Love you 'Til Death?

By apathetic_Remorse

670K 10.6K 1.7K

Scarlett is in love, well atleast she thinks she's inlove with Cole, the perfect guy. Is he really perfect? i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 27

13.3K 256 37
By apathetic_Remorse

"I lost myself

Is it better not said?"

Chapter 27

While I was telling Matt what happened, I was so nervous. His fist was clenched the whole time and he had this frown on his face, that didn’t belong there. I could sense he was angry, I guess I would be to if I found out he was getting abused or something. I would make sure the person who hurt him paid for what they done. Part of me wanted Cole to pay, I trusted Matt so I knew he wouldn’t do anything stupid like kill Cole, but that didn’t rule out ‘making Cole pay’ the whole revenge thing still applied. But the question on my mind is, do I really want anything to happen to Cole?

Right now I'm laying in bed, next to Matt, who seems to be in a really deep sleep. I knew nothing could wake him up now, that just how he slept, he could sleep through some natural disaster and get up and be like totally confused.

Before I went to bed, he helped me wrap a bandage over my ribs, and that seemed to be helping. There wasn’t a throbbing profound throbbing pain, it was just slight and it didn’t hurt as much. I'm still trying not to move too much.

I heard a soft knock, coming from downstairs. My stomach did a little flip and sunk, something that wasn’t a good sign. I glanced over at Matt and he was still sleeping. The knocking became more urgent, and I quietly slipped out of bed and rushed down the stairs before Matt woke up.

I opened the door. He stood there leaning against the door frame like he owned the place, a scowl on his face, his hair was wet which indicated that he probably just got out of the shower, he wore nicely fitted jeans and a plan polo t-shirt. I signed in content, why did he have to be so hot, I thought to myself.

Our eyes met and there were a million things going through my mind, like how he had this blank look, his eyes were a few shades darker, making them seem almost black, and the intensity of the blue was still there, sucking me in and keeping me captive. We stared at each other for a while; I was searching for something in his eyes that still held nothing.

Eventually he spoke, “Aren’t you going to invite me in.” he said coolly, not giving anything away, but I noticed his body stiffen as he said those words, his fists clenched ever so lightly.

I snorted, “It’s over Cole, what are you doing here?” I said through clenched teeth, with all the strength I could muster, which wasn’t much when it came to Cole, because when it came to him I was weak, and I hated that fact.

Before I knew it, he grabbed my forearm, pulling me closer to him. If I thought his eyes held nothing before, I was wrong, because now they were dancing with anger.

“What did you say?” He said menacingly, his grip on my arm tightened.

I didn’t answer him; I was lost in his eyes.

“It’s not over until I say it’s over, and my dear Scarlet, it’s far from over.” He said, with determination.

I couldn’t help but melt into him, was there something wrong with me? The thoughts I had about standing my ground and leaving him disappeared, I just wanted him, I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck, and bring his lips to mine, I wanted him to whisper sweet nothings into my ear, to tell me that he made a mistake, to tell me he was sorry and that he loved me with everything he had, and he wouldn’t hurt me again. I wanted him to hell me that he would cherish me from now onwards, that I was the only one, that he would make a better future for us. I wanted all those things and more.

What was wrong with me?

His grip loosened on my arm, and I let out a sigh, “Now let’s go to bed.” He said gently, wiping astray strand of hair off my face and giving me a small faint smile.

I was about to agree, but I hesitated.

What am I doing?

When he pushed me flush against the door, his body pressed to mine. He lifted my chin up to him, “Unless...” he began.

“I don’t want to be with you anymore Cole.”I said softly, I was begging him to understand, to break this spell he put over me, to let me go.

His grip on my chin tightened as he brought my face closer to his, “Your mine!” he all but shouted.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the blow to come but it but it never did.

 I opened my eyes and saw Matt standing just beside Cole, and he pulled him roughly away from me. Cole stumbled and let out a frustrated groan.

“What the Fuck Matt?”Cole said angrily.

“What the fuck?”Matt said teasingly, looking at Cole with so much disgust.

Before I could blink, Matt took a step towards Cole and punched him, hard. Cole wasn’t expecting it and stumbled back. I heard a crack and Coles hand went to his nose, where blood was dripping.

“What’s your problem Matt?”Cole said coolly, wiping his nose with the back of my hand.

“My problem is you Cole! I should’ve known something was up. What the fuck gave you the right to lay a hand on Scarlett? To hurt her? I should’ve seen all of this and that way I could’ve stopped you from going as far as you did. Your sick And I can’t wait to repay the favour you so generously paid to her.”Matt said his voice venomous as he took three long strides to Cole and grabbed him by the collar of his t-shirt.

Cole didn’t respond, he just stared at Matt with cold eyes, a bored expression on his face. But I could tell that his patience was wearing thin.

“Matt.”I said quietly.

He didn’t look at me, his gaze was stuck on Cole, “Go upstairs Scar.” he said quietly, before punching Cole in the stomach. Cole let out a breath, but regained composer quickly. I was surprised he wasn’t fighting back; this was so unlike the Cole I knew. Was he scared?

I don’t think he could win against Matt though, because Matt fought with strategy and technique; thank his parents for sending him to kickboxing when he was younger. And Cole fought with his emotions, Matt could easily decide Cole’s weak points and the next move.

“Matt please don’t do anything stupid. You made your point, let him go.” I said, trying to convince Matt but he didn’t budge, he just stared at Cole.

“Why don’t you do what Scarlett said, we can settle this later.” Cole said coolly, the voice he used sent chills down my spine. He seemed all calm and collected but that’s what it’s like before he blows up. His mind must be thinking a million things per second.

“Oh we will settle this Cole, don’t you dare think I'm going to let this slide, I'm going to make you pay. Maybe tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after, I'm not quite sure but you will pay really soon.” Matt said, moving his hand from around Cole’s neck, but still keeping a firm grip on him. He moved Cole to the front door and pushed him out, shutting the door behind him.

“This is far from over Scarlett.” Cole shouted outside the door.

I cringed; whatever was to come was definitely going to be big. Because Cole would definitely go down without a fight and I wasn’t entirely sure I was happy having Matt on my side, obviously because he was going to get caught in the cross fire.

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