hello teenager - SHINee Fanfic

By EXO_L_uhan

23.4K 727 268

This is a SHINee fanfic where a girl named Sana is chosen to be the teenager of the reality celebrity show, H... More

Dedication (Not really a part)
Introducing each other
Introducing each other Part 2
Special Guest
Which One?
Amusement Park
Amusement Park part 2
HAPPY BDAY MINHO!!(not a part)
Movie Time
Movie Time part 2
Shanghai part 2
Shanghai part 3
One, Two, Three!
Mission: "Date"
Mission: "Date" 2
Mission: "Date" 3
Mission: "Date" 4
Mission: "Date" 5
Last Day of Hello Teenager

Mission: "Date" 6

333 10 13
By EXO_L_uhan


I looked at my calendar. Count down: 10 days left. I sighed out loud. I'm really sad that I won't be able to see SHINee anymore after this. I felt like crying. I wanna hang out with them more.

Without knowing it, a tear was already streaming down my face. It was pretty dumb of me to start crying. Then I felt an arm around me. I quickly wiped my tears and looked up to see Minho's handsome face.

"You okay?" He asked. He hugged me and my tears became uncontrollable.

"I don't wanna leave you guys." I said quietly.

"It's ok, Sana." He said, hugging me. His hand was gently rubbing my back, reassuring me everything will be okay.

"Hey, I wanna take you somewhere today." He said. My gosh, his voice was so soothing.

"Really?" I said, looking up at him.

"Yeah, go put on something nice. We're going to take a lot of photos." Minho said, then left the room to go change. I walked over to my closet and stood there, thinking about what to wear.

"Let's see, a dress. My nice white dress." I wonder where we're going today.

I brushed my hair, and added a small white flower to match my outfit, grabbed purse, my phone, some money, and walked out the door.

I walked into the living room where the guys were doing their usual business.

"You look nice." I heard a deep voice say behind me. I turned around and there was Minho smiling at me. Handsome as usual. He was wearing a dark long coat which suited him very well.

"Oh, thank you." I said, looking down. Still shy after all this time. What the heck, you've been with him for 3 months and still cant take a compliment without turning into a tomato? Then I felt his hand touch my cheek. I looked up.

"Haha, you're so cute" He said chuckling and looking into my eyes. Damn it why are you doing this to me >< hes so cool and jkixaksiviwkeoai

"Yah! No flirting! There are CHILdren in this room!" Key said, interrupting the moment as usual.

"What's flir-ting?" Yoogeun asked.

"Haha, its nothing, Yoogeun-ah. Don't worry about it." Onew said.

"Can we play Power Ranger, Onew-appa?" Yoogeun asked Onew.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Onew said following Yoogeun into his room.

"Have fun on your-- ~" Onew said softly to Minho. He nudged Onew playfully. On what? Trip? Date? No nononononononononononono not a date. Never why would Minho go out with me. LOOK AT ME IM HIDIOUS!

I looked at Minho confused.

"It's nothing." He said reassuringly.

We got into Minho's car and he drove us to the place. The place was Gyeongbokgung Palace. It was beautiful.

"Wooooooooow...." I said in awe.

"I know, right? It's beautiful. We should take tons of pictures." Minho said, looking for a parking.

We got out of the car and immediately started taking pictures. We took selfies and pictures of each other using a Polaroid camera and his phone.

We walked to the souvenir shop. Minho was holding my hand the entire time. It felt amazing... like it was meant to be... But it's not -.-

"Awww this is so pretty!" I said to myself reaching for the necklace to touch it. It had a locket on it, shaped like a heart. It was silver with small gems on it. I took a look at the price and put it back.

"Dang... that's like 50 US dollars. What a rip-off." I looked around more for something cheaper. There was a small picture frame that was just the right size for a Polaroid picture. It was only $5 too!

"I'll have one of this please." I said to the lady. And I paid for it. I didn't want Minho paying for me so I bought it when he wasn't looking. I looked back at the necklace. It's so pretty.... Oh well.... :(

That night, we went out to a small market to eat some street food.

"Let me pay for something for once! ~" I said to Minho, who was blocking the way to the man handing us the food with his huge build.

"Nah, I'm paying for it." He said smiling at me. Aish, these guys. But hes sooo cool doing it ><

"But you're paying for everything!" I said. He's spent WAY too much on me today. Ride, souvenirs, food.... aish.

We sat down at a table outside of a small café, looking at the sky.

"The stars look beautiful..." I said.

"Remember when we made a wish on the Ferris wheel?" Minho said, bringing back unforgettable memories.

"Yeah... did yours come true?" I asked, looking at him. We made eye contact and he smiled.

"If I was able to make you happy these past few months," He said, looking at the stars. "Then yes, my wish did come true." 

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