Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of...

By K_Williams1

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Ronnie has been through a lot in her life and now she's able to start anew with her daughter Amy, her brother... More

Chapter 1 The Move
Chapter 2 - Committment
Chapter 3 - Volunteering
Chapter 4 - New Friends
Chapter 5 - Dinner
Chapter 6 - Life Goes On
Chapter 7 - What to Do...What to Do
Chapter 8 - Looking for a Solution
Chapter 9 - Here We Are
Chapter 10 - Love RH Style
Chapter 11 - Meeting the Grandfathers
Chapter 12 - Thanksgiving with the Cranks
Chapter 13 - Peace at Last and Unexpected Apologies
Chapter 14 - A Blast From the Past
Chapter 15 - Christmas With the Parents
Chapter 16 - I Was Hoping...Nevermind
Chapter 18 - Spring Break
Chapter 19 - Why?
Chapter 20 - Taking Down An A**hole
Chapter 21 - Just When I thought it Was Over
Chapter 22 - So...It's My Birthday
Chapter 23 - Dances and More Court Dates
Chapter 24 - The Rest of the Time
Chapter 25 - Good Times
Chapter 26 - The Trip
Chapter 27 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 28 - It's The Holiday's Again!
Epilogue - 10 years later

Chapter 17 - Okay...

7.8K 468 25
By K_Williams1


I wake by degrees.  Sol's chest is moving under my head and Tyler is spooning me from behind, our legs tangled.  Small giggles erupt beside the bed.  Opening my eyes, I see our girls looking at us expectantly.

"Morning," I mumble, "What are you doing in here?"

"We couldn't wait to see how daddy is doing." Meg says. I lift my head and her small face looks worried.

I start to sit up and realize that I have not one stitch of clothing on and lay back down, covering myself up. A t-shirt lands on my head and I gratefully put it on, before giving Tyler a playful glare as he gets out of the bed and goes into the bathroom. I turn back to the girls and invite them up on the bed with us.

I scoot over so they can both sit on either side of me, Meg closest to her dad, "He's doing fine. He just broke his leg."

"Is there a cast on it?" She asks.

I pull back his covers since I know that he has clothes on and show her the cast. Both of them look over at his leg. "Can we draw on it?" Amy asks.

"No," Solomon grumbles.

"Why not? We heard that when you get a cast, you can draw on it. Bobby Newman in our class had a cast and we drew on it," Meg reasons.

"Bobby Newman doesn't have a job and I will not have you putting pink flowers on my cast," he argues.

"We didn't put pink flowers on his cast. We put our initials and a picture of a truck on it. Ohhh! We can put a picture of a dump truck on yours. You'll like that," Meg faces him completely and gets on her knees. She starts to bounce, but I stop her, so she doesn't jostle her dad. I'm laughing at him trying to tell two little girls that they can't do something.

"I'm still going to say 'no' for now, but how about I let you two draw on it as much as you want the day before I have it removed permanently," he compromises.

"Okay," Meg agrees quickly like she's scared he's going to change his mind. Her face turns serious, "You're really going to be alright daddy?"

He slides an arm around her, pulling her down into his chest, "I'll be alright. I feel better already." He kisses her on the top of her head reassuringly.

"Okay girls, go on downstairs with your grandparents and we'll be down as soon as we get dressed," I shoo them out of the bed and they walk out of the room.

I look down at my man and he sits up gazing back at me. His arm reaches out, pulling me to him, "Are you feeling better. They told me that you were taking care of me yesterday."

I reach up brushing my lips against his briefly before pulling back, "I was so worried about you. I'm doing fine. You're the patient here, how are you doing?"

His hand brushes lightly along my cheek, "I'm doing a lot better now. I'm really glad you all arrived when you did. I really didn't want to take a cab home."

"I'm not going to yell at you now. The guys will help you get dressed and then we'll all go downstairs for breakfast and talk then." I brush his hair out of his eyes as he nods.

