Foster father? Lover?

By ahamaria77

19.3K 459 32

I'm tired of running. I just wanna spend my life with someone I love and someone that loves me the same. I've... More

Part 1
Part 2
What now?
Someone help me
I love you
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27

What do you want me to do?

1.5K 31 5
By ahamaria77

"Toby. You're back. How's Thomas?"

"Good. Are you ok? Come give me a hug, it's like you've just seen a ghost."

"Uh of course, I haven't seen in in like a month! No calls, no texts, no nothing and you just come back like this?"

"Why are you mad? What other way was I supposed to see you? What's going on? Are you not happy that I'm here?" He looked crushed.

"No. Of course I'm happy to see you, sorry. I wasn't myself right there."

I ran to give him a hug and I felt him immediately relax under my touch.

"Let's go to sleep."

"Right now? I thought we were leaving this place to start over together?"

"I know! I want to and we will but I want to finish high school first!" I blurted out.

"What? Since when do you want to go to school?" He chuckled.

"If we're on the run, we'll need money and the only way we'll make enough money is if we have a high school diploma or whatever. You can come to school with me here! I'm sure we could find some way to enroll you..."

"Babe. I'm going to finish in a month so there would be no point in me leaving my school now and besides I can take care of you. All I need is you to be beside me."

"Now who's professing their love?" I smirked.

"Shut up before I take it back." He laughed.

"Well I want to know I at least completed high school so can we just wait til we finish? Then I'll be 18 and they can't get in the way of us being together."

"Ok. Ok fine. As long as I get to stay here with you."

"If you're not caught."

"I won't get caught. And even if I do, there's nothing that can keep me from you."

After that, I snuggled into the covers with him but couldn't think of anything except for Christian. I managed to hide Toby for another day and then I realized I had to go to school tomorrow. Who would send me to school on a Friday?  But anyways, I'm so nervous but then again I'm happy I'll be able to say that I graduated high school. Everything was going ok until I heard the violent scream.

"What's going on in here?!!! Get out of my house before I call the cops!" Christian screamed at Toby.

Toby got dressed so fast, gave me a kiss on the cheek and said he would see me later on that day. Then he ran out of the room and slammed the front door shut. Christian looked enraged and came into the room like he was going to punch a hole in the wall but then he turned and walked out. I waited until I heard him shout in his room and then yelled at me to be ready in 10 minutes so he could take me to school. I rushed to get out of bed, brush my teeth, and then put on a random outfit that fit me pretty well if I do say so myself. I hurried downstairs and the maid told me that Christian was outside already so I fled out the door with all my school stuff and was entering the car when he said, "Sit in the back seat. I can't even look at you right now."

He didn't say anything the whole car ride so it was pretty awkward. The only time he would look at me is when he glared at me through the mirror. When we arrived, he got out of the car and gave me the look that says I'm supposed to follow him, so I got out and walked a few steps behind him to keep the distance. The school was much bigger than I was excepting and I was expecting really big.

"This is your schedule. I'll see you later." Then walked out.

1st pd: AP Lit

2nd pd: AP Calc

3rd pd: AP European History

4th pd: AP Psychology

5th pd: AP Biology

6th pd: Chorus 1 A/B

7th pd: Study Hall

Great. Like they couldn't have tried to space out my classes, all AP classes? How am I ever going to pass this year? I heard the bell ring and saw everyone rushing to a classroom. Ok so room 143? Does my GPS work in here? It should. I kept walking around and didn't notice when I ran into someone knocking all their stuff over.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I'm sort of new here and I can't find my class."

"That's quite alright. It's not like I have a concussion or anything." She bursted out laughing. "What room are you looking for?"

"Uh, 143?" Handing her my schedule.

"Well you would never find it on this floor. 143 is in the basement and also my 1st period. Come on, i'll show you. Oh my name is Sophia by the way."

"Thanks, I'm Harmony."

"Oh! You're Harmony?"

"You've heard of me?"

"Yeah, the guys said new bait is pretty hot and her name was Harmony so I'm guessing it's you. Unless there's another transfer girl here named Harmony. Be on the lookout for the guys, they look sweet but are real punks sometimes. Oh but also be on the lookout for your 4th period teacher."


"Cause he's the best looking teacher in the whole school and is around our age!! I've heard girls say that he likes to mess around with them after school but of course he says they stay for "extra credit". I'd love to get some of that extra credit." She waggled her eyebrows and I burst out laughing.

