hello teenager - SHINee Fanfic

By EXO_L_uhan

23.4K 727 268

This is a SHINee fanfic where a girl named Sana is chosen to be the teenager of the reality celebrity show, H... More

Dedication (Not really a part)
Introducing each other
Introducing each other Part 2
Special Guest
Which One?
Amusement Park
Amusement Park part 2
HAPPY BDAY MINHO!!(not a part)
Movie Time
Movie Time part 2
Shanghai part 2
Shanghai part 3
One, Two, Three!
Mission: "Date"
Mission: "Date" 2
Mission: "Date" 3
Mission: "Date" 4
Mission: "Date" 6
Last Day of Hello Teenager

Mission: "Date" 5

317 10 10
By EXO_L_uhan


Onew was driving while I was sitting next to him in the passenger's seat. BTS's song, Save Me was playing while I looked out the window, watching the trees zoom by.

"Are you excited, Sana?" Onew asked me. There's never any awkwardness with Onew and me. We always have something to talk about, or to joke about.

"Yeah! This is going to be so much fun!" I responded. We were going to an animal adoption center. I really, like, really like puppies. They're so cute!!!

We arrived at the place, got out of the car, and practically ran to the doors. Inside, there were dogs, cats, birds, fish, and so much more. The kittens were in a tall cage, playing around with each other. There was a small grey one that was sitting against the cage wall, looking at us. Onew and I went up to it and the kitten stuck out its paw through the cage, as if it wanted us to shake its hand.

"Awww! Its so cute!" I squealed as I held its paw like a baby's palm. Onew placed his arm around me, and I found comfort in it. We stepped inside the pen full of puppies. They tried jumping onto our laps and licked our faces. We laughed and had lots of fun together. We even tried to teach them some tricks.

After spending hours and hours at the adoption center, we stopped by at a ramen place.

"Yay! I love ramen so much!" Japanese food is my favorite kind of food in the world. Buy me any kind of Japanese food and I'm yours. Lol.

We walked inside and sat at a table for two. After ordering, we didn't really have anything to do, so it was a bit awkward.

We talked about how the reality show was coming to an end soon and that we should hang out together again some time. With Yoogeun too!

Hours went by so fast that when we got home it was around 10pm.

"Ya! What took you so long?!" Minho complained as we walked in.

"We were having so much fun at the adoption center! The puppies were just too cute!" I said excitedly. I really wish I had a puppy, all I have is a pet fish at home, which isn't really fun to have. It just swims around back and forth in the tank all day.

I walked to my room and sat at my desk, admiring the pictures hanging on the wall. All the memories we shared over these few months. I started thinking about feelings for the SHINee members. Sounds pretty dumb but I thought it was important. Taemin. Well, he's very fun to be around. Always has something to talk about and things to do. I don't mean to friendzone, but he's like my caring older brother, or something like that. Jonghyun. He's such a romantic. He's also very emotionally moved. It's adorable though. It's too bad I'm too young to date him and stuff. (A/N aren't we all tbh ;-;) Key. Key is like my best friend who's always there for me. I can always rely on him for anything and he's also like my shoulder to cry on. Onew. OMG ONEW IS ADORABLE! He's a little quiet at first but when we played at the adoption center, he was talking to them, petting them, feeding them, and laughing so much! I don't think I had ever seen him so energetic before XD. Minho. Wow I don't even think words can describe the memories I shared with him. All the moments I spent with him were so special. Especially the Ferris Wheel. He's so good with his words too! I think of all the guys, he really stood out to me. All the SHINee members are amazing, but I think Minho really, ugh this is gonna sound cliché, but he really captured my heart.

After some thought about what happened this week, I realized something. Was this a mission for the show? I had completely forgot about missions. Cameras only came once in a while during the times I were with the members. Did the act nicely because they like me? Or because of the cameras... I was hurt at the thought of acting nice because of the camera. Nah, they're not snakes. They're nicer than that.

I tried to forget about it and walked to Yoogeun's room.

Jonghyun's POV

"Yah, who do you think Sana likes the most?" Key asked. That was a good question. We were all at the couch talking and eating some snacks while Sana and Yoogeun were playing together in their room.

"Honestly she liked Taemin first so probably him." Onew stated. Good point... I was kinda hurt but hey, I'm too old for her anyways.

"I really hope it's me!" Taemin said, eyes sparkling and all.

Taemin's POV

I really want to be Sana's favorite. After being almost last with Yoogeun, I want to make it up and be #1 now.

Minho's POV

I thought about how Taemin actually felt about Sana. Me and him talked a little yesterday and he just talked about being #1, nothing really about liking her... that way... I'm way too old for this what the heck. She doesn't have a boyfriend, which I'm surprised, but she'd probably like someone as hot as Kai, or something.

Key's POV

I never really saw Sana as a "love" option like the maknae's and Jonghyun do. She was more of my little sister. We go shopping a lot together. Her style of clothing is ON point! Scratch that, she's like my best friend.

Onew's POV

It's either Taemin, Minho, or possibly Jonghyun. Jongyun and I talked a little a few days ago, and he kinda gave up on hanging out with Sana more, since she probably prefers Taemin and Minho. Sana's personality is so cheerful though, and she's nice and polite. Her smile is contagious too. She deserves someone really special.  

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