Imperishable (Justin Bieber)...

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

33K 1.6K 1.2K

*Spinoff and third book of Neurotic Series* Imperishable: [im-per-i-shuh-buh l] not subject to decay; indes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

1.9K 83 37
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Natasha's POV

A little later on

"I hope you know I'm for the takin', you know this cookie's for the baking." I sing all of key to the ear deafening music blaring out of the car speakers. "Whoa, Tash, you are quite exuberant tonight, aren't you?" Justin turns down the radio, before looking at me quickly then back to the road ahead.

I automatically stop singing to the music, only because I can barely hear it. But I hum and dance in my seat and give just a little head nod while I giggle at the new feeling of freedom and excitement, I am experiencing for what seems like the first time. I mean if I want to be technical it is my first time being free. As in legally, and hell am I exited to be an adult!

"You are impossible," Justin chuckles, whilst turning into a very nice looking hotel. I frown about to say something, but he places his hand against my mouth to shush me. "We are at your first birthday present from me. You thought I didn't get you anything earlier, especially when I told you I didn't, but said I did to your family. I could tell you were a little upset, but hey it was better if I waited to show you."

I smile brightly at his words, then turn to smile even brighter at the huge, elegant hotel building in front of me. So, this is where he has been bringing us to for that long as hell car ride we just did. He is good.

"Why didn't you blindfold me? Wouldn't that have been better than me seeing where we were going? Doesn't that beat the purpose?" I curiously ask, watching him pull up to the valet. "I thought about blindfolding you, although I know you dislike having your eyes shielded. Plus, you really do not like surprises, and we you were kind of already surprised earlier." He adjusts his glasses on his face, before unbuckling his seatbelt and moving to do the same to mine.

He doesn't say anything as he exits the car and comes over to my side, where he gently helps me out and gives the valet hushed instructions on something. Hmm. He then takes ahold of my hand, with our fingers entangled with one another. I notice his palms are a bit sweaty, but it's nothing I'm not used to. As we enter the hotel, I am taken back how luxurious it looks on the actual inside. I didn't expect this at all.

"Oh my fucking ninja turtles." I whisper to myself, while looking around the extravagant place we just walked into. "You have such terrible language, Natasha." I roll my eyes at his little goody-goody ways.

"Hi there! Welcome to Hampton Inn Tropicana, how may I help you?" An extra cheerful young lady greets us. I smile at her, and then look at Justin taking out his wallet. "Hello, I made a phone reservation under the last Bieber." He adjusts his glasses once more, never letting go of my hand.

"Ahh, yes! If I could get your ID, then we can get you both checked in." He sadly let's my hand go to pull out his driver's license, and of course pays for our stay.

Not wanting to seem nosey or as if I'm snooping, I politely give him some space with his credit card and the payment he is making for our stay here. I do not wander off too far, I only go as far as a couple of feet away to look at the beautifully decorated flower art pieces they have plastered on one wall. As I'm getting close to the last picture of a flower, I feel Justin chastely encircle his arms around my waist. My heart begins to beat out of my chest, though before I can place my own hands on top of his, he unfortunately pulls away and grabs my hand instead. I swear if he could have heard my inward sigh, he would know I'm a bit disappointed at his action ending so soon.

"Why did you leave me alone back there?" The little tease who doesn't know he's a tease comments from the side of me. "I didn't want to seem nosey when you were putting in your card information." I explain simply, giving him a little smile.

"So, you didn't have to leave. I never leave your sides when you purchase something with your bank credit card." He shrugs his shoulders, he too giving me a bright smile. "Is that your way of saying you sneak peeks at my PIN number?" I fake a gasp, while I playfully stop dead in my tracks to look at him in fake disbelief.

"No, I would never invade your privacy like that," He also feigns a little gasp, stepping closer to me... and closer until I continue to step back away from him. "Now, I would be dishonest if I didn't say I wouldn't invade your personal space." As he whispers those very words so freaking sultry, my back hits against a door, and Justin is in fact in my personal space.

"I think this is way better than taking a peak of your personal identification number, don't you think, Tasha?" He whispers hotly in my ear; each word is met with the brush of his lips against my ear. "Justin..." his name comes out in a whine, which only makes him chuckle and kiss my cheek before pulling away from me.

"I'm totally joking around with you," He lightly shoves my arm. "This is our room here."

I am gently moved to the side, where he slides the key card into the door and opens it up. I go to walk in, although I am pulled back against his chest. I even go to say something, but the little dork covers my mouth. All I can really do is giggle behind his hand over my mouth.

"You have to close your eyes for the surprise now, Tash."

The nervous murmur of his voice makes me stop giggling immediately, but I accept his wishes and close my eyes. I even show him my eyes are tightly shut, yet he makes a little unexplained sound, followed by a chuckle of his own. I guess he didn't believe I would keep them closed, because he turns me back to facing forward and places his own hands over my eyes. Even though I for certain dislike surprises, I always love the ones that come from my Justin JuJu. It's even better when he's standing behind me, covering my eyes like now. His body warmth is basically everything to me.

