
By Avid_Rdr

331K 13.6K 5K

In a normal world the role of idol and fan are very much set in stone. One cannot exist without the other... More

A Special Note to My Readers
Dear Reader
Just a little note from me...
Not an update! But still please read. :)


4.6K 195 185
By Avid_Rdr


AN:  Hello, my beloved readers.  I'm so sorry for this awfully long delay in between chapters.   I feel like I'm giving the same excuses every time now, but my life is naturally hectic and it has been more so the last two weeks.  It's been difficult to find time to write.  It's taken me three days to just write this one, squeezing in minutes here and there.  I'm not complaining or asking for sympathy, I just want you to know that I will do my best to fight through the obstacles and get a chapter to you no matter what.  Please be patient with me, but I know you always are.  Because I have THE best readers!  💜 Happy reading!

"Alright boys, the tour starts next week.  Pack smart, but don't overpack like last time, okay?"  The manager eyeballed Jungkook who merely shrugged like he had no idea what the man was talking about. 

Everyone smirked and then turned their attention back to the manager.  "We'll have your tickets ready once we reach the airport.  Don't forget your passports."

"Or lose them," muttered Taehyung under his breath, giving a pointed look towards their leader. 

"Yah, Tae, that was one time, man.  Give me a break," grumbled Namjoon. 

"Hey, Manager-nim, I think you should hold onto Namjoon's passport just so we don't have to do the rest for the tour without him," giggled Hobi. 

Namjoon flopped against the back of his chair and sighed, an embarrassed smile on his face. 

"Alright, alright.  He won't lose it this time.  We're putting it on a chain around his neck," laughed the manager, clearly enjoying picking on Namjoon.

"Hyung!" exclaimed Namjoon, feeling as if he was going to be tortured to death by his members and a ruthless manager. 

"Sorry, Namjoon-ah," laughed the manager insincerely.   His phone rang and he quickly removed it from his jacket pocket, looking at the screen.  "I have to take this.  You guys know the drill.  Just be ready on time the day we leave."  He pointed a finger and a knowing look at Taehyung and then left the room. 

Namjoon looked down at his watch and with an excited look, he jumped up and grabbed his bag.

"Going somewhere?" asked Yoongi.

"I have some books to return.  Might get some new ones for the tour."

"The library again?"

Namjoon's face tinted a light pink and he shrugged.  "I guess it could be considered a library."

Yoongi gave him a skeptical look.  "Do they need any help?  I'm looking for a part time job," he said, not at all being serious with his statement.

Namjoon's eyes shot to his friend and he shook his head. "Nope.  Gotta run."  He quickly left the room, leaving Yoongi to shrug and walk off down to his studio without so much as a glance at the rest of the group. 

"Hobi, can we go do some dance practice?  I need help."  Jin was irritated that he was having trouble with the dances.  He had to get them absolutely perfect before the tour.  All during promotions small flaws popped up and to Jin they were mountains but even to Hobi they were barely noticeable, especially to the eyes of the fans who were often too distracted by everything going on to pick out mistakes. 

"Yeah, hyung, let's go." He smiled warmly to his friend and the pair were soon gone.

The maknae line still sat in the living room of their dorm, knowing they had a lot to do but not wanting to do any of it.  Taehyung was between Jungkook and Jimin, which was how he liked it.  Planted right between his two best friends was the happiest place for him.

Taehyung's phone dinged and he quickly removed it from his pants' pocket.  He smiled down at the phone and Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other before both jabbing the boy in the sides.  

"What was that?" demanded Jimin, hating to be left out of the loop, no matter how small that loop might be.

"Ah...I'm working so hard on my English.  I signed up on some app.  My language partner just messaged me. Um...I think I'm gonna go lay down for a little bit," he said, smiling widely.  Before either of the other two boys could protest and demand to know all of Taehyung's secrets, he scurried off to his room, shutting the door heavily.

Jimin and Jungkook both jumped at the sound of the slamming door.  Jimin looked over to Jungkook and smiled a wide smile.  " you want-"

Jungkook jumped up off the couch and grabbed his jacket that was laying nearby.  "Nope.  I have stuff to do."  He adjusted the collar and shook his shoulders into the sleeves. 

Jimin gasped.  "What kind of stuff?!"  He stood up off the couch quickly and walked around to stand in front of the maknae. 

Jungkook shrugged and grinned.  "I'm going to the company.  I feel like catching up on some fan mail today." 

"Fanmail?!"  Jimin had never known Jungkook to enjoy laboring through piles of fanmail.  He sighed and nodded his head, feeling defeated.  "Fine.  Go." 

"What will you be doing?" asked Jungkook.  He slung his backpack up over his shoulders and adjusted the load as he spoke. 

