Three Crazy Weeks With You ➳...

By Kjmonkey

448K 14.8K 11.7K

If Harry and Louis never tried out for the X-Factor would they still have met? Would their lives have still... More

Three Crazy Weeks With You » Larry Stylinson
* Author's Note *
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Cover Change??
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thrity-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
* Epilogue *
* Character Ask » Closed *
Bromance Awards??!?! Voting is open!?

Chapter Nine

11.4K 427 362
By Kjmonkey

AN:  Woo Hoo!  Another Chapter!!  Happy Valentines day to anyone reading this when it actually was Vday!  Also, this chapter is gonna reveal some more. . exciting!  Enjoy My Crazy Boobears!! Xx

xX Vote, Comment, and Share! ;D Xx


Harry’s POV

I could feel Louis breath on my lips and I was bout to close the small gap between us left, but then I squinted my eyes at the bright light coming from the front door.  I felt Louis back away quickly and I just stiffed at the sight of Gemma’s mouth agape staring at us still cuddled on the couch.  She probably even saw us leaning into each other for a kiss.  I cursed silently to myself.  I saw her slowly reach behind herself and close the door while using her other hand to turn on the lights, all while keeping her eyes on me and and Louis.  Her eyes went to me and then Louis and back again.

I ran my hand through my hard to break the very awkward staring, and said”umm Hi Gemma, I didn’t know you were gonna be home so early.”

She stayed put where she was, still a bit in shock and said,”Yeah well it started raining and I just decided to go home before it got too bad out.  Umm, Harry, who’s your . . friend?”

I looked over at louis and saw his face was pale of color and wide eyed.  I wonder if that is what I look like right now?  I sent him a reassuring smile and he soften a bit. Then I looked a Gemma and said,”Uhh this is Louis, my friend, Louis.”, and gestured to him.  Louis looked up at her and I could see him start to relax a bit and he waved at her.

Gemma’s face was still shocked, but I could tell there was some hurt leaking into her eyes and I felt my heart break a bit.  She composed her face after a few seconds of dead silence.  She walked over to Louis with a kindhearted smile and held her hand out to Louis.  “I’m Gemma Harry’s Sister.  it really nice to meet you Louis!”  Louis shook her hand and I could tell he was mostly calmed down now, as for me though I was a nervous wreck because I knew the moment Louis left later I was going to have to spill.  

“Well, I will let you too hang-out I am just going to head up to my room and chill.  Bye, boys.”, and then she was gone.

I sighed loudly and Louis looked over at me with an unreadable expression.  Then he said,”Harry, I umm I don’t know what just happened there, but I-I am gonna go.”

I closed the distance between us and placed my hand lightly on his shoulders saying,”Please don’t go, Lou.  I was having a good time hanging out with you.”

Louis looked up at me and I could see a glint of happiness there and then he said,”I really was too, but I-I just need to go now.”

I nervously asked,”This isn’t because before Gemma walked in is it?”

“No! Erm no I-I you are great Harry, but I just need some time to think, okay?”,Louis said while shifting from foot to foot nervously.

I dropped my hands down to his arms and pulled him into a hug.  Louis didn't pull back for awhile and we just stood there breathing in each other.  After another few seconds went by Louis let go and said,”I think I will just have Hannah come pick me up today.”

I cringed a bit inside and felt a tad sick.  Hannah.  Louis girlfriend.  Of course Louis needed to think some stuff over, even if he was about to kiss me tonight he was still dating her.  

Louis noticed my sudden mood change after he sent a text to Hannah and the said,”Remember when we were out in the rain and I said I needed to tell you something?”

I looked up having completely forgot,”Oh umm yeah?  What was it?”

Louis smiled brightly at me and I waited for him to answer.  “Well, it about Hannah.”

“What about Hannah?”,my heart started racing trying to figure out his news.

“Well, we aren’t dating.”,He smirked at me.

“Oh, that’s umm cool.”,I said trying to make it sound like I didn’t care.

“Yeah I will tell you more later about it, but I think Hannah is here.”

She was.  The I said,”Well, I mean sure you can tell me later.  Bye Lou.”

He turned towards me and said,”Bye, Harry.  Text me later, Yeah?”

