The Half-Blood Princess (A Sn...

By JessicaRivera821

14.2K 357 74

This story takes place after the war. Severus Snape survives Nagini's bite. This is a story about Astoria Al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Epilogue-11 Years Later

Chapter 13

561 14 0
By JessicaRivera821

This is what Astoria's birthday cake would look like for this chapter, but with the red candle in the shape of the number 33 on the top of the cake. :) I thought it would be the perfect cake for Astoria. :) Enjoy!! 

The three weeks have gone by very fast for Astoria. Before long it was her 33rd birthday. It was Saturday morning as she went down to the Great Hall for breakfast. She enters the hall and heads to the staff table. Snape looks up from what he was eating and watches Astoria go to her seat, before returning to his food. Snape thought about the bracelet he had in his pocket along with the potion and card. Snape also had a plan on how to give her his two gifts. He will have her go to the Room of Requirements with a piece of parchment, telling her exactly what to say to have the door appear for her. He, himself, will be waiting inside. He smiles slightly in spite of himself. Poppy smiles and says, "Happy Birthday Astoria." Astoria smiles, "Thank you, Poppy." McGonagall also smiles at Astoria and says, "Happy Birthday, Astoria." Astoria smiles again and says, "Thank you, headmistress. " Snape looks at Astoria and says in his silky voice, "Happy Birthday, Astoria. May your birthday wish come true." Astoria smiles at Snape, "Thank you, Severus." Snape raises an eyebrow and asks, "Any plans for your birthday?" Astoria replies, "I'm not sure what I'll be doing for my birthday. Maybe relax or something. I know my parents will send me their gifts, They always do." As if on cue, owls started flying into the Great Hall, dropping parcels and letters to the students. One owl came flying towards Astoria. Astoria recognized it as her mother's owl. The owl landed in front of her holding out a small parcel which had a card attached to it. Astoria gently takes the parcel and card, "Thank you, Ares." The owl nips her finger gently, then flies off. Astoria opens the envelope and takes out the card. The card was handmade, from what Astoria could see. The card was red and yellow, her house colors. The words Happy Birthday, Astoria, written on the front of the card. She smiles as she opens the card and reads it: 

 My Dear Astoria,

Your father and I would like to wish you a very happy birthday. We hope you enjoy your special day and that you enjoy our gift. It belonged to your grandmother and we thought you'd like to have it. Happy 33rd birthday to our wonderful daughter. 

Your loving parents,

Eleanor and Edward Alderlade.

Astoria smiles, looking teary-eyed at her card. She whispers, "Thank you mum and dad." She puts the card away and opens her gifts. Astoria gasps as she sees what her parents had sent her. It was a golden locket. It was shaped like an oval with a ruby set in the center. Astoria gently takes out the locket and opens it. Inside the locket is a picture of her grandmother and her mother. Both her grandmother and mother smile up at her from the photos. Astoria smiles even more as tears begin to fall. She whispers, "Hello grandmother. I heard so much about you from mother." Her grandmother smiles proudly at the photo of Eleanor, who smiles back in return, Then looks up at Astoria and smiles even more proudly. Astoria smiles at the 2 photos and says, "I love you both very much." They smile up at her from the photos. Astoria closes the locket and puts it back in the box. Then puts the box in her pocket. She wipes her tears away and takes a sip of orange juice. Snape smiles slightly, "That is a very precious gift, your mother sent you. Cherish it forever." Astoria looks at Snape and says, "Oh I will, Severus."

The day went by smoothly, with a few students wishing Astoria a happy birthday as well. As evening fell, Snape knew it was time to put his plan into action. He wanted to make sure Astoria enjoyed her birthday. Snape calls a house elf to his office. The house elf appeared. Snape said to the house elf, "Is the cake ready?" The house elf squeaked "Yes sir." Snape replied, "Good. Take it up to the Room of Requirement. Take a bottle of elf-made wine as well." The house elf nods and disappears. After checking his pockets to make sure his gift was there. He goes to the owlery with a folded piece of parchment. He finds Hades and calls to him. Hades flies down to him and lands on his arm. Snape pulls out the parchment and says softly, "Give this to Astoria. Make sure she gets it, Hades." Hades nips his fingers affectionately and takes the letter. Snape takes Hades to the window and raises his arm a little. Hades jumps from his arm and flies towards the castle. Snape watches his owl go, then quickly heads back to the castle, and up to the seventh floor. He walks pass the spot on the wall three times thinking, 'I need a place to celebrate Astoria's birthday in private.' A door materialized after he walks past it a third time. Snape stops and looks at the door. The door had vines carved into it and the handle was made of iron. Snape walks towards the door and opens the door. He steps into the Room of Requirements and closes the door. The door disappears as he walks forward and looks around. The room was spacious and large. There was a cluster of balloons here and there along with streamers. A banner hung from the ceiling which said Happy Birthday, Astoria. There was a table with a white table cloth on it. The table had streamers going around the edges and a cluster of balloons at each corner. On the table was the cake, ice cream and wine. The cake was a small 3-tiered red velvet cake covered with cream cheese icing. The cake was decorated with red icing and red flowers. On top of the cake stood a red candle in the shape of the number 33. On the table there was a knife to cut the cake, an ice cream scoop and a bowl of cookies and cream ice cream. A few feet away, was another table also covered in a white table cloth, but it was set for two. The table was set with two goblets, two plates, and two forks. The wine was also on the table in a small bucket of ice. Candles floated near the celing lighting up the entire room, basking the room in a warm glow. Snape paced as he waited for Astoria.

