so long. Mom made me set the table." He passed me a pill and a glass of water. I sallow it and handed the now only half full glass back to him. "How are you feeling?"


"I know, but you can't sleep yet." He sat down next to me and pulled me into his side.

"How was school?"

"Terrible." I looked up at him. "Literally it was the most boring day ever. What's the point of school anyways?"

"So you can get an education to get a job and earn money," I told him.

"Maybe but they don't teach us anything important. In all my years of school I don't know how to do taxes, or change a tire, or cook anything other than goddamn top roman. But heaven forbid if I forget that the mitochondria is the power house of the cell! Like who the hell needs to know that? Or who's really going to need to know about imaginary numbers in the future? I could barely work with real numbers, then they just decide to throw imaginary ones into that! Like their imaginary, why does it matter anyways? They fake! You can't use them!" He let a huge sigh after his rant and I chuckled at him. "What?" He questioned and I shook my head at him.

"Boys! Dinner's ready!" He heard Julie yell up. I rolled over and off the bed to the floor.

"Aiden, be careful. We don't anymore damage done to you." Blake grabbed my hand and pulled me up. We walked down stairs and sat at the table, the plates were already dished up. "Looks fantastic mom."

"Blake you say that literally everytime."

"Well it's true everytime, and I'm just appreciative of what you do for us."

"Well thank you sweetie. Now eat." We ate without much talking and I still didn't eat much in the end.

Once we were done I helped Anna wash dishes. "I haven't figured out where Blake is taking you yet, but I promise I will find out before you leave for it." Anna whispered, making sure Blake wouldn't hear.

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?"

"I have ways. I know his weaknesses."

"Okay," I told her.

"Hey. Don't underestimate the power of a girl on a mission!" She threw bubbles up at me.

"I'm not! I never said I was!"

"You were thinking it though!" She threw more bubbles at me, all getting in my hair and on my face.

"I surrender!" I called through our laughter until she finally stopped.

"So what's this mission you're on Anna?" I turned and saw Blake in the doorway with a grin.

"None of your beeswax," Anna informed him.

"Mmmmk." He walked up to me and blew bubbles off my hair. "What's the mission she's talking about?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh so it's a secret now?"

"Yep a top secret for a top secret mission you don't get to know about," Anna said and I smiled at Blake.

Blake rolled his eyes, "I'll find out eventually." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked back out. Anna and I quickly finished the dishes and went to the living where Blake and Julie were.

"Hey do you guys want to play a game?" Julie asked.

"Is it okay if I just watch?" I asked.

"Yeah of course! I'll go grab one." She left and came back a minute later with Monopoly. She set it down on the coffee table and we sat on the floor around it. Julie was at one of the short ends, Anna on a long end, and Blake and I were opposite of Anna. They picked their pieces, Blake chose the shoe, "Okay Blake can go first. Then Anna, then me." Julie informed.

They had played one round that Blake won and were started their second one and I decided to lay down. I rested my head on Blakes thigh and closed my eyes, listening to the sound of them playing.

Blake's POV

Aiden fell asleep on my leg, I looked up at the time and saw that it was 7:45 so I let him be. When we were done with the second game, I had won again because I am the king of Monopoly, it was 8:30. The doctor said to wake him up every hour, so I have to do that soon. Anna and my mom picked up the game.

I looked down at Aiden and brushed the hair away from his eyes. "Hey Aiden. Aiden, baby, you need to wake up." I rubbed his arm and he slowly opened his eyes. Since the doctor said to ask questions, I asked him, "do you know what you name is?"

"Why would you ask me what my name is, if you were just calling it?"

"Because the doctor said I had to ask you simple questions to make sure there's no memory loss."

"I don't."

"Okay. Do you want to go upstairs to bed?" Aiden nodded and slowly stood up. And pushed myself off the floor and followed him upstairs. He grabbed one of my long sleeve shirts and went into the bathroom to change. When we came out the shirt hit him just above the knee, considering it was a little long and me, and the sleeves were definitely longer than his arms. He was still wearing the shorts he had put on after his shower.

I picked up the cards we left on the bed and stuck them on my nightstand. Aiden let out a yawn and walked towards the bed. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "Go to sleep, I'm going to take a quick shower." He nodded and climbed in, I made sure the blankets were tucked around him and then went to the bathroom.

I made sure to keep m uh shower short, since I need to wake Aiden up again. I got out and dressed and checked the time. It was 9:45 so I walked over to Aiden. "Hey babe, you need to wake up." He opened his eyes. "Just checking on you again."

"I know my name is Aiden, yours is Blake, and I'm tired and want to sleep."

"Okay good enough go back to sleep." I set my alarm for a hour later, and climbed in behind him. An hour later I woke up to my alarm. I turned it off and woke Aiden up.

"Sleep." Was all he mumbled out.

"Sorry Aiden doctors orders."

He pointed at himself, "Aiden," then he pointed at me, "Blake. And your sisters name is Anna."

"Thank you baby." The rest of the night went on like that. I would wake up to my alarm, wake up Aiden, he would tell me some basic things, then I would reset my alarm and fall back asleep. Every hour it was the same process. Finally it was 9:00. I woke Aiden up and then let him go back to sleep.

