meeting the families

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Nia phoned the home to tell them they had found me and I was safe ,she also said I wouldn't be back till later because we were going to do some stuff,which I didn't know about till she said it over the phone .

Once she hung up she pulled out of the parking space and down slowly down the road .Rena stretched towards turning the radio on as an unknown song to me filled the air of the car .Nobody said anything for awhile as i became nervous ,this was the first time it had been awkward with them .Rena shot Miranda a look through the mirror what she didn't catch as she was looking through the window but me and Casey Both did ,I furrowed my eyebrows together as Casey elbowed Miranda in the side as she turned around seeing Rena looking at her before she moved her eyes from me to her .Miranda cleared her throat before speaking
"Zayda ,we need to talk to you" she looked at my face clearly seeing it pale before continuing
"its nothing bad !"she rushed
"Just we're meeting our families today and we want you to come with us ,they're very excited to meet you so you have nothing to worry about we promise "she smiled .I cleared my throat before forcing a small smile "Thats fine ,it'll be nice to meet them all"

After that the air seemed to lose the tension as the Nia and Rena began to sung along to the song which were playing on the radio as Miranda and Casey filmed videos and posted them on instagram and twitter and Iain just sat back in Amusement. I sat by the other window trying to keep a smile on my face as I looked out the window .It wasn't till I faced the front that I saw Rena sitting in her seat with the front camera on facing me ,kinda creepy but I dont think she meant it to be .She quickly lowered her phone when she realised I was looking before looking down at her phone .I carried on looking out the window

My phone vibrated on my leg and i looked down at it

1 new text from candyfloss Rena🍭

R:Whats up girly ?


R:Yeah yeah now whats actually wrong?

Z:Im scared your families wont like me

R:DONT BE SCARED ,there's nothing to be scared of they already love you from what we've told them about you ,I promise you

Z:Thank you ReRe

I smiled and placed my phone down and grinned looking at the people i called my family.We pulled up outside the lovelis' house first as Rena and Nia practically ran to the house.I slid out of my seat and shut the car door following Mir and Case in to the house .I was greeted by three very familiar dogs .I squeaked "Edgar,Sarabella,Henr!' I said as i slipped to my knees stroking the dogs.I laughed as Henry licked my face,looking up as I heard a shutter sound.I saw the band and both Ana and Kenny standing there as Rena took a picture with her polaroid.

"Oh" Iaid quietly

"Mum,Dad...This is Zayda our little sister"Rena smiled as she slung and arm over my shoulder.I walked fowards slowly pushing my hand out "Hi I'm Zayda"Suddenly I was attacked in a hug by Ana.
"Its so nice to finally meet you"she said

We spent roughly and hour at Ana's before heading to Caseys where I met his brother,sister,mum and dad as well as buddy and his cats.Then we quickly visited mirandas mum and then her dad.She had also made me meet Matty her best friend who may i say is as sassy in real life as he is on his YouTube videos and twitter.Then to Iain's to meet his family and his girlfuend,Kiere.

After a long day and lots of hugs ,four phone numbers (Ana,Matty , Casey's sister Madison and Kiere) and an Ana lovelisMatty and Kiere follow on twitter we got back in the car where i was told that we weren't finished yet

"Where are we going? "Iasked putting my head on Casey's shoulder

"We are going to the studio where we want you to meet some special people"He said placing his head on mine

"Who?"I frowned

"Turn that frown upside down you its a surprise "Miranda laughed.

So the radio went back on and we headed to the studio to meet "someone special".

WHO could THAt be?
sorry its so delayed schools being annoying 😂

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