Astoria was looking at her locket when she heard a tap on the window. She looks up and sees a black great-horned owl tapping at the window. Astoria recognized the owl as Snape's owl. She goes to the window and opens it, letting the owl hop inside. Astoria gently takes the folded piece of parchment and pets the owl, "Thank you Hades." The owl hoots and flies back out the window. Astoria closes the window and sits down. She unfolds the parchment to see Snape's handwriting. His letter was short but kind. She begins to read: 


Meet me at the Room of Requirements. Say this as you walk pass it three times: I need a place to celebrate my birthday in private. I will be waiting for you inside.


Astoria looked at the letter with a curious expression on her face. She puts the letter in her pocket and leaves her office, locking the door magically. Astoria goes up to the seventh floor finds the spot where she knew the Room of Requirements was located, having been in there herself when she was a student here. She walks past the spot three time thinking, 'I need a place to celebrate my birthday in private.' The vine carved door materialized once more. Astoria stops and looks at the door. She walks to the door and opens it with the curious expression, still on her face. She enters and closes the door. As the door disappears, she looks around and gasps. The entire room was decorated just for her. Snape upon hearing the gasp stops pacing and looks up to see her looking around. A smile spreads acros his face. Snape says, "Surprise, Astoria. I planned it just for you." Astoria looks at Snape still surprised, "All this for me, Severus?" Snape nods and replies, "Yes. This is all for you." Astoria looks at Snape, tears brimming her eyes. She walks over and hugs him. Snape hugs her back. "Thank you, Severus." She says as she let's go and looks at him, tears now falling from her eyes, as he smiles at her. Snape gently wipes away her tears, making her heart beat fast for a moment, then take her hand and leads her to her birthday cake. "I had the house elves bake you a birthday cake." Astoria gasps, her hand covering her mouth, as she sees the cake and the bowl of cookies and cream ice cream. "Oh Severus! The cake is beautiful!" Snape smiles again as he pulls out his wand and lights the candle. He moves back slightly and whispers, "Make a wish and blow out the candle, Astoria." Astoria smiles then closes her eyes and wished for her and Snape to be together forever. She opens her eyes and takes a deep breath and blows out the candle. Snape smirks slightly, "What did you wish for, Astoria." Astoria chuckles, "If I tell you, my wish won't come true." Snape, eyebrow raised, said, "Surely you don't believe in that nonsense, do you?" Astoria chuckles, "I do, Severus." Snape shakes his head, chuckling slightly, "Very well, Astoria. Since it is your birthday. You should be the one to cut the cake. It is your cake after all." Astoria smiled, "Ok, Severus." Snape went and got the two plates and held them as Astoria cut out 2 slices of the cake placing each one on the plate. She looks at the ice cream, "Is that cookies and cream ice cream?" Snape nods smiling, "Yes, it is." Astoria smiles back, "How did you know that cookies and cream ice cream is my favorite?" Snape replied with a smile, "I've seen you eating the ice cream when desserts came around." Astoria chuckles, "How often do you watch me eat?" Snape cheeks flushed slightly as he answered, "Perhaps a little too much, but I had to know so that I could surprise you with all of this." Astoria smiles as she puts a scoop of ice cream next to the slice of cake, "Very clever of you." Snape smiles as he puts the plates on the table. Astoria sets down the ice cream scoop and goes to the table. Snape pulls a chair out for her. Astoria smiles and sits down. Snape pushes the chair in for her then goes and sits himself. He takes the wine and uncorks it, pouring a glass for her and himself. He then raises his goblet and says. "Happy Birthday, Astoria. May your birthday wish come true. Astoria smiles and raises her goblet and says, "Thank you for this wonderful surprise, Severus." They clink their goblets and take a sip. Snape sets his goblet down and says with a smile, "It's not over yet." Astoria sets her goblet down and says, "Oh really, Severus? Are there more surprises? Snape replies, "Yes, but after we eat this cake." Astoria chuckles, "Ok, Severus. Let's dig into this delicious cake and ice cream." Snape chuckles as they both start to eat their cake and ice cream. Once they finished eating, Snape moves his chair around the table to sit in front of Astoria. Snape looks at her and said, "I have two gifts for you, but first, I'd like you to read the card I picked out, just for you." Snape pulls out an envelope and hands it to Astoria. Then sits back and watches her. Astoria looks at the envelope, then opens it and pulls out the card. She gasps as she looks at the card. The rose on the card was beautiful and oh how the words Happy Birthday flashed. She smiled at Snape, "What a card you picked out, Severus." Snape smiles and simply says, "Go on, Astoria. Read it." Astoria smiles, opens her card and begins to read: 

Happy Birthday, Astoria. May you enjoy your special day. I hope you enjoy the gifts I have for you. I have put a lot of thought and work into them. May you cherish these gifts for years to come.