After the initial struggle to walk straight and properly in the door, Justin guides me wear he wants me to stand and before I know it, he is slowly taking his hands away from my eyes. He then encourages me to open them up to see my surprise, which I slowly do. It's so bright around, I have to blink my eyes a couple of times to get them back to being fully adjusted to light. When I can fully see, I am taken back by birthday decorations— way better decorations than my room was.

Gold, pink, and black and white polka dot balloons are all around me. There is also two huge pink number "18" balloons right smack in the center of the decorated bed too! I didn't fail to notice the amount of presents and gift bags all lined up by a table with feathers, cupcakes, and wine glasses all over it!

Oh my shit, Justin has definitely out did himself for me!

"Justin." That's all I can say, seeing how emotionally happy I am. "Yes." The little doofus answers so softly and nervously, I just had to snatch him into a hug.

I know my abrupt action shocked him, but I just need a hug and a chest to cry into, all because of my tears of happiness. I cry so ugly and loud, I know others may hear me. I don't give one flying bird; my best friend has done something so incredibly amazing for me. As my cries die down to just sniffles, I feel Justin continue to rub my back and hold me tightly in his little skinny protective arms. He calls them skinny not me... okay, so maybe we both call them spaghetti noodles.

"Justin?" His name comes out muffled, due to me being face planted into his shirt. "Yes, Tasha."

"I know we agreed to no couple-like affectionate actions, but please can I give you just one little peck? I swear and promise I will not go crazy coco puffs on you." I don't mean for my request to come off so desperate, yet it does and I kind of don't care. I need to feel his lips on mine.

"I accept your offer; however, we are only going to give each other one quick osculation." I swear if I didn't want a kiss so bad, I would have rolled my eyes at his dramatics. "Okay."

He doesn't say anything else, he only lightly pulls me arms distance of him and stares down at me. I wonder how I look. My gosh, I hope my hair isn't all crazy looking. Oh shit, I just hope I don't have any type of snot or boogers in my nose! Hmm, will he still kiss me if I did?

It's like the thoughts in my mind completely vanishes once his soft lips come into contact with my own. I quickly peck his lips once and pull away, although I am brought back to him by his hand firmly grabbing my butt and pulling me back to his inviting mouth. Of course, I gasp in shock, but does that stop me from kissing him? Hell, to the no. I'm not sure how long we kiss for, but I do know once we are pulling away, we are breathing quite erratically.

"Wow, that boy sure can kiss." I say mostly to myself, howbeit Justin hears me and laughs at me. "You are insanely funny, Tasha." I am tapped on my nose, to which I swat his hand away.

"Oh, hush up." I roll my eyes, only receiving his laughter again. "Alright, fine. I will silence my guffawing. However, since I am ceasing myself, I want you to open up the gifts I have gotten for you."

I am then pulled along towards the bed, where I am gently pushed down to sit. I giggle a little at me having to rearrange my sitting, and a few decorations underneath me, but I go all serious once I see Justin grabbing the gift bags of goodies he has for me. I watch his every move, whilst he gathers all the bags in his hands and finally comes over to me with a huge smile on his face. I swear his teeth are so adorably cute.

"Finally, right?" He blows out a breath as if bringing the gifts took a lot of his energy. "Any who, here you are." He then hands over my gifts, even being nice enough to hold the ones I couldn't.

"Thank you, Justin." I don't know why my words come out so low, but they do. "You are so very welcome, Natasha." My hand is suddenly lifted, and a little kiss is placed upon my knuckles.

Before I can even respond to his sweet action, I am pressed to open my birthday presents or I won't be able to see my biggest gift. Those are his exact words, not mine. So, I do the man a favor and begin to open my gifts. I was going to go for a smaller box... that looked to be jewelry, but he quickly took it away from my hands and told me to save it for last. My curiosity spiked and I almost snatched the box out of his hands, although I stopped myself and continued opening the others.

So far, I have received a long, pretty beige cardigan from Nordstrom's, a new Anastasia Beverly Hills palette, a pair of multi-colored polka dot Toms, and an entire gift bag filled with Mrs. Fields White Chunk Macadamia Cookies! Like oh my freaking fruity pebbles, I think the cookies are my favorite part of all my presents I've received.

As a couple more minutes pass by of me opening up the last gifts from him, I notice how much I loved these gifts more than the first couple of ones I opened. These particular gifts are less flashy and trendy, and more sentimental with lots of thought and meaning. Gifts like that are what matters the most to me. My favorite one is the mason jar that he decorated and filled with 365 notes for me to read every single day. I think that one's up there with my cookies.

"Natasha." Justin snaps his hands in front of my face, quickly making me snap my artwork in his direction. "Yes."

"Are you okay? I have called your name like ten times." A concerned look crosses his face, which only makes me shake my head and smile up at him. "I'm fine, I guess I was just daydreaming about all this stuff you got me." I motion around me at all of my birthday presents.

"Oh, okay. I thought you were disappointed or dissatisfied." My Justin JuJu blows out a relived breath, but little does he know he doesn't have to. "I could never be unhappy with you or with things you get me. You definitely satisfy me."

