Rapunzel, Eh? {To Be Continue...

Autorstwa FallingInStyle_21

4.4K 151 86

"Why am I here, Martin?" "Why haven't you told me anything?" "Why aren't you answering me?" There have been... Więcej

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~

~Chapter 3~

301 15 5
Autorstwa FallingInStyle_21

POV- Matthew

 "Ah, maple, h-how am I going to do this..." 

 I'd mumbled this to myself at least three hundred times in the past hour. I'd decided it; today would be the day I would save Alice from Martin. I couldn't even stand to think of how he'd just left her there, only coming by to bring food, never once to keep her company! Even if I've only seen him once, I could see that evil glare in his eyes. That HOSER!

 Looking around my half of the bedroom my brother and I shared, I got some things together to sneak out tonight. My half of the room was a light red, with a big window in the middle of the longest wall. My side was also the cleanest and most organized, while...

 ...Let's just say it takes a while for Alfred to find himself in the morning. 

 My bed had the same red theme, just a bit of a darker colour. A maple leaf was the design in the middle of my blankets. For some reason, I felt like it meant something important to me. I could rest easily knowing it was there. 

 I grabbed a bag near my desk, putting a small canteen of maple syrup inside. 'Never know when you'll need it.' I thought to myself. I also put in some coins, just in case. I always prepare for the worse...and I'm glad I did this time. 

 Just as I'd hid the bag under my bed, the door burst open. "MATTIE! DUDE! I saw this chick in my dream and I'm going to go save her!" 

 I almost had a heart attack, hearing my obnoxious brother's loud entry. I froze in shock. "G-good for y-you...?"

 He laughed, walking closer to me. "You're so jumpy dude, like you saw a ghost or somethin'!" I failed to answer, and he kept on talking.

 "Anyways, this chick was like, really pretty, but from the back, because I couldn't see her face and stuff. Anyways, she totally said my name and asked me to save her and she had this really long hair with cool sunset-y colours and it was REALLY REALLY long and her dress was this pretty blue colour and her voice was soft but not like yours like my voice but girlier 'cuz she was a girl and I'm a guy and I'm the hero and stuff anyways I bet she had, like, an awesome face and cute eyes like a hazel or a blue OH what about green and she'd be pretty like a princess what if she IS a princess OMYGOD we'd like get married and I'd be king and everyone would bow to me and-" 

 "Do you mean Alice?" I voiced my thoughts, and he stopped rambling. He blinked a few times before answering. 

 "Now that I'm hearing it...it does ring a bell. Yeah, I think that's her name!" 

 Oh sweet maple...he's going to try and rescue her? Be her hero? "Uhm, A-Al, maybe you shouldn't...I mean, i-it sounds like it could get you into danger..." 

 "Hm? How?" My brother asked, shoving some treats into his mouth, making the words come out a bit muffled. Typical. 

 "Oh, well..." 'Darn, what should I tell him?! He doesn't even know her, probably has no clue how I know...'

 Alfred raised a brow, for once paying attention to me more than to his food. "Tell me, Mattie!" I sighed, giving in, and told him the events that had happened only days ago. 


 "Woah! So her dad's, like, totally crazy and locked her in a damn tower?! That's some sick fairy tale nonesense brah!" 

 Alfred's eyes shined with delight, knowing the story of the girl from his dream. I, on the other hand, wasn't that thrilled, but nodded. "Yup, just like a fairy tale." 

 "That means I so have to go and save her now!" 

 ...Back that train up, mister. 

 "U-uhm, well, m-maybe you shouldn't go r-right now..." I fumbled with my words, trying to make up an excuse to make him stay here. N-not that I didn't want him to be happy, or save Alice, but...this was my mission, dang it! 

 All the time, Alfred would one-up me. Every time I did something, he'd have to do it better. Al always had to be louder than me, more expressive than me, and more outgoing than me. He always had that bright, cheery smile on his face, a determined glint in his eyes. He'd swoon any maiden he looked at, charmed everyone with a single glance. 

And then...there was me. Boring old Matthew, who couldn't smile as bright as he could, or do anything as good as his older brother, Alfred. Matthew, who would always be there, just unnoticed. Matthew, who did nothing with his life. Invisible Matthew.

 "Hm? Why not, broski?" I tried to think up an excuse that wouldn't upset him.

