capture [camren]

Da URGHlernjergi

444K 9.7K 1.1K

Lauren Jauregui is an intern for a photography company. She was assigned to a project for a runway and her ey... Altro

twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
forty three.
forty four.
forty five - final chapter.


9.2K 193 2
Da URGHlernjergi


"Yes, mom, I've got everything. Flight is in three hours." I said, walking around the apartment and making sure I have everything packed. "Will I get to meet Camila, Mija?" She asked. "Yes, and Mrs Cabello as well, we're on the same flight together." I said. "Great mija, I'll let you prepare for your flight now, tell Camila that I can't wait to meet her." She replied. "Okay Mom, can't wait to see you. I love you." I said. "I love you too Mija." She replied and ended my phone.

To Camz:

You done packing?

From Camz:

Not really, still have a few things left though.

To Camz:

Is it okay if I come over? I just have two suitcases.

From Camz:

Go ahead, see you soon baby. And no flowers, I know you like to surprise me but not this time.

To Camz:

Alright ☹️

From Camz:

Stop being so cute.

To Camz:

Hehe 😁😁 love you

From Camz:

love you too 😘😘

I put my phone down and gathered my suitcase and bag for travel. I locked my door and waited for my Uber downstairs. "Hey Lo, leaving so soon?" Normani asked, stepping out of Dinah's car. "Yea. Camz wanted to go back home together." I said. "Alright, have fun in Miami." She replied, hugging me. "You're not going home for Thanksgiving?" I asked. "No, I'm going to Dinah's this time then going back for Christmas." She said. "Okay, have fun." I replied.

"Ralph!" I heard Dinah call from her car. "What?" I asked. "Hop in, to Mila's right?" She asked and I nodded, cancelling my Uber then dragging my suitcases to her car. I loaded the trunk and got in the passenger seat. "Thanks for the ride." I said. "It's nothing." Dinah replied, waving her girlfriend goodbye then reversing out of the parking lot. "Do you want to pick up anything?" She asked. "No, Camz won't let me buy her flowers." I pouted and she laughed. "Well, she'll still like it if you bought them." She said. "Maybe I'll just buy one." I replied. "I'll drive by the florist." She took a turn to the florist nearby.


"Where're the flowers?" Camila asked as she opened the door for me. "I didn't get flowers." I said, bringing my suitcases into the apartment. "Just give it." She replied and I pulled out a single white rose I had slot into my back pocket. "That's cute." She said, kissing me. "Where's your mom?" I asked. "In the bedroom, still packing." She said. "Alright." I replied, kissing her again and sitting down on the couch. "Mom! Lauren's here!" Camila yelled, going to her room.

"Lo, can you help me?" She asked. "Of course." I replied, getting up from the couch and following her to the bedroom to see a giant mess on her bed. "Geez, what are you packing? It's just for a month and a half and there's no snow." I asked. "Shut up, I need to look cute in Miami." She replied. "You need to look cute? For who?" I asked. "For you of course." She said. "No thanks, you're not wearing a bikini to the beach." I replied. "Then how am I going to show my body off to you?" She asked. "You don't, you'll only show it when I fuck you like this." I said, thrusting my hips into her butt. "Woah, woah, woah, my mom is in the next room, keep your voice down." She replied and I laughed, kissing her cheek.

"What do you need help for?" I asked. "Help me pack, I'll fold." She said. "Okay." I replied, sitting down with her suitcases. "Do I get anything in return?" I asked as she passed me her shirt. "No, you're my girlfriend, you have to do this." She said. "Rude, fuck this shit." I replied, throwing the shirt at her. "Lauren!" She scolded and I laughed, taking the shirt, folding it and placing it in her suitcase. "I'll give you a fifteen minutes massage." She said. "Thirty minutes." I bargained. "Fine." She gave in. I cheered and continued helping her pack.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked. "Yea, hold on." Camila said, going back to her room. "Mrs Cabello, let me help you with your suitcases." I said, going up to my girlfriend's mother and taking her suitcase. "Thank you, Lauren." She replied and I smiled, bringing her suitcase to the door. "Okay, let's go." Camila said, turning off everything in the apartment. We left the apartment, locking it then heading downstairs to get to the car that was waiting downstairs. I helped to put all the suitcases into the trunk. "Thanks, babe." Camila said, placing a kiss on my cheek as I opened the door for her and her mom. "It's nothing." I replied. Sinu smiled at me then got in the car. I walked over to the passenger seat of the car and we headed to the airport.