"I was going to go for coffee and wanted a friend to go with me but I guess I am having coffee alone," he said softly, trying to sound pitiful and sad.

Jungkook clapped a strong hand on his friend's shoulder, smiled, and then gave his friend a firm nod.  "Well, I would say never drink alone, hyung, but it's just coffee."  He giggled and gave Jimin a small salute and then left. 

Jimin stood in the middle of the empty room and looked around.  He was alone.  Somehow that felt like a metaphor for the rest of his life.  He looked down at his watch and felt like he could eat something.  He rubbed his stomach slightly and then sighed, grabbing his jacket.  A small sneaky grin spread across his face and he plotted out his route to his new favorite shop.

* * *

Gina groaned as she woke up from a short nap. Her bloodshot eyes roamed the room and came to rest on the girl standing in front of the mirror. "You've had that dumb grin on your face since last night. What happened...wait, don't answer that. People are usually only happy like this-"

"Gina! Stop right there," screeched Nari, embarrassment becoming evident on her face. "That kind of thing did not happen."

"Yeah, fine. I'll take your word for it." Gina sat up on the edge of her bed, careful not to bump her head on the top bunk above her. "So how was the fansign?" she yawned, scrubbing her hands in her washed-out pink hair.

"It was fine. I'm glad they're over though. I'm ready to get back to a normal routine." Nari sighed and used a tiny bit of hair product to smooth down some short hairs on the crown of her head. She glanced over at Gina, who was laying her head on her knees. "Why are you so tired?"

"I stayed up too late. I was practicing with a friend for some performance he has to do and asked me to help him."

"Uh huh. Sure," teased Nari. She was disappointed to see Gina merely shrug and stand up, completely ignoring Nari's attempt at a joke. "You're no fun," she said to Gina who didn't confirm or deny Nari's comment. However, Nari felt feisty today. She was determined to get some reaction from Gina no matter what.  "Your roots are showing," she mumbled, going back to applying her mascara in the mirror. 

The pink haired girl gasped and with her hands deeply rooted in her hair she rushed over to the mirror, leaning in awkward poses to try and see where her black roots were attempting to show through.  She twisted and turned and contorted her body in so many way that Nari finally just moved away from the mirror and leaned against the wall, laughing. 

Gina sighed as she realized she had just been played.  She should have known better since she just got her roots done a few days ago.  However, her sleep deprived brain refused to get up to speed.  "You're a jerkface," she grumbled half-heartedly to her friend. 

Nari giggled and moved back towards the mirror.  "Sorry, but you ignored my joke so I was desperate for a reaction." 

"You're gonna get a reaction you don't want, woman," snarled Gina, slowly breaking down into a small giggle. "Heading to work?"

"Yep.  Can't wait."

"Why's that?" said Gina with a renewed interest in her friend's job.  "That hunky guy still working there?"

Nari felt her face heat up a bit and she merely nodded.  "Yeah.  He's there."

"So is that why you're excited to go?"  Gina  poked and prodded Nari with her words.

"No, of course it isn't.  I am simply excited to get back into my normal routine.  It's been on hold long enough."  She turned her face from side to side to make sure all her makeup was blended and set.  Glancing at the clock in her phone she realized she was now running late. 

She gasped and scrambled to grab her coat.  Running frantically around the room, she looked everywhere for her hat and scarf.  She facepalmed herself when she remembered they were not currently in her possession.  With a sigh she grabbed a spare scarf and hurriedly flung it around her neck.

Gina giggled as her roommate stalked out of the room with a deep frown and looking quite exasperated.

After the door slammed shut, she trudged over to the mirror, closely inspecting her roots one more time. 

"Hmm," she hummed, leaning closer to the mirror, "maybe I should go back to the salon tomorrow."

* * *

Nari breezed into the back entrance to the cafe, quickly removing her coat and flinging it towards the wall hook, only to miss. She groaned and scrambled to pick it up, mad at herself for being late, rushing, and basically making life hard on herself. She practically ran down the short hallway and out into the dining area of the small cafe.

Minnie was sitting at her desk when a distressed groan reached her ears and then a blur of movement caught her eye. She rose from her seat and poked her head out the door to just catch a glimpse of Nari rounding the corner, obviously headed towards the piano. She smiled to herself and shook her head. She glanced at the clock and realized why Nari was hurrying. She had arrived almost fifteen minutes late. Minnie hadn't even noticed and had no intentions of scolding the girl because it would seem she was scolding herself enough. She chuckled lightly and returned to her seat, reluctant to get back to her accounting.

* * *

Jimin walked into the cafe and up to the counter. He strained his ears to hear if the piano was playing and noticed it was silent in the shop, except for the dull kitchen noise and the chatting of a few customers. He was puzzled but ordered anyway. Maybe she wasn't working. Maybe she was late. Either way, he had already come in and not ordering would seem rude.

