Nightwing - One Shots

By TheWriterofBeans

97.1K 2.2K 329

Just a bunch of cute, daddybats, fighting, whelming, fluffy, cool, asterous one shots for you guys! Suggestio... More

Nightwing - One Shots
~The Tiredness Of Being A Superhero~
~Silly Toy Dogs and Play Doh-Part 1-~
~Injured Bird - Part 1-~
~Injured Bird -Part 2-~
~Plain Sickness~
~Surprise Party~
~ The Bite - Part 1~
~ The Bite - Part 2 ~
~ The Bite - Part 3 ~
! Suggestions Page !
~ Helping Trouble - Part 1 ~
~ Helping Trouble - Part 2 ~
~ Helping Trouble - Part 3 ~
~ Helping Trouble - Part 4 ~
~ Elemental -part 1 ~
~ Elemental - Part 2 ~
~ Elemental - Part 3 ~

~Silly Toy Dogs and Play Doh-Part 2-~

4.9K 146 13
By TheWriterofBeans


-"Why, of all places, the toy store?" Tim declared aloud, looking towards Dick in confusion.

Dick shrugged, "Loved going there as a kid. I bet you will too."

Tim burst out laughing, "You!? Going to the toy store when you were a kid Ha! Sure you did!"

Dick shook his head and looked behind him as he drove out of the driveway. "Shut up. I had a life when I was younger...Or at least I did." He mumbled the last part with a small smile playing on his lips.

Tim's laughing soon subsided and he leant his head on the window, "I hate you." He grumbled.

"I hate you, too." Dick replied seriously, driving down the road.


They finally drove down the road and into the parking lot. All the while, Tim was whining annoyingly, "Why the toy store? There's nothing here I need or want!"

"It's so stupid! I can't even believe you went here as a kid! Of course your the best kid in the hou-" Dick shoved his palm over Tim's mouth in annoyance.

"You know? You are the most Annoying child I have ever seen...and that's saying something." He complained, glaring at Tim, who sat staring wide eyed up at Dick in silence.

"Shurry?" Tim's words were slurred and covered up by Dick's palm.

Dick rolled his eyes and drove into a parking spot and turned the key out of the ignition after stopping the car.

Tim groaned and slid out of his seat and seatbelt before opening the car door and getting out. He shut the door and watched as Dick grabbed something from one of the compartments and got out of the car.

Once Dick shut the car door and locked it, they began walking toward the toy store. In fact, it was coincidentally called 'Timmy's Toys', and to Tim, that was the worst thing he had ever seen.

He grimaced at the name and shook his head, "I hate this store." He grumbled, glancing at Dick.

Dick smiled amusedly and patted the younger boy's shoulder as they walked through the front door. "To be honest, me too."

"-Then why do you make me go here?!" He shrilled, glaring at the older boy.

Dick smirked, "Because I wanted to see what it looked like now. Haven't been here in so long. Plus, you wouldn't shut up about the Batmobile, so I had to distract you some how."

Tim batglare at the older Wayne and sneered, "And once again, I hate you."

Dick shrugged and waved at one of the employees with a smug look on his face.

"So, doesn't look like much has changed. You can go and look around if you want, just come see me if your planning on getting anything." Dick mumbled, squeezing Tim's shoulder before walking toward an aisle.

Tim watched him walk off with a look of confusion. Did he think Tim was five or something? He wasn't a little kid who loved toys! He was 14 for heavens sake!

Tim rolled his eyes and stood there before shaking his head and began walking toward a random aisle, mumbling random things about Dick. As in, 'He lives up to his name.'

Dick looked around and smiled at the old memories.


He trembled, holding tightly onto Bruce's pant leg. They had just entered the toy store for the first time and Richard was terrified.

He had no clue if he should be saying 'hi' to people as he passed, or if he should be hiding-as he was doing at the moment.

His eyes flashed around the room with a nervous look. He really had never been in a Toy Store before. Seriously.

"Hey," Bruce said softly, "Where do you wanna go first?"

He was now kneeling before the young boy with a smile and Dick had wide eyes. Where did he wanna go first?