Tyler and Grey come around to his side of the bed and help him out of it. When I stand up, they both kiss me quickly before making their way into the bathroom. I grab a few things and use Amy's bathroom in her bedroom to wash and get ready. When I walk back into our bedroom, Solomon is dressed and sitting on the couch. I notice that the bed is made. I walk over to him and sit down beside him.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm a little tired, but I know that we need to get this conversation over with, so I can get back into bed. I'll try to make it as quick as possible," He pulls me towards him and when I scoot closer, his fingers find the back of my neck and start massaging, "I know that you carry most of your stress here. I'm fine, please stop worrying about me."

I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks, "I love you. You don't know how I felt when I go to drop the girls off and get this news. Then no one knew where you were or what happened to you. I could only think the worst. I can't lose you, I just got you."

"Awe baby. I'm here. I'm so sorry that I didn't call you as soon as I was able. I just didn't want to worry you. I promise, that if anything ever happens again, I will make sure that you will be notified and know exactly what happens. I love you too," he cups my face in his hands wiping away my tears.

Grey walks in the door with a set of crutches. He walks over, helping Sol up and giving him the crutches. He puts one arm around my waist and walks in between us so that if Sol loses his balance, he can catch him.

"Are you okay?"

I nod, "I'm fine. I have all of my men and my girls with me. Life is good." I feel his arm tighten around my waist and his lips touch my temple.

We make our way slowly downstairs and everyone is there waiting for us. We get Sol settled in his seat before sitting down ourselves. Tyler brings breakfast in for everyone. It's a full breakfast. Bacon, sausage, eggs, country potatoes, biscuits, toast, French toast and pancakes. Everyone digs in and after we get Sol and the girls plates together, we settle down to eat.

I ask because I can't wait anymore, "What happened to you?"

Sol finishes chewing his food and is quiet for a minute. I guess he's thinking where to start. "I had to go to a work site because the foreman was having a little trouble with one of the employees. When I got there, I ended up firing him, so I decided to stay and help until it was time to pick up Meg. I stepped on the scaffold that he just gotten off of not thinking to check it. It collapsed and I fell, hurting my leg, then the rest of the scaffold fell on me, namely my leg and hurt it worse. The paramedics said it was broken, so I thought I would get to the hospital, have it bandaged up and meet you at the school."

He adjusts himself in his chair and stretches his broken leg out straight, "It took a lot longer than I thought and the next thing I know. It's after time to pick up the girls, which I knew you would, but then, I forgot to call you and let you know what happened. I'm sorry." He looks around the table apologetically.

He kisses the tip of my nose, "How did you find me?"

"How else? I called Grandfather. He found out where you were in less than five minutes." I tell him. He smiles at me and I hear Frankie, my brother's and grandfathers walk in the door. Tyler goes to the kitchen to get more food.

Frankie greets everyone and then turns to Sol, "Are you okay? We were worried when we didn't hear back from you yesterday." She looks at me.

"I'm sorry. I should have at least texted you to let you know that we found him and he's okay. He has a broken leg." Sol points under the table.

"Do you have a minute before you eat?" Solomon directs his attention to Rand. He nods and helps Sol out of his chair and upstairs to our room. I tell him that I'll be upstairs shortly. The parents and the girls leave the room and Frankie, Cam, Dylan and our grandfather's sit down in their place. Tyler brings in more food, clearing out the old dishes replacing them with clean dishes, silverware and glasses.

We eat and make arrangements for this week. "When do I get the girls this week? I can take them another day also if you'd like." Frankie asks.

"You get them tomorrow. I would love for you to pick them up from school. I'm going to let the grandparents take them the rest of the week. They leave on Saturday, so we want to let them spend as much time as possible with the girls." I tell her.

"I can definitely pick them up from school tomorrow. Just let me know anything else that you need. How are you?" Frankie asks.

"Better now. I'm still a little shaken up from not knowing where he was at and how badly he was hurt," I turn to grandfather, "Thank you so much."