"Here's your table number. Just place it on the table and we'll bring your order out in just a few minutes." The man smiled at Jimin and Jimin was thankful he was wearing a face mask at that moment. He had no desire to smile at this man whom he had an almost unbearable jealousy of. This guy got to spend time with Nari on a daily basis, whereas Jimin only got random meetings and even those would become almost nonexistent thanks to their tour.

He mumbled his thanks and grabbed the number off the counter, quickly turning away and surveying the seating situation. He smiled as he saw a nice little booth in the back corner available. He hurried over to it, staking his claim with his table number, then removed his coat but left his beanie and scarf on. He had no desire to reveal too much of himself and since it was cold it was simply convenient to retain the warm accessories. He folded his arms on the table and leaned forward. His eyes fell on the empty piano bench and he frowned slightly as he wondered where the beautiful pianist could be.

He didn't have to wonder for long as he was immediately distracted by the hurrying girl who practically launched herself onto the bench, removing the red felt cover in one fell swoop. He had to try hard not to giggle as she looked quite flustered. He watched her take a deep breath and then lay trembling hands onto the keyboard.

She made a few mistakes in the beginning but he didn't care. Listening to her play relaxed him and helped his often busy mind to slow down and focus solely on one thing at that moment.

"Here you go," said a male voice, a small tray now being set in front of him on the table.

Jimin said "Thank you," with all the politeness he could muster. That guy could take a long walk off a short pier and I frankly wouldn't care.

He grimaced at his own malicious thoughts but then argued with himself that he meant every word and as long as it never became a true event then everything would be alright. He then frowned at his own illogical logic and tried to distract himself with his food.

He pushed half the sandwich over to the edge of the plate determined not to eat it. He would take it home. Jungkook would probably inhale it the minute he brought it in the door. He sighed and dug into the half he had in his hand. As he chewed, he watched and listened to Nari playing.

I should let her know I'm here.

He smiled and pulled out his phone. He couldn't very well just walk up and make his presence known but maybe she had her phone in her pocket.

To Nari : Hey! I'm here and listening to you play. You're doing a wonderful job. It's making this dry sandwich taste better. ~(‾‾)~

He sent the message and then watched her closely for a sign that she had received the text. He was not disappointed as her hands skipped a note or two and she moved slightly on the bench. As the current song came to an end, he saw her pull the phone from her pocket. She seemed to read the message and then her head shot up and looked around the dining area quickly.

He smiled widely when her eyes locked onto his and she smiled as well, giving him a small wave. He felt pathetic because that small wave made him blush. He quickly pushed aside his petty embarrassment and simply watched as she quickly pecked out a message.

From Nari : Break soon. Wait?

He read the message, knowing she didn't have time to read an actual reply, and even as she began to play the next song she watched for his answer, smiling when he nodded 'yes.' He felt like the half of a sandwich he had just eaten was becoming like a brick in his stomach because he was now so nervous.

She wants to talk to me! I can't believe this. She actually asked me to wait this time!

He took a drink of his hot tea and quickly regretted it, burning his mouth slightly. He winced and blew some air out of his mouth in an attempt to cool it off. For the next thirty minutes he sat and watched her play, listening to every lilting note.

He knew he was staring but he couldn't help it. She was breathtaking to him. He had this overwhelming desire to just learn more about her to begin with. If he were to be honest, he also wanted to play with her hair, wrap her in his...

Stop it.

He kept eating to try and get his mind onto more solid ground. Before too long he reached down to his plate and noticed his hand came in contact with nothing. He looked at the empty plate, utterly horrified that he had eaten the entire sandwich and the chips and pickles. He groaned and rubbed his face. He had noticed this in the morning when his cheeks looked like they did when the group debuted. He grumpily shoved the plate away from his reach and pulled his teacup in front of him. Taking a sip, his eyes drifted back to the piano player.

Her song seemed to be ending and he felt the butterflies in his stomach flutter incessantly when she lifted her hands from the keys and slowly turned towards him. She held up one finger and then hurriedly walked over to the counter. He watched her speak to the barista guy. Barista guy looked none too happy with what she was saying but she simply turned and walked towards Jimin.

He quickly wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood as she approached. He smiled and she did in return, sliding into the booth seat across from him. He quickly sat back down and smiled like an idiot.

"I didn't expect to see you here! Aren't you guys getting ready to go to your next tour stops?" She pushed her hair behind her ears and he sighed. "Jimin? Are you okay?"

He blinked a few times, embarrassed she had heard that. "Me? Um, yeah, I'm good! You're doing really well up there!"

She laughed at his confusion and nodded. "Thanks. It's easy. Um, so I asked you to wait because I wondered if you happened to have my hat and scarf with you by any chance?"

