Dance Moms Recaps/Reviews

By dancemomsrecaps

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This story is just my opinion on episodes from season 4 Dance Moms. Message me any of your opinions you have... More

Dance Moms Recaps/Reviews
Season 4 Episode 1
Season 4 Episode 2
Season 4 Episode 3
Dance Moms Cares Special
Season 4 Episode 4
Season 4 Episode 5
Season 1 Episode 7

Season 4 Episode 6

137 5 1
By dancemomsrecaps

*WARNING* These chapters may contain spoilers from the episodes!!!

We start off the episode with pyramid. Abby tells the girls that the "face of the team is about to change." Just like she does every week, except this time she's a bit more serious. She walked out of the room and brought in a woman named Kim, and her daughter, who just so happens to be named Chloe. I thought Abby crossed the line when she told her to stand between Chloe and Paige. Abby then tells them they will be traveling to Vorhees, New Jersey to attend Onstage America.

First on the bottom of the pyramid was Kenzie for letting someone beat her. Next was Brooke for being on her phone too much. Then was Paige, for still having technical issues. Kendall was next, then Chloe for not being perfect in the trio. Right in the center of the middle row was the new Chloe for being outstanding at the audition which is bull, because this is her first week being there, and technically, she's just on the team to see if Abby truly wants her. Second to the top was Maddie for working well with Nia, and winning first in her solo division. Finally, on top of the pyramid was Nia, and she deserved it! She was the lead in a winning group. I'm so happy for her!

Abby tells Nia she doesn't have a solo, but a  jazz duet with Kendall called, "Pieces Together." She also is choreographing a group named, "Why Not Me," a solo for original Chloe entitled, "Seeing Red," and a solo for new Chloe named, "The First Day." 

Melissa was mad, though, that Maddie didn't get the oppurtunity to go up against the new Chloe, but let's face it, we all knew Abby would have both of the Chloes go up against each other.

The mothers then go up, and start asking Kim questions about herself. Kim reveals that she is a plastic surgeon, and the moms couldn't believe it. They all said they didn't want work done from her, because it looked like she had bad surgery herself. I don't want to sound mean, but I thought the exact same thing when I first saw her. 

Both of the Chloes has solo rehearsal together, and Abby started with original Chloe. Abby said Chloe is jealous in this piece, but it's called, "Seeing Red." I think Abby mixed "Seeing Red" with "Seeing Green." Red is the color for anger, not jealousy or envy. 

Abby then starts on new Chloe's solo. It's a lyrical solo, and it's about her "first day" of competition with the ALDC. While she was rehearsing, Kim was bragging up Chloe from her last studio, and then she went down to ask Chloe about her rehearsal. Original Chloe came up in to the viewing room, and Christi told Chloe that she is unique, and nobody can be her, and I felt so bad for original Chloe. I feel bad for even having to say "new" or "original" Chloe, but if I don't, this chapter would get very confusing, very fast. 

We come back from break, and Kim and Chloe come up to Abby at the front desk to give her a skin brightening system, and Abby said she hopes she doens't end up looking like Kim. Immediately following is group rehearsal. Abby says that the dance is a "period" piece from the 30s, about the French Cabaret. 

While the girls are rehearsing, Jill and Holly were still wondering what is going to become of the duet. Holly decides to go down and ask Abby about it, and they are both nervous. Once asked, Abby tells them that they'll try to start tonight, and if they didn't, it would be pulled because of the abundance of numbers. Good job Jill for pushing Holly out of the room before the duet was pulled automatically. 

Only a day away from competition, Chloe starts with solo rehearsal. While she's rehearsing, Kim's old studio owner calls. He says that he didn't know that she was going out to Pittsburgh, and Kim said she didn't feel as though he needed to know. He said some not so nice things about the team and the girls, and Kim also did, saying that Chloe was "dancing circles" around the other girls. Meanwhile, the day before, Abby kept yelling at her for simple technical errors that should've been fixed the first time the correction was given. 

Finally! Duet rehearsal! Holly said it looked as though the duet wasn't as thought out as most of the numbers lately. Jill was really mad because it was hardly finished, and they had been there all day, and the duet got like zero attention. Jill went to go complain straight to Abby, and long story short, Abby pulled the duet. 