I think I found my new best friend. After 1st period, Sophia gave me her number and said I'd see her at lunch which was after 4th period. Period 2 and 3 were pretty boring, more than what I remembered school being. They were practically reviewing what I learned last year so I guess it won't be that hard to keep up. I managed to find my 4th period since it was across the hall from my 3rd. I sat in the back hoping not to draw a lot of attention from students. But of course Peter would have to to sit next to me. He's been in every single one of my classes the whole day and decides to sit next to me just to occasionally sniff me and stare at me making me feel awkward. I ignored him while facing away waiting for the teacher to come into the classroom. As soon as the teacher came in, I completely forgot how to breathe so instead I grasped onto my desk getting weird looks from the other students. I bet they would have the same expression if they found out that their teacher, the so called hot one, is Christian!! The guy I have been living with for the last month. How did I not know the guy I live with is a teacher? And how could he not have told me?!

"Ms. Lopez, are you ok?"

I turned to Christian and then ran out of the classroom. I didn't even know I ran out until I felt myself actually breathing again and he called out to me to come back into the classroom.

"Harmony! I'd like to see you after class. Now take your seat!"

I sat down getting different looks from a lot of people. Some guys winked at me, others blowing kisses at me while the girls were giving me disgusted looks especially after hearing that I was staying after class with Christian-Mr. Gomez. How lame am I? I forget how to breathe, run out of class, and then realize I know nothing about Christian. Not even his last name till today. For the rest of class, I just sat there staring at the wall waiting for the bell to ring. When it finally rang, I tried to mix in with the group of students to avoid staying after with Chri-Mr.Gomez, but he looked my way and said, "nuh uh uh. Come here and close the door."

I gulped and watched the students walk out, some giving me sympathetic looks. I closed the door and walked towards his desk.

"What do you want Christian?"

"What was that in the beginning of class. You looked like an idiot. I haven't told anyone about you living with me since you're my student and are a minor living with me. That would send the wrong message to everyone. I tried to make your life better by having me as your teacher and now I don't even know why, just to catch you whoring it up with some guy?"

"Excuse me?! I'm not "whoring" it up with anyone. For your information, he is my boyfriend and I haven't even slept with him like that! He just slept in my room! Not like it's any concern to you what I do with my life!"

"It does when you live under my roof!"

"I never asked to live under your roof!"

"Well you do and I specifically told you no boyfriends!! And you go behind my back to bring him in?"

"Technically I didn't bring him in, he came in by himself."

"How? My house is protected by security."

"Obviously not protected enough if he could get in."

He was about to scream again when my phone vibrated.

"Who is it?! That boy that was in my house earlier?!"

"No and besides it's not any of your business who contacts me!"

"Again, that's where you're wrong. I pay for your phone bill! I am allowed to know everything and everyone that contacts you!"

"Calm down Hulk Man! It's just one of my new friends. She said to meet her during lunch to chill and stuff."

"What friend? What's her name?"


"Answer the question." He interrupted me.

"Her name is Sophia. And no! I don't know her last name but I'm pretty sure you can get it!"

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, don't play dumb! The whole "after school extra credit" stuff? That's garbage. No wonder you needed a break from Veronica. She might be evil but your the monster trying to get with any girl that looks at you for more than a second!"

"Take that back! It's not true! The aft-"

He was cut short when a girl came into the room and looked back and forth between me and him and asked if everything was ok.

"Yes. Everything is perfect. I will be able to catch up with all my classes very soon! Thanks for your help Mr.Gomez." I said while leaving the room.

Thanks to the years of acting school. I believed I was home free but then I felt my phone vibrate and the text message said, "We're not done. We'll talk later. Wait for me down by the cafe around the corner after school."

I exited out of the text and found the 10 messages from Sophia. I chuckled at my new friend's excitedness to get to know me. I called her and met her by the stairs outside but she was also out there with Peter. Oh Lord help me.

"Hey you guys."

"Where have you been?!" Ignoring Peter's existence altogether.

"Mr. Gomez asked me to stay after class for a bit."

"Ooooohhhhh! Shut up! For what? Did he make any moves? Tell me everything."

I glanced over to Peter as he still stood there.

"Oh! Go away Peter! I need to know my stuff about my new best friend!" She basically screamed in his ear.

I laughed sympathetically while he said bye and walked away.

"Not much happened. I sort of had a major breakdown when I saw how hot he really was and sort of forgot to breathe and ran out of the class making a fool of myself in front of the whole class!" I lied through my teeth. He asked me to stay after and he asked if I was alright and also that I'm behind but I can catch up pretty soon if I had someone to help me."

"Oh my God!!!! That's so embarrassing! I'm sorry but that's sort of funny! And I can help you catch up! I can come by yours later on today?"

"No! I mean I would have to ask my parents if it's ok first."

"Oh ok. No prob. And I'm pretty good with parents so I have a good feeling they will say yes and like me forever and ever!"

"Ok. ok. Ill ask but don't get too excited in case they say no."

"But they'll say yes." She smiled.

