Draco Malfoy xreader

By waveybdj

337K 6.2K 4.4K

Draco Malfoy (: More

🎓Chapter One🎓
🎓Chapter Three🎓
🎓Chapter Four🎓
🎓Chapter Five🎓
🎓Chapter 6🎓
🎓Chapter Seven🎓
🎓Chapter Eight🎓
🎓Chapter Nine🎓
🎓Chapter Ten🎓
🎓Chapter Eleven🎓
🎓Chapter Twelve🎓
🎓Chapter Thirteen🎓
🎓Chapter Fourteen🎓
🎓Chapter Fifteen (End)🎓
Important A/N
Chapter 16 - Alternate Ending
life/book update/support

🎓Chapter Two🎓

26.8K 522 543
By waveybdj

It has been a few months since you have arrived at Hogwarts for your first year. You are close friends with Ron Weasly, Hermonie Granger, Harry Potter, and Draco Malfoy. You and Draco are closer because, well you have the same house and most classes together. You and Draco shared many conversations and each other's personal lives. Draco understands you and you understand him. That's the main reason why you two are close.

 You were walking to potions class when you heard your name being called. "Y/n! Wait up!" Draco yelled from down the hall. You stopped walking and turned around, smiling. He was running up to you. "Hurry up!" you waved to him. He finally caught up and was out of breath. "Here" you chuckled. You gave him a water and started walking to potions. You were looking at the floor, being unusually quiet. Draco noticed. "Hey... are you okay?" he asked. You looked up. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I just... I don't want to go back home when summer comes around," you said. "Anyways, we can talk about it later," you added quickly. 

You arrived at potions and sat at your seat next to Hermione and across from Draco and Crabe. "Hey, y/n," Hermione said with a smile. "Hey, Hermione," you replied with a small smile. Draco and Hermione ignored each other's presence and minded their own business. "Today, we're going to create potions," the teacher said. "Oh, really?!" someone said sarcastically. The teacher rolled their eyes and continued to speak. "You and your partner are going to make a random potion with random ingredients. No instructions from me or any books. I will assign you a partner." You really didn't mind who you got as a partner. You were friends with everyone, well, in your potions class. Well, not really friends, per-say, but, you were well-known throughout the school. 

"Oh, and happy birthday to y/f/n, y/l/n!" the teacher announced, casting a confetti spell at you. Everyone started singing happy birthday to you, making you blush. You weren't use to have your birthday celebrated or even being acknowledged. "Okay, partners. Hermonie and Ron, Harry and Crabbe... Draco and Y/n," you and Draco smiled as you two heard each other's names being called out. "Okay, head to your partners." Draco waited for you as everyone was dismissed to head to the dining room. "Good job, y/n and Draco, on your potion. Oh, and here," the teacher gave you a small wrapped item. "A birthday gift from me." You accepted the gift and took it from the teacher's hands. "Thank you," you said with a smile. 

You ran over to Draco and started heading over to the dining area. You two walked in a comfortable silence half way there. "Happy birthday," Draco said, giving you a small box. You looked at him and then the box and took it. You opened the box and saw a silver bracelet that had your initials in green letters carved in the bracelet. You smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thank you," you said, burying your face into his neck. "You're welcome," he said, hugging back just as tight. 

You put on the bracelet and continued to walk to the dining hall. When you walked in, there was a small piece of cake at the place where you sat at the table. You sat down and smiled. Quite a few people walked by and congratulated you on your birthday and gave you cards or presents. Even Harry, Ron, and Hermione came to the Slytherin table and gave you a few items. "Thank you," you said them as they walked back to their table. They all smiled and waved at you, ignoring Draco's threatening glares.

"Hey, meet us in the Slytherin common room," Draco said. "Yea, I just have to check something really quick. I'll be there later," you said with a small smile and walked off. 

You walked to Professor Snape's class and knocked on the door frame. "Professor Snape?" He looked up and saw you. "What do you want?" he asked, looking back down to his paper work. "Can I ask you something about a spell?" "Yes, what is it?" he asked. "How much can the spell Crucio hurt if you use it with full power?" Snape looked up surprised. "How do you know about that spell?" He asked. "Please don't tell anyone," you started. "my parents use it on me sometimes..." you said, looking down. He stayed silent as if he were waiting for you to say more. "When the spell wears off, I feel like it could have been much much worse, like I haven't experienced enough pain. Look." You lifted up your sleeve and revealed bruises and scratches. "Some of them were from the spell..." You added on. "Well, y/n, the spell can bring much pain to the body. Each time you cast the spell on the same person, the worse it gets. If you continously say it to one person, the pain grows and grows. How many times have they said it on you?" "Only one time each." You say, pulling your sleeve back down. "Thank you, I just wanted to know," You say, walking off. "She's a strong one," Snape said to a cat. "We should notify Dumbledore, Snape." Snape thought about it, staying silent for a while. "It's true, it would be reasonable to reach out to someone, but there just isn't enough evidence in order to convict them..." Snape continued, looking back down at his papers. "Plus, it's not my problem." "You're a real man, Snape," McGonagall said, turning back into her human form.

 Y/n walked to the common room. She was greeted by many of her fellow Slytherins. "Hey, Draco," you said. "Hey, y/n," He replied with a smile. You laid your small head on his shoulder. "You okay?" He asked while fiddling with his sleeve. "You're my best friend, Draco. Don't leave me, please," you said, looking up at him. He wrapped his small arms around your body and pulled you into a hug and said, "Don't worry, I won't ever leave you."

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