Jimin's heart sank to the lowest it could go. He felt he might step on it if he moved his feet any. She had only asked him to wait so she could ask about her scarf and hat? He felt his warm and fuzzy feelings slowly dissipate. He reached over to his bag, thankful he at least remembered to bring them.

"I actually did bring them," he said softly, his hand lingering in his bag on the soft yarn.

"Oh good! I totally forgot you had them," she laughed. "I was looking all over for them tonight and that, along with a few other things made me late."

Jimin felt even worse. She had forgotten he had them? She hadn't even thought about him since she got off the bus?! He felt so small and insignificant at that very moment.

"Nari, here's your tea."

"Jun!  Thank you.  I need this today."  She sighed with a small smile. 

"Who's your friend?"  Jun leaned against Nari's side of the booth and kept his boyish smile on his face, making Jimin feel increasingly ill. 

Nari looked at Jimin for permission and he reluctantly gave her a slight nod, settling back against the booth seat. 

"This is my friend, Park Jimin," she said, smiling up at Jun. 

Jimin now not only felt sick, but also pretty irritated.  Not only did he have to now interact with his apparent competition, but he had also just been subtly reminded he was in the "friend zone."

"Nice to meet you, Jimin-ssi," said Jun, still smiling sweetly. 

"We've met before," muttered Jimin. 

"We have?  I don't remember..."

"It was dark, and he had on a face mask.  Don't feel bad.  Thanks for the tea, Jun." Nari could sense a bit of tension and she wasn't sure why, but she felt it best if one of the men left the table and she couldn't very well ask a customer to leave. 

"Sure thing.  Talk to you after work, okay?"  He grinned and with a small wave he walked back to the kitchen. 

Jimin was all too happy to see the man leave.  He turned his attention back to Nari who was now sipping her hot tea.  "Are you two...?" Jimin shifted his gaze between the back of the man walking away and the girl across from him.

Nari laughed lightly and shook her head.  "No, we're just friends."  Even in the ambient lighting of the cafe, Jimin could still tell her cheeks pinked up a bit.  His heart was now somewhere in the center of the earth at this point.  "You know, like you and me," Nari chirped happily. 

"Right.  Like you and me," he mumbled, holding his teacup to try and look normal and calm, not like he wasn't having an internal mental breakdown. 

"So when do you guys leave for your tour?" 

"The end of this week.  There's a few things we have to film first." 

"I hope your tour goes well."  Nari smiled and sipped her tea again.

"Do you?  Thanks.  I'll try and message you while I'm away.  I can't guarantee my phone will work, but maybe Twitter?"  He grinned as she giggled.

"I'll be sure and keep an eye out for your scarf trying to send me messages." 

"Oh, speaking of scarf, here."  He handed the neatly folded beanie and scarf across the table.  "I came to bring these back," he lied.  Well, it was only a partial lie.  He had come to bring them back, but also because he simply wanted to see her but he wasn't exactly sure a "friend" should say that.

"Thank you so much," she said softly, her hands gently holding the objects.  Tears bubbled up in her eyes but she quickly swiped them away. 

"Are you okay?" he said softly, looking at her with concern.

"Yeah," she whispered.  "You know," she continued, her voice becoming stronger, "sometimes the littlest things trigger sad feelings."  She laughed nervously and he could tell it was neither a genuine or happy laugh. 

"I'm sure they do.  Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" 

Nari laughed again, shaking her head from side to side.  "No.  It's enough having a connection with someone who was also connected with my sister.  No one else here has that.  That kinda of makes you special to me, Park Jimin."  She smiled widely and Jimin's heart shot up out of earth's core and back into his chest. 

"I'm special, huh?"  He leaned his head on his upraised hands that were resting on the table. 

Nari blushed and smiled.  "Well, yeah.  You're the only one who even remotely knew Nana.  So you're the only one I can talk with about her." 

Jimin knew what she was saying but he was okay with that.  He felt like he was now levels above barista boy over there.  "I'm happy to talk about her anytime you want.  Just message me." 

"I'll do that.  Hey, I have to get back to work.  You're done eating, I can see.  Heading home soon?"  She slowly slid out from the booth seat and held her empty tea cup in her hands. 

"Um...unless you want me to escort you home again."  He smiled hopefully, more than happy to sit for another two hours and do nothing but listen to her play just so he could get a chance to escort her home.

"Oh, no, you don't have to do that," she said, laughing lightly. 

"But maybe I want to," he said softly, watching as her eyes darted straight to his.  He cleared his throat, remembering his place quickly.  "I mean, I won't see you for a long while.  It will be a while before we're back in Korea.  I just thought..."

"Sure.  If you don't mind hanging out for another two hours, I would love to have some company on my way home."  She smiled and quickly walked away.

Jimin's heart now soared through the roof and he had a smile that could not be removed.

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