"Anytime. Just call," Grandfather A tells us. We talk for a little while longer while they eat. Grey has his chair sitting flush with mine and his arm is around my waist and Tyler is sitting closely on the other side holding my hand. Frankie smiles at us and Rand comes downstairs. He eats and listens to us talk. When he finishes, Frankie finds the girls and gives them a hug, before they leave.

I hug the girls and let the grandparents know about our schedule and invite them to stay here until they leave. They agree and go to get their things to bring them back. I hurry back upstairs to Sol and he's sitting back looking like he's in pain and tired. I hand him his medicine and a bottle of water. He takes it quickly and lays back in the bed. I move in beside him and rub his scalp until he falls asleep.

We spend the rest of the day relaxing the best way we can and taking care of Sol. He sleeps most of the day, because come to find out, he was actually supposed to spend the night in the hospital. I try not to smother him, but it's really hard. The girls come in for a while and sit with us watching a movie. Then they go back downstairs with their grandparents.

At the end of the night, I'm exhausted and take a shower and get into bed with my man falling asleep immediately.


The next morning, I'm up early and I get the girls ready for school. I let them know that Frankie will be picking them up from school when they get out for the day and they'll be spending the night with her. They bounce in excitement and give me a hug before walking into class.

I hurry back home just in time for Sol to wake up. Tyler and Grey go back to work today, so it's just us and the parents.

They are up and down the stairs checking on us all day. For lunch we heat up the food that Tyler has left for us and eat it. I clean up the kitchen the best way I can, but I know that he's going to come home and re-clean it.

I receive a call from Frankie telling me that she has the girls at the same time that Sol receives a call. I thank Frankie and talk to the girls for a minute before hanging up. As I wait for him to get off of the phone, I realize that he's speaking to Rand. When he hangs up, I ask, "You spoke with Rand yesterday also. What were you talking about?"

He smiles and brushes his lips against my forehead, "He's looking after things for me until I can go back to work. He told me a long time ago, that he's interested in the type of work that I do and has spent some time with me, learning what I do. He knows my job just as well as I do and when I asked him to help me out yesterday, he happily agreed. He just called to give me a few updates."

I smile at him, happy that my brother can help him. They've been able to help every time I've asked them for something. Frankie seems a lot happier now that she has help.

I update him on the girls and sit back on the headboard, with his arm around me. We spend the rest of the afternoon reading and looking at tv.


I spend the rest of the week in bed and Ronnie spends the rest of the week taking care of me. I really want to get out of bed, but I don't want to upset her because she worries about me so much.

She's learned how to put the plastic on my cast so that I can take a shower or bath and she has joined me quite a few times. Yea, good times.

We're lying in bed watching television while everyone is out having a last dinner before our parents leave tomorrow. They promise to come have breakfast with us tomorrow morning before they leave. My arm is around Ronnie and I have her pulled close to me while we're watching a show on television when she turns to me. There's a strange look on her face.

She lifts up on her knees and brings her face to mine. With a small smile, her lips meet mine. Our lips play with each other some until I start to feel some urgency within myself. I deepen the kiss, swiping my tongue across her lips. She opens for me and our tongues slide against each other, as our kiss deepens even more. I feel her hand reach under my shirt and touching my stomach, working her way up.

My lips start working my way down her neck and she straddles me carefully as not to hurt me, but I'm already too far gone to feel anything but what we're doing. Her hands move up to my chest, pulling my t-shirt with it. I pull back and lift my arms so she can pull my shirt off. She leans back towards me, but I lift her shirt quickly and pull it off of her before our lips meet again.

Now our tongue swirl around urgently, fighting for position. Her mouth leaves mine and starts down my cheek. I reach back and remove her bra, filling my hands with her breasts. I squeeze and knead working my way to her nipples, rolling them around in my fingers. I hear her intake of breath as she returns the favor, licking and sucking my nipples.

After she's given them all of the attention that she wants, she works her way further down my chest and stomach. She grabs the waistband of my shorts pulling them down with her as she makes her way all the way down.

I feel her mouth onmy...Ohhh! Mmmm! 

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