Rooming with the Bad Boy

By chocolateluvaaxo

13M 317K 195K

Being accepted into one of the best private colleges in the United States on a full scholarship was supposed... More

Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three.
Twenty Four.
Twenty Five.
Twenty Six.

Rooming with the Bad Boy

1.5M 17K 12.5K
By chocolateluvaaxo

Chapter One -

I could just image her face.

She'd be attempting to smile - and of course, failing because of the tears that would've been blurring her vision and violent wobble of her bottom lip as she tried to keep herself together. She would've pulled me into a hug at this point in an attempt to cover me from seeing her cry over 'her little baby'.

Naturally, he would take over at this point.

I'd be forced out of her arms while she lost control of her tears, and would be enveloped in his scent as he gave me an awkward yet reassuring pat on the back. "Behave yourself." He'd order with a stern expression; although his eyes showed his true emotions.

"Ms Parker?" The old man called out, pulling me out of my thoughts as my head snapped to his direction. "Did you hear anything I said?"

I blinked once before nodding eagerly; trying to make the fact that I had zoned out on my dorm room retails not as obvious as it was. "Every word. Thank you very much for showing me the way here-"

"So you're fine with your roommate being away?" He asked, giving me a look of uncertainty.

My roommate wasn't here? "Of course! It will give me more time to get used to the place before they return." I tried to smile, but my muscles transformed the motion into a grimace.

"Yes... in a week's time." He reminded me with the same look of uncertainty.

I hummed in agreement before faking a yawn and stretching my limbs. "I'm sorry, is it okay if I go inside and begin to get settled? It's been a long flight and the mix up with the transfer gave me a bit of a migraine..." I trailed off, rubbing my temple in an attempt to make the lie more realistic.

Andrew looked me once over before nodding his head. "Of course. We are sorry about that once again. I don't know why your college didn't fill it out completely." He frowned

I picked up my luggage and held what I could. "That's because they didn't want their star law student leaving them. If I had stayed; their reputation would've increased and more people would want to attend that college." I explained with a small smile in an attempt to hide my flushed cheeks.

"Star law student? So you were the one I heard Marta gossiping about in the office..." Andrew muttered to himself.

I nodded awkwardly before jingling the pair of keys that unlocked my new dorm room; along with other things. "Thank you for the short tour." I tried again.

Andrew looked back at me and I saw the expression everyone gave me once they found out who I was; awe. "It was my pleasure! If you need anything at all, I'll be-"

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks again." I unlocked the door and dumped my baggage onto the floor ungracefully, before closing the door shut. There was no doubt Andrew was planning to begin yet another conversation; and I had to refrain that from happening.

Sighing, I looked around the small room for the first time. It was plain. Grey paint coated the walls and two twin beds with plain white sheets sat on opposite corners of the room. Beside me was a small fridge and microwave oven, and two doors - which I was told that one stored our drawers and the other lead to the bathroom - were positioned after them.

My roommate's side of the room was so plain that I was almost confused as to which side was mine. If it weren't for the small stack of papers on the small table beside their bed, as well as a plain black clock with neon green numbers; I wouldn't have been able to spot the difference at all.

She must be a clean freak.

I decided to get started straight away. Groaning, I dragged my bag that contained the most clothing to the first door near the fridge, and unlocked it impatiently. The room smelt of an intoxicating pine scent; and I felt up the side of the wall until my fingers landed on a light switch.

Again; it was difficult to pin point which set of drawers was mine from the tidiness and plainness of the room. Lucky for me, my roommate left a little bit of red material hanging out of one of her drawers; acting like a tag to show that it was hers.

I began my unpacking immediately; not wasting anytime on any more observing anything else that occupied the small, isolated room. A good chunk of my afternoon had past once I realised I had finished packing, and I got out of my seated position and stretched every limb in my body before I heard my stomach grumble in protest.

I ran my fingers through my hair briefly before tying it up into a high pony tail and shoving my keys and phone into my pockets. Andrew had shown me where the cafeteria was just before I had zoned out; so I remembered the way briefly.

I made my way to the white building with my earlier vision in mind; and I pulled on my blank face before entering the half-empty room. My stomach gurgled in protest again as a wave of fresh chicken filled my nostrils entirely.

Before I could take a step further into the large room however, a voice squealed in delight. "OH MY GOD! THERE'S A HUMAN PRESENT ON CAMPUS! I thought I was the only one and I was about to start talking to the chairs soon! Did you just get back today as well! Ugh, summer has been a disaster for me! My dad wouldn't even - hold on... Are you new here?" I blinked back in shock at the girl with cropped brown hair, who was regarding me with a curious expression as her grip on my arm loosened slightly.

I cleared my throat before nodding, concentrating on the fact that her grip was growing even looser on my arm by every passing second.