Dick's eyes travelled from his adoptive father to a shelf. It had-

~Flashback Over~

A Toy Dog.

It came flying at him with full force.

He fell backwards, barely dodging the flying toy.

"Ow!" Someone yelled from across the room. A loud crash following and before.

Dick lost his balance and he slammed into one of the large aisles, causing a good whole half of the shelf to fall to the floor. A large, loud, and very odd sound erupted from both Dick and the toys as they all clattered to the floor in a heap, Dick slipping and laying beside all the toys.

A gasp and a small 'hehe..' was heard from in front of Dick. It was obviously a kid. Which one, though?

He slowly got up with a small groan and noticed that not only the shop owner, but all the staff was frozen in a deep stare. Including the person who had been hit, who was-or looked to be-unconscious.

Once Dick was up on his two feet once again, he finally looked at the 14 year old boy standing around 3 feet in front of him. Tim.

- Before this happened -

Tim sighed, walking into a random aisle. It had toys that looked as if they were more than 20 years old! My gosh, what was he supposed to do with all this?

He sook his head and just as he was about to turn around and out of the aisle, something on the shelf caught his eye.

A pack not only opened, but spilling out Play Doh.

The first thing that came to Tim's mind was 'Oh man, I should probably tell someone about this. Like the staff. Yeah, the staff would have a pretty good idea about what to do with it.' But as he stepped closer, the more inviting it looked to play with.

Tim had no clue how to react. So, quickly making sure no one looked, and not paying attention to the security camera, he began to grab the Play Doh with a small grin.

He knew what he really should do with the opened packet of it. But he thought maybe if he played with it a bit, he could just close it back up and act as though he never touched it!

Yeah...that didn't end well.

He began sitting criss crossed on the floor with the pack of Play Doh in his fingers. Then dug his fingers inside and started taking huge chunks out of the container.

The small packet wasn't very big, but it held a color of odd red. And to him, it looked like blood.

Tim soon realized that he didn't have any other toys that would help with the 'blood situation'. So, being very dumb minded at that moment, he noticed a toy hanging high above his head.

A toy dog. And as he rose to look at it better, the name said, 'Silly Slinky Toy Doggie.'

In Tim's mind, he took that as a stupid toy that he could pretend he killed and it would have red Play Doh all over it. Fun, right? ... Not exactly.

As Tim was putting the Play Doh on the small Toy Dog, an employee was walking past. And we all know what happened then.

Tim instantly shot his head up at the sound of a gasp, then a, "Hey! What are you doing with those toys, kid?!"

And he ran. And ran. And ra-


He slammed into a shelf when he wasn't looking, and there went the toy. The toy dog he held with fake 'blood' smeared on its ass, went flying.

- Aaand we are back! -

Tim had a flushed face, a nervous look in his eyes, and a small curve in his mouth that looked as though he was guilty of a crime, one that he obviously committed.

When his eyes travelled up and he looked-barely-into his older-adopted-brother's eyes, he instantly felt not only guilty, but to nervous for his own liking.

Soon enough, the state between the two broke and the whole staff began whispering to each other while the store's owner began to stomp on over with an angry expression.

"Get. Out! And you have to pay for this now!" She demanded, snatching the toy dog off the floor.

Dick glared at Tim before turning to the owner, "I'm very sor-"

"Yeah, whatever. It's $3.50." She declared, sneering at both of them before yanking Dick and Tim over to the front register.

Dick paid the woman, said he-they were sorry, and began leading Tim out of the store.

"What the hell was that?!" Dick finally nursed once they were at the car.

Tim giggled nervously, "Nothin?"

Dick rolled his eyes and shook his head as he unlocked the car and they got in.

"I really do hate you." He stated, keeping the toy dog in his lap.

Tim didn't dare reach for the toy, but he looked at it with guilt. "I, uh...I didn't mean to."

"Uh huh." Dick grumbled, backing the car up and glancing down at the toy dog.

A small smile etched its' way onto Richard's face as they drove. He remembered when he accidentally threw the Slinky that landed on that same owner's face, with Bruce...

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