Your Friend,


Astoria looks up at Snape smiling, "Thank you, Severus. She carefully puts the card into the envelope and pockets it. Snape smiles again, looking a little nervous. He pulls out the bottle of Snape's Sleeky Hair potion, as he calls it, and a box with a bow on it, "Your gifts, Astoria." He says as he hands them to her. Astoria looks at the potion, "Snape's Sleeky Hair Potion, hmm?" She chuckles. Snape chuckles, "I only tweaked it to make it better. To make sure it worked for your hair type since your hair is quite thick, from the looks of it." Astoria chuckles, "It's very thick, yes. I wear my arm out taking the knots out of it every morning. Thank you, Severus. This will come in very handy." She smiles. Snape pulls out a piece of parchment and hands it to her and says, "The recipe so that you can make more, should you ever run out." Astoria smiles taking the parchment and pocketing it, "Thank you so much, Severus." Snape smiles and says, "Open your other gift." He watches as Astoria opens his second gift. She lets out a gasp once more. Her face in shock as she sees a vine carved bracelet made of gold, set with rubies, with a beautiful carved golden lion at the center. Astoria looks back at Snape, who was still looking at her, his dark eyes glittering. Astoria still looking shocked and speechless said, I... Severus.... I don't know what to say.... This, "She motions to the bracelet, "This is so beautiful!" Snape said softly, his dark eyes still glittering, "I'm glad you like it." Astoria said, "This bracelet really shows off my house colors...I will wear it with pride and I will forever cherish it, Severus. Thank you!" She leans forward and lightly kisses his cheek. She blushes after realizing what she did. Astoria said quietly, "It was the only thing I could think of to thank you for this incredible gift. " Snape's cheeks flushed as he puts a hand where she had kissed his cheek. A look of surprise on his face. He lowers his hand and said, "You're very welcome, Astoria. I am very pleased that you like it." Astoria carefully takes out the bracelet and pockets the box. She holds it out to him and asks, "Will you do the honors of putting the bracelet on my wrist?" Snape replies, "Of course." Snape takes the bracelet and carefully wraps it around her right wrist, clasping the bracelet shut. Snape leans back after he finishes. Astoria smiles and said, "Thank you." Snape smiles back, "You're welcome." Snape smiles and said, "Alas, it is getting late and I must go back to my office and prepare for a weeks worth of lessons." Astoria smiles back and said, "Of course. You are a Potions Professor after all." They both stand up from their seats. Snape goes and picks up the cake and ice-cream. Astoria takes the wine. Snape said, "I shall escort you to your quarters." Astoria replies, "Thank you, Severus." Both go to the door, which has materialized once again. Astoria opens the door to let Snape out, then goes out herself, shutting the door behind her. The door disappears as they walk away. Astoria and Snape walk all the way to her office. Astoria opens the door magically and moves aside to let Snape in. Snape enters her office and places the cake and ice cream, on her desk as Astoria walks in with the wine. Astoria sets the wine down and looks at Snape, smiling, "Thank you for escorting me to my office Severus. I had a wonderful evening. Today was the best birthday I ever had!" Snape chuckles, "Again, you are very welcome, Astoria. I am pleased that you enjoyed yourself." They stood there a moment, then Snape did something that surprised Astoria, He leans down and kisses her cheek and said, "My way of saying you're welcome." Snape smiles, his dark eyes glittering once more, "Good night, Astoria. He takes her hand and kisses it , then smiles, "See you at breakfast, Astoria." Astoria blushes and says, "Good Night, Severus. See you at breakfast." Snape smiles then leaves her office, closing the door behind him. Astoria sighs as she touches her hand where he had kissed it, then touches her cheek. She had no doubt in her mind. She was in love with Severus Snape. She waves her wand over the cake to preserve it, then places the cake in her pantry. Along with the ice-cream. She locks the door then picks up her wand and goes to her room. She places the wine on her dresser along with the potion Snape gave to her as a gift. She carefully removes the bracelet and places it back in the box that it came in. She then puts the box on her bedside table. along with the card. She gets ready for bed then lays down on her bed, the covers wrapped around her. She closes her eyes and smiles as she falls asleep.

 Snape enters his own quarters and gets himself ready for bed. As he sits on his bed, he replays the scenes in his mind. When he kissed her cheek and when he kissed her hand before he left. He smiles at himself, proud that he dared to do that. Snape thinks of Lily. 'I hope you are happy for me, Lily. Harry and I no longer hate each other and are getting to know each other. I am finally learning to move on. I also met a witch. Her name is Astoria. She is beautiful inside and out. I am slowly falling in love with her. I will never forget you, of course. I will always love you and you will forever be in my heart and in my memories, but I have finally found someone who is breaking down every wall I put up. I finally found happiness once again. I will not take this for granted, Lily. It is a promise that I intend to keep.' Snape sighs and gets into bed, wrapping the blanket around himself. His last thoughts before drifting to sleep, was of Astoria and their evening together as they celebrated her birthday. 

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