She didn't even bother trying to hide the fact that she looked me up and down with the same curious frown on her face, and I frowned once her grip re-tightened itself on my arm and she let out another squeal. "This is awesome! Hi! I'm Nora! What's your name? What are you studying here? I study graphic design! They've made some really nice chicken tonight! Let's eat and talk! Wait, what did you say your name was again?" She smiled sheepishly as she led me to the counter where food was being served.

There were only three other people in the cafeteria, and I smiled slightly before answering her question. "I didn't; but it's Ella."

She gasped as her eyes went wide. "I wanted to name my child Ella! I love that name." She sighed, before abruptly dragging me to a table that was in the centre of the dining hall. "You want the chicken right? I'll get it for you! Be right back!" She let out another excited squeal and grinned broadly before she set back off to the counter.

I watched her retreating figure curiously, unsure of why she chose me to sit with when there were a few others sitting in the hall.

She returned minutes later with two steaming plates of chicken fungi and mashed potato. "Shhh. Don't tell anyone. We can pig out for tonight since none of the important clique are here." She winked, placing the plate of food in front of me before taking her seat on the opposite side.

As if Nora knew my previous thoughts, her voice dropped to a low whisper. "I'm so glad you're here. I would've had to lower my standards and talk to one of the losers here. They're all boring." She groaned before picking up her fork and digging into her mashed potato. "So, where are you from?" She asked curiously.

My gaze shifted nervously at the question, and I picked at my mash potato before replying. "I'm a transfer from Michigan. I was offered a full time scholarship here and took it." I shrugged.

"Michigan?" She asked, her eyes widening. "Don't tell me," She gasped. "Ella Parker? Star Law student?! Why the hell would you come here?!" She exclaimed, catching the attention of the few people within the hall who were trying to read or eat in silence.

I shrugged again. "It... It looks good on my resume?" I tried. Nora gave me warning look before I sighed. "I guess I wanted change. Plus, private college has to be much more interesting than public college. And more intellectually developed, I hope."

I took a bite of my chicken before almost choking in shock as Nora let out another gasp. "I need to take a photo with you. Do you know when I make that my profile picture on Facebook, how jealous everyone will be?! I'm friends with a famous person! Well, I already know someone famous within this school but you're like nationally famous!"

She got out of her seat and began to take her phone out of her mini shorts, and I grimaced at the movement. "I... Is it okay if we do that another time? It's just... Well I haven't showered yet and I don't look like a million dollars at the moment. Tough flight." I explained meekly, before placing a small amount of potato into my mouth.

Nora's hopeful grin instantly dropped to a look of disappointment, and guilt instantly jolted through my body. "I'm really sorry. I promise we'll take one when I'm not so... tired." I finished lamely.

"That's fine! Oh gosh, I didn't even realise how forward I've been with you this entire time! I gave you no personal space; I'm so sorry! You must get this a lot - gushing fans-"

"I actually don't-" I began, but Nora continued.

"I mean, I'm not like those fans. Like, I'm a fan! Just not a crazy one. This is just my usual personality. You can ask Jacob, my boyfriend! I can't wait for you to meet him when he comes back! He's coming back in two days! He's in Cali with his parents. Lucky bastard." She grumbled, before scooping up a large pile of mashed potato and shoving it all into her mouth at once.

I smiled at that, unsure of how else to respond, before taking another bite of my chicken. "So... are you from New York?" I asked, attempting to make conversation.

Nora's mood instantly perked up. "Well, not originally! I was born in Virginia, but then my dad received this super huge promotion when I was like, 3 or something! So we moved up to 'the upper east side'. Xoxo, Gossip Girl." She winked.

"That sounds nice. I've never actually watched Gossip Girl, but I'm sure it's a nice place." I smiled, before finishing off the last bite of mashed potato on my plate.

Nora gasped again, but I wasn't caught off guard this time. I was expecting it. "What is wrong with you?! You haven't watched Gossip Girl?! Oh my God. List of things to do with you; Have a GG marathon ASAP!"

"That's really unnecessary-"

"No! Shut up; we're doing it as soon as you're fully settled in. Oh! What dorm room are you in?! I need to know in case I have an emergency and need your help!" Nora gushed.

I bit my lip in thought before replying. "I don't actually know. I just know how to get there... Speaking of dorms... it's getting pretty late and I'm really tired..." I trailed off.

Nora glanced at her phone before sighing. "You're right. We should get going. Oh, I know how I can find out your dorm! I'll walk with you!"

I took a sip of water in an attempt to hide my panicked expression. "No, no. It's fine. I can show you it... tomorrow or something. Why don't we just exchange phone numbers and I'll meet you here for breakfast tomorrow?" I suggested, desperately hoping she would agree with my negotiation.

Thankfully, Nora wasn't the type of girl that needed much convincing. "Yes! That sounds great! Portia and Jackson come back tomorrow anyway; they'll be so thrilled to meet you! Here, give me your phone." We exchanged phones to type in our own numbers, before handing them back to each other and walking out of the cafeteria building.