"Is Sofi and Papa going to be there at the airport?" Camila asked. "Yea, they'll pick us up, how about you Lauren? We can give you a lift back home." Sinu offered. "My mom will be there, but thanks for the offer." I replied.


The flight back home was rough, there was a kid sitting behind me that wouldn't stop whining and kicking the back of my seat while Camila and Sinu managed to fall asleep. I got fed up and looked behind me, glaring at the stupid kid and it managed to get him to stop kicking or making noise. "So sorry." The mother apologised and I turned back around and continued reading my book. I looked over at my sleeping girlfriend and stroked her face gently, trying not to wake her up. I placed a kiss on her forehead then looked back at my book.

"How was the flight for you?" Camila asked, clinging onto my arm and placing her head on my shoulder while we waited for our suitcases. "Absolute shit, some kid kept whining and kicking my seat." I said. "I'm sorry." She replied, kissing my cheek. "It's fine, watching you sleep was cute though." I said. "Creepy." She mumbled. "You also do the same." I argued. "But you did it in public." She said. "No one cares." I replied, gently nudging her to let go so I can get the suitcases.

"Kaki!" I heard a little girl yell and Camila immediately ran towards her, abandoning her suitcases. I noticed it was her sister and recalled the Skype calls we had. "Sofi, you remember Lauren from Skype right?" Camila asked as I brought over her bags. "Hi, Sofi." I said. "Lauren!" She smiled, running towards me and I bent down hugging her. "It's really nice to meet you Sofi." I said. "It's nice to meet you too." She replied. "I have a gift for you, by the way." I said, standing up to get a paper bag, containing the gift. "Here." I said, passing it to the little girl. She opened it and pulled out a teddy bear and she smiled. "What must you say to Lauren?" Camila asked. "Thank you!" Sofi smiled, hugging me and I smiled. "You're welcome." I replied.

My mom arrived and I gave her a hug then introduced her to Camila. "Is this the legendary Camila?" My mom asked, hugging my girlfriend. "Yes mom, the legendary Camila." I said, embarrassed. "Now you know how I feel." My girlfriend replied. "Whatever." I mumbled. We talked for a bit more then separated to go to our own homes. "Text me alright? I love you." I said, holding Camila's hand. "I will, I love you too." She replied, kissing me.

"Camila is really nice." My mom said as she drove us back home. "Yea?" I asked. "Can I invite her over for Thanksgiving?" She asked. "I can ask her for you, she'll probably say yes." I said. "That's great! But would you mind if I invite your aunt over?" She asked. "Then I better not invite Camz over, you know how Aunt Susan is like, she'll go apeshit at me." I said. Aunt Susan is your typical homophobic aunt, you know where this is going. "It's just for one-night mija, please?" She asked. "Fine, but I'll tell Camz about it and see if she would want to come over." I replied.

"Welcome home!" Everyone screamed and I smiled, seeing my family gathered around. "Hi! I missed you guys!" I said, hugging each one of them. "When are you going to introduce your girlfriend to us?" My younger brother, Chris asked. "When I know that you won't try to flirt with her." I replied. "But it's Camila Cabello, who wouldn't try?" Taylor asked. "Hey, don't talk about Camila like she's some object." I said protectively. "Sorry." They apologised.


Camila- Hi baby, I miss you.

Lauren- Camz, it's been only a few hours.

I smiled at the laptop screen, seeing my girlfriend on Skype.

C- But still.

L- You never say you miss me when we're in New York.

C- It's because I can just come over whenever I want because I know you're alone.

L- You still can come over.

C- But I'll disturb your family time.

L- You won't, or we can go out?

C- Maybe we can go out tomorrow?

L- Sure.

Silence. We just stared at each other.

L- By the way, my mom wanted me to ask you if you want to come over for Thanksgiving dinner.

C- Sure, my mom wanted me to ask you the same thing.

L- Yea, I'll go but, I wanted to make sure you were comfortable with going to the dinner because my aunt is coming over.

C- Your aunt coming over is fine, Lo.

L- But she's the homophobic one. The one I told you about last time.

C- Oh.

L- Yeah...

C- I'll go.

L- Really? You don't have to if you don't feel like it.

C- It's fine. The least we can do is piss her off by making out.

L- Of course.

C- I love you.

L- I love you too.


hello people, I disappeared because my life is a mess. It's supposed to be the school holidays right now but the school decides that homework and classes during the holidays were a good thing. And also I'm busy trying to enter some contest to get Meet & Greet passes to see the girls because 299USD is going to drain my soul. :)

have a good day.

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