I walked downstairs to start breakfast, I always like to cook breakfast on the weekends. Once I got the waffle mix made, Aiden had walked in. "Oh, hey. I thought you were asleep." He shrugged his shoulders. I put a waffle into the maker and grabbed eggs out of the fridge. "How are you feeling?"


"Does your head hurt?" I turned from the bowel I was cracking eggs in to face him and he nodded. I finished cracking all the eggs and went to the fridge. I grabbed the milk. "Do you like orange juice, or do you prefer apple juice?"

"Apple." I grabbed that out of the fridge also. I pulled the waffle out of the maker and put another one in. I poured a glass of apple juice and grabbed Aiden's pain medicine off the shelf. I walked over to Aiden and set the glass and pill in front of him.

"Here you go." I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder as he swallowed it. "How did you sleep?"

"Considering you had to wake me up every hour?"

"Sorry baby, just doing my job." I walked back to the counter and finished scrambling the eggs. I started another waffle and put a pan on to heat up to cook the eggs in. Once the pan heated up I put the eggs in. I finished cooking all the food and set the table.

I was just putting the food on the table when my mom and Anna walked down. "I smell food!" Anna yelled.

Aiden stood up from the stool with an empty glass. "Want more?" I asked walking over to him, he nodded his head. "Sit down I'll get it." I walked the fridge and poured him another glass. I grabbed the orange juice and set it on the table, and Aiden's in front of him.

"I heard you guys have a date tonight. Where you going?" Anna asked.

"You guys are going on a date? How come I didn't know until now?" My mom questioned

"Not important mom where are you going?" Anna buted in.

"You don't get to know." I answered.

"I at least have to know when you're leaving." My mom said

"5:30." When finished breakfast in the usually silence of the morning. Aiden still didn't eat much, but it was a little more than before. Aiden helped me put the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher and the rest of the day was spent just hanging around the house, doing whatever to entertain us.

"I'm going to go get ready. Give me 10 minutes and then you can go up to my room and get ready. You can go through my stuff if you need. I'll be in Anna's." I jumped up and ran upstairs before he could say anything. I grabbed the stuff I needed to get ready from my room and then went to Anna's. "Hey I'm going to get ready in here." I told Anna as I walked in.

"Are you going to tell me where you're taking him?"


"Then why should I let you use my space to get ready."

"Because Aiden needs to use mine."

"Ugh. Fine. At least tell me if it's casual or a nice place." I held up my dress shirt so she could see it better. "Nice place. Got it."

Aiden's POV

I waited about 15 minutes then made my way upstairs. I didn't know what to wear, hell I don't even know where we're going. I looked through some of his clothes then sat on the bed to think.

There was a knock on the door and Anna walked in. "Sister Anna reporting for duty and here to help!"

I chuckled at her. "Did you find out where he is taking me."

"Well no." She walked over to Blakes closet. "But I did find out that it's somewhere nice."

"Great. I don't even know what to wear."

"Stand up." I looked up at her weirdly. "C'mon stand up." She grabbed my arms and pulled me off the bed. She took a step back and looked at me. "Aha! I got it!" She ran out of the room and came back a minute later. "Look!" She held up a pastel blue dress shirt and some nice pants. "Go put them on!" She shoved them into my hands.

I walked into the bathroom and put them on. I looked at myself I'm the mirror and was stuned. I actually liked how it looked. I walked back out with a smile. "Yes! You look fantastic!" Anna yelled while looking me up and down. "Now for the hair." I looked up at my hair that was falling in my eyes and Anna pushed me into the bathroom.

She looked through the drawers until she found some hair gel. She climbed up onto the counter, considering she's a bit shorter than I am, so now she was towering over me. She put my hair back using gel and then we walked out. By the time I was done getting ready it was 5:15. Anna and I walked downstairs and sat on the couch to wait.

A few minutes later I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "Hey you ready?" I could smell the cologne on him and he looked pretty snazzy in his shirt. I nodded and stood him. "Man you look amazing." I shyd away from him. We walked over and pulled me into him. "Absolutely amazing. C'mon let's go before mom catches us."

"Mom they're about to leave!" Anna yelled.

"Anna seriously?" Blake questioned and Anna just grinned at him.

"Hold on I need a picture!" Julie called out.

"Mom why?"

"Because memories."

"I'm sorry." Blake whispered to me. I just shrugged my shoulders. Blake wrapped his arm around my shoulder and Julie snapped a picture.

"Okay have fun kids!" Blake and I left the house the got in the car. It was about an half hour drive to the restaurant. When we walked inside we got a booth table and took about an hour for dinner.

We ended up talking a lot and having a ton of fun, but something still felt missing. When we pulled out Blake went the opposite way from home. "Where are you going?"

"To the beach."

"At night."

"It's the best time to go." He turned up the radio and starting busting out in song, me just laughing. "Take off your socks and shoes," he told me when we got there.

We ran out onto the beach, I could feel the sand between my toes. We ran out to the edge of the water and felt it crash against our ankles. "Look at the reflection of the moon on the water. Isn't it beautiful?" He asked.

"Yeah it is." I wrapped my arms around Blake's waist and he wrapped his around my shoulders.

He lifted my chin with his finger and locked eyes for a minute. He then leaned down and locked lips with mine. He stood for about another 5 minutes then we walked back to the car to drive home. I feel asleep to the hum of Blakes voice singing along with the radio.

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