Is This Heaven, or Hell? (Le...

By dragongeek1

81.7K 1K 142

What if we couldn't feel emotions without some other beings to help us? Malea is the loner, 'emo' lesbian gir... More

Is This Heaven, or Hell?
Fallen Angel
Eleven o'clock
Girlfriends and Stalkers
The Usual Suspects
When Can I Do Flips?
Les Prom

The P-Word

4.1K 61 12
By dragongeek1

"It's been weeks and the police still haven't found anything!" Malea slammed her locker angrily.

"Relax, babe. We haven't seen him for awhile either. Maybe he's gone away, scared off by the police." Angela tried to comfort her.

"Do you really believe that Angela?" Mal looked at her, leaning against the lockers.

Angela gave her a quick kiss. "Doesn't mean we can't hope."

Mal sighed. It had been about a month since the police lineup. She and Angela were still going strong, and were still quite in love with one another. Zack was beginning to understand that his little sister had real feelings for Angela, so they were able to spend a little more time together than a normal high school couple would. Because, really, angels aren't a normal high school couple.

Malea had become more adept at her flying, and sometimes she and Angela would take small "trips," just flying among the birds in the clouds. She had started to read about angel history, and was learning more and more how to control her powers. Angels didn't have 'powers,' like Harry Potter magic or vampire powers, but they could do a few things. It depended on your emotion, too. Malea had an odd, increased sense of when someone was in danger; Angela could tell you who was most likely to steal your lunch money, so on and so forth. Mal still hadn't met the other angels, but Angela promised she would try and get them to come soon.

Angela took Mal by the hand and led her towards class. "Do we have to go early?" She whined.

"What is it with you and being late?"

"I don't like to be late," Malea explained, "I just don't want to go in early, because all the annoying people are there, talking." Angela just sighed.

In the classroom, a bunch of girls where huddling around a corner, chatting excitedly and giggling. Mal pointed over to the horde. "This is what I mean."

Angela rolled her eyes, muttering something under her breath. She took out a notebook and flipped to a blank page, taking up her pencil and starting to draw.

Mal leaned over to watch what she was doing. After a few strokes, there was a basic outline, and with a few more, a muzzle, ears, and a fluffy tail. "A wolf. Huh."

Angela seemed to just realize that Malea was watching her. "Um, yea. A wolf."

"Is that going to go to the Louvre in France one day?" Mal teased.

"It might." Angela smirked at her, looking back to her paper.

The bell rang and Mrs. Robinson walked in, already looking incredibly tired and irritated. "Glad we don't have her last period... she'll be hell for those kids." Malea muttered to Angela, who snickered.

"Let's see your IDs..." Mrs Robinson sighed, starting her usual rounds. Once done she announced, "Alright class, it seems there's an announcement. April, go ahead."

A redhead, April, walked up to the front of the classroom with two other preps. "Okay, so listen up," Her gum made a smacking noise as she talked around it. "It turns out that what you've all been waiting for is coming sooner! Prom is going to be next week! The theme is Moonlight Serenade, so romantic! If you want to help set up prom, come see us or I guess you can go to the signup board outside the office."

They walked back to their seats as the class erupted in whispers. "Alright... I'm going to let you simpletons bother about that for awhile... I could care less..." Mrs. Robinson said. No one heard her or paid attention, but Mal and Angela caught enough of it to snort in laughter.

People were squeezing by the seats to get to their friends and choice of date, making Malea shrink in her seat even more. "The P-word... I have been dreading this day..." She muttered.

Angela laughed. "You're not even going to say the word prom? Although I have to admit, the P-word is kind of a funny name for it."

Mal watched the girls giggle and steal glances at the group of guys standing across the room. She looked at Angela, who was staring at her intently. "What? Are you trying to use mind control?"

She said it so quietly that Mal could hardly work it out. "Go to prom with me."


 "Angela, I explained before--"

"No you didn't!" Angela snapped at Mal. Malea had given her a really weak excuse for not going to prom, and it pissed Angela off.

Malea pinched the bridge of her nose. "Angela... I'm the loner emo girl no one likes, and I'm lesbian. It's just... just awkward for me."

Angela looked at her pleadingly. "Won't you give it a chance?" Mal rubbed the back of her neck nervously, looking down at her feet. "Please? For me?"

Mal groaned. "I would, but... Angela, no one likes to see a gay couple at a high school prom. We'd get bombarded with insults."

Angela reached across the lunch table to touch Malea's face. "Then we just blend in. Please."

Malea sighed. "Alright... fine." She couldn't believe Angela made her cave. Well, she could, because Mal was so in love with her.

Angela grinned. "I'm going to make you come look at dresses with me today."

Mal put her face in her hands. "Oh god, Angela... I knew this was a bad idea."

"You'll love it and you know it!" Angela laughed.


"Zack! Make her stop!" Malea whined to her brother. She and Angela had decided to go to the house before going out for... for for dresses!

Zack laughed. "Aw come on Mal, you'll love it!"

Mal huffed and crossed her arms. Angela was helping herself to cheese and crackers in the kitchen, and called out to Zack. "Do you want to come Zack?"

"I don't really think dress shopping is a guy's favorite thing to do--" Mal tried to answer.

Zack stifled a giggle. "I hate to admit it, but Malea's right. However, since she is so reluctant I come, I might as well."

Mal put her head in her hands. "I'm doomed..." When they laughed, she finished with "I hate you all..."


Author's note:

Holy. Fucking. Shit. Damn it all!

I'm so sorry >.< I thought this chapter would be longer... I thought about adding the shopping, which might be amusing, but... I don't know, I got picky!

You should have seen my sissehs @div1scary and @KitKatPoison try to guess what the p-word was. It was hilarious, I got things like 'porno,' 'potato,' and even 'penis,' even though this is a LESBIAN story. Wasn't there also 'pre-sexual relations' or something like that?


Vote and comment and fan and etc etc whatever the fuck.

PS: If you're offended by my cussing,





........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') 


..........''...\.......... _.·´ 





Tell me that is not awesome.

Oh shit, am I going to get kicked off of Wattpad for this? I'm sorry! Don't ban my story! I'll love you forever Wattpad people! <3

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