We spent the rest of lunch just talking about the different places I could go around the area to meet more people and stuff. The last 3 classes were easy! I just slept the last 2 periods, but now I have to go meet Christian. Woot. Woot. Here goes nothing. I waited where he told me to and he finally pulled up and told me to quickly get in. He start driving and then out of nowhere start yelling at me again.

"Who told you that I "mess around" with students after school?"

"Mostly any girl with a mouth." I lied again trying to keep Sophia out of trouble.

"Well they're wrong. You can stay after school and see that they actually do work, turn it in, and leave. Like actual students would do for a teacher."

"What are you telling me for? It's not like I care what or who you do!"

When we got to the house, he stopped and looked at me. "Of course you do. I also know you don't want that guy that was in your room for these last two days."

"What? You knew?"

"Of course I knew."

"Why did you wait until today to kick him out then?!"

"I have my reasons and I don't have to tell you anything. Anyways, back to what I said, I knew it was true since you didn't deny it."

"Deny what?"

"That you don't want him, but want me instead."

"That's not true. I do want Toby!"

"Prove it then! Right now. He's at the house waiting for you."

"He is? You let him in?"

"I'm not a monster. After I dropped you off, I went to find the little punk and left him at the house which is why I came late into class."

"Ok. So how will I prove that I want to be with him instead of you?"

"Kiss him and take all your stuff and leave. I won't report you missing until I know you are so far away that they won't find you."

"Are you serious?" I ran inside the house and saw my Toby waiting for me.

I ran to him and felt him embrace me. I waited until Christian came in and kissed Toby full on the mouth. Then I ran upstairs and got my stuff and came back in less than 3 minutes. I took Toby's hand and ran to the door but stopped when I looked back to see Christian's face. He looked crushed. I put my suitcase back on the ground and looked at Toby.

"Toby, I can't go with you."

"Why not?!"

"I just can't, ok? Not now."

"That's all you've been saying since we left the house which was a month ago!"

"Well things have changed. I love you Toby but maybe not the way I thought I did. Maybe I thought you were the one for me since you have been the only one that has stayed with me throughout everything but I think I just see you as my best friend that I'm too selfish to give up."

"Is that how you really feel?"

"Yeah. I think so."

"Fine. We won't be more than friends but we won't be that either. If I can't have you Harmony, then I don't want to see you at all." He gave me a long kiss on the cheek while a tear sprung out of his eye and he walked out.

I stood there speechless while the tears poured out of my eyes and I fell to the ground. I feel like someone came and pulled my heart out. I felt arms wrap around me but I pushed them away running towards the closest room and shut the door hoping Christian wouldn't follow.

I stayed in there all night but somehow woke up in my bed. I went to the bathroom and saw my reflection. I looked like an ogre! My mascara ran down my face and the eye shadow was stretched across my cheeks. I rushed into the bathroom to take a shower and remembered what happened yesterday and the tears start to pour again. I had lost my best friend in the whole world because I couldn't love him the way he loves me. I'm really a monster. After 2 hours in the freezing cold shower, Christian knocked on the door and begged me to come out. I refused to come out but I knew I couldn't stay in the bathroom all day so I turned off the water and wrapped the towel around me. I checked my phone expecting some sort of message from Toby saying to meet him somewhere like he thought i was kidding about what i said. I wish i was kidding about what i said because i wouldn't be feeling so empty right now. No messages from Toby but i got a lot from Sophia. I ignored them, throwing my phone on my bed, walking back into my room and spotted Christian running back into my room and giving me a long hug. I just stood there not feeling strong enough to push him off and let him hug me.

"You're freezing!" He wrapped a blanket around me. "I'm so sorry. I seriously did not mean for any of that to happen. I gave you the choice to leave and you could have taken it or he could have fought harder for you."

"Stop babbling. It was my fault. I did have the chance to leave but then I saw your face and I just knew I don't have feelings for him like I thought I did."

"My face? What does that have anything to do with you not leaving? Does that mean you're admitting your feelings for me?"

"You looked crushed! I couldn't have left just like that and no I'm not. I'm just saying I realized I didn't love him in that way."

"Oh. Well I only looked that way because then there would be no reason to keep Veronica away, not because I was sad that I thought you wanted to be with Toby instead of me."

"Uh huh. Sure."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing but the fact that you just didn't expect me to actually want to leave."

"Well you didn't, so."

"I know but I should have."

"No you shouldn't have because then I couldn't have done this."

He leaned forward and placed his lips on mine, intensifying the kiss while pulling me as close as I could get to him. I thought this was the most perfect moment of my life, but of course life has it's own way with screwing with me by sending the witch of my life back to my front doorsteps.

"What the fuck is going on in here?!" Veronica screeched loudly.

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