"I should warn you; I'm a bit of an early bird. So if you're not up by 9AM, expect a whole heap of phone calls!" Nora grinned.

I groaned before sending her a pout. "At least give me an extra hour or two tomorrow morning. I hate flying." I whined, reminding her of the fact that I had just come off a flight a few hours ago.

She thought about it for a moment before nodding her head. "I'll give you until 10AM, but no later! Oh God, I'm being pushy again, aren't I? I'm really sorry!" She blurted, before slapping her palms to her mouth in an attempt to stop herself from talking.

Another small smile made its way to my lips before I shook my head. "Its fine, you weren't. I'm going to go now. I need to shower and get as much sleep as I can before the death hour of 10AM reaches me." I joked, mock-glaring at her.

Nora's hands instantly fell to her side as a wide grin made its way to her lips. She jumped up and down before unexpectedly pulling me in for a hug. My entire body instantly stiffened at the contact and my eyes went wide. I stayed in that position as Nora pulled away, confusion covering her usually bubbly features.

She didn't say anything; which made my body relax from relief. "Okay then, tomorrow at 10AM! Be here or be killed!" She glared jokingly, before saying her final good bye. I noticed how her final smile faltered slightly; and I knew she was thinking about the hug and my rigid state during it.

I reached my dorm room 15 minutes after saying goodbye to Nora, too tired to walk fast and too engrossed in my own thoughts for me to be paying attention to where I was going.

I locked the room door as soon as I entered it, and instantly made my way to the bathroom and had a steamy shower to relax my body after today.

I got out of the shower and decided to stay in my underwear and a baggy shirt for the night; it was still pretty humid, and Andrew had said that my roommate wouldn't be returning for another week; meaning I had no one to worry about.

I switched off all the lights and got into my bed as soon as I was done brushing my hair and teeth, and decided to text my only friend in Michigan: Hey Dyl! Sorry I didn't text as soon as I landed. It's been a long day. Miss you heaps already. I'll text you tomorrow when the letters on my phone don't blur together, lol. Good night x

The sound of my phone locking echoed throughout the empty dorm room, and I shoved the small piece of technology underneath my pillow before instantly welcoming the blackness that came with sleep.


I woke up to my sheets being ripped off my body; exposing my legs to the air of the room instead of being safely tucked under the secure feeling of the plain white sheets.

I began to shift in order to get a better position to fall back asleep in before my eyes snapped open in shock as someone spoke up. "What the fuck..." The stranger mumbled.

Instinct took over after that, and I found one of my legs flying up in the air and hitting something warm and solid. I squeaked once the stranger began groaning in pain, and I instantly shot up from my sleeping position and attempted to cover my very exposed legs.

Before I actually looked at the person.

The dim lighting from the bathroom provided me with enough to make out facial features as he cradled his nose with a scowl forming on his face as I unconsciously let go of the pillow I was going to use to cover up. High cheek bones, full, pink lips, a straight nose, defined jawline, floppy golden coloured hair; but what captivated me the most...

"Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in my dorm room?!" The boy growled, shooting me a glare that made my heart freeze in its position. The boy's eyes were ice blue - matching his current tone of voice - surrounded by a thick set of lashes that made his irises pop out even more.

Even in the dim light, I made note of his slightly tanned complexion as I began to take in his built torso.

His low growl snapped me out of my haze. "Are you deaf or just plain stupid?" He snapped, intensifying his glare. "What the fuck are you doing in my room?!" He repeated, looking even angrier than before.

My gawking state instantly transformed into a glare. "Your room? This is my room, along with my roommate, who is on holidays until she returns next week!" I scowled back.

"I don't know what mental hospital you managed to escape sweetheart; but this my room, and I live alone. I have for the past 2 years now. So take your shit, and leave." He snarled, before dropping his gaze to my exposed legs. "Don't forget your pants on your way out either, idiot."


WHAT AM I DOING?! No seriously, someone really needs to stop me before this gets out of control. THIS IS MY LAST EVER HIGHSCHOOL YEAR! I SHOULD BE STUDYING! AND INSTEAD? LOOK WHAT I'M DOING!

But yeah, this is something that I had written a while ago, and just didn't continue it because I'm too lazy and busy. If it gets a good response; I'll keep going with it but if not, I'll just take it down and maybe try and focus on school LOL! Now this one is short because it's the first chapter; they won't all be this length!

So you know the drill!

Vote/Comment/Fan if you deem it worthy enough!

I'm going to dedicate this chapter to one of my favourite people on this planet because there is no doubt that she read this as soon as she got the notification LOL! Hanaddiii!

Picture on the side is who I'm picturing as Caleb Hunter!

Hope you enjoyed it! :D xo

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