tour pt 2

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"Nothing is wrong Casey"I replied

"I told you ,you can't lie to me Zayda"Casey replied

"Why do you not believe me ?,Do you not trust me-"

"Zayda!"Casey interrupted"of course I do "

"Then why are you questioning me? ,that tells me you don't! If something was wrong I would tell you !"I shouted

"Stop being such a spoilt brat Zayda. Im trying to help you before you go crazy!" He screamed back.

By this time we must have woken up Rena because she walked in groggily rubbing her eyes,her pyjamas rumpled,her donut joggers rolled up one leg and down the other.
"What the hell is going on in here ?"She grumbled

Tears were welling up in my eyes."Wow,i haven't even been here a week and I'm already starting think this was a mistake,you're no different from the others"I cried pushing past Casey.

"Wait ,no Zayda ,please I didn't mean it"he sniffles grabbing my wrist to pull me back.
"Don't touch me !"I sobbed ripping my arm from his grip and running down the stairs to grab my pink DMS and  out the door.

Casey's POV

Tears ran down my face softly as Rena turned around to look at me an icy stare on her face.

"what the hell Casey ?!" She shouted

"I didn't mean to"
"I don't care what you did and didn't mean to do,right now our little sister is out wondering the streets upset and vulnerable because of you,wake up Nia , Miranda and Iain while I get dressed,We're looking for her right now "she ordered .

3rd person
Everyone knew that this similar incident had happened last week.They were worried about her more than ever now.Zayda obviously had trust issues.But that wasn't their main issue right now,finding Zayda was.But Rena's anger seemed at boiling point with Casey.She was fuming her little sister was out ,upset because her best friend ,her bandmate,her brother figure and most importantly Zaydas brother had done this.Zayda had been betrayed by her own brother and now the band was paying the price for it .

IK CASEY ISNT LIKE THIS IRL BUT for the story blah blah blah

How are you feeling about Casey right now do you think he's an ass or he had a point .What about Zayda do you think she overreacted or Nah?

Also please leave some questions for characters below

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