I guess my words have some type of effect on him, due to the fact that his chubby cheeks are tinged over with a deep pink color. I guess my gasping and pointing surely didn't make it any better, because his whole entire face turns crimson. That caused for me to giggle all girlish and probably awkwardly, yet he didn't say anything since he turned away from me incredibly embarrassed.

"Aww, Justin JuJu, don't be embarrassed. It happens," I tug on his arm in hopes to get him to turn around, albeit he doesn't do what I want him to do and continues to face away from me. "Justin, please don't be that way. I promise I won't say anything else. Look, I want to open up this one now." I tap on the tiny box in his hand, finally getting his attention as he shyly hands it to me.

I slowly take away the nicely wrapped box from his hand, and delicately begin to remove the wrapping paper from it. As soon as the gift paper is gone, a royal blue velvet box stare back up at me. I know for sure it's jewelry and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

"Justin, I hope you didn't get me anything super expens—" I am quickly hushed up by his palm covering my mouth. "Just open it up, Tash."

I do as he says, but of course I take my time to feel all over the velvety feeling of the jewelry box. Justin JuJu of course huffs lowly, thinking I didn't hear him, but I did. He must think I'm teasing him with me being all slow, which I am, yet I want to take my time. Plus, the jewelry box is so soft!

Finally putting him out of his impatient misery, I slowly open the velvet box and a beautiful golden necklace appears before me. A small gasp emits from my lips, causing me to snap my head in the direction of Justin shyly biting on his bottom lip. I open and close my mouth, yet nothing comes out of my mouth simply because I'm lost for words.

"D-do you like it?" The nervousness is clear as day as he asks me the very question, I knew he would ask. "Yes." I manage to get that one word out.

"That is quite wonderful to hear, although did you really analyze the pendant and the rest of the gift box?" I am questioned once more, quickly moving my attention to Justin pointing to the design on the necklace.

Oh, that's what he was talking about.

I now look closely at the circular golden pendant, now seeing what he was talking about. A letter; the first letter of my name. An "N" shines brightly as he holds up the necklace to my face. I can see that intricate engraved design lines definitely took some time and patience.

"It is quite the fine piece of jewelry, right?" He dangles it in my face once more, before retrieving something else from the blue velvet box. "However, not as fine and exquisite as this one."

He then presents another necklace, this time with both of our initials on it. A beautiful script "J & N" is centered on the golden circular pendant, it twinkling and shining brighter than the first piece of jewelry he given to me.

"You may want to close your mouth before you catch insects." Justin chuckles, before lightly pushing my bottom lip to a close.

For several, and I mean several minutes my mouth remains closed; not letting any type of wording come out. During my embarrassing moment of silence, Justin takes the liberty of putting both of my new necklaces around my neck. He's so generous, seeing how I haven't spoken a single syllable of a word to him.

"Tash," he whispers my name so softly, yet I still stare into space like a freaking idiot. "Tasha." He whispers in a sing-song way, whilst snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Natasha Sophia McCann, please answer me, darling." My face is suddenly cupped into the hands of Justin, and softly caressed while he stares at me with a mixture of emotions washing over his face.

"Who?" I snap out of my little trance, only to receive a little chuckle from Justin.

Ugh, more embarrassment for me. Seriously, 'who', Natasha? Like that's legit my name! Damn it, I just couldn't respond with a normal word like 'yes', or even 'huh'. But no, I have to go all out and sound like an owl. An owl who doesn't know its name might I add!

Justin chuckles once more, this time grabbing my shoulders and shaking me lightly. I also, didn't miss the feeling of his thumbs circling soothing patterns on the side of my shoulders, while he was lightly shaking me. If he was trying to ease away my stupidity, he for sure was doing a good job.

"Stop over analyzing things, you will only stress yourself," he speaks lowly, now stop his rubbing movements on my arms. "We wouldn't dare want that for such a precious being like yourself." It was my turn to laugh at him. He speaks so strangely, yet I like the way he talks.

"There is the laughter I was waiting for. Your soundlessness was beginning to worry me."

"I am okay, Justin JuJu. I promise you I am, and it's all because of you. Thank you for my gifts, I love them so much." I look down at my necklaces now laying against my chest briefly, before giving Justin a big smile... and finally a hug.

"You do not have to thank me, but you are truly welcome," his hugs me back tighter, pulling us apart. "If I could give you the world I would, which leads me to give you your next surprise."

"What is it?" I inquire innocently. "Well you see, Tash, it's a surprise... a huge surprise. And by me telling you what it is, that would beat the purpose out of it all. Just get freshened up... and be amazed." He widens his eyes, before giving me a wink... and a little smirk!

What the hell is he up to? What is the surprise I must be amazed about? Whatever it is, it has to be Justin approved. He never goes all out and do wild things. Although, by the mischievous look on his face, that right there tells me otherwise. Well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see, won't I?


- Hi! Hello! Hey!! Long time no update.

- Chapter 10 has now come to an end! I hope you enjoyed. :) Also, thank you SO very much for 20k reads!!! That's freaking awesome!

- Alexis

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