They arrive at competition in New Jersey, and they are getting in to the dressing room when Abby brought something up. She said that last time they were there, old Chloe dropped her hat in the routine (Pink Lemonade) and was suspended from the team. Even Christi was intentionally telling her to kick her off of the team because she was done.

Kim was trying to get Chloe ready for the solo, and she didn't have the needle for the hair piece. She said she didn't usually sew, and that she didn't really know what to do. Melissa offered to help, and everyone was saying that she shouldn't trust her to help her with the hair, and everything like that, which I didn't really get until later in the episode, but I'll get to that. However, Melissa was right, Kim was clueless.

After the girls got ready, the solos and duet made their way to the stage. First up was Nia and Kendall's duet. They came out and looked great. From the facials to the costume, it wa just great. I thought that they were together practically the whole time except for one of the first turn sequences, and it did look a bit sloppy, but other than that, I thought it was strong and aggresive, just like it should be. 

Next up was orginial Chloe. I thought she looked great. I don't think, however, her facials really kicked in until the words started and she did the calypso out of her turns, but still, even her turns were fabulous. When she did pull her facials, they were so full of anger it was amazing. Personally, my favorite part, was the very end when she smeared her lipstick stained hands on to her cheeks. She nailed everything, even her turns, which were graceful when they needed to be, and hard-hitting when they needed to be. Just beautiful. 

Lastly, new Chloe. I thought what was really sweet was when Maddie gave her some really good advce before going on stage. However, her dancing was a bit off. I felt like she rushed through a lot of the movements that were meant to be more of breaths. Her turns were great, but she didn't have any type of facial or emotion during them. I know original Chloe didn't during the first set of turns, but new Chloe didn't have facials with any of the turns. Her turns were good though, don't get me wrong. Her head piece did end up falling out, and it made her stumble big time in her last turns and in her last roll on to the ground. Overall it was a nice solo, but nothing spectacular.

When they got in the dressing room, Kim immediatley blames Melissa for the hair piece, but I don't think she would do something like that, no matter how much she wants her daughter ahead. Like the moms said, they might be dance moms, but they aren't like that. Abby then came in, and told Kim that the original Chloe showed the new Chloe what she needed to be doing, and I was so glad she said that, because I think that original Chloe out danced new Chloe by far.

The girls strutted out on stage for the group dance, and in to postition. The costumes looked great on everyone, and the chair was a nice little touch. Brooke and Mackenzie were doing really good moves on the chair and on to the floor. The rest of the girls got the job done, and I'm not saying that in a bad way, but I just didn't like this group as much as the others, I mean, it just didn't really make me feel anything. However, it was good, and I have heard that the music that was featured on the show wasn't the real music and it was better with the original music, so maybe if I look that up, it'll make me like it more, I'm not sure.

When the moms got back in the dressing room, Kim was making excuses for Chloe, saying that it must have been an off day for her. That was a major excuse, until she said that it was the choreography, and that it wasn't up to what she's used to doing, which I highly doubt. I say this, because it looked like she was having a bit of a hard time in rehearsal and on stage with Abby's choreography. Kim also said she wasn't sure if she wanted to stay on the team, and with the moms. She left the room, to find Abby in the hall. Abby walked her back in and the moms told Abby all about how Kim was bad mouthing her, and usually I don't like when the moms tattle on eachother, but I was glad they did this time, because I just didn't like Kim. I get that it was probably for TV, but still, I just couldn't handle her. 

Finally it's time for awards! The Junior solo division was up first and original Chloe ended up getting third runner up (fourth place) which I just couldn't believe. I thought this was one of her best danced/choreographed solos of all time. New Chloe ended up getting first runner up (second place) and I couldn't believe that either, but whatever. The duet category was next, and they ended up getting second runner up (third place) which I thought was pretty good, considering it was a bit sluggish, choreography-wise. The group ended up getting first overall which is great, but just like Abby said, the legs could have been straighter and the timing could have been better. 

That was about all for this episode. I hope you enjoyed not only the episode, but also my chapter.

(I will have the newest episode up tonight or tomorrow night, for sure, I'm putting it, legit, on my calendar. If you wanna chat about the episodes or the chapter message, comment or kik me! Thanks!)

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