“Umm sure.”, and then he was out the door running to the car to meet with Hannah.  I closed the door.  Not even a minute later I heard footsteps coming down the steps quickly and I turned around to find Gemma standing in front of me anger in her eyes and fresh tears on her cheeks.  This is where the fun begins.


Louis’ POV

I had just stepped into Hannah's car, my hair dripping water down on my face.  Hannah looked over at me and I looked back at her with so many emotions filling my body.  

“Okay, before you ask I told Harry were aren’t together anymore, okay?”

She smiled, and said,”I am glad you did Louis.  Did anything else happen?”

I saw her start the car and then I let out all the little details I could think of.  I told her about him touching my arms and how he winked at me.  I told her about going into his room and finding my name written in doodles.  She giggled at this and then I continued to tell her about how I fell asleep on him and woke with him playing with my hair.  She gave me a face as if to say awww.  I laughed and said,”That isn’t even the best part.”

She smirked at me and said,”What is?”

“I well we-umm-we erm”, I said while squirming in my seat remembering his lips only inches from mine.

“Spill it, Louis!”

“Sorry, umm we almost kissed.”

She looked a little thrown off and said with her eyebrows cocked up,”Almost?”

“Its not like either one of us backed out.  I leaned in and he leaned in.  I was fully ready to kiss him and I think he wanted to too.”

“Well obviously he did!  He leaned in too, Louis!”,She said rolling her eyes over at me and then continued by saying,”Well, what stopped you both then?”

“His sister got home at the exact moment before and was kinda shocked.  She wasn't mad but it got really awkward after that and then I told Harry I needed to go, but reassured him that I was still into him subtly by coming clean about you and me.”

“Oh sounds like a crap timing!  I am glad that you didn’t just run off though.”

“Why?”, I asked wondering what she meant by that.

“Well, most people just run out after situations like that without any warning.  I mean think if you didn’t reassure Harry that it wasn't all just a random spur of the moment.  He would be stressing about it for days, like a love sick puppy left on the street.  So, I am proud of you Louis.”, and she smiled big over at me.

“Thanks, Hannah.  So how was your day with Lauren?”

She grinned wickedly, and said,”Well, I didn’t want to one up your big news or anything, but she told me that she loves me.”  She started giggling like crazy, and I looked at her in shock.

“Wow, Hannah!  That is wonderful!  Wait?  You said it back right?”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!  I said it and then we couldn’t stop saying it!”,she said excitedly bouncing a bit in her seat.

I laughed and said,”Well, I am really happy for you two”

She got all mushy and said back,”Aww, Louis!”, but then I saw a tear fall down her face.

I looked at her worried because I knew they weren’t happy tears and said, “What’s wrong?”

She hurried to wipe the tear away and said,”I just know that I am gonna have to tell mom soon.”

I knew no matter what I said it wasn’t going to make to problem go away so I stayed silent.  She went to park in the garage and when she turned off the engine I got out and walked over to to her.  I held my arms out and she snuggled into me with her head against my chest.  We just stood there and I tried to comfort her by drawing circled on her back.  I gave her a light kiss on her head and she let go and smiled up at me muttering a thanks.  I reached out for her hand and she took it.  With that we walked into the house, and my thought turned to Harry and what he was going to tell his sister.


Harry’s POV

“Oh, umm hi Gemma”,I said stalling my explanation and nervously running my hand through my hair.

“Don’t try to think you can get away without telling me what is going on with you and this new guy.  Louis, was it?”

“Gemma, I don’t know what to tell you.  I don’t really know what is going on myself.”,I said sighing.

“Well, obviously you two are close seeing as you were cuddling, and unless I am wrong were about to kiss when I walked in, and I spoiled the moment.”

I put my hands to my face and rubbed them down my cheeks in frustration, and nervousness.  Then I walked over to the couch and she followed and sat down next to me, looking hurt now and the anger draining from her features.

“Is this what you have been hiding from me?  That you met some guy!”

“He isn’t just some guy, Gemma!”  I said defensively.

“Then tell me who he is!?”

“I don’t know?”, said throwing up my arms in defeat,”He’s a guy I met at the bakery at the start of summer break, and there was just this . . I don’t know how to explain it. . spark I guess.  We got on really well and then I got confused because I started to like him a bit more than I should, and now I get chills just thinking about him, Gemma.  I think I-I really like him and I still don’t know how it happened but it did and I have just accepted it.”,I said this all really fast and I was surprised she could keep up.