 Matthew, the one who cared about other's feelings. I guess that's one thing I have over Al.

 "U-uhm, maybe we should go together? I-I mean...I know the route to the tower, i-it would be better if we both went!" Alfred's face lit up again, pleased with the response. 

 "Sure! And after, we'll be known as the Kirkland-Bonnefoy brothers, working together to save innocent civillians from evil sorcerors and villains and stuff! We'll be legendary!" I smiled a bit at that. If there's one thing you can count on Al for, it's being the funniest guy in the room. 

 "Alright. We'll go tonight, b-but don't let mom or papa hear us, okay?" He nodded, and I was safe to pull the bag of things I'd gotten together out from under my bed. 

 'It's going to be a long night.' I thought to myself, waiting for the hours to pass by until nightfall. The orange glow of the sunset calmed my nerves a bit, and I watched out my window as the world kept going. Birds chirped and flew about in the sky, only black sihlouettes. 

 'It must be cool to have that freedom,' I watched how they cut easily through the air, soaring high. 'I hope Alice will have that freedom someday.' 

 I don't know why I felt so inclined to help her. I mean, she's a girl I just met, held in a mysteriously hidden tower by a monster of a man. But, it just felt...right. 

 POV- Alfred

 'Oh my god, this is so totally awesome!' 

 I couldn't help but feel super giddy putting on my boots late at night, while my parents were sleeping. Mattie was waiting for me near the door, tapping his foot impatiently. I paid no mind to it, though, because he'd obviously wait for me. 

 I finished buckling my boots, and clipped on my cloak. I took extra precautions and put up my hood. Don't want anyone to recognize the two princes sneaking out to go be badasses and save this girl who's trapped in a tower that nobody knows about, right?

 "Hey, need this?" I looked at my brother, who was holding out my sword. I grabbed it without a second thought. 

 "Hell ye-" In a second, his hand was over my mouth. "Oops," I mumbled into his hand. Too loud, Alfred. Too loud. 

 Being loud is...something I've always done. I was young and curious, so I asked questions, and laughed at the joy and wonder of this world. When I got older, I realized...just how big this world is. I started being loud so people would notice me, so I would stand out in a crowd. I never wanted to be a nobody. I wanted to be someone who would leave this world feeling happy about what he's done with his life, surrounded by dozens who care...and notice him. 

 Being the centre of attention wasn't my main goal, but...I liked looking around and seeing all eyes on me. It made me feel good inside. 


 Matt took his hand off my mouth a few seconds later, and breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed the silence take over. "They didn't wake up." 

 He then grabbed his bow and arrow, slinging it over his shoulder, which was then covered by his dark red cloak. I grabbed my bag and a lantern, and we were ready to go. Opening the big castle doors, we stepped into the outside world. 

 The kingdom in the night time was so dark, even with the illuminations of light through the windows of some houses. The lantern we brought allowed us to see only a few steps forward...anywhere else, it was pitch black. 

 Reaching the treeline, we stopped for a second. 

 "I-I have a bad feeling about this..." My little brother whispered, edging closer to me. 

 'Be strong,' I thought to myself, and forced a smile. "It'll be alright, I'm sure of it. The guards roam around the forests for beasts, and aren't patrolling the area we're headed. We'll be fine."

 Even if I was louder, and sometimes dumber than Matthew, I was still his older brother. I was responsible for him in times like these, and would hate to see him scared. 

 He seemed reassured enough, so we ventured on into the wilderness. Twigs snapped beneath our feet, and leaves rustled in the wind. A lone wolf's howl could be heard in the distance. The hooting of owls echoed through the vast forest.

 We paused at the line of trees and bushes that Matt said would lead to Alice's tower. "We'll be quick. Wake her up, get her out, run. I don't know much about him, but Martin sounds like the type of guy who'd rip our heads off before we've made it out of there."

 I snorted. "You give the guy too much credit. We have weapons too, if we'll need them. Besides, it's not like he's just gonna show up and beat the holy hell out of us." 

 Matt just shook his head, and we moved forwards. I handed the lantern to him, and slashed at the plants, clearing a path for us. My blade cut clean each time, and it wasn't long until we could both see the tower, shadowed by everything surrounding. The roof was the only thing illuminated by the moonlight. 

 "Let's do this." 

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