Adopted by who!?

By chloehv

3.6K 211 122

Zayda had been in an adoption centre all her life but what happens when her favourite band Change that all fo... More

Hey Violet
packing and food
Dreaming ....Screaming
ignoring part two
makeover by the band
meeting the families
studio vibes m8
tour pt 2
finally tour
tour bus antics
first show
Now what?
a little better
but why?

This is why

83 8 8
By chloehv

The rain was lightly speckling on the glass taxi window .The overhead street lights reflected on the droplets. The radio blared a quiet mix of Sinatra songs.The greying driver hummed along under his breathe .My hands wrapped around each other ,fiddling with the rips in my jeans with the loose threads fraying at each end.

I cant believe I'm doing this.I left what I believed was my final family.I thought I had found them .Deep down in my heart no matter how hard I try to deny it ,they will always be my family no matter what.They were my first family and will only ever be last family ,even if we never see each other again.It pains my heart to think that but its for the best .Miranda Miller, my first sister I've ever had to have Harry Potter and fangirl over new notepads with.Casey Moreta,my first brother ,we fought like real brother and sister but there was no one else I'd rather have hair swinging battles with, in 'n' out runs at 3am and scooter races with .Rena Lovelis ,the only sister I've ever had to experiment makeup with,go to fancy art shows with and mess around in shop changing rooms with.Iain Shipp ,The only brother I've ever been able to have bass battles with.Nia lovelis, the only oldest sister I've ever had who would always drag me out after a Friday show to teach me how to play drums ,who would grab my hand and run away from the others ,even if we did get locked in a store cupboard.
But at the end of the day,Family or not ,they were Hey Violet ,a famous band with new songs needing go be recorded ,a fan base growing .With all that comes less time to be a family and I refuse to be the one who hold them back.

Despite how all this sounds I'm not mad at them, I don't blame them at all.They're living their dream.

I rested my head on the cold window ,releasing a Sigh.I was gonna miss them.

Nias POV

Me and the band were heading back to the bus we had just finished out mini party. We were going to stay for longer but Casey was worried about Zayda and Rena was practically asleep.

I opened the door to a pitch dark bus.Weird.I thought Zayda was in here.She must have gone to bed.
As I unzipped my boots dumping them by the door I opened the fridge door looking for a drink but was interrupted by Miranda shouting. I dumped the drink rushing towards her with the rest of the band .She stood over the table a piece of paper clutched in her hands ,tears running down her face.I took the page from her hands reading it aloud

Dear Hey Violet,
                                 You're all my family no matter what .No matter where I am.But you are a band and with that comes less time to spend as a family and I wont be the person to hold you back .

The last year has been one of the best in my whole life . Theres been fun and games. Music and films.Countries and concerts.But there also been plenty of fights.Which happens In any family.

I've noticed recently that things aren't going great .I'm mostly the cause for all of this.I didn't want to be the cause of trouble .I can't tell you if I'm all for blame ,or you,or both of us .

I know you lied to me today ,I heard what you said .I say enough is enough .By the time you read this I'll be long gone and I can't promise you we'll ever see each other again.But no matter what ,you are my family .I love you always and I'll always be keeping to tabs with you.

Please try and forget me ,leave me as a figment of the past and move on .Make it big.

- Zayda xxx

This may or may not be the last chapter .

BUT FEAR NOT, there will be a sequel which will be released after I write another upcoming book idea I have

Im so thankful for you all

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