She sat there silent for a second and then said, “Sooooo let me wrap my head this.  My brother was a regular straight male before summer and now in just a weekish time he is falling head over heals for a new guy named Louis.”

I looked up at her and replied pleadingly,”I wanted to tell you believe me, Gemma I really did, but I didn’t even know what was going on myself.  I don’t know if I am bisexual or whatever you want to label it.  I just know I really like Louis and I think he might be starting to like me?  I want you to understand that I didn’t ask for this it just happened, okay?”

She looked a bit shocked,”You don’t think I am upset that you like Louis do you?”

“Well, erm I don’t know?  Are you?”, I asked nervously looking down at my hands in my lap.

“Look at me Harry,”she said and I did,”I love you and I don’t care if you attracted to him, I am just upset that you couldn’t tell me, but now I understand that you just didn’t know how to.”,she smiled reassuringly and I launched myself at her and gave her the biggest hug, tears streaming down my face.

“Oh Harry!  Don’t start crying.”

I laughed and pulled away from her and wiped my eyes.”Sorry, I just I have just had this bottled up for too long and have had absolutely no one to talk to about it.  I mean it was scary as heck when I noticed I liked him, but you know me I am quick to accept new things, and this was no different.  I just don’t know if he really likes me an-”

Gemma cut me off by saying,”Can I tell you something, Harry?”,with a wicked grin on her face.

“Uhh Yeah?”,I said waiting for her to explain.

“Louis likes you Harry.  I mean the way he was leaned in about to kiss you there is no doubt in my mind that he isn’t into you.  I think you should try again and next time don’t let me ruin it, yeah?”

“Thanks, Gemma.”

“No problem, Harry.”

The rest of night I spent in my room dreaming about what would have happened if Gemma hadn’t walked in.  What his lips would taste like on mine, and how long it would last.  Now, that Louis pretty much told me that he is single I just wanted to have him all to myself.  I wanted to devour him, but for now I settled for a text.

Hey, Louis.  Get home alright? :)

Not even a minute later he had texted back.  

Sat. July 28th 11:10 p.m.

Hey there, Harry! Yeah, the rain wasn’t really that bad. :)

I looked at the clock and sent a quick text saying. .

Its 11:11 Make a wish, Lou!


Sat, July 28th 11:12 p.m

Haha :P I did, and I really hope it comes true ;)

I wondered if his wish might have been about me?  Then replied. .

I hope so too ;)

Sat, July 28th 11:15 p.m

Have you talked to your sister yet, umm about today?


Yeah, she is okay now, just a bit shocked finding us on the couch.


Sat, July 28th 11:19 p.m

Haha yeahhhh :\

Then I was about to write back when a new text came in. .

Sat, July 28th 11:19 p.m

Sooo, Wanna come to Shannon’s tomorrow to hang-out? :)

I knew I had nothing going on tomorrow so I said. .

Yeah! :D

Sat, July 28th 11:21 p.m.

Great! I will see you tomorrow then at 5:30,yeah?


Sure that’s fine :)


Sat, July 28th 11:24 p.m

Okay then, but you better bring flowers this time ;)


Haha!  You will just have to wait and see won’t you? (;


Sat, July 28th 11:27 p.m

Harry, you tease!!


See you tomorrow, Louis :P


Sat, July 28th 11:31 p.m

You too, cheeky Harry :)


I closed my phone and layed down on my pillow, and dreamt of Louis lips on mine, before falling asleep.


AN: So they didn't kiss, buttttt Harry now knows about Hannah not being with Louis!  Harry could hardly contain his smug face when Louis spilled the beans haha!  So, Hauren or Lannah. . not sure which one to call them yet (What do you think?) said I love you's to each other!  Aww!!  Hannah is a bit upset though? :'(  Also, Harry told Gemma!? 

So what do you thinks gonna happen on when Harry comes over?  Good things???  Who knows?. . Well I do, but still. . ;P  Let me know your predictions! . . .and as always you lovely peeps you, please with carrots on top. . .

xXxX Vote, Comment, and Share! ;D XxXx

P.s.:  Also is anyone else freaking out a bit about the 22nd of Feburary, 2014? . . like what if nothing happends?  Or everything happends?  Or they deny it? Or they don't?  ahhh I don't kno how to cope with this?! D:

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